#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim: set et sts=4 sw=4: my $scriptpath = $0; $scriptpath =~ s/^(.*\/)?([^\/]+)$/$1/g; my $out_lang = $scriptpath; $out_lang .= shift or die "Missing output language"; $out_lang .= "_cg.pm"; require $out_lang or die "Couldn't load $out_lang"; my %enumMap; my @enumList; my %structMap; my @structList; sub parseEnum { my ($enumName, $comment, $count) = @_; my %curEnum = (name => $enumName); my @curComment = (); @{$curEnum{"comment"}} = @$comment; @$comment = (); $$count++; while (<>) { chomp; if (/^\s*(\#.*)?$/) { push @curComment, substr($1, 1) if $1; } # Parse struct-level qualifiers elsif (/^\s*%(.*)\s*$/) { die "error: Cannot give enum-level qualifiers after defining fields" if exists($curEnum{"values"}); $_ = $1; if (/^valprefix\s+\"([^\"]*)\"\s*;$/) { ${$curEnum{"qualifiers"}}{"valprefix"} = $1; } elsif (/^valsuffix\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${$curEnum{"qualifiers"}}{"valsuffix"} = $1; } elsif (/^max\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${$curEnum{"qualifiers"}}{"max"} = $1; } else { die "error: line $count: Unrecognized enum-level specifier: %$_"; } } elsif (/^\s*(\w+)\s*$/) { my %value = (name=>$1, line=>$$count); @{$value{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curEnum{"values"}}, \%value; } elsif (/^\s*end\s*;\s*$/) { # Put the enum at the end of the array push @enumList, \%curEnum; # Also place it in the hash $enumMap{$curEnum{"name"}} = \%curEnum; return; } else { die "Unmatched line: $_\n"; } $$count++; } } sub readTillEnd { my ($output, $count) = @_; $$count++; while (<>) { chomp; # See if we've reached the end of this block if (/^\s*end\s*;\s*$/) { return; } push @$output, $_; $$count++; } } sub parseStruct { my ($structName, $comment, $count) = @_; my %curStruct = (name => $structName); my @curComment = (); @{$curStruct{"comment"}} = @$comment; @$comment = (); $$count++; while (<>) { chomp; if (/^\s*(\#.*)?$/) { push @curComment, substr($1, 1) if $1; } elsif (/^\s*end\s*;\s*$/) { # Put the struct at the end of the array push @structList, \%curStruct; # Also place it in the hash $structMap{$curStruct{"name"}} = \%curStruct; return; } # Parse struct-level qualifiers elsif (/^\s*%(.*)\s*$/) { die "error: Cannot give struct-level qualifiers after defining fields" if exists($curStruct{"fields"}); $_ = $1; if (/^prefix\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"prefix"} = $1; } elsif (/^suffix\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"suffix"} = $1; } elsif (/^macro\s*;$/) { ${${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"macro"}}{"has"} = 1; } elsif (/^nomacro\s*;$/) { ${${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"macro"}}{"has"} = 0; } elsif (/^macroprefix\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"macro"}}{"prefix"} = $1; } elsif (/^macrosuffix\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { ${${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"macro"}}{"suffix"} = $1; } elsif (/^loadFunc\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s*;$/) { my %loadFunc = (name=>$1, line=>$$count); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"loadFunc"} = \%loadFunc; } elsif (/^abstract\s*;$/) { die "error: Cannot declare a struct \"abstract\" if it inherits from another" if exists(${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"inherit"}); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"abstract"} = 1; } elsif (/^inherit\s+(\w+)\s*;$/) { die "error: structs declared \"abstract\" cannot inherit" if exists(${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"abstract"}); die "error: Cannot inherit from struct \"$1\" as it isn't (fully) declared yet" unless exists($structMap{$1}); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"inherit"} = \%{$structMap{$1}}; } elsif (/^fetchRowById\s+Row\s+Id\s*$/) { my %fetchRowById = (line=>$$count); readTillEnd(\@{$fetchRowById{"code"}}, $count); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"fetchRowById"} = \%fetchRowById; } elsif (/^preLoadTable(\s+maxId)?(\s+rowCount)?\s*$/) { my %preLoadTable = (line=>$$count); push @{$preLoadTable{"parameters"}}, $1 if $1; push @{$preLoadTable{"parameters"}}, $2 if $2; readTillEnd(\@{$preLoadTable{"code"}}, $count); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"preLoadTable"} = \%preLoadTable; } elsif (/^postLoadRow\s+curRow(\s+curId)?\s*$/) { my %postLoadRow = (line=>$$count); push @{$postLoadRow{"parameters"}}, $1 if $1; readTillEnd(\@{$postLoadRow{"code"}}, $count); ${$curStruct{"qualifiers"}}{"postLoadRow"} = \%postLoadRow; } else { die "error: line $count: Unrecognized struct-level specifier: %$_"; } } # Parse regular field declarations elsif (/^\s*(count|real|bool)\s+(unique\s+)?(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { my %field = (type=>$1, name=>$3, line=>$$count); push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $2 if $2; @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } # Parse field declarations with "transition" types (types that should be replaced with others eventually) elsif (/^\s*([US]D?WORD|[US]BYTE)\s+(unique\s+)?(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { my %field = (type=>$1, name=>$3, line=>$$count); push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $2 if $2; @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } # Parse field declarations for types that can have optional values. # Meaning they can be NULL in C. elsif (/^\s*(string|IMD_model)\s+(unique\s+)?(optional\s+)?(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { my %field = (type=>$1, name=>$4, line=>$$count); push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $2 if $2; push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $3 if $3; @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } # Parse set and enum field declarations elsif (/^\s*(set|enum)\s+(\w+)\s+(unique\s+)?(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { die "error: Cannot use enum \"$2\" as it isn't declared yet" unless exists($enumMap{$2}); my %field = (type=>$1, enum=>$enumMap{$2}, name=>$4, line=>$$count); push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $3 if $3; @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } # Parse struct reference declarations elsif (/^\s*(struct)\s+(\w+)\s+(unique\s+)?(optional\s+)?(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { die "error:$count: Cannot use struct \"$2\" as it isn't declared yet" unless exists($structMap{$2}); die "error:$count: Cannot use struct \"$2\" as it doesn't have a fetchRowById function declared" unless exists(${${$structMap{$2}}{"qualifiers"}}{"fetchRowById"}); my %field = (type=>$1, struct=>$structMap{$2}, name=>$5, line=>$$count); push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $3 if $3; push @{$field{"qualifiers"}}, $4 if $4; @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } # Parse C-only fields elsif (/^\s*(C-only-field)\s+(.*)\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { my %field = (type=>$1, ctype=>$2, name=>$3, line=>$$count); @{$field{"comment"}} = @curComment; @curComment = (); push @{$curStruct{"fields"}}, \%field; } else { die "Unmatched line: $_\n"; } $$count++; } } CG::processCmdLine(\@ARGV); my @curComment = (); # Read and parse the file my $name = $ARGV[0]; my $count = 1; my $outfile = ""; $outfile = pop(@ARGV) if @ARGV > 1; while (<>) { chomp; # Process blank lines, possibly with comments on them if (/^\s*(\#.*)?$/) { push @curComment, substr($1, 1) if $1; } elsif (/^\s*struct\s+(\w+)\s*$/) { parseStruct($1, \@curComment, \$count); } elsif (/^\s*enum\s+(\w+)\s*$/) { parseEnum($1, \@curComment, \$count); } else { die "Unmatched line: $_\n"; } $count++; } my $output = ""; CG::startFile(\$output, $name, $outfile); # Print all enums foreach my $enum (@enumList) { CG::printEnum(\$output, $enum); } # Print all structs foreach my $struct (@structList) { CG::printStruct(\$output, $struct, \%structMap, \%enumMap); } CG::endFile(\$output, $name); # Actually print out the output if ($outfile) { open (OUT, ">$outfile"); print OUT $output; close(OUT); } else { print $output; }