/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _miscimd_h #define _miscimd_h extern BOOL initMiscImds( void ); extern iIMDShape *getImdFromIndex(UDWORD index); extern iIMDShape *getRandomWreckageImd( void ); extern iIMDShape *getRandomDebrisImd( void ); #define MAX_DEBRIS 5 #define MAX_WRECKAGE 5 extern iIMDShape *explosionSmallImd; // Set this up to point to the explosion imd extern iIMDShape *explosionMediumImd; // Set this up to point to the explosion imd extern iIMDShape *constructionImd; extern iIMDShape *smallSmokeImd; extern iIMDShape *babaHeadImd; extern iIMDShape *babaBodyImd; extern iIMDShape *babaLegsImd; extern iIMDShape *babaArmImd; extern iIMDShape *cyborgHeadImd; extern iIMDShape *cyborgBodyImd; extern iIMDShape *cyborgLegsImd; extern iIMDShape *cyborgArmImd; extern iIMDShape *waterImd; extern iIMDShape *droidDamageImd; extern iIMDShape *smallSteamImd; extern iIMDShape *plasmaImd; //extern iIMDShape *pAssemblyPointIMDs[NUM_FACTORY_TYPES][MAX_FACTORY]; extern iIMDShape *pAssemblyPointIMDs[NUM_FLAG_TYPES][MAX_FACTORY]; extern iIMDShape *blipImd; extern iIMDShape *shadowImd; extern iIMDShape *transporterShadowImd; extern iIMDShape *bloodImd; extern iIMDShape *trailImd; extern iIMDShape *cameraImd; extern iIMDShape *debrisImds[MAX_DEBRIS]; extern iIMDShape *flameImd; extern iIMDShape *wreckageImds[MAX_WRECKAGE]; extern iIMDShape *proximityImds[PROX_TYPES]; extern iIMDShape *teslaImd; extern iIMDShape *mFlareImd; extern iIMDShape *snowImd; extern iIMDShape *rainImd; extern iIMDShape *splashImd; extern iIMDShape *kickImd; extern iIMDShape *landingImd; extern iIMDShape *shockImd; /* An imd entry */ typedef struct _misc_imd { iIMDShape *pImd; const char *pName; } MISC_IMD; enum { MI_EXPLOSION_SMALL, MI_EXPLOSION_MEDIUM, MI_CONSTRUCTION, MI_SMALL_SMOKE, MI_BABA_HEAD, MI_BABA_LEGS, MI_BABA_ARM, MI_BABA_BODY, MI_CYBORG_HEAD, MI_CYBORG_LEGS, MI_CYBORG_ARM, MI_CYBORG_BODY, MI_WATER, MI_DROID_DAMAGE, MI_SMALL_STEAM, MI_PLASMA, MI_BLIP, MI_SHADOW, MI_TRANSPORTER_SHADOW, MI_BLOOD, MI_TRAIL, MI_FLAME, MI_TESLA, MI_MFLARE, MI_RAIN, MI_SNOW, MI_SPLASH, MI_KICK, MI_LANDING, MI_SHOCK, MI_BLIP_ENEMY, MI_BLIP_RESOURCE, MI_BLIP_ARTEFACT, MI_WRECK0, MI_WRECK1, MI_WRECK2, MI_WRECK3, MI_WRECK4, MI_DEBRIS0, MI_DEBRIS1, MI_DEBRIS2, MI_DEBRIS3, MI_DEBRIS4, MI_FIREWORK, MI_TOO_MANY }; #endif