array( 'subdirs' => array( 'techtree' => array( 'gen' => 108, 'text' => '

Because so many people have asked, here\'s a full tech tree. Note that most Warzone technologies have more than one prerequisite, so you\'ll have to click through to see all the prerequisites.

Many Warzone technologies have more than one prerequisite, so they\'re listed under their first prerequisite, and subsequent prerequisites just have a "See above" link to where they\'re first mentioned.

Some random statistics: There are 428 technologies. Stormbringer Emplacement takes the longest to research. EMP Mortar has more prerequisites, though, but you can theoretically get it faster because you can spread them out over many research facilities. Other technologies with many requirements include Missile Fortress, Mass Driver Fortress, and Plasmite Bomb.

', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ) ) ), 'suggestions' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Suggestions', 'titlebar' => 'Suggestions', 'text' => '

v0.1 by Ratarf - Last updated: 10/10/2008


This page tracks feature requests for the game Warzone 2100.

Of course, we need a better, more dynamic approach before we can actually put this page in use. For example using PHP or the wiki. This version is only an example of how it COULD look, and meant primarly for getting as much feedback as possible, so we can use the maximum potential.

For now, this page contains some random suggestions. These are all scraped from the warzone forums without mentioning who suggested them. If any content on this page is your property, and you would like to see it removed, please post in the appropriate forum thread.

For more \'about\'-information, look below the list!

All discussion about this page can be found here: Please help us improve this page by giving your opinion!

Features List


Graphical user-interface suggestions, both ingame as in the menu.

More Info
Design screen tooltip
Show design name + required power
Power summary window
Show derricks owned, power production per minute,...
Recycled units list
Show ranks of pilot crews in queue
Move \'Skirmish\' to Singleplayer
Makes more sense!

Terrain & World

Suggestions related to the terrain and the world.

More Info


Suggestions related to units and the manufacturing of units.

More Info
Take all power at start of order
Optional, requires ctrl + click
Realistic turning for tracked units
Drive backwards, rotate in place,...


Building and buildings

More Info
Optional, requires ctrl + click
Semi-Transparent ÒpreviewsÓ of ordered buildings


All suggestions that do not fit in another category

More Info
Multiplayer savegames

About this page

What can be put here?

Where does this come from?

The idea for this page comes from the OpenTTD Community. They have such a nice system for tracking features there, especially when compared to the chronological wishlist threats on the warzone forum, which are very cluttered. So why not use a similar approach here?

Specific pages to learn from:

Statuses and their explanation:

Just an idea someone, or more people, came up with.
Properly sketched or prepared idea
Planned by the dev-team for a later release
Available in a mod
Stable Release

About \'More Info\'

Discussion about this feature is in the wishlist (see below). Happy searching!
This feature is obvious and no further discussion (topic) is required
There\'s at least 1 discussion topic for this feature (there could also be a wiki article). So please note that there could be multiple links here!
Not sure where this feature is discussed.


The wishlist topics can be found here:

  1. Wishlist 1
  2. Wishlist 2
  3. Wishlist 3

Why this list?

How to help?

All discussion about this page can be found here: Please help us improve this page by giving your opinion!

', 'cachedsb' => '
  • Introduction
  • Features List
  • About this page
  • Wishlist
  • Why this list?
  • How to help?' ), 'b' => array( 'subdirs' => array( 'commandcenter' => array( 'gen' => 109, 'text' => '

    The Command Center is the heart of every Warzone base. It\'s needed for two things: To design units, and to show the minimap.

    ', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ), 'powergenerator' => array( 'gen' => 109, 'text' => '

    The power generator in conjunction with oil derricks gives the player power. One power generator is needed for every four oil derricks, or the oil derricks will not function. Additional power generators will not generate any more power.

    The power module gives power faster (+50.9% to the power multipliers - note that this is in addition to the fact that researching Power Module sets the base multiplier to 125%).

    ', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ), 'researchfacility' => array( 'gen' => 109, 'text' => '

    The research facility allows the player to research upgrades and new technologies. One research facility can research one technology at a time, and research cannot be queued.

    The research module allows for faster research (+85.7% to the current research multiplier).

    ', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ), 'factory' => array( 'gen' => 109, 'text' => '

    Factories are needed to manufacture units: Factories produce tanks, Cyborg Factories produce cyborgs, and VTOL Factories produce VTOL aircraft.

    Factories and VTOL Factories can be upgraded with Factory Modules up to two times. This will add 100% to its production rate multiplier and allow production of larger tanks/VTOLs. One Factory Module is needed to produce tanks with medium bodies, and two Factory Modules on the same Factory are needed to produce tanks with heavy bodies.

    It takes a number of seconds equal to weight/100 to rearm a VTOL, before rearming pad upgrades.

    ', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ), 'commandrelaycenter' => array( 'gen' => 109, 'text' => '

    The Command Relay Center is required to make Commanders (tanks with Command Turrets). Commanders provide bonuses to units assigned to them.

    ', 'title' => '', 'titlebar' => '' ) ) ), 'index' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Home', 'titlebar' => 'Home', 'text' => '

    Larger size »


    Warzone 2100 is a real-time strategy game, originally developed by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive, now developed by the Warzone 2100 Project. Compared to other real-time strategy games, it has a greater focus on artillery, radar, and counter-battery technologies, more frequent in-game cinematic updates as game play progresses, a massive research tree, as well as a vehicle design system.

    Read more »



    Advanced strategy

    For developers


    The Warzone 2100 Guide applies to the latest version, version 2.2, of Warzone 2100. For guides for other versions of the game, see NTW Guide or Warzone 1.10 Guide.

    ', 'cachedsb' => '
  • Introduction
  • Manual
  • Reference
  • Advanced strategy
  • For developers' ), 'intro' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Introduction', 'titlebar' => '» Introduction', 'text' => '


    Warzone 2100 is a real-time strategy game, originally developed by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive, now developed by the Warzone 2100 Project. Compared to other real-time strategy games, it has a greater focus on artillery, radar, and counter-battery technologies, more frequent in-game cinematic updates as game play progresses, a massive research tree, as well as a vehicle design system.


    In the late 21st century, NASDA (the North American Strategic Defense Agency) developed and deployed a massive missile defense system, including a network of nuclear-equipped satellites and ground-based launch sites. However, during a routine maintenance check, something went terribly wrong...

    Read more »


    Outside of the story, Warzone 2100 only has a single faction. This limits some of the variety that can be expected from real-time strategy games, although the single faction is very complex. Essentially, Warzone 2100 plays much like Earth 2150 with 3D units and terrain, customizable vehicles, a lack of traditional infantry, use of "research" to acquire new technologies, and the differentiation of vehicles types.

    Compared to other RTS\'s, Warzone 2100 has:


    Warzone can be downloaded from:

    On most distributions of Linux, Warzone should be available in your repositories. However, these are often outdated, and you are encouraged to compile Warzone yourself, which is the usual:

    ./configure && make

    For compiling tips on other platforms, or if the above fails, see the Compile Guide.

    Playing Warzone

    See also: FAQ

    The easiest way to learn how to play is to play the Tutorial in the game.

    ', 'cachedsb' => '
  • Introduction
  • Story
  • Multiplayer
  • Installing
  • Playing Warzone' ), 'weapons' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Weapon Guide', 'titlebar' => '» Weapon guide', 'text' => '


    Warzone weapons can be classified four different ways: targeting, type, class, and subclass.



    The type of a weapon determines what it\'s effective against and what it\'s not effective against.

    See also: Weapon damage table

    Note that just because a weapon\'s type does high damage to a particular target does not mean that it is suitable for that target. In particular, it would not be a good idea to use a laser satellite against a cyborg. On the other hand, Scourge Missile, while being an anti-tank weapon, can be useful for attacking unattended structures from a distance.


    Again, just because a weapon\'s class does higher damage to a body does not mean the weapon itself is suitable to attack a tank with that body. In particular, lasers, as anti-personnel weapons, do low damage even to Collective bodies.

    Special weapons

    Some weapons are special, and can have one or more of the following attributes:


    By far the biggest most important division between weapons is the subclasses.

    Research tips: Unless otherwise specified, stronger weapons in a subclass are obtained by upgrading that subclass. Stronger weapons, as well as stronger weapon upgrades, generally require better research speed upgrades (Synaptic Link Data Analysis, Dedicated Synaptic Link Data Analysis, Neural Synapse Research Brain). Most stronger weapons require damage upgrades, although rotary weapons usually require rate-of-fire (ROF) upgrades instead.

    T1 Subclasses


    The first weapon you get in Warzone is the Machinegun, and the Twin Machinegun and Heavy Machinegun (often called HMG) shortly thereafter. Machineguns (often called MGs) are good all-rounder weapons, but quickly get outclassed by anti-tank weapons.


    The Mini-Rocket Pod, obtained by researching Fuel Injection Engine, is a good early-T1 anti-tank weapon, but it will quickly lose out to more powerful anti-tank weapons such as cannons and rockets. The Mini-Rocket Artillery (often called MRL) is a good complement for anti-tank weapons, best against the targets anti-tank weapons like mini-rockets and rockets are worst against, but users of Mini-Rockets will find themselves disadvantaged against a research rusher if they do not upgrade to Lancers as soon as possible.


    Cannons, obtained by upgrading machinegun damage, (Light Cannon, Medium Cannon, Heavy Cannon, often abbreviated LC, MC, and HC respectively) are weapons with high HP and moderate damage against tanks and walls. VTOL cannons, unlike VTOL rockets, cannot attack other VTOLs.


    The Lancer, obtained by upgrading mini-rocket damage and acccuracy, is an anti-tank weapon with low HP, high damage, and long range. Unlike the cannon, however, it is very ineffective against cyborgs and walls. VTOL lancers, unlike VTOL cannons, are effective against other VTOLs, although they do plenty of damage to ground tanks, as well.

    Users of rockets and missiles should remember to right-click them and set them to Long Range for maximum effectiveness.

    The Bunker Buster, also obtained by upgrading mini-rocket damage and accuracy, is the only anti-structure weapon, and is generally used as a support weapon to destroy enemy defensive structures.


    Flamers, obtained by upgrading machineguns and Fuel Injection Engine, have the lowest range and highest damage rate of all T1 weapons, once their incendiary effect (read: setting things on fire) is taken into account. They also do fire damage to multiple targets within range at once, making them deadly if they survive to get close to enemy tanks, cyborgs, and bunkers. However, they are usually very weak, making hit-and-run tactics surprisingly effective on them.

    Although the flamer is very effective against tanks, cyborgs, and bunkers, it is extremely ineffective against walls.

    Since cyborgs are inexpensive (and thus can be massed) and have high speed, flamers are best used on cyborgs.


    Mortars, obtained by upgrading cannons, are artillery weapons. As artillery weapons, they have a relatively low damage rate but very long range when assigned to a sensor. They are good all-rounder weapons, but do especially high damage against cyborgs, and relatively low damage to tracked tanks. Because of their low damage rate and low HP, they do very poorly in close-ranged combat, and should be carefully protected by direct-fire weapons.


    The Cluster Bombs Bay is the VTOL equivalent of an artillery weapon like the mortar. An all-rounder weapon.

    T2 Subclasses


    The Assault Gun is useful against cyborgs, and Rotary MG Bunkers are particularly inexpensive, but they aren\'t as good general-purpose weapons as cannons or mortars.


    The Hyper Velocity Cannon is a longer-range cannon with lower HP. It still has higher HP and lower damage than a rocket, and is similar to the T1 cannons in every other way.

    Although the Hyper Velocity Cannon (often called HPV or HVC) is the only actual T2 cannon, Heavy Cannons are also very usable in T2.


    The Tank Killer is similar to a Lancer, but has a slightly longer range, higher damage rate, and a slower reload.

    Ripple Rockets are the earliest very-long-range artillery players can get. It has a very slow reload time, but is devastating to enemy structures.


    The Inferno is a more powerful flamer, and is used similarly.


    The incendiary mortar is a twist on the generic artillery concept, for anyone who wishes to digress their mortar research into flamers.


    Howitzers are mortars with significantly longer range and slower reloading. They are used similarly to mortars.


    Firebombs, obtained by upgrading bombs and flamers, are useful for damaging a wide area.

    T3 weapons


    Cannons are (debatably) the only T1 subclass to be usable in T3, and even the best cannon upgrades are cheaper than T3 weapon upgrades – notable to anyone who wishes to save money on research. Assault cannons are used similarly to cannons in T1, although, as assault weapons, they are better against cyborgs than their predecessors.


    The Scourge Missile, obtained by upgrading rockets, is the only homing ground-to-ground and air-to-ground tank weapon (technically, lasers are also homing, but their projectiles move too quickly to make a difference). It also has the highest damage rate of any medium or long range weapon, and is tied for longest-range direct-fire ground weapon. Though it has many strenghths, it shares the weaknesses of its predecessors: Low HP and ineffectiveness against cyborgs and walls.

    Angel Missiles are a stronger version of Mini-Rocket Artillery. Archangel Missiles are stronger long-range artillery with slow reload times, similar to Ripple Rockets. Archangel Missiles have the longest range of any artillery weapon.

    Rail guns

    Rail guns, obtained by upgrading cannons, are improved, long-range versions of T1 cannons with higher HP and damage rate. They are used similarly.


    Lasers are the first thermal weapon that isn\'t a fire weapon. They are anti-personnel, and are used similarly to machineguns at all. Although their reload time isn\'t nearly as fast as a rotary weapon, they still usually have faster reload times than most other weapons.

    Flashlight and Pulse Laser are long-range weapons (Pulse Laser being tied with Scourge for longest-range direct-fire ground weapon). They are good general-purpose weapons.

    Heavy Laser is a short-range weapon with a high damage rate. Plasma Cannon is an even shorter-range weapon with a higher damage rate and a slow reload time.


    The Plasmite Flamer is an even more powerful flamer, and is used similarly to the Inferno.

    ', 'cachedsb' => '
  • Classification
  • Targeting
  • Type
  • Class
  • Special weapons
  • Subclasses
  • T1 Subclasses
  • T2 Subclasses
  • T3 weapons' ), 'damage' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Damage formula', 'titlebar' => '» Damage calculation', 'text' => '

    Ever wonder how damage is calculated in Warzone? If you just want to know if armor is subtractive or multiplicative, it\'s subtractive:



    [DAMAGE] = 30% x [BASE DAMAGE]

    whichever is higher.

    But to know exactly how much damage you\'re going to do, you need to know how to calculate base damage.

    The formula



    Damage is [BASE DAMAGE] - [ARMOR], or 30% of [BASE DAMAGE], whichever is higher, rounded down (The exception is when rounding down would make damage 0, in which case damage is rounded up to 1).

    Weapon Multiplier Table

    Use values in this table for [WEAPON TARGET MODIFIER].

    This table can also be found in the Weapons section of Turrets.

    Soft structures160%75%100%200%150%130%
    Medium structures80%50%120%120%60%110%
    Hard structures45%25%300%100%10%90%


    An example

    Green\'s Tank Killer Scorpion Half-Tracks shoots Yellow\'s Heavy Cannon Python Tracks. Green has HESH Rocket Warhead Mk2, and Yellow has Dense Composite Alloys.

    Tank Killer (an anti-tank weapon) has 120 damage. HESH Rocket Warhead Mk2 gives 150%, and anti-tank weapons do 110% damage against tracks.

    [BASE DAMAGE] = 120 x 150% x 110% = 198.

    Tank Killer is a kinetic weapon, and Python has 20 Kinetic Armor. Dense Composite Alloys upgrades 220%.

    [ARMOR] = 20 x 220% = 44

    198 - 44 (154) is greater than 198 x 30% (59), so the tank killer does 154 damage each time it hits (Notice that it fires four salvos; if they all hit, the tank killer does 616 damage, a significant proportion of the 880 HP the heavy cannon tank has).

    ', 'cachedsb' => '
  • The formula
  • Weapon Multiplier Table
  • Clarification
  • An example' ), 'sensors' => array( 'autogen' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Sensors and artillery', 'titlebar' => '» Basics » Using sensors and artillery', 'text' => '

    See also: Commanders


    As a review, keep in mind that "artillery" here refers to all indirect-fire weapons except the Mini-Rocket Array (MRL) and Seraph Missile Array, namely:

    Although the MRL and Seraph are indirect-fire weapons, they should be used like one would use direct-fire weapons, since their range is low enough that its internal sensor can handle it; external sensors are unnecessary.


    Regular sensors can be used for scouting and surveillance, but they have a more important usage: to spot for artillery.

    Using sensors with artillery

    Artillery weapons, by themselves, cannot fire more than their sensor range (8 tiles without upgrades). However, even the lowly mortar has an 18-tile weapon range. To use it, players need to use sensors.

    Artillery structures are the easiest. Simply build a sensor tower, and if the sensor tower is targeting something within your artillery structures\' weapon range, they will fire at it.

    An artillery tank, however, needs to be explicitly assigned to a sensor to function. Select the artillery tanks, then click on a sensor to assign the tank to the sensor.

    Hellstorms assigned to Wide Spectrum Sensor
    Artillery assigned to a sensor. Notice the * next to them, which indicates that they are assigned.

    Once the artillery is assigned, if it is assigned to a sensor tower, that tower will target enemies that come in range automatically.

    If it is assigned to a sensor tank, the sensor can be used to attack enemies by selecting the sensor and targeting an enemy. All artillery assigned to the sensor will attack its target.

    Hellstorms seiging an enemy hardpoint
    Notice that the artillery can be very far away—only the sensor turret needs to get within range.

    To unassign a unit from a sensor, the easiest way is to right-click it, then tell it to move somewhere. Multiple units can be selected with ctrl+click, and moving them all.

    CB sensors

    A CB (Counter-Battery) tower or turret is used similarly to a standard sensor; however, it serves a specialized purpose: To counter-attack enemy artillery.

    Normal sensor towers will direct your artillery to attack whatever is nearby, but CB towers will direct your artillery to attack any artillery attacking you, even if they are further away from you than other targets. If you have both a CB tower and a sensor tower, artillery structures will attack CB targets first, and only other targets once you are no longer being bombarded by enemy artillery.

    A VTOL CB sensor does the same thing, except to VTOLs assigned to it.

    Sensor towers

    Sensor towers and sensor units have several major differences:

    What counts as a sensor

    Command Center = Sensor Tower

    Satellite Uplink Center = Wide Spectrum Sensor Tower

    The Command Center (HQ) is also considered a standard sensor tower, while the Satellite Uplink Center is also considered a Wide Spectrum sensor tower. In addition to their usual functionality, they can also be used as the corresponding sensor tower (for instance, you can assign artillery to them).

    Note that while the Uplink Center reveals the entire map, it does not provide sensor attack coverage over the entire map, but only within a 26-tile radius.

    ', 'cachedsb' => '
  • Artillery
  • Sensors