This directory contains support files for the MacOS X port of Warzone 2100. Run the script '' to create 'Warzone 2100.dmg', containing a fully-self-contained application bundle to run Warzone 2100 on MacOS X. This application bundle should include all the libraries and frameworks necessary to run the game on any MacOS X 10.3 "Panther" or MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger" system without installing anything. To just make the application bundle without creating a disk image, run ''. Building Warzone 2100 on MacOS X is currently only known to work on MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger" with DarwinPorts and the following ports installed: automake jpeg libmad libogg libpng libsdl libsdl_net libvorbis physfs DarwinPorts puts files in /opt/local, so you will have to run the configure script as follows (line-ending backslashes continue the command on the following line): CFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include \ CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include \ LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib \ ./configure You may be able to build Warzone 2100 with the necessary libraries installed in another location. This has not yet been tested. Building for the Intel architecture has also not yet been tested. The script 'consolidatelibs.rb' attempts to find all non-system libraries and frameworks that the executable requires and copy them into the application bundle, updating dynamic library links accordingly. After compiling the software by running 'make' in the toplevel directory, you can run to create the final disk image file. See the file README.txt (which is also included in the disk image that generates) for more information on configuring and running the program.