This directory contains support files for the Mac OS X port of Warzone 2100. Since April, 2007, The Mac OS X port has been built using an Xcode project that automatically downloads and builds all necessary external libraries. Also, since that time, the Mac OS X port has produced a universal binary and has required Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" to run. To build the game, just run the following command: xcodebuild -project Warzone.xcodeproj -target Warzone -configuration Release You will also need a recent version of GNU bison to complete the build process. The version included with Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" is not capable of properly processing the grammars that Warzone 2100 uses. There are two build configurations available. 'Release' is compiled normally, while 'Debug' sets the DEBUG preprocessor flag and automatically sets the game's debugging options to the equivalent of --debug all when launched, unless overwritten with a --debug command-line option. The debugging output can be viewed with