/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * loadsave.c * load and save Popup screens. * * these don't actually do any loading or saving, but just * return a filename to use for the ops. */ #include #include #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #include "lib/framework/strres.h" #include "lib/widget/widget.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/piepalette.h" // for predefined colours. #include "lib/ivis_common/rendmode.h" // for boxfill #include "hci.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "multiplay.h" #include "game.h" #include "lib/sound/audio_id.h" #include "frontend.h" #include "winmain.h" #include "display3d.h" #include "display.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #endif #include "lib/netplay/netplay.h" #include "loop.h" #include "intdisplay.h" #include "text.h" #include "mission.h" #include "lib/gamelib/gtime.h" //====================================================================================== //-------------------------------- #define totalslots 20 //saves slots.. was 10 , now 20 *Away with hard coding values!* -Q #define totalslotspace 64 //guessing 64 max chars for filename. //-------------------------------- // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define LOADSAVE_X 130 + D_W #define LOADSAVE_Y 30 + D_H //was 170 -Q #define LOADSAVE_W 380 #define LOADSAVE_H 240 //was 200 -Q #define MAX_SAVE_NAME 60 #define LOADSAVE_HGAP 9 //from 5 to 9 -Q #define LOADSAVE_VGAP 9 //from 5 to 9 -Q #define LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH 40 //was 25 top banner which displays either load or save #define LOADENTRY_W (LOADSAVE_W -(3 * LOADSAVE_HGAP)) /2 #define LOADENTRY_H (LOADSAVE_H -(6 * LOADSAVE_VGAP )- (LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH+LOADSAVE_VGAP) ) /5 #define ID_LOADSAVE 21000 #define LOADSAVE_FORM ID_LOADSAVE+1 // back form. #define LOADSAVE_CANCEL ID_LOADSAVE+2 // cancel but. #define LOADSAVE_LABEL ID_LOADSAVE+3 // load/save #define LOADSAVE_BANNER ID_LOADSAVE+4 // banner. #define LOADENTRY_START ID_LOADSAVE+10 // each of the buttons. #define LOADENTRY_END ID_LOADSAVE+10 +totalslots // must have unique ID hmm -Q #define SAVEENTRY_EDIT ID_LOADSAVE+50 // save edit box. must be highest value possible I guess. -Q // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void drawBlueBox (UDWORD x,UDWORD y, UDWORD w, UDWORD h); BOOL closeLoadSave (void); BOOL runLoadSave (BOOL bResetMissionWidgets); BOOL displayLoadSave (void); static BOOL _addLoadSave (BOOL bLoad, const char *sSearchPath, const char *sExtension, char *title); static BOOL _runLoadSave (BOOL bResetMissionWidgets); static void displayLoadBanner (WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours); static void displayLoadSlot (WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours); static void displayLoadSaveEdit (WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours); void removeWildcards (char *pStr); static W_SCREEN *psRequestScreen; // Widget screen for requester static BOOL mode; static UDWORD chosenSlotId; BOOL bLoadSaveUp = FALSE; // true when interface is up and should be run. char saveGameName[256]; //the name of the save game to load from the front end char sRequestResult[255]; // filename returned; char sDelete[MAX_STR_LENGTH]; BOOL bRequestLoad = FALSE; LOADSAVE_MODE bLoadSaveMode; static char sPath[255]; static char sExt[4]; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return whether the save screen was displayed in the mission results screen BOOL saveInMissionRes(void) { return bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_MISSIONEND; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return whether the save screen was displayed in the middle of a mission BOOL saveMidMission(void) { return bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL addLoadSave(LOADSAVE_MODE mode, const char *sSearchPath, const char *sExtension, char *title) { BOOL bLoad; bLoadSaveMode = mode; switch(mode) { case LOAD_FRONTEND: case LOAD_MISSIONEND: case LOAD_INGAME: case LOAD_FORCE: bLoad = TRUE; break; case SAVE_MISSIONEND: case SAVE_INGAME: case SAVE_FORCE: default: bLoad = FALSE; break; } return _addLoadSave(bLoad,sSearchPath,sExtension,title); } //**************************************************************************************** // Load menu/save menu? //***************************************************************************************** static BOOL _addLoadSave(BOOL bLoad, const char *sSearchPath, const char *sExtension, char *title) { W_FORMINIT sFormInit; W_BUTINIT sButInit; W_LABINIT sLabInit; UDWORD slotCount; // removed hardcoded values! change with the defines above! -Q static char sSlots[totalslots][totalslotspace]; char **i, **files; mode = bLoad; debug(LOG_WZ, "_addLoadSave(%d, %s, %s, %s)", bLoad, sSearchPath, sExtension, title); if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms ==0)) { gameTimeStop(); if(GetGameMode() == GS_NORMAL) { BOOL radOnScreen = radarOnScreen; // Only do this in main game. bRender3DOnly = TRUE; radarOnScreen = FALSE; displayWorld(); // Just display the 3d, no interface pie_UploadDisplayBuffer(DisplayBuffer); // Upload the current display back buffer into system memory. radarOnScreen = radOnScreen; bRender3DOnly = FALSE; } setGamePauseStatus( TRUE ); setGameUpdatePause(TRUE); setScriptPause(TRUE); setScrollPause(TRUE); setConsolePause(TRUE); } forceHidePowerBar(); intRemoveReticule(); } (void) PHYSFS_mkdir(sSearchPath); // just in case widgCreateScreen(&psRequestScreen); // init the screen. widgSetTipFont(psRequestScreen,WFont); /* add a form to place the tabbed form on */ memset(&sFormInit, 0, sizeof(W_FORMINIT)); sFormInit.formID = 0; //this adds the blue background, and the "box" behind the buttons -Q sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.style = WFORM_PLAIN; sFormInit.x = (SWORD)(LOADSAVE_X); sFormInit.y = (SWORD)(LOADSAVE_Y); sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W; sFormInit.height = (LOADSAVE_H*2)-46; // hmm..the bottom of the box.... -Q sFormInit.disableChildren = TRUE; sFormInit.pDisplay = intOpenPlainForm; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner sFormInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sFormInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sFormInit.y = LOADSAVE_VGAP; sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); sFormInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; sFormInit.disableChildren = FALSE; sFormInit.pDisplay = displayLoadBanner; sFormInit.pUserData = (void *)bLoad; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner Label memset(&sLabInit, 0, sizeof(W_LABINIT)); sLabInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sLabInit.id = LOADSAVE_LABEL; sLabInit.style = WLAB_ALIGNCENTRE; sLabInit.x = 0; sLabInit.y = 3; sLabInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); //LOADSAVE_W; sLabInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; //This looks right -Q sLabInit.pText = title; sLabInit.FontID = WFont; widgAddLabel(psRequestScreen, &sLabInit); // add cancel. memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sButInit.x = 8; sButInit.y = 8; sButInit.width = iV_GetImageWidth(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.height = iV_GetImageHeight(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.pUserData = (void*)PACKDWORD_TRI(0,IMAGE_NRUTER , IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.id = LOADSAVE_CANCEL; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.pTip = strresGetString(psStringRes, STR_MISC_CLOSE); sButInit.FontID = WFont; sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight; widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); // add slots memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.width = LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.height = LOADENTRY_H; sButInit.pDisplay = displayLoadSlot; sButInit.FontID = WFont; for(slotCount = 0; slotCount< totalslots; slotCount++) { sButInit.id = slotCount+LOADENTRY_START; if(slotCount<(totalslots/2)) { sButInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2*LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( slotCount*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else { sButInit.x = (2*LOADSAVE_HGAP)+LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount-(totalslots/2)) *(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); } // fill slots. slotCount = 0; strcpy(sPath,sSearchPath); // setup locals. strcpy(sExt,sExtension); debug(LOG_WZ, "_addLoadSave: Searching \"%s\" for savegames", sSearchPath); // add savegame filenames minus extensions to buttons (up to max 10) files = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(sSearchPath); for (i = files; *i != NULL; i++) { W_BUTTON *button; if (!strstr(*i, sExtension)) { continue; } button = (W_BUTTON*)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen, LOADENTRY_START + slotCount); debug(LOG_WZ, "_addLoadSave: We found [%s]", *i); /* Set the tip and add the button */ (*i)[strlen(*i) - 4] = '\0'; // remove .gam extension strcpy(sSlots[slotCount], *i); //store it! button->pTip = sSlots[slotCount]; button->pText = sSlots[slotCount]; slotCount++; // goto next but... if (slotCount == totalslots) { break; // only show up to 10 entries } } PHYSFS_freeList(files); bLoadSaveUp = TRUE; return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL closeLoadSave(void) { widgDelete(psRequestScreen,LOADSAVE_FORM); bLoadSaveUp = FALSE; if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms == 0)) { gameTimeStart(); setGamePauseStatus( FALSE ); setGameUpdatePause(FALSE); setScriptPause(FALSE); setScrollPause(FALSE); setConsolePause(FALSE); } intAddReticule(); intShowPowerBar(); } widgReleaseScreen(psRequestScreen); return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL runLoadSave(BOOL bResetMissionWidgets) { return _runLoadSave(bResetMissionWidgets); } /*************************************************************************** Delete a savegame. saveGameName should be a .gam extension save game filename reference. We delete this file, any .es file with the same name, and any files in the directory with the same name. ***************************************************************************/ void deleteSaveGame(char* saveGameName) { char **files, **i; ASSERT( strlen(saveGameName) < MAX_STR_LENGTH,"deleteSaveGame; save game name too long" ); PHYSFS_delete(saveGameName); saveGameName[strlen(saveGameName)-4] = '\0';// strip extension strcat(saveGameName,".es"); // remove script data if it exists. PHYSFS_delete(saveGameName); saveGameName[strlen(saveGameName)-3] = '\0';// strip extension // check for a directory and remove that too. files = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(saveGameName); for (i = files; *i != NULL; i++) { debug(LOG_WZ, "Deleting [%s].", *i); PHYSFS_delete(*i); } PHYSFS_freeList(files); PHYSFS_delete(saveGameName); // now empty directory return; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns TRUE if cancel pressed or a valid game slot was selected. // if when returning TRUE strlen(sRequestResult) != 0 then a valid game // slot was selected otherwise cancel was selected.. static BOOL _runLoadSave(BOOL bResetMissionWidgets) { UDWORD id=0; W_EDBINIT sEdInit; char sTemp[MAX_STR_LENGTH]; UDWORD i; W_CONTEXT context; BOOL bSkipCD = FALSE; id = widgRunScreen(psRequestScreen); strcpy(sRequestResult,""); // set returned filename to null; // cancel this operation... if(id == LOADSAVE_CANCEL || CancelPressed() ) { goto failure; } // clicked a load entry if( id >= LOADENTRY_START && id <= LOADENTRY_END ) { if(mode) // Loading, return that entry. { if( ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->pText ) { sprintf(sRequestResult,"%s%s.%s",sPath, ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->pText ,sExt); } else { goto failure; // clicked on an empty box } if( bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_FORCE || bLoadSaveMode ==SAVE_FORCE ) { goto successforce; // it's a force, dont check the cd. } goto success; } else // SAVING!add edit box at that position. { if( ! widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,SAVEENTRY_EDIT)) { // add blank box. memset(&sEdInit, 0, sizeof(W_EDBINIT)); sEdInit.formID= LOADSAVE_FORM; sEdInit.id = SAVEENTRY_EDIT; sEdInit.style = WEDB_PLAIN; sEdInit.x = widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id)->x; sEdInit.y = widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id)->y; sEdInit.width = widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id)->width; sEdInit.height= widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id)->height; sEdInit.pText = ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->pText; sEdInit.FontID= WFont; sEdInit.pBoxDisplay = displayLoadSaveEdit; widgAddEditBox(psRequestScreen, &sEdInit); sprintf(sTemp,"%s%s.%s", sPath, ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->pText , sExt); widgHide(psRequestScreen,id); // hide the old button chosenSlotId = id; strcpy(sDelete,sTemp); // prepare the savegame name. sTemp[strlen(sTemp)-4] = '\0'; // strip extension // auto click in the edit box we just made. context.psScreen = psRequestScreen; context.psForm = (W_FORM *)psRequestScreen->psForm; context.xOffset = 0; context.yOffset = 0; context.mx = mouseX(); context.my = mouseY(); editBoxClicked((W_EDITBOX*)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,SAVEENTRY_EDIT), &context); } else { // clicked in a different box. shouldnt be possible!(since we autoclicked in editbox) } } } // finished entering a name. if( id == SAVEENTRY_EDIT) { if(!keyPressed(KEY_RETURN)) // enter was not pushed, so not a vaild entry. { widgDelete(psRequestScreen,SAVEENTRY_EDIT); //unselect this box, and go back .. widgReveal(psRequestScreen,chosenSlotId); return TRUE; } // scan to see if that game exists in another slot, if // so then fail. strcpy(sTemp,((W_EDITBOX *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->aText); for(i=LOADENTRY_START;ipText && strcmp( sTemp, ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,i))->pText ) ==0) { widgDelete(psRequestScreen,SAVEENTRY_EDIT); //unselect this box, and go back .. widgReveal(psRequestScreen,chosenSlotId); // move mouse to same box.. // SetMousePos(widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,i)->x ,widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,i)->y); audio_PlayTrack(ID_SOUND_BUILD_FAIL); return TRUE; } } } // return with this name, as we've edited it. if (strlen(((W_EDITBOX *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->aText)) { strcpy(sTemp,((W_EDITBOX *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,id))->aText); removeWildcards(sTemp); sprintf(sRequestResult,"%s%s.%s", sPath, sTemp, sExt); deleteSaveGame(sDelete); //only delete game if a new game fills the slot } else { goto failure; // we entered a blank name.. } // we're done. saving. closeLoadSave(); bRequestLoad = FALSE; if (bResetMissionWidgets && widgGetFromID(psWScreen,IDMISSIONRES_FORM) == NULL) { resetMissionWidgets(); //reset the mission widgets here if necessary } return TRUE; } return FALSE; // failed and/or cancelled.. failure: closeLoadSave(); bRequestLoad = FALSE; if (bResetMissionWidgets && widgGetFromID(psWScreen,IDMISSIONRES_FORM) == NULL) { resetMissionWidgets(); } return TRUE; // success on load. success: setCampaignNumber( getCampaign(sRequestResult,&bSkipCD) ); successforce: closeLoadSave(); bRequestLoad = TRUE; return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // should be done when drawing the other widgets. BOOL displayLoadSave(void) { widgDisplayScreen(psRequestScreen); // display widgets. return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // char HANDLER, replaces dos wildcards in a string with harmless chars. void removeWildcards(char *pStr) { UDWORD i; for(i=0;i= MAX_SAVE_NAME) { pStr[MAX_SAVE_NAME - 1] = 0; } return; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DISPLAY FUNCTIONS static void displayLoadBanner(WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours) { //UDWORD col; UBYTE col; UDWORD x = xOffset+psWidget->x; UDWORD y = yOffset+psWidget->y; if(psWidget->pUserData) { col = COL_GREEN; } else { col = COL_RED; } iV_BoxFill(x,y,x+psWidget->width,y+psWidget->height,col); iV_BoxFill(x+2,y+2,x+psWidget->width-2,y+psWidget->height-2,COL_BLUE); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void displayLoadSlot(WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours) { UDWORD x = xOffset+psWidget->x; UDWORD y = yOffset+psWidget->y; // UWORD im = (UWORD)UNPACKDWORD_TRI_B((UDWORD)psWidget->pUserData); // UWORD im2= (UWORD)(UNPACKDWORD_TRI_C((UDWORD)psWidget->pUserData)); char butString[64]; drawBlueBox(x,y,psWidget->width,psWidget->height); //draw box if(((W_BUTTON *)psWidget)->pTip ) { strcpy(butString,((W_BUTTON *)psWidget)->pTip); iV_SetFont(WFont); // font iV_SetTextColour(-1); //colour while(iV_GetTextWidth(butString) > psWidget->width) { butString[strlen(butString)-1]='\0'; } //draw text iV_DrawText( butString, x+4, y+17); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void displayLoadSaveEdit(WIDGET *psWidget, UDWORD xOffset, UDWORD yOffset, UDWORD *pColours) { UDWORD x = xOffset+psWidget->x; UDWORD y = yOffset+psWidget->y; UDWORD w = psWidget->width; UDWORD h = psWidget->height; iV_BoxFill(x,y,x+w,y+h,COL_RED); iV_BoxFill(x+1,y+1,x+w-1,y+h-1,COL_BLUE); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void drawBlueBox(UDWORD x,UDWORD y, UDWORD w, UDWORD h) { UBYTE dark = COL_BLUE; UBYTE light = COL_LIGHTBLUE; // box pie_BoxFillIndex(x-1,y-1,x+w+1,y+h+1,light); pie_BoxFillIndex(x,y,x+w,y+h,dark); }