/***************************************************************************/ /* * imdload.c * * updated to load version 4 files * * changes at version 4; * pcx name as string * pcx filepath * cut down vertex list * */ /***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "lib/framework/frame.h" //#include "piematrix.h" //for surface normals #include "ivisdef.h" // for imd structures #include "imd.h" // for imd structures #include "rendmode.h" #include "ivispatch.h" #include "bug.h" #include "tex.h" // texture page loading #include "bspfunc.h" // for imd functions // Static variables static uint32 _IMD_FLAGS; static char _IMD_NAME[MAX_FILE_PATH]; static int32 _IMD_VER; static VERTEXID vertexTable[iV_IMD_MAX_POINTS]; static char imagePath[MAX_FILE_PATH] = {""}; // kludge extern void pie_SurfaceNormal(iVector *p1, iVector *p2, iVector *p3, iVector *v); // local prototypes static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(STRING **FileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int texpage); static char *_imd_get_path(STRING *filename, STRING *path); BOOL CheckColourKey(iIMDShape *psShape); #ifndef WIN32 // convert a string to lower case... by Tim ... dedicated to JS ... with love void strlwr(STRING *String) { while (*String != 0) { // loop around till we reach the end of the zero terminated string if ((*String >= 'A') && (*String <= 'Z')) { // if the current letter is in upper case... *String += ('a'-'A'); // ... convert it to lower case } String++; // move to the next letter } } #endif BOOL AtEndOfFile(STRING *CurPos, STRING *EndOfFile) { while ((*CurPos==0x09)||(*CurPos==0x0a)||(*CurPos==0x0d)||(*CurPos==0x20)||(*CurPos==0x00)) { CurPos++; if (CurPos>=EndOfFile) return TRUE; } if (CurPos >= EndOfFile) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //************************************************************************* //*** load IMD shape //* //* params filename = IMD file to load (including extention) //* //* returns pointer to imd shape def //* //****** BOOL TESTDEBUG = FALSE; // load the polygon level ... then load the texture .... Gareths code #define POST_LEVEL_TEXTURELOAD iIMDShape *iV_IMDLoad(STRING *filename, iBool palkeep) { iIMDShape *pIMD; STRING *pFileData,*pFileDataStart; UDWORD FileSize; BOOL res; char path[MAX_FILE_PATH]; UDWORD *tp; UDWORD tt; iV_DEBUG1("imd[IMDLoad] = loading shape file '%s':",filename); strcpy(_IMD_NAME,filename); strlwr(_IMD_NAME); _imd_get_path(filename,path); if (strlen(path) != 0) { if (strlen(imagePath) != 0) { if ((strlen(path) + strlen(imagePath)) > MAX_FILE_PATH) { iV_Error(0xff,"(iv_IMDLoad) image path too long for load file"); return NULL; } strcat(imagePath,path); } } res = loadFile(_IMD_NAME,&pFileData, &FileSize); if (res == FALSE) { iV_Error(0xff,"(iv_IMDLoad) unable to load file"); return NULL; } tp = (UDWORD *)pFileData; tt = *tp; // 'BPIE' if (tt == 0x45495042) { FREE(pFileData); // free the file up return NULL; } pFileDataStart = pFileData; pIMD = iV_ProcessIMD(&pFileData, pFileData + FileSize, path, imagePath, palkeep); FREE(pFileDataStart); // free the file up return (pIMD); } static UDWORD IMDcount = 0; static UDWORD IMDPolycount = 0; static UDWORD IMDVertexcount = 0; static UDWORD IMDPoints = 0; static UDWORD IMDTexAnims = 0; static UDWORD IMDConnectors = 0; void DumpIMDInfo(void) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "imds loaded =%d - using %d bytes\n", IMDcount, IMDcount*sizeof(iIMDShape) ); debug( LOG_NEVER, "polys loaded =%d - using %d bytes\n", IMDPolycount, IMDPolycount*sizeof(iIMDPoly) ); debug( LOG_NEVER, "vertices loaded=%d - using %d bytes\n", IMDVertexcount, IMDVertexcount*(sizeof(VERTEXID)+sizeof(iVertex)) ); debug( LOG_NEVER, "points loaded =%d - using %d bytes\n", IMDPoints, IMDPoints*sizeof(iVector) ); debug( LOG_NEVER, "connectors =%d - using %d bytes\n", IMDConnectors, IMDConnectors*sizeof(iVector) ); } static STRING texfile[64]; //Last loaded texture page filename char *GetLastLoadedTexturePage(void) { return texfile; } // ppFileData is incremented to the end of the file on exit! iIMDShape *iV_ProcessIMD(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, STRING *IMDpath, STRING *PCXpath,iBool palkeep) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; char buffer[MAX_FILE_PATH], texType[MAX_FILE_PATH], ch; //, *str; int i, nlevels, ptype, pwidth, pheight, texpage; iIMDShape *s, *psShape; BOOL bColourKey = TRUE; BOOL bTextured = FALSE; #ifdef BSPIMD UDWORD level; #endif IMDcount++; if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d%n", buffer, &_IMD_VER, &cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD file corrupt -A (%s)", buffer); assert(FALSE); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if ((strcmp(IMD_NAME,buffer) != 0) && (strcmp(PIE_NAME, buffer) !=0 )) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: not an IMD file (%s %d)", buffer, _IMD_VER); return NULL; } //Now supporting version 4 files if ((_IMD_VER < 1) || (_IMD_VER > 4)) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file version not supported (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %x%n", buffer, &_IMD_FLAGS, &cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -B (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; texpage = -1; // get texture page if specified if (_IMD_FLAGS & iV_IMD_XTEX){ if (_IMD_VER == 1) { if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d %s %d %d%n", buffer, &ptype, texfile, &pwidth, &pheight, &cnt) != 5) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -C (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(buffer,"TEXTURE") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: expecting 'TEXTURE' directive (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } bTextured = TRUE; } else //version 2 copes with long file names { if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n", buffer, &ptype,&cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -D (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(buffer,"TEXTURE") == 0) { ch = *pFileData++; for( i = 0; (i < 80) && ((ch = *pFileData++) != EOF) && (ch != '.'); i++ ) // yummy { texfile[i] = (char)ch; } if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s%n", texType,&cnt) != 1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -E (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(texType,"png") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -F (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } texfile[i] = 0; strcat(texfile,".png"); if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d %d%n", &pwidth, &pheight,&cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -G (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; bTextured = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(buffer,"NOTEXTURE") == 0) { if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d %d%n", texfile, &pwidth, &pheight, &cnt) != 3) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -H (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; } else { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD(2): expecting 'TEXTURE' directive (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } } #ifndef PIETOOL // The BSP tool should not reduce the texture page name down (please) // Super scrummy hack to reduce texture page names down to the page id if (bTextured) { //resToLower(texfile); // printf("texfile cmp in imdload.c :%s\n", texfile); if (strncasecmp(texfile, "page-", 5) == 0) { for(i = 5; i < (SDWORD)strlen(texfile); i++) { if (!isdigit(texfile[i])) { break; } } texfile[i] = 0; } } #endif } if (sscanf(pFileData, "%s %d%n", buffer, &nlevels, &cnt) !=2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: file corrupt -I (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(buffer,"LEVELS") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: expecting 'LEVELS' directive (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } #ifdef BSPIMD // if we might have BSP then we need to preread the LEVEL directive if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n",buffer,&level,&cnt) != 2) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_level) file corrupt -J"); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(buffer,"LEVEL") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD(2): expecting 'LEVELS' directive (%s)", buffer); return NULL; } #endif s = _imd_load_level(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,nlevels,texpage); #ifdef POST_LEVEL_TEXTURELOAD // load texture page if specified if ( (s != NULL) && (_IMD_FLAGS & iV_IMD_XTEX)) { bColourKey = FALSE;// CheckColourKey( s );//TRUE not the only imd using this texture if(bTextured) { texpage = iV_GetTexture(texfile); if (texpage < 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: could not load tex page %s", texfile); return NULL; } } else { texpage = -1; } /* assign tex page to levels */ psShape = s; while (psShape != NULL) { psShape->texpage = texpage; psShape = psShape->next; } } #endif if (s == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "iV_ProcessIMD: unsuccessful (%s)", buffer); } *ppFileData = pFileData; return (s); } //************************************************************************* //*** load shape level polygons //* //* pre fp open //* s allocated, s->npolys set //* //* params fp = currently open shape file pointer //* s = pointer to shape level //* //* on exit s->polys allocated (iFSDPoly * s->npolys //* s->pindex allocated for each poly //* returns FALSE on error (memory allocation failure/bad file format) //* //****** static iBool _imd_load_polys(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, iIMDShape *s) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; int i, j; //, anim; iVector p0, p1, p2, *points; iIMDPoly *poly; int nFrames,pbRate,tWidth,tHeight; //assumes points already set points = s->points; IMDPolycount+= s->npolys; s->numFrames = 0; s->animInterval = 0; s->polys = (iIMDPoly *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iIMDPoly) * s->npolys); if (s->polys) { poly = s->polys; for (i = 0; i < s->npolys; i++, poly++) { UDWORD flags,npnts; if (sscanf(pFileData, "%x %d%n", &flags, &npnts, &cnt) != 2) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] error loading flags and npoints",i); } pFileData += cnt; poly->flags=flags; if (flags & PIE_NO_CULL) { s->flags |= iV_IMD_NOCULLSOME; } poly->npnts=npnts; IMDVertexcount+= poly->npnts; poly->pindex = (VERTEXID *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(VERTEXID) * poly->npnts); if ((poly->vrt = (iVertex *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iVertex) * poly->npnts)) == NULL) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] memory alloc fail (vertex struct)",i); return FALSE; } if (poly->pindex) { for (j=0; jnpnts; j++) { int NewID; if (sscanf(pFileData, "%d%n", &NewID,&cnt) != 1) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "failed poly %d. point %d [%s]\n", i, j, _IMD_NAME ); iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] error reading poly indices",i); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; poly->pindex[j]=vertexTable[NewID]; } } else { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] memory alloc fail (poly indices)",i); return FALSE; } // calc poly normal if (poly->npnts > 2) { p0.x = points[poly->pindex[0]].x; p0.y = points[poly->pindex[0]].y; p0.z = points[poly->pindex[0]].z; p1.x = points[poly->pindex[1]].x; p1.y = points[poly->pindex[1]].y; p1.z = points[poly->pindex[1]].z; p2.x = points[poly->pindex[poly->npnts-1]].x; p2.y = points[poly->pindex[poly->npnts-1]].y; p2.z = points[poly->pindex[poly->npnts-1]].z; pie_SurfaceNormal(&p0,&p1,&p2,&poly->normal); //iV_DEBUG3("normal %d %d %d\n",poly->normal.x,poly->normal.y,poly->normal.z); } else { poly->normal.x = poly->normal.y = poly->normal.z = 0; } if (poly->flags & iV_IMD_TEXANIM) { IMDTexAnims++; if ((poly->pTexAnim = (iTexAnim *)iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iTexAnim))) == NULL) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] memory alloc fail (iTexAnim struct)",i); return FALSE; } // even the psx needs to skip the data if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d %d %d %d%n", &nFrames, &pbRate, &tWidth, &tHeight,&cnt) != 4) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] error reading texanim data",i); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; ASSERT( tWidth>0, "_imd_load_polys: texture width = %i", tWidth ); ASSERT( tHeight>0, "_imd_load_polys: texture height = %i", tHeight ); poly->pTexAnim->nFrames = nFrames; /* Assumes same number of frames per poly */ s->numFrames = nFrames; poly->pTexAnim->playbackRate =pbRate; /* Uses Max metric playback rate */ s->animInterval = pbRate; poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth =tWidth; poly->pTexAnim->textureHeight =tHeight; } else { poly->pTexAnim = NULL; } // PC texture coord routine if (poly->vrt && (poly->flags & (iV_IMD_TEX|iV_IMD_PSXTEX))) { for (j=0; jnpnts; j++) { int32 VertexU,VertexV; if (sscanf(pFileData, "%d %d%n", &VertexU, &VertexV, &cnt) != 2) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_polys) [poly %d] error reading tex outline",i); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; poly->vrt[j].u=VertexU; poly->vrt[j].v=VertexV; poly->vrt[j].g=255; } } #ifdef BSPIMD poly->BSP_NextPoly=BSPPOLYID_TERMINATE; // make it end end of the BSP chain by default #endif } } else { return FALSE; } *ppFileData = pFileData; return TRUE; } #ifdef BSPIMD // The order for the BSP section of the IMD is :- // LEFTLINK FORWARD_POLYGONS_LIST_TEMRINATED_BY_-1 BACKWARD_POLYGONS_LIST_TEMRINATED_BY_-1 RIGHTLINK #define GETBSPTRIANGLE(polyid) (&(s->polys[(polyid)])) static iBool _imd_load_bsp(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, iIMDShape *s, UWORD BSPNodeCount) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; UWORD Node; PSBSPTREENODE NodeList; // An pointer to an array of nodes iIMDPoly *IMDTri; // pointer to a polygon ... for handling the link list in the bsp iV_DEBUG1("imd[_load_bsp] = number of nodes =%d\n",BSPNodeCount); if (s->npolys > BSPPOLYID_MAXPOLYID) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_imd_load_bsp) Too many polygons in IMD for BSP to handle"); } // Build table of nodes - we sort out the links later NodeList = (BSPTREENODE*)MALLOC((sizeof(BSPTREENODE))*BSPNodeCount); // Allocate the entire node tree memset(NodeList,0,(sizeof(BSPTREENODE))*BSPNodeCount); // Zero it out ... we need to make all pointers NULL for (Node = 0; Node < BSPNodeCount; Node++) { BSPTREENODE *psNode; SDWORD NodeID; // Temp storage area for a node ID SDWORD PolygonID,FirstPolygonID; // Temp storage area for a polygon ID psNode = &(NodeList[Node]); FirstPolygonID=-1; // This indicates the first polygon in the forward facing BSP list InitNode(psNode); if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d%n",&NodeID,&cnt) != 1) // Check that we read 1 parameter ok { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - needed a left node!"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; psNode->link[LEFT]=(PSBSPTREENODE)NodeID; // This could be -1 indicating an empty node // Get forward facing polygon list - never empty apart from root node while(1) { if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d%n",&PolygonID,&cnt) != 1) // Get a valid polygon number { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - needed a polygon number"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; if (PolygonID==-1) break; if ((PolygonID<0) || (PolygonID >= s->npolys)) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - bad polygon number"); return FALSE; } if (FirstPolygonID==-1) FirstPolygonID=PolygonID; IMDTri=GETBSPTRIANGLE(PolygonID); if (IMDTri->BSP_NextPoly != BSPPOLYID_TERMINATE) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - Polygon is mentioned more than once in the BSP"); } IMDTri->BSP_NextPoly=psNode->TriSameDir; psNode->TriSameDir=PolygonID; // list_Add( psNode->psTriSameDir , &(s->polys[PolygonID]) ); } // Generate the plane equation - if weve got any polygons if (FirstPolygonID != -1) { GetPlane(s, FirstPolygonID, &(psNode->Plane)); } else { memset((char *)&(psNode->Plane),0,sizeof(PLANE)); // Clear the plane equation } // Get reverse facing polygon list - frequently empty while(1) { if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d%n",&PolygonID,&cnt) != 1) // Get a valid polygon number { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - needed a polygon number"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; if (PolygonID == -1) { break; } if ((PolygonID < 0) || (PolygonID >= s->npolys)) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - bad polygon number"); return FALSE; } // Insert into the list IMDTri=GETBSPTRIANGLE(PolygonID); if (IMDTri->BSP_NextPoly != BSPPOLYID_TERMINATE) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - Polygon is mentioned more than once in the BSP"); } IMDTri->BSP_NextPoly=psNode->TriOppoDir; psNode->TriOppoDir=PolygonID; // list_Add( psNode->psTriOppoDir , &(s->polys[PolygonID]) ); } if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d%n",&NodeID,&cnt) != 1) // Check that we read 1 parameter ok { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_bsp) - needed a right node!"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; psNode->link[RIGHT]=(PSBSPTREENODE)NodeID; // This could be -1 indicating an empty node } // Now fix all the links for (Node = 0; Node < BSPNodeCount; Node++) { BSPTREENODE *psNode; int NodeID; psNode = &(NodeList[Node]); if ((SDWORD)(psNode->link[LEFT]) == -1) { psNode->link[LEFT]=0; // if its zero then its an empty link } else { NodeID = (int) psNode->link[LEFT]; psNode->link[LEFT] = &NodeList[NodeID]; } if ((SDWORD)(psNode->link[RIGHT]) == -1) { psNode->link[RIGHT]=0; // if its zero then its an empty link } else { NodeID = (int) psNode->link[RIGHT]; psNode->link[RIGHT] = &NodeList[NodeID]; } } // Set the shape node list to the root node ... this can be used to // FREE up the BSP memory if we needed to s->BSPNode = &NodeList[0]; iV_DEBUG0("BSP Loaded AOK\n"); *ppFileData = pFileData; return TRUE; } #endif BOOL ReadPoints(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, iIMDShape *s) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; int i; iVector *p; int lastPoint,match,j; SDWORD newX,newY,newZ; p = s->points; lastPoint = 0; for (i = 0; i < s->npoints; i++) { if (sscanf(pFileData, "%d %d %d%n", &(newX), &(newY), &(newZ), &cnt) != 3) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_points) file corrupt -K"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; // DBPRINTF(("%d) x=%d y=%x z=%d\n",i,newX,newY,newZ)); //check for duplicate points match = -1; j = 0; // scan through list upto the number of points added (lastPoint) ... not up to the number of points scanned in (i) (which will include duplicates) while((j < lastPoint) && (match == -1)) // while((j < i) && (match == -1)) { if (newX == p[j].x) { if (newY == p[j].y) { if (newZ == p[j].z) { match = j; } } } j++; } if (match == -1) { // new point p[lastPoint].x=newX; p[lastPoint].y=newY; p[lastPoint].z=newZ; vertexTable[i] = lastPoint; lastPoint++; } else { vertexTable[i] = match; } } //clear remaining table for (i = s->npoints; i < iV_IMD_MAX_POINTS; i++) { vertexTable[i] = -1; } s->npoints = lastPoint; *ppFileData = pFileData; return(TRUE); } //************************************************************************* //*** load shape level vertices //* //* pre fp open //* s allocated, s->npoints set //* //* params fp = currently open shape file pointer //* s = pointer to shape level //* //* on exit s->points allocated (iVector * s->npoints //* returns FALSE on error (memory allocation failure/bad file format) //* //****** static iBool _imd_load_points(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, iIMDShape *s) { int i ; iVector *p; int32 tempXMax,tempXMin,tempZMax,tempZMin,extremeX,extremeZ; int32 xmax, ymax, zmax; double dx, dy, dz, rad_sq, rad, old_to_p_sq, old_to_p, old_to_new; double xspan, yspan, zspan, maxspan; iVectorf dia1, dia2, cen; iVectorf vxmin = { 0, 0, 0 }, vymin = { 0, 0, 0 }, vzmin = { 0, 0, 0 }, vxmax = { 0, 0, 0 }, vymax = { 0, 0, 0 }, vzmax = { 0, 0, 0 }; //load the points then pass through a second time to setup bounding datavalues IMDPoints+=s->npoints; s->points = p = (iVector *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iVector) * s->npoints); if (p == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Read in points and remove duplicates (!) if (ReadPoints(ppFileData,FileDataEnd, s)==FALSE) return FALSE; s->xmax = s->ymax = s->zmax = tempXMax = tempZMax = -FP12_MULTIPLIER; s->xmin = s->ymin = s->zmin = tempXMin = tempZMin = FP12_MULTIPLIER; vxmax.x = vymax.y = vzmax.z = (double) -FP12_MULTIPLIER; vxmin.x = vymin.y = vzmin.z = (double) FP12_MULTIPLIER; // set up bounding data for minimum number of vertices for (i = 0; i < s->npoints; i++, p++) { if (p->x > s->xmax) s->xmax = p->x; if (p->x < s->xmin) s->xmin = p->x; /* Biggest x coord so far within our height window? */ if( (p->x > tempXMax) && (p->y > DROID_VIS_LOWER) && (p->y < DROID_VIS_UPPER) ) { tempXMax = p->x; } /* Smallest x coord so far within our height window? */ if( (p->x < tempXMin) && (p->y > DROID_VIS_LOWER) && (p->y < DROID_VIS_UPPER) ) { tempXMin = p->x; } if (p->y > s->ymax) s->ymax = p->y; if (p->y < s->ymin) s->ymin = p->y; if (p->z > s->zmax) s->zmax = p->z; if (p->z < s->zmin) s->zmin = p->z; /* Biggest z coord so far within our height window? */ if( (p->z > tempZMax) && (p->y > DROID_VIS_LOWER) && (p->y < DROID_VIS_UPPER) ) { tempZMax = p->z; } /* Smallest z coord so far within our height window? */ if( (p->z < tempZMax) && (p->y > DROID_VIS_LOWER) && (p->y < DROID_VIS_UPPER) ) { tempZMin = p->z; } // for tight sphere calculations if ((double) p->x < vxmin.x) { vxmin.x = (double) p->x; vxmin.y = (double) p->y; vxmin.z = (double) p->z; } if ((double) p->x > vxmax.x) { vxmax.x = (double) p->x; vxmax.y = (double) p->y; vxmax.z = (double) p->z; } if ((double) p->y < vymin.y) { vymin.x = (double) p->x; vymin.y = (double) p->y; vymin.z = (double) p->z; } if ((double) p->y > vymax.y) { vymax.x = (double) p->x; vymax.y = (double) p->y; vymax.z = (double) p->z; } if ((double) p->z < vzmin.z) { vzmin.x = (double) p->x; vzmin.y = (double) p->y; vzmin.z = (double) p->z; } if ((double) p->z > vzmax.z) { vzmax.x = (double) p->x; vzmax.y = (double) p->y; vzmax.z = (double) p->z; } } /* Centered about origin I can do the '-' thing below!! */ extremeX = pie_MAX(tempXMax,-tempXMin); extremeZ = pie_MAX(tempZMax,-tempZMin); s->visRadius = pie_MAX(extremeX,extremeZ); // no need to scale an IMD shape (only FSD) xmax = pie_MAX(s->xmax,-s->xmin); ymax = pie_MAX(s->ymax,-s->ymin); zmax = pie_MAX(s->zmax,-s->zmin); s->radius = pie_MAX(xmax,(pie_MAX(ymax,zmax))); s->sradius = (SDWORD)((float)sqrt( xmax*xmax + ymax*ymax + zmax*zmax)); // START: tight bounding sphere // set xspan = distance between 2 points xmin & xmax (squared) dx = vxmax.x - vxmin.x; dy = vxmax.y - vxmin.y; dz = vxmax.z - vxmin.z; xspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; // same for yspan dx = vymax.x - vymin.x; dy = vymax.y - vymin.y; dz = vymax.z - vymin.z; yspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; // and ofcourse zspan dx = vzmax.x - vzmin.x; dy = vzmax.y - vzmin.y; dz = vzmax.z - vzmin.z; zspan = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; // set points dia1 & dia2 to maximally seperated pair // assume xspan biggest dia1 = vxmin; dia2 = vxmax; maxspan = xspan; if (yspan>maxspan) { maxspan = yspan; dia1 = vymin; dia2 = vymax; } if (zspan>maxspan) { maxspan = zspan; dia1 = vzmin; dia2 = vzmax; } // dia1, dia2 diameter of initial sphere cen.x = (dia1.x + dia2.x) / 2.; cen.y = (dia1.y + dia2.y) / 2.; cen.z = (dia1.z + dia2.z) / 2.; // calc initial radius dx = dia2.x - cen.x; dy = dia2.y - cen.y; dz = dia2.z - cen.z; rad_sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; rad = sqrt(rad_sq); // second pass (find tight sphere) for (p = s->points, i=0; inpoints; i++, p++) { dx = p->x - cen.x; dy = p->y - cen.y; dz = p->z - cen.z; old_to_p_sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; // do r**2 first if (old_to_p_sq>rad_sq) { // this point outside current sphere old_to_p = sqrt(old_to_p_sq); // radius of new sphere rad = (rad + old_to_p) / 2.; // rad**2 for next compare rad_sq = rad*rad; old_to_new = old_to_p - rad; // centre of new sphere cen.x = (rad*cen.x + old_to_new*p->x) / old_to_p; cen.y = (rad*cen.y + old_to_new*p->y) / old_to_p; cen.z = (rad*cen.z + old_to_new*p->z) / old_to_p; iV_DEBUG4("NEW SPHERE: cen,rad = %d %d %d, %d\n",(int32) cen.x, (int32) cen.y, (int32) cen.z, (int32) rad); } } s->ocen.x = (int32) cen.x; s->ocen.y = (int32) cen.y; s->ocen.z = (int32) cen.z; s->oradius = (int32) rad; iV_DEBUG2("radius, sradius, %d, %d\n",s->radius,s->sradius); iV_DEBUG4("SPHERE: cen,rad = %d %d %d, %d\n",s->ocen.x,s->ocen.y,s->ocen.z,s->oradius); // END: tight bounding sphere return TRUE; } static iBool _imd_load_connectors(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, iIMDShape *s) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; int i; iVector *p; SDWORD newX,newY,newZ; IMDConnectors+=s->nconnectors; if ((s->connectors = (iVector *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iVector) * s->nconnectors)) == NULL) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_connectors) iV_HeapAlloc fail"); return FALSE; } p = s->connectors; for (i=0; inconnectors; i++, p++) { if (sscanf(pFileData,"%d %d %d%n",&(newX),&(newY),&(newZ),&cnt) != 3) { iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_connectors) file corrupt -M"); return FALSE; } pFileData += cnt; p->x=newX; p->y=newY; p->z=newZ; } *ppFileData = pFileData; return TRUE; } //************************************************************************* //*** load shape levels recurrsively //* //* pre fp open //* //* params fp = currently open shape file pointer //* s = pointer to shape level //* texpage = texture page number if iV_IMD_TEX //* //* on exit s allocated //* returns pointer to iFSDShape structure (or NULL on error) //* //****** static iIMDShape *_imd_load_level(STRING **ppFileData, STRING *FileDataEnd, int nlevels, int texpage) { STRING *pFileData = *ppFileData; int cnt; iIMDShape *s; char buffer[MAX_FILE_PATH]; // int level; int n; int npolys; #ifdef BSPIMD // UWORD NumberOfParameters; // UDWORD count; #endif if (nlevels == 0) return NULL; s = (iIMDShape *) iV_HeapAlloc(sizeof(iIMDShape)); if (s) { s->points = NULL; s->polys = NULL; s->connectors = NULL; s->texanims = NULL; s->next=NULL; // if we can be sure that there is no bsp ... the we check for level number at this point #ifndef BSPIMD if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n",buffer,&level,&cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: file corrupt"); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; if (strcmp(buffer,"LEVEL") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: excepting 'LEVEL' directive"); return NULL; } #endif s->flags = _IMD_FLAGS; s->texpage = texpage; if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n",buffer,&n,&cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(2): file corrupt"); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; // load texture anims if specified // load points if (strcmp(buffer,"POINTS") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: expecting 'POINTS' directive"); return NULL; } if (n>iV_IMD_MAX_POINTS) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: too many points in IMD"); } s->npoints = n; // DBPRINTF(("%s %d , %d \n",buffer,n,s->npoints)); // Some imd/pie's were greater than the max number of points causing all sorts of memory overflows (blfact2) // // There was no check / error handling! // _imd_load_points(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,s); if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n",buffer,&npolys,&cnt) != 2) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level(3): file corrupt"); return NULL; } pFileData += cnt; s->npolys=npolys; if (strcmp(buffer,"POLYGONS") != 0) { debug(LOG_ERROR,"_imd_load_level: expecting 'POLYGONS' directive"); return NULL; } // DBPRINTF(("loading polygons - %d\n",s->npolys)); _imd_load_polys(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,s); //NOW load optional stuff { BOOL OptionalsCompleted; #ifdef BSPIMD s->BSPNode=NULL; // Zero the bsp node pointer to zero as a default #endif s->nconnectors = 0; // Default number of connectors must be 0 ( this was'nt being done PBD. ) OptionalsCompleted=FALSE; while(OptionalsCompleted == FALSE) { // DBPRINTF(("current file pos = %p (%x)(%x)(%x) - endoffile = %p\n",*ppFileData,**ppFileData,*((*ppFileData)+1),*((*ppFileData)+2),FileDataEnd)); // check for end of file (give or take white space) if (AtEndOfFile(*&pFileData,FileDataEnd)==TRUE) { OptionalsCompleted=TRUE; break; } // Scans in the line ... if we don't get 2 parameters then quit if (sscanf(pFileData,"%s %d%n",buffer,&n,&cnt) != 2) { OptionalsCompleted=TRUE; break; } pFileData += cnt; // check for next level ... or might be a BSP - This should handle an imd if it has a BSP tree attached to it // might be "BSP" or "LEVEL" if (strcmp(buffer,"LEVEL") == 0) { iV_DEBUG2("imd[_load_level] = npoints %d, npolys %d\n",s->npoints,s->npolys); s->next = _imd_load_level(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,nlevels-1,texpage); } #ifdef BSPIMD else if (strcmp(buffer,"BSP") == 0) { _imd_load_bsp(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,s,(UWORD)n); } #endif else if (strcmp(buffer,"CONNECTORS") == 0) { //load connector stuff s->nconnectors = n; _imd_load_connectors(&pFileData,FileDataEnd,s); } else { // DBPRINTF(("1) current file pos = %p (%x) - endoffile = %p\n",*ppFileData,**ppFileData,FileDataEnd)); iV_Error(0xff,"(_load_level) unexpected directive %s %d",buffer,&n); OptionalsCompleted=TRUE; break; } } } } else { /* Failed to allocate memory for s */ debug(LOG_ERROR, "_imd_load_level: Memory allocation error"); } *ppFileData = pFileData; return s; } BOOL iV_setImagePath(STRING *path) { int i; strcpy(imagePath,path); i = strlen(imagePath); if (imagePath[i] != '\\') { imagePath[i] = '\\'; imagePath[i+1] = 0; } return TRUE; } static char *_imd_get_path(STRING *filename, STRING *path) { int n, i; n = strlen(filename); for (i=n-1; i>=0 && (filename[i] != '\\'); i--) ; if (i<0) path[0] = '\0'; else { memcpy(path,filename,i+1); path[i+1] = '\0'; } return path; } /***************************************************************************/ BOOL CheckColourKey( iIMDShape *psShape ) { iIMDShape *psShapeLevel; int i; if ( rendSurface.usr >= REND_D3D_RGB && rendSurface.usr <= REND_D3D_REF ) { /* check model override flags else check all polys for colorkey flag */ if ( _IMD_FLAGS & iV_IMD_XTRANS ) { return TRUE; } else { psShapeLevel = psShape; /* loop over levels in model */ while ( psShape != NULL ) { /* loop over polys in level */ for ( i=0; inpolys; i++ ) { /* break if transparent poly found */ if ( psShape->polys[i].flags & PIE_COLOURKEYED ) { return TRUE; } } /* next level */ psShape = psShape->next; } } } return FALSE; }