#!/bin/bash BASE="master" DATENUM="`date +%Y%m%d`" VERSTR="$1" if [ "${VERSTR}" = "today" ] then VERSTR="${DATENUM}" fi FULLVERSTR="${BASE}_${VERSTR}" if [[ "${VERSTR}" =~ ^[0-9.]{1,7}(_.*)$ ]] then FULLVERSTR="${BASE}.${VERSTR}" fi GITBRANCH="todo/${FULLVERSTR}" A=$'\033[1m' B=$'\033[0m' ERROR=0 if [ "${VERSTR}" = "" ] then echo -ne "${A}Usage${B}:\n\n\tTo create a todo/${BASE}.3_beta15 branch:\n\t\t$0 3_beta15\n\n\tTo create a todo/${BASE}_${DATENUM} branch\n\t\t$0 today\n\n" ERROR=1 fi if ! git diff --quiet HEAD 2> /dev/null then echo -ne "${A}Error${B}:\n\tYour working copy is dirty. Afraid of messing\n\tsomething up, so commit anything that needs to\n\tbe committed, and revert anything that needs\n\tto be reverted, to make your working copy nice\n\tand clean.\n\n" ERROR=1 fi if [ ! -f po/Makefile ] then echo -ne "${A}Error${B}:\n\tThis seems not to be a build directory, which\n\tis needed for "\""make -Cpo"\"" update-po to work.\n\tChange to your favourite build directory and\n\trun this script from there.\n\n" ERROR=1 fi if ! GITROOT="`git rev-parse --show-cdup 2> /dev/null`" then echo -ne "${A}Error${B}:\n\tNot in a git repository.\n\n" ERROR=1 fi if [ "${VERSTR}" = "bunny" ] then echo -ne "${A}Error${B}:\n\t ${A}(\\_/)${B}\n\tSorry, ${A}(O.o)${B} is not a valid version number.\n\t ${A}(> <)${B}\n\n" fi if [ ${ERROR} -ne 0 ] then exit 1 fi echo "${A}Creating ${GITBRANCH} branch.${B}" if ! git checkout -b "${GITBRANCH}" then echo -ne "Error:\n\tCould not create branch ${GITBRANCH}.\n\n" exit 1 fi echo "${A}make -Cpo update-po${B}" make -Cpo update-po git commit -am "make -Cpo update-po" echo "${A}Bumping version strings to ${FULLVERSTR} and netcode version to ${DATENUM}.${B}" sed -i 's/\(wc_uri=\)'"${BASE}"'$/\1'"${FULLVERSTR}"'/ ' "${GITROOT}"autorevision.conf sed -i 's/\(AC_INIT(\[Warzone 2100\],\[\)'"${BASE}"'\(\],\[http:\/\/wz2100.net\/\],\[warzone2100\])\)/\1'"${FULLVERSTR}"'\2/; s/\(\[ enable_debug=${enableval} \], \[ enable_debug=\)yes\( \])\)/\1no\2/ ' "${GITROOT}"configure.ac sed -i 's/\(char VersionString\[VersionStringSize\] = "\).*\(";\)/\1'"${FULLVERSTR}"'\2/; s/\(static int NETCODE_VERSION_MINOR = \)[0-9]*\(;\)/\1'"${DATENUM}"'\2/ ' "${GITROOT}"lib/netplay/netplay.c* sed -i 's/\(VALUE "FileVersion", "\)'"${BASE}"'\("\)/\1'"${FULLVERSTR}"'\2/; s/\(VALUE "ProductVersion", "\)'"${BASE}"'\("\)/\1'"${FULLVERSTR}"'\2/; ' "${GITROOT}"win32/warzone2100.rc "${GITROOT}"win32/warzone2100.vs2k5.rc "${GITROOT}"win32/warzone2100.vs2k8.rc git commit -am "Bumping version strings to ${FULLVERSTR} and netcode version to ${DATENUM}." echo "${A}All done.${B}" echo "${A}If you liked the result, you may also like:${B}" if [ ! -d "${GITROOT}"build ] then echo $'\t'mkdir -p "${GITROOT}"build fi echo $'\t'cd "${GITROOT}"build echo $'\t'../autogen.sh echo $'\t'../configure --with-distributor="wz2100.net" echo $'\t'make -j4 echo $'\t'make -j4 dist echo $'\t'tar -xzf [whateverTheFileIsCalled].tar.gz echo $'\t'cd [whateverTheDirectoryIsCalled]/win32 echo $'\t'./__BUILD_SCRIPT --enable-installer --with-distributor="wz2100.net"