RES_DF_HCW1 { { _("New Construction Options Available"), _("Titanium-reinforced concrete"), _("Enables Hardcrete walls"), _("Defensive Strength: Medium"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_struttech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_ST_VF { { _("New Base Structure Available"), _("VTOL factory enables VTOL production"), _("VTOL rearming pads required to keep VTOLs flying"), _("May be upgraded using factory modules"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_struttech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_ST_VP { { _("New Base Structure Available"), _("Refuels, rearms and repairs VTOLs"), _("Assign a VTOL by selecting the rearming pad as its target"), _("The VTOL returns to the selected pad for rearming"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_struttech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_REPTU1 { { _("New Systems Turret Available"), _("Battlefield repair unit"), _("Automatically Repairs Damaged Units"), _("Or damaged units may be selected as target"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_systech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_SENSO1 { { _("New Systems Turret Available For Design"), _("Improved sensor range"), _("Makes excellent scout vehicle"), _("May be assigned as spotter for indirect fire weapons"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_systech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_SY_STW1 { { _("New Systems Tower Available"), _("Extended sensor range"), _("Keeps map areas under constant surveillance"), _("May be assigned as spotter for indirect fire weapons"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_systech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_SY_SU1 { { _("Sensors Improved"), _("New Thermal Emissions detection"), _("Extends Sensor Range"), _("All sensors upgraded automatically"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_systech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_SY_CBSTW1 { { _("New Systems Tower Available"), _("Counter-battery tower detects enemy indirect fire batteries"), _("Orders assigned indirect fire units to fire at the enemy batteries"), _("Counter-battery fire continues until enemy battery is suppressed"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_systech.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_V_B09 { { _("Collective Heavy Body"), _("More armor and body points than Python"), _("Slower than Python"), _("High power costs and slow to produce"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_droid.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_V_P_V1 { { _("New Propulsion Available for Design"), _("Vertical Take Off and Landing Propulsion"), _("Speed: VTOL"), _("Body Points: Low"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.pie", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_droid.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_W_SRK_AC3 { { _("Rocket Upgrade"), _("Rocket detects and locks on to engine emissions"), _("Increases Rocket accuracy"), _("All rockets upgraded automatically"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_weapons.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_W_RK_LTAT1 { { _("New Rocket Available"), _("Anti-tank rocket"), _("Best Targets: Vehicles"), _("Body Points: Very Low"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_weapons.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_W_RK_HVAT1 { { _("New Rocket Available"), _("High explosive shaped charge missile"), _("Best Targets: Bunkers and hardpoints"), _("Body Points: Very Low"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_weapons.rpl", .audioName = NULL, }; RES_W_CNAC2 { { _("Cannon Upgrade"), _("Laser designator paints and guides rounds to the target"), _("Increases Cannon accuracy"), _("All cannons upgraded automatically"), }, .imdName = "MICAPSUL.PIE", .imdName2 = NULL, .sequenceName = "res_weapons.rpl", .audioName = NULL, };