Gui3ds2pie 0 0 400 237 3ds2pie Path to the 3DS file Path to the PIE file Texture page to use page- 1 Scale for model 9999 1 Qt::Horizontal Browse Browse Scale for model 99.989999999999995 1.000000000000000 Input file Output file Texture page Scale Assume that 'Z' denotes "up" direction (Should be enabled for 3DS Max created files) Swap Y/Z true Reverse the winding of all polygon faces (Should be enabled for 3DS Max created files) Reverse polygon winding true Invert the vertical point of origin for UV coordinates (Should be enabled for 3DS Max created files) Invert U/V true Use both sides of Polygons (Not used in Warzone 2100) Two sided polygons Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() Gui3ds2pie accept() 199 214 199 119 buttonBox rejected() Gui3ds2pie reject() 199 214 199 119