/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * Button.c * * Functions for the button widget */ #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #include "lib/framework/frameint.h" #include "widget.h" #include "widgint.h" #include "button.h" #include "form.h" #include "tip.h" // FIXME Direct iVis implementation include! #include "lib/ivis_common/rendmode.h" /* Initialise the button module */ BOOL buttonStartUp(void) { return TRUE; } /* Create a button widget data structure */ BOOL buttonCreate(W_BUTTON **ppsWidget, W_BUTINIT *psInit) { if (psInit->style & ~(WBUT_PLAIN | WIDG_HIDDEN | WFORM_NOCLICKMOVE | WBUT_NOPRIMARY | WBUT_SECONDARY | WBUT_TXTCENTRE )) { ASSERT( FALSE, "Unknown button style" ); return FALSE; } /* Allocate the required memory */ *ppsWidget = (W_BUTTON *)malloc(sizeof(W_BUTTON)); if (*ppsWidget == NULL) { ASSERT( FALSE, "buttonCreate: Out of memory" ); return FALSE; } /* Allocate memory for the text and copy it if necessary */ if (psInit->pText) { (*ppsWidget)->pText = strdup(psInit->pText); ASSERT((*ppsWidget)->pText != NULL, "buttonCreate: Out of memory"); } else { (*ppsWidget)->pText = NULL; } /* Allocate the memory for the tip and copy it if necessary */ if (psInit->pTip) { (*ppsWidget)->pTip = strdup(psInit->pTip); ASSERT((*ppsWidget)->pTip != NULL, "buttonCreate: Out of memory"); } else { (*ppsWidget)->pTip = NULL; } /* Initialise the structure */ (*ppsWidget)->type = WIDG_BUTTON; (*ppsWidget)->id = psInit->id; (*ppsWidget)->formID = psInit->formID; (*ppsWidget)->style = psInit->style; (*ppsWidget)->x = psInit->x; (*ppsWidget)->y = psInit->y; (*ppsWidget)->width = psInit->width; (*ppsWidget)->height = psInit->height; (*ppsWidget)->callback = psInit->pCallback; (*ppsWidget)->pUserData = psInit->pUserData; (*ppsWidget)->UserData = psInit->UserData; (*ppsWidget)->AudioCallback = WidgGetAudioCallback(); (*ppsWidget)->HilightAudioID = WidgGetHilightAudioID(); (*ppsWidget)->ClickedAudioID = WidgGetClickedAudioID(); if (psInit->pDisplay) { (*ppsWidget)->display = psInit->pDisplay; } else { (*ppsWidget)->display = buttonDisplay; } (*ppsWidget)->FontID = psInit->FontID; buttonInitialise(*ppsWidget); return TRUE; } /* Free the memory used by a button */ void buttonFree(W_BUTTON *psWidget) { ASSERT( psWidget != NULL, "buttonFree: invalid button pointer" ); free(psWidget->pText); free(psWidget->pTip); free(psWidget); } /* Initialise a button widget before it is run */ void buttonInitialise(W_BUTTON *psWidget) { ASSERT( psWidget != NULL, "buttonDisplay: Invalid widget pointer" ); psWidget->state = WBUTS_NORMAL; } /* Get a button's state */ UDWORD buttonGetState(W_BUTTON *psButton) { UDWORD State = 0; if (psButton->state & WBUTS_GREY) { State |= WBUT_DISABLE; } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_LOCKED) { State |= WBUT_LOCK; } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_CLICKLOCK) { State |= WBUT_CLICKLOCK; } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_FLASH) { State |= WBUT_FLASH; } return State; } void buttonSetFlash(W_BUTTON *psButton) { psButton->state |= WBUTS_FLASH; } void buttonClearFlash(W_BUTTON *psButton) { psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_FLASH; psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_FLASHON; } /* Set a button's state */ void buttonSetState(W_BUTTON *psButton, UDWORD state) { ASSERT( !((state & WBUT_LOCK) && (state & WBUT_CLICKLOCK)), "widgSetButtonState: Cannot have WBUT_LOCK and WBUT_CLICKLOCK" ); if (state & WBUT_DISABLE) { psButton->state |= WBUTS_GREY; } else { psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_GREY; } if (state & WBUT_LOCK) { psButton->state |= WBUTS_LOCKED; } else { psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_LOCKED; } if (state & WBUT_CLICKLOCK) { psButton->state |= WBUTS_CLICKLOCK; } else { psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_CLICKLOCK; } } extern UDWORD gameTime2; /* Run a button widget */ void buttonRun(W_BUTTON *psButton) { // (void)psButton; if(psButton->state & WBUTS_FLASH) { if (((gameTime2/250) % 2) == 0) { psButton->state &= ~WBUTS_FLASHON; } else { psButton->state |= WBUTS_FLASHON; } } } /* Respond to a mouse click */ void buttonClicked(W_BUTTON *psWidget, UDWORD key) { /* Can't click a button if it is disabled or locked down */ if (!(psWidget->state & (WBUTS_GREY | WBUTS_LOCKED))) { // Check this is the correct key if ((!(psWidget->style & WBUT_NOPRIMARY) && key == WKEY_PRIMARY) || ((psWidget->style & WBUT_SECONDARY) && key == WKEY_SECONDARY)) { if(psWidget->AudioCallback) { psWidget->AudioCallback(psWidget->ClickedAudioID); } psWidget->state &= ~WBUTS_FLASH; // Stop it flashing psWidget->state &= ~WBUTS_FLASHON; psWidget->state |= WBUTS_DOWN; } } /* Kill the tip if there is one */ if (psWidget->pTip) { tipStop((WIDGET *)psWidget); } } /* Respond to a mouse button up */ void buttonReleased(W_BUTTON *psWidget, UDWORD key) { if (psWidget->state & WBUTS_DOWN) { // Check this is the correct key if ((!(psWidget->style & WBUT_NOPRIMARY) && key == WKEY_PRIMARY) || ((psWidget->style & WBUT_SECONDARY) && key == WKEY_SECONDARY)) { widgSetReturn((WIDGET *)psWidget); psWidget->state &= ~WBUTS_DOWN; } } } /* Respond to a mouse moving over a button */ void buttonHiLite(W_BUTTON *psWidget, W_CONTEXT *psContext) { psWidget->state |= WBUTS_HILITE; if(psWidget->AudioCallback) { psWidget->AudioCallback(psWidget->HilightAudioID); } /* If there is a tip string start the tool tip */ if (psWidget->pTip) { tipStart((WIDGET *)psWidget, psWidget->pTip, psContext->psScreen->TipFontID, psContext->psForm->aColours, psWidget->x + psContext->xOffset, psWidget->y + psContext->yOffset, psWidget->width, psWidget->height); } } /* Respond to the mouse moving off a button */ void buttonHiLiteLost(W_BUTTON *psWidget) { psWidget->state &= ~(WBUTS_DOWN | WBUTS_HILITE); if (psWidget->pTip) { tipStop((WIDGET *)psWidget); } } /* Display a button */ void buttonDisplay(WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours) { W_BUTTON *psButton; SDWORD x0,y0,x1,y1, fx,fy,fw; int CurrFontID; ASSERT( psWidget != NULL, "buttonDisplay: Invalid widget pointer" ); psButton = (W_BUTTON *)psWidget; CurrFontID = psButton->FontID; x0=psButton->x + xOffset; y0=psButton->y + yOffset; x1=x0 + psButton->width; y1=y0 + psButton->height; if (psButton->state & (WBUTS_DOWN | WBUTS_LOCKED | WBUTS_CLICKLOCK)) { /* Display the button down */ pie_BoxFillIndex(x0,y0,x1,y1,WCOL_BKGRND); iV_Line(x0,y0, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); iV_Line(x0,y0, x0,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); iV_Line(x0,y1, x1,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_Line(x1,y1, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); if (psButton->pText) { iV_SetFont(psButton->FontID); iV_SetTextColour((UWORD)*(pColours + WCOL_TEXT)); fw = iV_GetTextWidth(psButton->pText); if(psButton->style & WBUT_NOCLICKMOVE) { fx = x0 + (psButton->width - fw) / 2 + 1; fy = y0 + 1 + (psButton->height - iV_GetTextLineSize())/2 - iV_GetTextAboveBase(); } else { fx = x0 + (psButton->width - fw) / 2; fy = y0 + (psButton->height - iV_GetTextLineSize())/2 - iV_GetTextAboveBase(); } iV_DrawText(psButton->pText,fx,fy); } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_HILITE) { /* Display the button hilite */ iV_Line(x0+3,y0+3, x1-2,y0+3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+3,y0+3, x0+3,y1-2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+3,y1-2, x1-2,y1-2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x1-2,y1-2, x1-2,y0+3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); } } else if (psButton->state & WBUTS_GREY) { /* Display the disabled button */ pie_BoxFillIndex(x0,y0,x1,y1,WCOL_BKGRND); iV_Line(x0,y0, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_Line(x0,y0, x0,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_Line(x0,y1, x1,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); iV_Line(x1,y1, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); if (psButton->pText) { iV_SetFont(psButton->FontID); fw = iV_GetTextWidth(psButton->pText); fx = x0 + (psButton->width - fw) / 2; fy = y0 + (psButton->height - iV_GetTextLineSize())/2 - iV_GetTextAboveBase(); iV_SetTextColour((UWORD)*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_DrawText(psButton->pText, fx+1, fy+1); iV_SetTextColour((UWORD)*(pColours + WCOL_DISABLE)); iV_DrawText(psButton->pText, fx, fy); } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_HILITE) { /* Display the button hilite */ iV_Line(x0+2,y0+2, x1-3,y0+2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+2,y0+2, x0+2,y1-3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+2,y1-3, x1-3,y1-3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x1-3,y1-3, x1-3,y0+2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); } } else { /* Display the button up */ pie_BoxFillIndex(x0,y0,x1,y1,WCOL_BKGRND); iV_Line(x0,y0, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_Line(x0,y0, x0,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_LIGHT)); iV_Line(x0,y1, x1,y1,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); iV_Line(x1,y1, x1,y0,*(pColours + WCOL_DARK)); //if (0) if (psButton->pText) { iV_SetFont(psButton->FontID); iV_SetTextColour((UWORD)*(pColours + WCOL_TEXT)); fw = iV_GetTextWidth(psButton->pText); fx = x0 + (psButton->width - fw) / 2; fy = y0 + (psButton->height - iV_GetTextLineSize())/2 - iV_GetTextAboveBase(); iV_DrawText(psButton->pText, fx, fy); } if (psButton->state & WBUTS_HILITE) { /* Display the button hilite */ iV_Line(x0+2,y0+2, x1-3,y0+2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+2,y0+2, x0+2,y1-3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x0+2,y1-3, x1-3,y1-3,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); iV_Line(x1-3,y1-3, x1-3,y0+2,*(pColours + WCOL_HILITE)); } } }