#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of the Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project. # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project # # Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MasterServer v0.1 by Gerard Krol (gerard_) and Tim Perrei (Kamaze) # v1.0 by Freddie Witherden (EvilGuru) # v2.0 by Gerhard Schaden (gschaden) # v2.0a by Buginator (fixed endian issue) # v2.2 add motd, bigger GAMESTRUCT, private game notification # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ################################################################################ # import from __future__ from __future__ import with_statement # ################################################################################ # __author__ = "Gerard Krol, Tim Perrei, Freddie Witherden, Gerhard Schaden, Dennis Schridde, Buginator" __version__ = "2.2" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script runs a Warzone 2100 2.2.x+ masterserver """ # ################################################################################ # Get the things we need. import sys from SocketServer import ThreadingTCPServer import SocketServer import struct import socket from threading import Lock, RLock, Thread, Event, Timer from select import select import logging import traceback import cmd from game import * from protocol import * # ################################################################################ # Settings. checkInterval = 100 # Interval between requests causing a gamedb check MOTDstring = None # our message of the day (max 255 bytes) logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format = "%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(message)s") # ################################################################################ # Game DB gamedb = None class MultiAddressGame(Game): def __init__(self, gameId): super(MultiAddressGame, self).__init__() self.addressCount = 0 self.gameId = gameId assert self.gameId > 0, "Invalid game ID" class GameDB: def __init__(self): self.list = set() self.index = {} self.lock = RLock() self.numgen = self.genNum() def genNum(self): while True: for n in xrange(1, pow(2, 31) - 1): if n != 0xBAD01 and n not in self.index: yield n def __remove(self, g): # if g is not in the list, ignore the KeyError exception try: self.list.remove(g) except KeyError: pass def addGame(self, g): """ add a game """ with self.lock: try: g.addressCount += 1 except AttributeError: self.list.add(g) def removeGame(self, g): """ remove a game from the list""" with self.lock: try: if g.addressCount == 0: self.__remove(g) del self.index[g.gameId] else: g.addressCount -= 1 except AttributeError: self.__remove(g) def getGameID(self): with self.lock: g = MultiAddressGame(self.numgen.next()) self.list.add(g) self.index[g.gameId] = g return g def getGameByID(self, gameId): with self.lock: return self.index[gameId] # only games with a valid description def getGames(self): """ filter all games with a valid description """ for game in self.getAllGames(): if game.description: yield game def getAllGames(self): """ return all known games """ with self.lock: for game in self.list: yield game def getGamesByHost(self, host): """ filter all games of a certain host""" for game in self.getGames(): if host in game.hosts: yield game def checkGames(self): with self.lock: games = list(self.getGames()) logging.debug("Checking: %i game(s)" % (len(games))) for game in games: for host in game.hosts: if not host: continue if not protocol.check(game, host): logging.debug("Removing unreachable game: %s" % game) self.__remove(game) break def listGames(self): with self.lock: games = list(self.getGames()) logging.debug("Gameserver list: %i game(s)" % (len(games))) for game in games: logging.debug(" %s" % game) # ################################################################################ # Socket Handler. requests = 0 requestlock = Lock() protocol = Protocol() class RequestHandler(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): SUCCESS_OK = 200 CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406 def sendStatusMessage(self, status, message): logging.debug("(%s) Sending response status (%d) and message: %s" % (self.gameHost, status, message)) try: protocol.sendStatusMessage(self.gameHost, status, message, self.wfile) except NotImplementedError: # Ignore the case where sending of status messages isn't supported pass def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): self.request = request self.client_address = client_address self.server = server # Client's address self.gameHost = self.client_address[0] try: self.setup() try: self.handle() except struct.error, e: logging.warning("(%s) Data decoding error: %s" % (self.gameHost, traceback.format_exc())) except: logging.error("(%s) Unhandled exception: %s" % (self.gameHost, traceback.format_exc())) raise finally: self.finish() finally: sys.exc_traceback = None # Help garbage collection def setup(self): for parent in (SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): if hasattr(parent, 'setup'): parent.setup(self) self.g = None self.GameId = None def handle(self): global requests, requestlock, gamedb with requestlock: requests += 1 if requests >= checkInterval: gamedb.checkGames() requests = 0 while True: # Read the incoming command. netCommand = self.rfile.read(4) if netCommand == None: return # Skip the trailing NULL. self.rfile.read(1) ################################# # Process the incoming command. # ################################# logging.debug("(%s) Command: [%s] " % (self.gameHost, netCommand)) # TODO: When releasing a new 2.2 version remove the "motd" command # Give the MOTD if netCommand == 'motd': self.wfile.write(MOTDstring[0:255]) logging.debug("(%s) sending MOTD (%s)" % (self.gameHost, MOTDstring[0:255])) # Get a game ID (for multi address games) elif netCommand == 'gaId': self.GameId = gamedb.getGameID() self.GameId.requestHandlers = [self] self.GameId.hosts.append(self.gameHost) logging.debug("(%s) Created game ID: %d" % (self.gameHost, self.GameId.gameId)) protocol.encodeGameID(self.GameId.gameId, self.wfile) # Add a game. elif netCommand == 'addg': # The host is valid logging.debug("(%s) Adding gameserver..." % self.gameHost) if self.GameId: self.g = self.GameId if self.g.requestHandlers[0] is not self: self.g.requestHandlers.append(self) else: # create a game object self.g = Game() self.g.requestHandlers = [self] # put it in the database gamedb.addGame(self.g) # and start receiving updates about the game while True: hosts = self.g.hosts newGameData = protocol.decodeSingle(self.rfile, self.g) if not newGameData: return self.g.hosts = hosts if not hasattr(self.g, 'addressCount') and self.g.gameId > 0: try: self.GameId = gamedb.getGameByID(self.g.gameId) logging.debug("(%s) Game with same ID already present, linking games...", (self.gameHost)) # Apparently a game with this ID exists already, so remove this duplicate game gamedb.removeGame(self.g) self.g = None # Attach this request handler to the existing game (self.g, self.GameId) = (self.GameId, self.g) gamedb.addGame(self.g) self.g.hosts.append(self.gameHost) except KeyError: pass logging.debug("(%s) Updated game: %s" % (self.gameHost, self.g)) #set gamehost if not len(self.g.hosts) or not self.g.hosts[0]: self.g.hosts.append(self.gameHost) if not protocol.check(self.g, self.gameHost): logging.debug("(%s) Removing unreachable game" % self.gameHost) self.sendStatusMessage(self.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, 'Game unreachable, failed to open a connection to: [%s]:%d' % (self.gameHost, protocol.gamePort)) return self.sendStatusMessage(self.SUCCESS_OK, MOTDstring) gamedb.listGames() return # Get a game list. elif netCommand == 'list': # Lock the gamelist to prevent new games while output. with gamedb.lock: games = list(gamedb.getGames()) logging.debug("(%s) Gameserver list: %i game(s)" % (self.gameHost, len(games))) # Transmit the games. for game in games: logging.debug(" %s" % game) protocol.encodeMultiple(games, self.wfile, hideGameID=True) return # If something unknown appears. else: raise Exception("(%s) Received an unknown command: %s" % (self.gameHost, netCommand)) def finish(self): if self.g: self.g.hosts = filter(lambda s: s != self.gameHost, self.g.hosts) if not filter(None, self.g.hosts): logging.debug("(%s) Removing aborted game" % self.gameHost) gamedb.removeGame(self.g) if self.GameId: gamedb.removeGame(self.GameId) for parent in (SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): if hasattr(parent, 'finish'): parent.finish(self) class TCP6Server(SocketServer.TCPServer): """Class to enable listening on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.""" address_family = socket.AF_INET6 def server_bind(self): """Called by constructor to bind the socket. Overridden to enable IPV6_V6ONLY. """ try: self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1) except AttributeError: # Apparently IPV6_V6ONLY isn't supported on this # platform. Lets hope that IPv6 mapping of IPv4 # addresses isn't supported either... pass SocketServer.TCPServer.server_bind(self) class ThreadingTCP6Server(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, TCP6Server): pass # ################################################################################ # The legendary Main. if __name__ == '__main__': logging.info("Starting Warzone 2100 lobby server on port %d" % (protocol.lobbyPort)) # Read in the Message of the Day, max is 1 line, 255 chars in_file = open("motd.txt", "r") MOTDstring = in_file.read() in_file.close() logging.info("The MOTD is (%s)" % MOTDstring) gamedb = GameDB() ThreadingTCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True ThreadingTCP6Server.allow_reuse_address = True tcpservers = [ThreadingTCPServer(('', protocol.lobbyPort), RequestHandler), ThreadingTCP6Server(('::', protocol.lobbyPort), RequestHandler)] try: while True: (readyServers, wlist, xlist) = select(tcpservers, [], []) for tcpserver in readyServers: tcpserver.handle_request() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass logging.info("Shutting down lobby server, cleaning up") for game in gamedb.getAllGames(): for requestHandler in game.requestHandlers: requestHandler.finish() for tcpserver in tcpservers: tcpserver.server_close()