World Editor Changes. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 05/04/99. ## ############################# Now handles TEXANIM style polygons, so displays correct clan colour for objects in the 3d view. You can now set triangle direction flags in edge brushes, should speed up cliff drawing. Added edge brush properties dialog. Allows you to set attributes to use for individual brushes. Added flood fill with edge brush, should speed up edging large areas, just select the edge brush to use, click on the edge fill tool, click on the area in the map to fill and away you go. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 29/04/99. ## ############################# Now saves tile transformation preferences. Fixed problem where pasting with no textures was changing the tile transformation flags. Fixed map dump. Fixed area x,y flip so it now flips triangle direction as well. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 26/04/99. ## ############################# When creating a new map, automaticly adds scroll limits for "Entire Map". Sea level now defaults to 0. Height scale now defaults to 2. Changed "Zero Camera Angle" to "Look North", dose what it says. When pasting objects, now pastes using the current player id rather than the source objects player id. Copy/Paste interface has changed, you can now mark an area of tiles in the 2d or 3d views, x or y flip the area and or copy it into the clipboard for pasting elsewhere on the map. Also added paste preferences dialog so you can specify which elements of the clipboard get applied to the map when pasting. Added tool buttons to enable/disable rendering for each player number, so you can filter out certain players from the 2d and 3d views. Now loads names.txt and displays in game names for all objects, can be disabled from options menu. Can now change light direction in 3d view, "L" varies Yaw, "K" varies pitch. Can now rotate tile both ways using "E" and "R" keys. X and Y flip remain on the "X" and "Y" keys. Object buttons in selection window now colour coded. Maximises application window on execution. Window layout changed. 3d view size increased to 800x600. Data set files changed, now called "whatever.eds" instead of "whatever.txt", new files specify tile texture page to load, default edge brushes and tile types for the tile set. Also says where to load names.txt for the in game object names. This should speed up creating new maps. Can now import and export tile id maps in the same way as you could import,export height maps, each pixel in the tile id map specifies the texture id to use for that tile in the world. .LND file format has changed slightly to specifiy the data set to load as the first thing in the file, old projects will still load but you will be prompted for the data set ".EDB" file to load. Removed some redundant menu options. Maximum map size now limited to 250x250, as this is the largest the game, specificly the gateway system can safely handle. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 10/11/98. ## ############################# Now shows object footprints in the 2d view, colour coded as in the radar map. Can now place gateways on water. Updated droids templates to match current game stats. Objects now drawn colour coded in radar map. Can now export scenario expansion with same limits for inclusion and exclusion. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 15/10/98. ## ############################# Fixed bug in gateway/zone creation. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 06/10/98. ## ############################# Now creates zone map from gateways. Zones are displayed in the 2d locator when in gateway mode. Saves zones in .map file when exporting a deliverance map. Vertex markers for height tools are now drawn with a shadow so they show up on white textures. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 05/10/98. ## ############################# Can now export map as a single big BMP. Walls now morph to fit landscape just like in the game. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 30/09/98. ## ############################# Can now create gateways in the 2d view for routeing using the "Gt" tool in the tool bar. Greatly speeded up because of optimizations to the radar map code. Now have two shortcuts in the EditWorld folder, one for software rendering which works on any machine with DirectX 6 installed and one for hardware rendering which works on machines with DirectX 6 installed and a 3D accelerated video card thats up to the job ie 8MB of video memory and can do textured 3d in a window, cards I know work are Permedia 2,Matrox G200,ATI Rage Pro and Riva TNT. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 02/07/98. ## ############################# Now have option to apply random rotations and flips to textures when painting, Can also setup default rotaions and flips for painting textures. Do this by clicking on the texture in the selection window to bring up the dialog box. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 10/06/98. ## ############################# Now displays scroll limits graphicaly in 2d view and in locator maps. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 02/06/98. ## ############################# Game export version updated. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 13/05/98. ## ############################# Can now import Warzone maps into the editor. Map options now always default to "-nosizecheck" which means you can create a map any size (within reason) without using the command line option. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 19/03/98. ## ############################# When saving, now renames the previous encarnation of the project file to whatever.bak before writing the newer version. Now allows creation of scroll limits New Warzone export types : Campaign start. Campaign expansion. Mission. Fixed clipboard object height bug. Can now specify a name for each object in the world for use in scripts. Fixed draw radius check on objects. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 07/01/98. ## ############################# Updated handling of structure stats. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 18/12/97. ## ############################# Can now right click on objects to bring up context menu. Context menu gives access to object properties dialog. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 11/12/97. ## ############################# Added droid section to data set file (see WarzoneData.txt in the samples directory for details) for specifieing a template stats file to load. Can now place droids in the editor. You no longer have to have bounding spheres enabled to see the name of an object in the 3d view. Just click on it using the selection tool. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 08/12/97. ## ############################# Added recent project list in file menu. Can now export and import the current clipboard allowing you to save sections of map which you want to use again and then load them back in ready to paste. Fixed bug which was causing editor to fall over after loading a few projects. Can now copy and paste objects as well as tiles. Added check for duplicate object IDs when loading and saving projects Fixed bug where by you can get duplicate object IDs. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 05/12/97. ## ############################# Can now save out a section of the map as a new project. Fixed bug where by incorect player ID was being displayed in 2D view. Terrain types have changed and there are more of them. Now saves TTYPE.TTP file when exporting Warzone scenario which contains the lookup table for terrain type verses tile texture ID. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 24/11/97. ## ############################# Now copes with IMD's with seperate base plates. For Warzone the data set file's FEATURE section now contains the file name of the feature stat file used in the game. The editor uses this file to determine which IMD's to load for features. The data set file now contains entries to define the paths for IMD textures for each class of object. See WarzoneData.txt and NecromancyData.txt in the samples directory. Fixed problems with object positioning for Warzone. Can now rotate and flip tiles in 3d and 2d view by positioning cursor over the tile and pressing one of the following: R - Rotate 90 Degrees. X - Flip X Y - Flip Y Fixed crash bug when exporting 192 x 128 height bitmap. Each object now has a unique ID which is displayed with the object. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 29/10/97. ## ############################# Structures are now referenced by name in project files and the warzone export files. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 20/10/97. ## ############################# Fixed bug where left most and bottom most rows of tiles were not displayed in 3d view. Now handles lost surfaces. ie The problem where by running another Direct Draw application while the editor was running and then returning to the editor caused a SURFACE LOST error. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 10/10/97. ## ############################# Added command line option to disable map size checking. Right click on the EditWorld shortcut to get the properties up and add -nosizecheck to the target. Currently Warzone only supports maps that are 2 to the power n in size ie 64x64, 128x128 so the editor checks the size to see if it's valid. This option was added so that you can dissable this check if in the future Warzone allows any size maps. If you've got a 3d card then you can add -hardware as a command line option to enable hardware acceleration in the editor. ( Hope you've got bucket loads of video ram ! ) ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 09/10/97. ## ############################# You can now place structures and they work in the game. Now automaticly levels the landscape under flanged objects and structures. The data set file now contains entries to define the paths for IMD's and Stats for each class of object. See WarzoneData.txt and NecromancyData.txt in the samples directory. For Warzone the data set file's STRUCTURE section now contains the file name of the structure stat file used in the game. The editor uses this file to determine which IMD's to load for structures. Warzone export option now exports struct.bjo, droid.bjo and templ.bjo so that you can now load exported games directly into Warzone. Note that the droid.bjo and templ.bjo files are empty so if you wan't the game to work properly you still have to copy these from an existing saved game ie the Final directory in Deliverance\Data. Directory structure changed. The directory structure is now much more rational. An example tree for Warzone would be: Deliverance/Data/ The Warzone data directory. MyScenario.lnd The project file saved by the editor. Textures.pcx Terrain textures , referenced by MyScenario.lnd. DataSet.txt File defining the data set, referenced by MyScenerio.lnd. Stats/ Directory containing the stats Structures.txt Stats text file defining the structures used in the game. Structs/ Directory containing all the IMD's and PCX's needed for the structures. xxxx Features/ Directory containing all the IMD's and PCX's needed for the features. xxxx MyScenario.gam Save game file created when you export the scenario from the editor. MyScenario/ Save game directory created when you export the scenario from the editor. Save game data... Struct.bjo Feat.bjo Droid.bjo Templ.bjo An example tree for Necromancy would be: Necromancy/Data/ The Necromancy data directory. MyScenario.lnd The project file saved by the editor. Textures.pcx Terrain textures , referenced by MyScenario.lnd. DataSet.txt File defining the data set, referenced by MyScenerio.lnd. Objects/ Directory containing all the IMD's and PCX's needed for the structures. xxxx Directory containing the stats Game map file created when you export the scenario from the editor. MyScenario.nob Object map file created when you export the scenario from the editor. Now checks for transparancy flags in IMD's and does colour keying accordingly. Added option to lock camera to a Warzone'ish view in the options menu. ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 07/10/97. ## ############################# Added option to disable smooth shading of objects. This is specified in the object set definition file (ie Warzone.txt) by adding one of the following flags to each IMD definition: NOSHADE use default shading. FLATSHADE perform flat shading of each polygon. SMOOTHSHADE Perform smooth gouraud shading of each polygon. eg... mislick.imd OVERLAYED TILESNAP KEY0 NOSHADE mibould1.imd FLANGED TILESNAP NOKEY SMOOTHSHADE You can now flip and rotate textures in the texture selection window before laying them down in the world. To reset all rotations and flips in the texture selection window select "Reset Texture Flags" in the "Map" menu. Now checks for and deals with the double sided polygon flag in IMD's ############################# ## CHANGES AS OF 03/10/97. ## ############################# Now works under release build of DX5 Option added to export Warzone scenarios. Option added to export Necromancy scenarios. Save Project now only saves the project file (.LND) use the seperate Export functions to export scenarios for Warzone or Necromancer. When exporting Warzone scenarios now creates the following files. * MyScenario.GAM * MyScenario/Game.MAP * MyScenario/Feat.BJO These can be copied to the Deliverance/Data directory although for now you will have to copy the droid.bjo , struct.bjo and templ.bjo files from an existing game directory to the MyScenario directory as the editor dos'nt export these files. Fixed edge brush window. Can orbit camera around a point roughly 1/3 distance to the horizon using the < > keys. Undo/Redo on all texture operations. Auto scroll when painting / dragging etc in 2d view. Default height set to 50% Much more robust. Colour keying of object textures. You need to specify an extra flag in the object set text file ( ie features1.txt ) for each IMD. NOKEY for no colour keying or KEYn where n is the palette index of the transparent colour ie KEY0. eg... mislick.imd OVERLAYED TILESNAP KEY0 mibould1.imd FLANGED TILESNAP NOKEY Objects are now smooth shaded. ( I'll be adding a flag to the object set text file to disable this for individual objects ) Arbitraty rotation of objects ( as long as they are not flanged ) Option added in map preferences to set tile texture size. Fixed bug when loading multiple texture pages. Option to export current height map as .PCX greyscale image. Can now place , drag and rotate objects in 3d view as well as 2d view. W and Q keys increase and decrease the 3d draw distance. Option added to toggle smooth shading of landscape.