/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * @file netplay.c * * Basic netcode. */ #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #include // for stats #include #ifdef WZ_OS_MAC #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include "netplay.h" #include "netlog.h" // WARNING !!! This is initialised via configuration.c !!! char masterserver_name[255] = {'\0'}; unsigned int masterserver_port = 0, gameserver_port = 0; #define MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS 8 #define MAX_TMP_SOCKETS 16 #define NET_READ_TIMEOUT 0 #define NET_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 // HACK to allow us to call a src/multistat.c function upon receiving a NET_PLAYER_STATS msg extern void recvMultiStats(void); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function prototypes static void NETallowJoining(void); extern BOOL MultiPlayerJoin(UDWORD dpid); /* from src/multijoin.c ! */ extern BOOL MultiPlayerLeave(UDWORD dpid); /* from src/multijoin.c ! */ /* * Network globals, these are part of the new network API */ NETMSG NetMsg; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Types typedef struct // data regarding the last one second or so. { UDWORD bytesRecvd; UDWORD bytesSent; // number of bytes sent in about 1 sec. UDWORD packetsSent; UDWORD packetsRecvd; } NETSTATS; typedef struct { uint16_t size; void* data; size_t buffer_size; } NET_PLAYER_DATA; typedef struct { uint32_t id; BOOL allocated; char name[StringSize]; uint32_t flags; } NET_PLAYER; typedef struct { TCPsocket socket; char* buffer; unsigned int buffer_start; unsigned int bytes; } NETBUFSOCKET; #define PLAYER_HOST 1 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables NETPLAY NetPlay; static BOOL allow_joining = false; static GAMESTRUCT game; static TCPsocket tcp_socket = NULL; static NETBUFSOCKET* bsocket = NULL; static NETBUFSOCKET* connected_bsocket[MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS] = { NULL }; static SDLNet_SocketSet socket_set = NULL; static BOOL is_server = false; static TCPsocket tmp_socket[MAX_TMP_SOCKETS] = { NULL }; static SDLNet_SocketSet tmp_socket_set = NULL; static char* hostname; static NETSTATS nStats = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static NET_PLAYER players[MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS]; static int32_t NetGameFlags[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char iptoconnect[PATH_MAX] = "\0"; // holds IP/hostname from command line // *********** Socket with buffer that read NETMSGs ****************** static NETBUFSOCKET* NET_createBufferedSocket(void) { NETBUFSOCKET* bs = (NETBUFSOCKET*)malloc(sizeof(*bs)); bs->socket = NULL; bs->buffer = NULL; bs->buffer_start = 0; bs->bytes = 0; return bs; } static void NET_destroyBufferedSocket(NETBUFSOCKET* bs) { free(bs->buffer); free(bs); } static void NET_initBufferedSocket(NETBUFSOCKET* bs, TCPsocket s) { bs->socket = s; if (bs->buffer == NULL) { bs->buffer = (char*)malloc(NET_BUFFER_SIZE); } bs->buffer_start = 0; bs->bytes = 0; } static BOOL NET_fillBuffer(NETBUFSOCKET* bs, SDLNet_SocketSet socket_set) { int size; char* bufstart = bs->buffer + bs->buffer_start + bs->bytes; const int bufsize = NET_BUFFER_SIZE - bs->buffer_start - bs->bytes; if (bs->buffer_start != 0) { return false; } if (SDLNet_SocketReady(bs->socket) <= 0) { return false; } size = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(bs->socket, bufstart, bufsize); if (size > 0) { bs->bytes += size; return true; } else { if (socket_set != NULL) { SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket(socket_set, bs->socket); } SDLNet_TCP_Close(bs->socket); bs->socket = NULL; } return false; } // Check if we have a full message waiting for us. If not, return false and wait for more data. // If there is a data remnant somewhere in the buffer except at its beginning, move it to the // beginning. static BOOL NET_recvMessage(NETBUFSOCKET* bs) { NETMSG *pMsg = &NetMsg; unsigned int size; const NETMSG* message = (NETMSG*)(bs->buffer + bs->buffer_start); const unsigned int headersize = sizeof(message->size) + sizeof(message->type) + sizeof(message->destination) + sizeof(message->source); if (headersize > bs->bytes) { goto error; } size = message->size + headersize; if (size > bs->bytes) { goto error; } memcpy(pMsg, message, size); bs->buffer_start += size; bs->bytes -= size; return true; error: if (bs->buffer_start != 0) { static char* tmp_buffer = NULL; char* buffer_start = bs->buffer + bs->buffer_start; char* tmp; // Create tmp buffer if necessary if (tmp_buffer == NULL) { tmp_buffer = (char*)malloc(NET_BUFFER_SIZE); } // Move remaining contents into tmp buffer memcpy(tmp_buffer, buffer_start, bs->bytes); // swap tmp buffer with buffer tmp = bs->buffer; bs->buffer = tmp_buffer; tmp_buffer = tmp; // Now data is in the beginning of the buffer bs->buffer_start = 0; } return false; } static void NET_InitPlayers(void) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++i) { players[i].allocated = false; players[i].id = i; } } static void NETBroadcastPlayerInfo(int dpid) { NETbeginEncode(NET_PLAYER_INFO, NET_ALL_PLAYERS); NETuint32_t(&players[dpid].id); NETbool(&players[dpid].allocated); NETstring(players[dpid].name, sizeof(players[dpid].name)); NETuint32_t(&players[dpid].flags); NETend(); } static unsigned int NET_CreatePlayer(const char* name, unsigned int flags) { unsigned int i; for (i = 1; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++i) { if (players[i].allocated == false) { players[i].allocated = true; strlcpy(players[i].name, name, sizeof(players[i].name)); players[i].flags = flags; NETBroadcastPlayerInfo(i); return i; } } return 0; } static void NET_DestroyPlayer(unsigned int id) { players[id].allocated = false; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // count players. UDWORD NETplayerInfo(void) { unsigned int i; NetPlay.playercount = 0; // reset player counter if(!NetPlay.bComms) { NetPlay.playercount = 1; NetPlay.players[0].bHost = true; NetPlay.players[0].dpid = HOST_DPID; return 1; } memset(NetPlay.players, 0, sizeof(NetPlay.players)); // reset player info for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++i) { if (players[i].allocated == true) { NetPlay.players[NetPlay.playercount].dpid = i; strlcpy(NetPlay.players[NetPlay.playercount].name, players[i].name, sizeof(NetPlay.players[NetPlay.playercount].name)); if (players[i].flags & PLAYER_HOST) { NetPlay.players[NetPlay.playercount].bHost = true; } else { NetPlay.players[NetPlay.playercount].bHost = false; } NetPlay.playercount++; } } return NetPlay.playercount; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // rename the local player BOOL NETchangePlayerName(UDWORD dpid, char *newName) { if(!NetPlay.bComms) { strlcpy(NetPlay.players[0].name, newName, sizeof(NetPlay.players[0].name)); return true; } debug(LOG_NET, "Requesting a change of player name for pid=%d to %s", dpid, newName); strlcpy(players[dpid].name, newName, sizeof(players[dpid].name)); NETBroadcastPlayerInfo(dpid); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return one of the four user flags in the current sessiondescription. SDWORD NETgetGameFlags(UDWORD flag) { if (flag < 1 || flag > 4) { return 0; } else { return NetGameFlags[flag-1]; } } static void NETsendGameFlags(void) { NETbeginEncode(NET_GAME_FLAGS, NET_ALL_PLAYERS); { // Send the amount of game flags we're about to send uint8_t i, count = ARRAY_SIZE(NetGameFlags); NETuint8_t(&count); // Send over all game flags for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { NETint32_t(&NetGameFlags[i]); } } NETend(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set a game flag BOOL NETsetGameFlags(UDWORD flag, SDWORD value) { if(!NetPlay.bComms) { return true; } if (flag > 0 && flag < 5) { return (NetGameFlags[flag-1] = value); } NETsendGameFlags(); return true; } static void NETsendGAMESTRUCT(TCPsocket socket, const GAMESTRUCT* game) { // A buffer that's guaranteed to have the correct size (i.e. it // circumvents struct padding, which could pose a problem). char buf[sizeof(game->name) + sizeof(game->desc.host) + sizeof(int32_t) * 8]; char *buffer = buf; // Now dump the data into the buffer // Copy a string strlcpy(buffer, game->name, sizeof(game->name)); buffer += sizeof(game->name); // Copy 32bit large big endian numbers *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwSize); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwFlags); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); // Copy yet another string strlcpy(buffer, game->desc.host, sizeof(game->desc.host)); buffer += sizeof(game->desc.host); // Copy 32bit large big endian numbers *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwMaxPlayers); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwCurrentPlayers); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwUser1); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwUser2); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwUser3); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); *(int32_t*)buffer = SDL_SwapBE32(game->desc.dwUser4); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); // Send over the GAMESTRUCT SDLNet_TCP_Send(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)); } static bool NETrecvGAMESTRUCT(GAMESTRUCT* game) { // A buffer that's guaranteed to have the correct size (i.e. it // circumvents struct padding, which could pose a problem). char buf[sizeof(game->name) + sizeof(game->desc.host) + sizeof(int32_t) * 8]; char* buffer = buf; int result = 0; // Read a GAMESTRUCT from the connection if (tcp_socket == NULL || socket_set == NULL || SDLNet_CheckSockets(socket_set, 1000) <= 0 || !SDLNet_SocketReady(tcp_socket) || (result = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(tcp_socket, buf, sizeof(buf))) != sizeof(buf)) { if (result < 0) { debug(LOG_WARNING, "SDLNet_TCP_Recv error: %s tcp_socket %p is now invalid", SDLNet_GetError(), tcp_socket); tcp_socket = NULL; //SDLnet docs say to 'disconnect' here. Dunno how. :S } return false; } // Now dump the data into the game struct // Copy a string strlcpy(game->name, buffer, sizeof(game->name)); buffer += sizeof(game->name); // Copy 32bit large big endian numbers game->desc.dwSize = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwFlags = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); // Copy yet another string strlcpy(game->desc.host, buffer, sizeof(game->desc.host)); buffer += sizeof(game->desc.host); // Copy 32bit large big endian numbers game->desc.dwMaxPlayers = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwCurrentPlayers = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwUser1 = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwUser2 = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwUser3 = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); game->desc.dwUser4 = SDL_SwapBE32(*(int32_t*)buffer); buffer += sizeof(int32_t); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // setup stuff int NETinit(BOOL bFirstCall) { UDWORD i; debug( LOG_NET, "NETinit" ); if(bFirstCall) { debug(LOG_NET, "NETPLAY: Init called, MORNIN'"); NetPlay.dpidPlayer = 0; NetPlay.bHost = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { memset(&NetPlay.players[i], 0, sizeof(NetPlay.players[i])); memset(&NetPlay.games[i], 0, sizeof(NetPlay.games[i])); } NetPlay.bComms = true; NETstartLogging(); } if (SDLNet_Init() == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "SDLNet_Init: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return -1; } return 0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHUTDOWN THE CONNECTION. int NETshutdown(void) { debug( LOG_NET, "NETshutdown" ); NETstopLogging(); SDLNet_Quit(); return 0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //close the open game.. int NETclose(void) { unsigned int i; int result; debug(LOG_NET, "NETclose"); NEThaltJoining(); is_server=false; if(bsocket) { NET_destroyBufferedSocket(bsocket); bsocket=NULL; } for(i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; i++) { if (connected_bsocket[i]) { NET_destroyBufferedSocket(connected_bsocket[i]); connected_bsocket[i]=NULL; } NET_DestroyPlayer(i); } if (tmp_socket_set) { SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(tmp_socket_set); tmp_socket_set=NULL; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_TMP_SOCKETS; i++) { if (tmp_socket[i]) { SDLNet_TCP_Close(tmp_socket[i]); tmp_socket[i]=NULL; } } if (socket_set) { // checking to make sure tcp_socket is still valid result = SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket(socket_set, tcp_socket); if (result == -1) { debug(LOG_NET,"SDLNet_DelSocket error: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); tcp_socket = NULL; } SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(socket_set); socket_set=NULL; } if (tcp_socket) { SDLNet_TCP_Close(tcp_socket); tcp_socket=NULL; } return 0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send and Recv functions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return bytes of data sent recently. UDWORD NETgetBytesSent(void) { static UDWORD lastsec=0; static UDWORD timy=0; if( (UDWORD)clock() > (timy+CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ) { timy = clock(); lastsec = nStats.bytesSent; nStats.bytesSent = 0; } return lastsec; } UDWORD NETgetRecentBytesSent(void) { return nStats.bytesSent; } UDWORD NETgetBytesRecvd(void) { static UDWORD lastsec=0; static UDWORD timy=0; if( (UDWORD)clock() > (timy+CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ) { timy = clock(); lastsec = nStats.bytesRecvd; nStats.bytesRecvd = 0; } return lastsec; } UDWORD NETgetRecentBytesRecvd(void) { return nStats.bytesRecvd; } //return number of packets sent last sec. UDWORD NETgetPacketsSent(void) { static UDWORD lastsec=0; static UDWORD timy=0; if( (UDWORD)clock() > (timy+CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ) { timy = clock(); lastsec = nStats.packetsSent; nStats.packetsSent = 0; } return lastsec; } UDWORD NETgetRecentPacketsSent(void) { return nStats.packetsSent; } UDWORD NETgetPacketsRecvd(void) { static UDWORD lastsec=0; static UDWORD timy=0; if( (UDWORD)clock() > (timy+CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ) { timy = clock(); lastsec = nStats.packetsRecvd; nStats.packetsRecvd = 0; } return lastsec; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send a message to a player, option to guarantee message BOOL NETsend(NETMSG *msg, UDWORD player) { int size; int result = 0; if(!NetPlay.bComms) { return true; } if (player >= MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS) return false; msg->destination = player; msg->source = selectedPlayer; size = msg->size + sizeof(msg->size) + sizeof(msg->type) + sizeof(msg->destination) + sizeof(msg->source); NETlogPacket(msg, false); if (is_server) { if ( player < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS && connected_bsocket[player] != NULL && connected_bsocket[player]->socket != NULL && (result = SDLNet_TCP_Send(connected_bsocket[player]->socket, msg, size) == size)) { nStats.bytesSent += size; nStats.packetsSent += 1; return true; } else { if (result < size) { debug(LOG_NET, "SDLNet_TCP_Send returned: %d error: %s line %d", result, SDLNet_GetError(),__LINE__); connected_bsocket[player]->socket = NULL ; // It is invalid, Unknown how to handle. } } } else { if (tcp_socket && (result = SDLNet_TCP_Send(tcp_socket, msg, size) == size)) { return true; } else { if (result < size) { debug(LOG_NET, "SDLNet_TCP_Send returned: %d error: %s line %d", result, SDLNet_GetError(),__LINE__); tcp_socket = NULL; // unknow how to handle when invalid. } } } return false; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // broadcast a message to all players. BOOL NETbcast(NETMSG *msg) { int size; int result = 0; if(!NetPlay.bComms) { return true; } msg->destination = NET_ALL_PLAYERS; msg->source = selectedPlayer; size = msg->size + sizeof(msg->size) + sizeof(msg->type) + sizeof(msg->destination) + sizeof(msg->source); NETlogPacket(msg, false); if (is_server) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++i) { if ( connected_bsocket[i] != NULL && connected_bsocket[i]->socket != NULL) { result = SDLNet_TCP_Send(connected_bsocket[i]->socket, msg, size); } else { if (result < size) { debug(LOG_NET, "SDLNet_TCP_Send returned: %d error: %s line %d", result, SDLNet_GetError(),__LINE__); connected_bsocket[i]->socket = NULL; // Unsure how to handle invalid sockets. } } } } else { if (tcp_socket == NULL) { return false; } result = SDLNet_TCP_Send(tcp_socket, msg, size); if (result < size) { debug(LOG_WARNING, "SDLNet_TCP_Send returned: %d, error %s tcp_socket %p is now invalid.", result, SDLNet_GetError(), tcp_socket); tcp_socket = NULL; // unsure how to handle invalid sockets. return false; } } nStats.bytesSent += size; nStats.packetsSent += 1; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if a message is a system message static BOOL NETprocessSystemMessage(void) { NETMSG *pMsg = &NetMsg; switch (pMsg->type) { case NET_PLAYER_STATS: { recvMultiStats(); break; } case NET_PLAYER_INFO: { uint32_t dpid; NETbeginDecode(NET_PLAYER_INFO); // Retrieve the player's ID NETuint32_t(&dpid); debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: Receiving MSG_PLAYER_INFO for player %u", (unsigned int)dpid); // Bail out if the given ID number is out of range if (dpid >= MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS) { debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: MSG_PLAYER_INFO: Player ID (%u) out of range (max %u)", (unsigned int)dpid, (unsigned int)MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS); NETend(); break; } // Copy the ID into the correct player's slot players[dpid].id = dpid; // Retrieve the rest of the data NETbool(&players[dpid].allocated); NETstring(players[dpid].name, sizeof(players[dpid].name)); NETuint32_t(&players[dpid].flags); NETend(); NETplayerInfo(); // If we're the game host make sure to send the updated // data to all other clients as well. if (is_server) { NETBroadcastPlayerInfo(dpid); } break; } case NET_PLAYER_JOINED: { uint8_t dpid; NETbeginDecode(NET_PLAYER_JOINED); NETuint8_t(&dpid); NETend(); debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: Receiving NET_PLAYER_JOINED for player %u", (unsigned int)dpid); MultiPlayerJoin(dpid); break; } case NET_PLAYER_LEFT: { uint32_t dpid; NETbeginDecode(NET_PLAYER_LEFT); NETuint32_t(&dpid); NETend(); debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: Receiving NET_PLAYER_LEFT for player %u", (unsigned int)dpid); NET_DestroyPlayer(dpid); MultiPlayerLeave(dpid); break; } case NET_GAME_FLAGS: { debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: Receiving game flags"); NETbeginDecode(NET_GAME_FLAGS); { static unsigned int max_flags = ARRAY_SIZE(NetGameFlags); // Retrieve the amount of game flags that we should receive uint8_t i, count; NETuint8_t(&count); // Make sure that we won't get buffer overflows by checking that we // have enough space to store the given amount of game flags. if (count > max_flags) { debug(LOG_NET, "NETprocessSystemMessage: NET_GAME_FLAGS: More game flags sent (%u) than our buffer can hold (%u)", (unsigned int)count, max_flags); count = max_flags; } // Retrieve all game flags for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { NETint32_t(&NetGameFlags[i]); } } NETend(); if (is_server) { NETsendGameFlags(); } break; } default: return false; } return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Receive a message over the current connection. We return true if there // is a message for the higher level code to process, and false otherwise. // We should not block here. BOOL NETrecv(uint8_t *type) { NETMSG *pMsg = &NetMsg; static unsigned int current = 0; BOOL received; int size; if (!NetPlay.bComms) { return false; } if (is_server) { NETallowJoining(); } do { receive_message: received = false; if (is_server) { if (connected_bsocket[current] == NULL) { return false; } received = NET_recvMessage(connected_bsocket[current]); if (received == false) { uint32_t i = current + 1; if (socket_set == NULL || SDLNet_CheckSockets(socket_set, NET_READ_TIMEOUT) <= 0) { return false; } for (;;) { if (connected_bsocket[i]->socket == NULL) { // do nothing } else if (NET_fillBuffer(connected_bsocket[i], socket_set)) { // we received some data, add to buffer received = NET_recvMessage(connected_bsocket[i]); current = i; break; } else if (connected_bsocket[i]->socket == NULL) { // check if we dropped any players in the check above // Decrement player count --game.desc.dwCurrentPlayers; debug(LOG_NET, "NETrecv: dpid to send set to %u", (unsigned int)i); NETbeginEncode(NET_PLAYER_LEFT, NET_ALL_PLAYERS); NETuint32_t(&i); NETend(); MultiPlayerLeave(i); NET_DestroyPlayer(i); } if (++i == MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS) { i = 0; } if (i == current+1) { return false; } } } } else { // we are a client if (bsocket == NULL) { return false; } else { received = NET_recvMessage(bsocket); if (received == false) { if ( socket_set != NULL && SDLNet_CheckSockets(socket_set, NET_READ_TIMEOUT) > 0 && NET_fillBuffer(bsocket, socket_set)) { received = NET_recvMessage(bsocket); } } } } if (received == false) { return false; } else { size = pMsg->size + sizeof(pMsg->size) + sizeof(pMsg->type) + sizeof(pMsg->destination) + sizeof(pMsg->source); if (is_server == false) { // do nothing } else if (pMsg->destination == NET_ALL_PLAYERS) { unsigned int j; // we are the host, and have received a broadcast packet; distribute it for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++j) { if ( j != current && connected_bsocket[j] != NULL && connected_bsocket[j]->socket != NULL) { SDLNet_TCP_Send(connected_bsocket[j]->socket, pMsg, size); } } } else if (pMsg->destination != NetPlay.dpidPlayer) { // message was not meant for us; send it further if ( pMsg->destination < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS && connected_bsocket[pMsg->destination] != NULL && connected_bsocket[pMsg->destination]->socket != NULL) { debug(LOG_NET, "Reflecting message type %hhu to UDWORD %hhu", pMsg->type, pMsg->destination); SDLNet_TCP_Send(connected_bsocket[pMsg->destination]->socket, pMsg, size); } else { debug(LOG_NET, "Cannot reflect message type %hhu to %hhu", pMsg->type, pMsg->destination); } goto receive_message; } nStats.bytesRecvd += size; nStats.packetsRecvd += 1; } } while (NETprocessSystemMessage() == true); NETlogPacket(pMsg, true); *type = pMsg->type; return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Protocol functions BOOL NETsetupTCPIP(const char *machine) { debug(LOG_NET, "NETsetupTCPIP(,%s)", machine ? machine : "NULL"); if ( hostname != NULL && hostname != masterserver_name) { free(hostname); } if ( machine != NULL && machine[0] != '\0') { hostname = strdup(machine); } else { hostname = masterserver_name; } return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File Transfer programs. // send file. it returns % of file sent. when 100 it's complete. call until it returns 100. #define MAX_FILE_TRANSFER_PACKET 256 UBYTE NETsendFile(BOOL newFile, char *fileName, UDWORD player) { static int32_t fileSize,currPos; static PHYSFS_file *pFileHandle; int32_t bytesRead; char inBuff[MAX_FILE_TRANSFER_PACKET]; uint8_t sendto = 0; memset(inBuff, 0x0, sizeof(inBuff)); if (newFile) { // open the file. pFileHandle = PHYSFS_openRead(fileName); // check file exists if (pFileHandle == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETsendFile: Failed"); return 0; // failed } // get the file's size. fileSize = 0; currPos = 0; do { bytesRead = PHYSFS_read(pFileHandle, inBuff, 1, MAX_FILE_TRANSFER_PACKET); fileSize += bytesRead; } while(bytesRead != 0); PHYSFS_seek(pFileHandle, 0); } // read some bytes. bytesRead = PHYSFS_read(pFileHandle, inBuff,1, MAX_FILE_TRANSFER_PACKET); if (player == 0) { // FIXME: why would you send (map) file to everyone ?? // even if they already have it? multiplay.c 1529 & 1550 are both // NETsendFile(true,mapStr,0); & NETsendFile(false,game.map,0); // so we ALWAYS send it, it seems? NETbeginEncode(FILEMSG, NET_ALL_PLAYERS); // send it. } else { sendto = (uint8_t) player; NETbeginEncode(FILEMSG,sendto); } // form a message NETint32_t(&fileSize); // total bytes in this file. NETint32_t(&bytesRead); // bytes in this packet NETint32_t(&currPos); // start byte NETstring(fileName, 256); //256 = max filename size NETbin(inBuff, bytesRead); NETend(); currPos += bytesRead; // update position! if(currPos == fileSize) { PHYSFS_close(pFileHandle); } return (currPos * 100) / fileSize; } // recv file. it returns % of the file so far recvd. UBYTE NETrecvFile(void) { int32_t fileSize, currPos, bytesRead; char fileName[256]; char outBuff[MAX_FILE_TRANSFER_PACKET]; static PHYSFS_file *pFileHandle; memset(fileName, 0x0, sizeof(fileName)); memset(outBuff, 0x0, sizeof(outBuff)); //read incoming bytes. NETbeginDecode(FILEMSG); NETint32_t(&fileSize); // total bytes in this file. NETint32_t(&bytesRead); // bytes in this packet NETint32_t(&currPos); // start byte // read filename NETstring(fileName, 256); // Ugh. 256 = max array size debug(LOG_NET, "NETrecvFile: Creating new file %s", fileName); if (currPos == 0) // first packet! { pFileHandle = PHYSFS_openWrite(fileName); // create a new file. } NETbin(outBuff, bytesRead); NETend(); //write packet to the file. PHYSFS_write(pFileHandle, outBuff, bytesRead, 1); if (currPos+bytesRead == fileSize) // last packet { PHYSFS_close(pFileHandle); } //return the percentage count return ((currPos + bytesRead) * 100) / fileSize; } static void NETregisterServer(int state) { static TCPsocket rs_socket = NULL; static int registered = 0; static int server_not_there = 0; IPaddress ip; if (server_not_there) { return; } if (state != registered) { switch(state) { case 1: { if(SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, masterserver_name, masterserver_port) == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETregisterServer: Cannot resolve masterserver \"%s\": %s", masterserver_name, SDLNet_GetError()); server_not_there = 1; return; } if(!rs_socket) rs_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); if(rs_socket == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETregisterServer: Cannot connect to masterserver \"%s:%d\": %s", masterserver_name, masterserver_port, SDLNet_GetError()); server_not_there = 1; return; } SDLNet_TCP_Send(rs_socket, "addg", 5); NETsendGAMESTRUCT(rs_socket, &game); } break; case 0: SDLNet_TCP_Close(rs_socket); rs_socket=NULL; break; } registered=state; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Host a game with a given name and player name. & 4 user game flags static void NETallowJoining(void) { unsigned int i; UDWORD numgames = SDL_SwapBE32(1); // always 1 on normal server char buffer[5]; if (allow_joining == false) return; NETregisterServer(1); if (tmp_socket_set == NULL) { // initialize server socket set // FIXME: why is this not done in NETinit()?? - Per tmp_socket_set = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(MAX_TMP_SOCKETS+1); if (tmp_socket_set == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETallowJoining: Cannot create socket set: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return; } SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(tmp_socket_set, tcp_socket); debug(LOG_NET,"TCP_AddSocket using %p set, socket %p", tmp_socket_set, tcp_socket); } if (SDLNet_CheckSockets(tmp_socket_set, NET_READ_TIMEOUT) > 0) { if (SDLNet_SocketReady(tcp_socket)) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_TMP_SOCKETS; ++i) { if (tmp_socket[i] == NULL) { break; } } tmp_socket[i] = SDLNet_TCP_Accept(tcp_socket); SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(tmp_socket_set, tmp_socket[i]); if (SDLNet_CheckSockets(tmp_socket_set, 1000) > 0 && SDLNet_SocketReady(tmp_socket[0]) && SDLNet_TCP_Recv(tmp_socket[i], buffer, 5)) { if(strcmp(buffer, "list")==0) { SDLNet_TCP_Send(tmp_socket[i], &numgames, sizeof(numgames)); NETsendGAMESTRUCT(tmp_socket[i], &game); } else if (strcmp(buffer, "join") == 0) { NETsendGAMESTRUCT(tmp_socket[i], &game); } } else { return; } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TMP_SOCKETS; ++i) { if ( tmp_socket[i] != NULL && SDLNet_SocketReady(tmp_socket[i]) > 0) { int size = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(tmp_socket[i], &NetMsg, sizeof(NetMsg)); if (size <= 0) { // socket probably disconnected. SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket(tmp_socket_set, tmp_socket[i]); SDLNet_TCP_Close(tmp_socket[i]); tmp_socket[i] = NULL; } else if (NetMsg.type == NET_JOIN) { char name[64]; int j; uint8_t dpid; NETbeginDecode(NET_JOIN); NETstring(name, sizeof(name)); NETend(); dpid = NET_CreatePlayer(name, 0); debug(LOG_NET, "NETallowJoining, NET_JOIN: dpid set to %u", (unsigned int)dpid); SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket(tmp_socket_set, tmp_socket[i]); NET_initBufferedSocket(connected_bsocket[dpid], tmp_socket[i]); SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(socket_set, connected_bsocket[dpid]->socket); tmp_socket[i] = NULL; // Increment player count game.desc.dwCurrentPlayers++; NETbeginEncode(NET_ACCEPTED, dpid); NETuint8_t(&dpid); NETend(); MultiPlayerJoin(dpid); // Send info about players to newcomer. for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++j) { if (players[j].allocated && dpid != players[j].id) { uint8_t id = players[j].id; NETbeginEncode(NET_PLAYER_JOINED, dpid); NETuint8_t(&id); NETend(); } } // Send info about newcomer to all players. NETbeginEncode(NET_PLAYER_JOINED, NET_ALL_PLAYERS); NETuint8_t(&dpid); NETend(); for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++j) { NETBroadcastPlayerInfo(j); } // Make sure the master server gets updated by disconnecting from it // NETallowJoining will reconnect NETregisterServer(0); } } } } } BOOL NEThostGame(const char* SessionName, const char* PlayerName, SDWORD one, SDWORD two, SDWORD three, SDWORD four, UDWORD plyrs) // # of players. { IPaddress ip; unsigned int i; debug(LOG_NET, "NEThostGame(%s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %u)", SessionName, PlayerName, one, two, three, four, plyrs); if(!NetPlay.bComms) { NetPlay.dpidPlayer = HOST_DPID; NetPlay.bHost = true; return true; } if(SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, NULL, gameserver_port) == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NEThostGame: Cannot resolve master self: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } if(!tcp_socket) tcp_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); if(tcp_socket == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NEThostGame: Cannot connect to master self: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } debug(LOG_NET, "New tcp_socket = %p", tcp_socket); if(!socket_set) socket_set = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS); if (socket_set == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NEThostGame: Cannot create socket set: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(socket_set, tcp_socket); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS; ++i) { connected_bsocket[i] = NET_createBufferedSocket(); } is_server = true; strlcpy(game.name, SessionName, sizeof(game.name)); memset(&game.desc, 0, sizeof(game.desc)); game.desc.dwSize = sizeof(game.desc); //game.desc.guidApplication = GAME_GUID; game.desc.host[0] = '\0'; game.desc.dwCurrentPlayers = 1; game.desc.dwMaxPlayers = plyrs; game.desc.dwFlags = 0; game.desc.dwUser1 = one; game.desc.dwUser2 = two; game.desc.dwUser3 = three; game.desc.dwUser4 = four; NET_InitPlayers(); NetPlay.dpidPlayer = NET_CreatePlayer(PlayerName, PLAYER_HOST); NetPlay.bHost = true; MultiPlayerJoin(NetPlay.dpidPlayer); allow_joining = true; NETregisterServer(0); debug(LOG_NET, "Hosting a server. We are player %d.", NetPlay.dpidPlayer); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Stop the dplay interface from accepting more players. BOOL NEThaltJoining(void) { debug(LOG_NET, "NEThaltJoining"); allow_joining = false; // disconnect from the master server NETregisterServer(0); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // find games on open connection BOOL NETfindGame(void) { unsigned int gamecount = 0; uint32_t gamesavailable; IPaddress ip; unsigned int port = (hostname == masterserver_name) ? masterserver_port : gameserver_port; int result = 0; debug(LOG_NET, "NETfindGame"); NetPlay.games[0].desc.dwSize = 0; NetPlay.games[0].desc.dwCurrentPlayers = 0; NetPlay.games[0].desc.dwMaxPlayers = 0; if(!NetPlay.bComms) { NetPlay.dpidPlayer = HOST_DPID; NetPlay.bHost = true; return true; } // We first check to see if we were given a IP/hostname from the command line if (strlen(iptoconnect) ) { if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, iptoconnect, port) == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "Error connecting to client via hostname provided (%s)",iptoconnect); debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETfindGame: Cannot resolve hostname :%s",SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } else { // We got a valid ip now hostname = strdup(iptoconnect); //copy it memset(iptoconnect,0x0,sizeof(iptoconnect)); //reset it (so we don't loop back to this routine) } } else if (SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, hostname, port) == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETfindGame: Cannot resolve hostname \"%s\": %s", hostname, SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } if (tcp_socket != NULL) { SDLNet_TCP_Close(tcp_socket); tcp_socket = NULL; } tcp_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); if (tcp_socket == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETfindGame: Cannot connect to \"%s:%d\": %s", hostname, port, SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } debug(LOG_NET, "New tcp_socket = %p", tcp_socket); socket_set = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); if (socket_set == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETfindGame: Cannot create socket set: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(socket_set, tcp_socket); SDLNet_TCP_Send(tcp_socket, "list", 5); if (SDLNet_CheckSockets(socket_set, 1000) > 0 && SDLNet_SocketReady(tcp_socket) && (result = SDLNet_TCP_Recv(tcp_socket, &gamesavailable, sizeof(gamesavailable)))) { gamesavailable = SDL_SwapBE32(gamesavailable); } else { if (result < 0) { debug(LOG_NET, "SDLNet_TCP_Recv returned %d, error: %s - tcp_socket %p is now invalid.", result, SDLNet_GetError(), tcp_socket); tcp_socket = NULL; // unsure how to handle invalid sockets? } // when we fail to receive a game count, bail out return false; } debug(LOG_NET, "receiving info of %u game(s)", (unsigned int)gamesavailable); do { // Attempt to receive a game description structure if (!NETrecvGAMESTRUCT(&NetPlay.games[gamecount])) // If we fail, success depends on the amount of games that we've read already return gamecount; if (NetPlay.games[gamecount].desc.host[0] == '\0') { unsigned char* address = (unsigned char*)(&(ip.host)); snprintf(NetPlay.games[gamecount].desc.host, sizeof(NetPlay.games[gamecount].desc.host), "%i.%i.%i.%i", (int)(address[0]), (int)(address[1]), (int)(address[2]), (int)(address[3])); } ++gamecount; } while (gamecount < gamesavailable); return true; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions used to setup and join games. BOOL NETjoinGame(UDWORD gameNumber, const char* playername) { IPaddress ip; debug(LOG_NET, "NETjoinGame gameNumber=%d", gameNumber); NETclose(); // just to be sure :) if (hostname != masterserver_name) { free(hostname); } hostname = strdup(NetPlay.games[gameNumber].desc.host); if(SDLNet_ResolveHost(&ip, hostname, gameserver_port) == -1) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETjoinGame: Cannot resolve hostname \"%s\": %s", hostname, SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } if (tcp_socket != NULL) { SDLNet_TCP_Close(tcp_socket); } tcp_socket = SDLNet_TCP_Open(&ip); if (tcp_socket == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETjoinGame: Cannot connect to \"%s:%d\": %s", hostname, gameserver_port, SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } socket_set = SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); if (socket_set == NULL) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "NETjoinGame: Cannot create socket set: %s", SDLNet_GetError()); return false; } SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket(socket_set, tcp_socket); SDLNet_TCP_Send(tcp_socket, "join", 5); if (NETrecvGAMESTRUCT(&NetPlay.games[gameNumber]) && NetPlay.games[gameNumber].desc.host[0] == '\0') { unsigned char* address = (unsigned char*)(&(ip.host)); snprintf(NetPlay.games[gameNumber].desc.host, sizeof(NetPlay.games[gameNumber].desc.host), "%i.%i.%i.%i", (int)(address[0]), (int)(address[1]), (int)(address[2]), (int)(address[3])); } bsocket = NET_createBufferedSocket(); NET_initBufferedSocket(bsocket, tcp_socket); // Send a join message NETbeginEncode(NET_JOIN, HOST_DPID); // Casting constness away, because NETstring is const-incorrect // when sending/encoding a packet. NETstring((char*)playername, 64); NETend(); // Loop until we've been accepted into the game for (;;) { uint8_t type = NUM_GAME_PACKETS; NETrecv(&type); if (type == NET_ACCEPTED) { uint8_t dpid; NETbeginDecode(NET_ACCEPTED); // Retrieve the player ID the game host arranged for us NETuint8_t(&dpid); NETend(); NetPlay.dpidPlayer = dpid; debug(LOG_NET, "NETjoinGame: NET_ACCEPTED received. Accepted into the game - I'm player %u", (unsigned int)NetPlay.dpidPlayer); NetPlay.bHost = false; if (NetPlay.dpidPlayer >= MAX_CONNECTED_PLAYERS) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "Bad player number (%u) received from host!", NetPlay.dpidPlayer); return false; } players[NetPlay.dpidPlayer].allocated = true; players[NetPlay.dpidPlayer].id = NetPlay.dpidPlayer; strlcpy(players[NetPlay.dpidPlayer].name, playername, sizeof(players[NetPlay.dpidPlayer].name)); players[NetPlay.dpidPlayer].flags = 0; return true; } } return false; } /*! * Set the masterserver name * \param hostname The hostname of the masterserver to connect to */ void NETsetMasterserverName(const char* hostname) { strlcpy(masterserver_name, hostname, sizeof(masterserver_name)); } /*! * Set the masterserver port * \param port The port of the masterserver to connect to */ void NETsetMasterserverPort(unsigned int port) { masterserver_port = port; } /*! * Set the port we shall host games on * \param port The port to listen to */ void NETsetGameserverPort(unsigned int port) { gameserver_port = port; }