/* * netcrypt.c * * 1999 pumpkin Studios * secure netplay services. * * Feistel cipher with XOR & addition as nonlinear mixing funcs. * Based on Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) by David Wheeler & Roger Needham * of the cambridge computer laboratory. * delta = delta = (sqrt(5) - 1).2^31 * * This cipher is secure enough for time critical data, but probably * not secure enough for long term storage. eg, find for encrypting network packets * but not good enough for storing files securely on harddisk. Try encryptstrength=32; */ #include "frame.h" #include "netplay.h" #include "netsupp.h" #define ENCRYPTSTRENGTH 16 // 32=ample, 16=sufficient, 8=maybe ok, good dispersion after 6. #define NIBBLELENGTH 8 // bytes done per encrypt step. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prototypes UDWORD NEThashFile (STRING *pFileName); UDWORD NEThashBuffer (UBYTE *pData, UDWORD size); BOOL NETsetKey (UDWORD c1,UDWORD c2,UDWORD c3, UDWORD c4); NETMSG* NETmanglePacket (NETMSG *msg); VOID NETunmanglePacket (NETMSG *msg); BOOL NETmangleData ( long *input, long *result, UDWORD dataSize); BOOL NETunmangleData ( long *input, long *result, UDWORD dataSize); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // make a hash value from an exe name. UDWORD NEThashFile(STRING *pFileName) { UDWORD hashval,c,*val; FILE *pFileHandle; STRING fileName[255]; UBYTE inBuff[2048]; // must be multiple of 4 bytes. strcpy(fileName,pFileName); hashval =0; DBPRINTF(("NEThashFile: Hashing File\n")); // open the file. pFileHandle = fopen(fileName, "rb"); // check file exists if (pFileHandle == NULL) { DBPRINTF(("NEThashFile: Failed\n")); return 0; // failed } // multibyte/buff version while(fread(&inBuff, sizeof(inBuff), 1, pFileHandle) == 1) // get number of droids in force { for(c=0;c<2048 ;c+=4) { val = (UDWORD*)&inBuff[c]; hashval = hashval ^ *val; } } #if 0 // 1 byte version // xor the file with it's self. while((c=getc(pFileHandle))!=EOF) { hashval = hashval ^ c; } fclose(pFileHandle); #endif DBPRINTF(("NEThashFile: Hash Complete : ***** %u ***** is todays magic number.\n",hashval)); // DBERROR(("%d",hashval)); return hashval; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return a hash from a data buffer. UDWORD NEThashBuffer(UBYTE *pData, UDWORD size) { UDWORD hashval,*val; UDWORD pt; hashval =0; pt =0; while(pt < size) { val = (UDWORD*)(pData+pt); hashval = hashval ^ *val; pt += 4; } return hashval; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // return a ubyte hash from a UDWORD value. UBYTE NEThashVal(UDWORD value) { return (value^13416564)%246; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set the key for the encrypter. BOOL NETsetKey(UDWORD c1,UDWORD c2,UDWORD c3, UDWORD c4) { if(c1) { NetPlay.cryptKey[0] = c1; } if(c2) { NetPlay.cryptKey[1] = c2; } if(c3) { NetPlay.cryptKey[2] = c3; } if(c4) { NetPlay.cryptKey[3] = c4; } return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // encrypt a byte sequence of nibblelength static BOOL mangle ( long *v, long *w) { unsigned long y=v[0], z=v[1], sum=0, delta=0x9E3779B9, n=ENCRYPTSTRENGTH; while(n-- > 0) { sum+=delta; y += ((z << 4) + NetPlay.cryptKey[0]) ^ (z + sum) ^ ((z >> 5) + NetPlay.cryptKey[1]); z += ((y << 4) + NetPlay.cryptKey[2]) ^ (y + sum) ^ ((y >> 5) + NetPlay.cryptKey[3]); } w[0] = y; w[1] = z; return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decrypt a byte sequence of nibblelength static BOOL unmangle(long * v, long *w) { unsigned long y=v[0], z=v[1], sum, delta=0x9E3779B9, n=ENCRYPTSTRENGTH; sum = delta * n;/* (generally sum =delta*n )*/ while(n-- > 0) { z -= ((y << 4) + NetPlay.cryptKey[2]) ^ (y + sum) ^ ((y >> 5) + NetPlay.cryptKey[3]); y -= ((z << 4) + NetPlay.cryptKey[0]) ^ (z + sum) ^ ((z >> 5) + NetPlay.cryptKey[1]); sum -= delta; } w[0] = y; w[1] = z; return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // encrypt a netplay packet NETMSG *NETmanglePacket(NETMSG *msg) { NETMSG result; UDWORD pos=0; #if 0 return msg; #endif if(msg->size > MaxMsgSize-NIBBLELENGTH) { DBERROR(("NETmanglePacket: can't encrypt huge packets. returning unencrypted packet")); return msg; } msg->paddedBytes = 0; while( msg->size%NIBBLELENGTH != 0) //need to pad out msg. { msg->body[msg->size] = 0; msg->size++; msg->paddedBytes++; } result.type = msg->type + ENCRYPTFLAG; result.size = msg->size; result.paddedBytes = msg->paddedBytes; result.destination = msg->destination; while(msg->size) { mangle((long*)&msg->body[pos],(long*)&result.body[pos]); pos +=NIBBLELENGTH; msg->size -=NIBBLELENGTH; } memcpy( msg,&result,sizeof(NETMSG) ); return msg; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decrypt a netplay packet // messages SHOULD be 8byte multiples, not required tho. will return padded out.. VOID NETunmanglePacket(NETMSG *msg) { NETMSG result; UDWORD pos=0; if(msg->size%NIBBLELENGTH !=0) { DBERROR(("NETunmanglePacket: Incoming msg wrong length")); NETlogEntry("NETunmanglePacket failure",msg->type,msg->size); return; } result.type = msg->type - ENCRYPTFLAG; result.size = 0; result.paddedBytes = msg->paddedBytes; while(msg->size) { unmangle((LONG*)&msg->body[pos],(long*)&result.body[pos]); pos +=NIBBLELENGTH; msg->size -=NIBBLELENGTH; result.size +=NIBBLELENGTH; } result.size -= msg->paddedBytes; memcpy(msg,&result,sizeof(NETMSG)); return; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // encrypt any datastream. BOOL NETmangleData(long *input,long *result, UDWORD dataSize) { long offset; offset = 0; if(dataSize%8 != 0) //if message not multiple of 8 bytes, { DBERROR(("NETmangleData: msg not a multiple of 8 bytes")); return FALSE; } // /4's are long form. since nibblelength is in char form while(offset!=(long)(dataSize/4) ) { mangle( (input+offset),(result+offset) ); offset += NIBBLELENGTH/4 ; } return TRUE; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decrypt any datastream. BOOL NETunmangleData(long *input, long *result, UDWORD dataSize) { long offset; memset(result,0,dataSize); offset = 0; if(dataSize%8 != 0) //if message not multiple of 8 bytes, { DBERROR(("NETunmangleData: msg not a multiple of 8 bytes")); return FALSE; } // /4's are long form. since nibblelength is in char form while(offset!= (long)(dataSize/4)) { unmangle( (input+offset) ,(result+offset)); offset += NIBBLELENGTH/4; } return TRUE; }