#!/bin/bash # autorevision.sh - a shell script to get git / hg revisions etc. into binary builds. # To use pass a path to the desired output file: some/path/to/autorevision.h. # Note: the script will run at the root level of the repository that it is in. # Config TARGETFILE="${1}" # For git repos function gitRepo { cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" # Is the working copy clean? git diff --quiet HEAD &> /dev/null WC_MODIFIED="${?}" # Enumeration of changesets VCS_NUM="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" if [ -z "${VCS_NUM}" ]; then echo "warning: Counting the number of revisions may be slower due to an outdated git version less than If something breaks, please update it." VCS_NUM="$(git rev-list HEAD | wc -l)" fi # The full revision hash VCS_FULL_HASH="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" # The short hash VCS_SHORT_HASH="$(echo ${VCS_FULL_HASH} | cut -b 1-7)" # Current branch VCS_URI="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD)" # Current tag (or uri if there is no tag) VCS_TAG="$(git describe --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${VCS_TAG}" ]; then VCS_TAG="${VCS_URI}" fi # Date of the curent commit VCS_DATE="$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%ci)" } # For hg repos function hgRepo { cd "$(hg root)" # Is the working copy clean? hg sum | grep -q 'commit: (clean)' WC_MODIFIED="${?}" # Enumeration of changesets VCS_NUM="$(hg id -n)" # The full revision hash VCS_FULL_HASH="$(hg log -r ${VCS_NUM} -l 1 --template '{node}\n')" # The short hash VCS_SHORT_HASH="$(hg id -i)" # Current bookmark (bookmarks are roughly equivalent to git's branches) or branch if no bookmark VCS_URI="$(hg id -B | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" # Fall back to the branch if there are no bookmarks if [ -z "${VCS_URI}" ]; then VCS_URI="$(hg id -b)" fi # Current tag (or uri if there is no tag) if [ "$(hg log -r ${VCS_NUM} -l 1 --template '{latesttagdistance}\n')" = "0" ]; then VCS_TAG="`hg id -t | sed -e 's:qtip::' -e 's:tip::' -e 's:qbase::' -e 's:qparent::' -e "s:$(hg --color never qtop 2>/dev/null)::" | cut -d ' ' -f 1`" else VCS_TAG="${VCS_URI}" fi # Date of the curent commit VCS_DATE="$(hg log -r ${VCS_NUM} -l 1 --template '{date|isodatesec}\n')" } if [[ ! -z "$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then gitRepo elif [[ ! -z "$(hg id 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then hgRepo else echo "error: No repo detected." exit 1 fi cat > "${TARGETFILE}" << EOF /* ${VCS_FULL_HASH} */ #ifndef AUTOREVISION_H #define AUTOREVISION_H #define VCS_NUM ${VCS_NUM} #define VCS_DATE ${VCS_DATE} #define VCS_URI ${VCS_URI} #define VCS_TAG ${VCS_TAG} #define VCS_FULL_HASH ${VCS_FULL_HASH} #define VCS_SHORT_HASH ${VCS_SHORT_HASH} #define VCS_WC_MODIFIED ${WC_MODIFIED} #endif EOF