/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "frame.h" static char * programCommand = NULL; #if defined(WZ_OS_WIN) # include "dbghelp.h" static LONG WINAPI windowsExceptionHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionInfo) { LPCSTR applicationName = "Warzone 2100", resultMessage = NULL; char miniDumpPath[MAX_PATH], buffer[MAX_PATH]; // Write to temp dir, to support unprivileged users if (!GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, miniDumpPath )) strcpy( miniDumpPath, "c:\\temp\\" ); strcat( miniDumpPath, "warzone2100.mdmp" ); /* Alternative: GetModuleFileName( NULL, miniDumpPath, MAX_PATH ); strcat( miniDumpPath, ".mdmp" ); */ if ( MessageBox( NULL, "Warzone crashed unexpectedly, would you like to save a diagnostic file?", applicationName, MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) { HANDLE miniDumpFile = CreateFile( miniDumpPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (miniDumpFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM uStream = { LastReservedStream+1, strlen(VERSION), VERSION }; MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION uInfo = { 1, &uStream }; MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION eInfo = { GetCurrentThreadId(), pExceptionInfo, FALSE }; if ( MiniDumpWriteDump( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), miniDumpFile, MiniDumpNormal, pExceptionInfo ? &eInfo : NULL, &uInfo, NULL ) ) { sprintf( buffer, "Saved dump file to '%s'", miniDumpPath ); resultMessage = buffer; } else { sprintf( buffer, "Failed to save dump file to '%s' (error %d)", miniDumpPath, GetLastError() ); resultMessage = buffer; } CloseHandle(miniDumpFile); } else { sprintf( buffer, "Failed to create dump file '%s' (error %d)", miniDumpPath, GetLastError() ); resultMessage = buffer; } } if (resultMessage) MessageBox( NULL, resultMessage, applicationName, MB_OK ); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #elif defined(WZ_OS_LINUX) // C99 headers: #include #include #include // POSIX headers: #include #include #include #include #include #include // GNU header: #include #define MAX_BACKTRACE 20 #define MAX_PID_STRING 16 typedef void(*SigHandler)(int); static SigHandler oldHandler[NSIG] = {SIG_DFL}; static char programPID[MAX_PID_STRING] = {'\0'}, gdbPath[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static void setErrorHandler(SigHandler signalHandler) { // Save previous signal handler, eg. SDL parachute oldHandler[SIGFPE] = signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGFPE] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGFPE, SIG_IGN); oldHandler[SIGILL] = signal(SIGILL, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGILL] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGILL, SIG_IGN); oldHandler[SIGSEGV] = signal(SIGSEGV, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGSEGV] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN); oldHandler[SIGBUS] = signal(SIGBUS, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGBUS] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGBUS, SIG_IGN); oldHandler[SIGABRT] = signal(SIGABRT, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGABRT] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN); oldHandler[SIGSYS] = signal(SIGSYS, signalHandler); if ( oldHandler[SIGSYS] == SIG_IGN ) signal(SIGSYS, SIG_IGN); } static void errorHandler(int sig) { static sig_atomic_t allreadyRunning = 0; if (allreadyRunning) raise(sig); allreadyRunning = 1; struct utsname sysInfo; void * btBuffer[MAX_BACKTRACE] = {NULL}; char * gDumpPath = "/tmp/warzone2100.gdmp"; uint32_t btSize = backtrace(btBuffer, MAX_BACKTRACE); pid_t pid = 0; int gdbPipe[2] = {0}, dumpFile = open(gDumpPath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (!dumpFile) { printf("Failed to create dump file '%s'", gDumpPath); return; } write(dumpFile, "Program command: ", strlen("Program command: ")); write(dumpFile, programCommand, sizeof(char)*strlen(programCommand)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); write(dumpFile, "Version: ", strlen("Version: ")); write(dumpFile, VERSION, sizeof(char)*strlen(VERSION)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); # if defined(DEBUG) write(dumpFile, "Type: Debug\n", strlen("Type: Debug\n")); # else write(dumpFile, "Type: Release\n", strlen("Type: Release\n")); # endif write(dumpFile, "Compiled on: ", strlen("Compiled on: ")); write(dumpFile, __DATE__, sizeof(char)*strlen(__DATE__)); write(dumpFile, "\n\n", sizeof(char)*2); if (uname(&sysInfo) != 0) write(dumpFile, "System information may be invalid!\n", strlen("System information may be invalid!\n\n")); write(dumpFile, "Operating system: ", strlen("Operating system: ")); write(dumpFile, sysInfo.sysname, strlen(sysInfo.sysname)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); write(dumpFile, "Node name: ", strlen("Node name: ")); write(dumpFile, sysInfo.nodename, strlen(sysInfo.nodename)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); write(dumpFile, "Release: ", strlen("Release: ")); write(dumpFile, sysInfo.release, strlen(sysInfo.release)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); write(dumpFile, "Version: ", strlen("Version: ")); write(dumpFile, sysInfo.version, strlen(sysInfo.version)); write(dumpFile, "\n", sizeof(char)); write(dumpFile, "Machine: ", strlen("Machine: ")); write(dumpFile, sysInfo.machine, strlen(sysInfo.machine)); write(dumpFile, "\n\n", sizeof(char)*2); write(dumpFile, "Dump caused by signal: ", strlen("Dump caused by signal: ")); write(dumpFile, strsignal(sig), strlen(strsignal(sig))); write(dumpFile, "\n\n", sizeof(char)*2); backtrace_symbols_fd(btBuffer, btSize, dumpFile); fsync(dumpFile); if (pipe(gdbPipe) == 0) { pid = fork(); if ( pid == (pid_t)0 ) { close(gdbPipe[1]); // No output to pipe dup2(gdbPipe[0], STDIN_FILENO); // STDIN from pipe dup2(dumpFile, STDOUT_FILENO); // STDOUT to dumpFile execle(gdbPath, gdbPath, programCommand, programPID, NULL, NULL); fsync(dumpFile); close(dumpFile); close(gdbPipe[0]); } else if ( pid > (pid_t)0 ) { close(dumpFile); // No output to dumpFile close(gdbPipe[0]); // No input from pipe write(gdbPipe[1], "backtrace full\n", strlen("backtrace full\n")); write(gdbPipe[1], "quit\n", strlen("quit\n")); waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); close(gdbPipe[1]); printf("Saved dump file to '%s'\n", gDumpPath); } else { printf("Fork failed\n"); } } else { printf("Pipe failed\n"); } signal(sig, oldHandler[sig]); raise(sig); } #endif // WZ_OS_* void setupExceptionHandler(char * programCommand_x) { programCommand = programCommand_x; #if defined(WZ_OS_WIN) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(windowsExceptionHandler); #elif defined(WZ_OS_LINUX) // Get full path to 'gdb' FILE * whichStream = popen("which gdb", "r"); fread(gdbPath, sizeof(char), MAX_PATH, whichStream); pclose(whichStream); *(strrchr(gdbPath, '\n')) = '\0'; // `which' adds a \n which confuses execle snprintf( programPID, MAX_PID_STRING, "%i", getpid() ); setErrorHandler(errorHandler); #endif // WZ_OS_* }