diff --git a/macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index 0d8aa3f6c..2a4fd5221 100644 --- a/macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -1886,8 +1886,8 @@ 0246A0980BD3CB97004D1C70 /* Warzone sources */, 023A1D4F0D2DAEC900EFEB37 /* Resources */, 430B59F010D45990008EA88A /* Third Party */, - 02DDA8DF0BD3C3A80049AB60 /* System frameworks */, 432BE34210D9C0C500A486AB /* External frameworks */, + 02DDA8DF0BD3C3A80049AB60 /* System frameworks */, 02356D760BD3BB3400E9A019 /* Products */, ); sourceTree = ""; @@ -3737,7 +3737,7 @@ ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; shellPath = /bin/bash; - shellScript = "# Config\nsimgfl=\"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/build-tools/wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsimgflnme=\"wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsequence=\"http://www.il.fontys.nl/~giel/warzone/videos/latest/en/hi/sequences.wz\"\nsequencenme=\"sequences.wz\"\nsequencelo=\"http://www.il.fontys.nl/~giel/warzone/videos/latest/en/lo/sequences.wz\"\nsequencelonme=\"sequences-lo.wz\"\nrelbuild=\"build/Release/Warzone.app\"\ndmgout=\"build/dmgout\"\n\n# Fail if not release\nif [ ! -d \"$relbuild\" ]; then\n echo \"This should only be run as Release\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Make a dir and get the sparseimage\nmkdir -p \"$dmgout\"\ncd \"$dmgout\"\nif [ ! -f \"$simgflnme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $simgfl\"\n if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$simgfl\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $simgfl\"\n exit 1\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$simgflnme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n\n# Get the sequences\n\n# Comment out the following to skip the high qual seq\n# if [ ! -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n# echo \"Fetching $sequencenme\"\n# if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$sequence\"; then\n# echo \"Unable to fetch $sequence\"\n# exit 1\n# fi\n# else\n# echo \"$sequencenme already exists, skipping\"\n# fi\n# \n\n# Comment out the following to skip the low qual seq\nif [ ! -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $sequencelonme\"\n if [ -f \"${HOME}/Applications/Build/wz2100/dmgmaker/sequences-lo.wz\" ]; then\n cp \"${HOME}/Applications/Build/wz2100/dmgmaker/sequences-lo.wz\" \"$sequencelonme\"\n elif [ -f \"${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Warzone 2100 Trunk/sequences-lq.wz\" ]; then\n cp \"${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Warzone 2100 Trunk/sequences-lq.wz\" \"$sequencelonme\"\n else\n if ! curl -L --connect-timeout \"30\" -o \"$sequencelonme\" \"$sequencelo\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $sequencelo\"\n exit 1\n fi\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n# \n\n# Copy over the app\ncd ../../\necho \"Copying the app cleanly.\"\nrm -r -f $dmgout/Warzone.app\nif ! tar -c --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'Makefile*' --exclude 'makefile*' --exclude '.DS_Store' -C build/Release Warzone.app | tar -xC $dmgout; then\n echo \"Unable to copy the app\"\n exit 1\nfi\ncd \"$dmgout\"\n\n# mkredist.bash\n\ncd Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/\n\necho \"== Compressing base.zip ==\"\nif [ -d base/ ]\nthen\n cd base/\n zip -r ../base.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf base/\nfi\n\necho \"== Compressing mp.zip ==\"\nif [ -d mp/ ]\nthen\n cd mp/\n zip -r ../mp.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf mp/\nfi\n\ncd ../../../../\n\nrm -r -f ./out ./temp\nmkdir temp/\nmkdir out/\n\necho \"== Creating DMG ==\"\ncp wztemplate.sparseimage temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nhdiutil resize -size 150m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nmountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\ncp -r Warzone.app/* /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app\n# hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\nhdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\nhdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-novideo.dmg\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating LQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 350m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n cp sequences-lo.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n # hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-lqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating HQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 700m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n rm /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n cp sequences.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil converttemp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-hqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencenme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\necho \"== Cleaning up ==\"\nrm -f temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nrmdir temp/\n\n# Open the dir\nopen \"out\"\n\nexit 0"; + shellScript = "# Config\nsimgfl=\"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/build-tools/mac/wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsimgflnme=\"wztemplate.sparseimage\"\nsimgflmd5=\"da10e06f2b9b2b565e70dd8e98deaaad\"\nsequence=\"http://www.il.fontys.nl/~giel/warzone/videos/latest/en/hi/sequences.wz\"\nsequencenme=\"sequences.wz\"\nsequencelo=\"http://www.il.fontys.nl/~giel/warzone/videos/latest/en/lo/sequences.wz\"\nsequencelonme=\"sequences-lo.wz\"\nrelbuild=\"build/Release/Warzone.app\"\ndmgout=\"build/dmgout\"\n\n# Fail if not release\nif [ ! -d \"$relbuild\" ]; then\n echo \"This should only be run as Release\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Make a dir and get the sparseimage\nmkdir -p \"$dmgout\"\ncd \"$dmgout\"\nif [ ! -f \"$simgflnme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $simgfl\"\n if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$simgfl\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $simgfl\"\n exit 1\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$simgflnme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n\n# Get the sequences\n\n# Comment out the following to skip the high qual seq\n# if [ ! -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n# echo \"Fetching $sequencenme\"\n# if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"$sequence\"; then\n# echo \"Unable to fetch $sequence\"\n# exit 1\n# fi\n# else\n# echo \"$sequencenme already exists, skipping\"\n# fi\n# \n\n# Comment out the following to skip the low qual seq\nif [ ! -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching $sequencelonme\"\n if [ -f \"${HOME}/Applications/Build/wz2100/dmgmaker/sequences-lo.wz\" ]; then\n cp \"${HOME}/Applications/Build/wz2100/dmgmaker/sequences-lo.wz\" \"$sequencelonme\"\n elif [ -f \"${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Warzone 2100 Trunk/sequences-lq.wz\" ]; then\n cp \"${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Warzone 2100 Trunk/sequences-lq.wz\" \"$sequencelonme\"\n else\n if ! curl -L --connect-timeout \"30\" -o \"$sequencelonme\" \"$sequencelo\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch $sequencelo\"\n exit 1\n fi\n fi\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n# \n\n# Copy over the app\ncd ../../\necho \"Copying the app cleanly.\"\nrm -r -f $dmgout/Warzone.app\nif ! tar -c --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'Makefile*' --exclude 'makefile*' --exclude '.DS_Store' -C build/Release Warzone.app | tar -xC $dmgout; then\n echo \"Unable to copy the app\"\n exit 1\nfi\ncd \"$dmgout\"\n\n# mkredist.bash\n\ncd Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/\n\necho \"== Compressing base.zip ==\"\nif [ -d base/ ]\nthen\n cd base/\n zip -r ../base.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf base/\nfi\n\necho \"== Compressing mp.zip ==\"\nif [ -d mp/ ]\nthen\n cd mp/\n zip -r ../mp.wz *\n cd ..\n rm -rf mp/\nfi\n\ncd ../../../../\n\nrm -r -f ./out ./temp\nmkdir temp/\nmkdir out/\n\necho \"== Creating DMG ==\"\ncp wztemplate.sparseimage temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nhdiutil resize -size 150m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nmountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\ncp -r Warzone.app/* /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app\n# hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\nhdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\nhdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-novideo.dmg\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencelonme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating LQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 350m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n cp sequences-lo.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n # hdiutil detach `expr match \"$mountpt\" '\\(^[^ ]*\\)'`\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil convert temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-lqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencelonme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\n\nif [ -f \"$sequencenme\" ]; then\n echo \"== Creating HQ DMG ==\"\n hdiutil resize -size 700m temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\n mountpt=`hdiutil mount temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage | tr -d \"\\t\" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])( +)(/Volumes/Warzone 2100):\\1:'`\n rm /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n cp sequences.wz /Volumes/Warzone\\ 2100/Warzone.app/Contents/Resources/data/sequences.wz\n hdiutil detach \"$mountpt\"\n hdiutil converttemp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage -format UDZO -o out/warzone2100-hqvideo.dmg\nelse\n echo \"$sequencenme does not exist, skipping\"\nfi\n\necho \"== Cleaning up ==\"\nrm -f temp/wztemplatecopy.sparseimage\nrmdir temp/\n\n# Open the dir\nopen \"out\"\n\nexit 0"; }; 43FA570B10FF8E9B0074E914 /* ShellScript */ = { isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; @@ -3750,7 +3750,7 @@ ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; shellPath = /bin/sh; - shellScript = "# SDL\nSDL_DIRECTORY=\"SDL_\"\nSDL_OUTDIR=\"SDL\"\nSDL_FILENAME=\"SDL.tar.gz\"\n\n# Checks\nif [ -d \"external/${SDL_OUTDIR}\" ]; then\n echo \"$SDL_OUTDIR exists, skipping\"\n exit 0\nelif [ -d \"prebuilt/${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" ]; then\n echo \"$SDL_DIRECTORY exists, probably from an earlier failed run\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Unpack \ncd prebuilt\nif ! tar -zxf \"${SDL_FILENAME}\"; then\n echo \"Unpacking $SDL_FILENAME failed\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Move\nif [ ! -d \"${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" ]; then\n echo \"Can't find $SDL_DIRECTORY to rename\"\n exit 1\nelse\n cd ..\n mv \"prebuilt/${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" \"external/${SDL_OUTDIR}\"\nfi\n\nexit 0"; + shellScript = "# SDL\nSDL_DLP=\"http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/warzone2100/build-tools/mac/SDL.tar.gz\"\nSDL_MD5=\"200bf42ff5118a57b26114248cc6b9fe\"\nSDL_DIRECTORY=\"SDL_\"\nSDL_OUTDIR=\"SDL\"\nSDL_FILENAME=\"SDL.tar.gz\"\n\n# Checks\nif [ -d \"external/${SDL_OUTDIR}\" ]; then\n echo \"${SDL_OUTDIR} exists, skipping\"\n exit 0\nelif [ -d \"prebuilt/${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" ]; then\n echo \"${SDL_DIRECTORY} exists, probably from an earlier failed run\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Download\ncd prebuilt\nif [ ! -f \"${SDL_FILENAME}\" ]; then\n echo \"Fetching ${SDL_FILENAME}\"\n if ! curl -L -O --connect-timeout \"30\" \"${SDL_DLP}\"; then\n echo \"Unable to fetch ${SDL_DLP}\"\n exit 1\n fi\nelse\n echo \"${SDL_FILENAME} already exists, skipping\"\nfi\n\n# MD5 check\nHAVEMD5=`md5 -q \"${SDL_FILENAME}\"`\nif [ -z \"$HAVEMD5\" ]; then\n echo \"Unable to compute md5 for ${SDL_FILENAME}\"\n exit 1\nfi\nif [ \"$HAVEMD5\" != \"$SDL_MD5\" ]; then\n echo \"MD5 does not match for ${SDL_FILENAME}\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Unpack\nif ! tar -zxf \"${SDL_FILENAME}\"; then\n echo \"Unpacking $SDL_FILENAME failed\"\n exit 1\nfi\n\n# Move\nif [ ! -d \"${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" ]; then\n echo \"Can't find $SDL_DIRECTORY to rename\"\n exit 1\nelse\n cd ..\n mv \"prebuilt/${SDL_DIRECTORY}\" \"external/${SDL_OUTDIR}\"\nfi\n\nexit 0"; }; 9711774C0F87A677000C8A96 /* Fetch source */ = { isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; diff --git a/macosx/prebuilt/SDL.tar.gz b/macosx/prebuilt/SDL.tar.gz deleted file mode 100644 index af0703e36..000000000 Binary files a/macosx/prebuilt/SDL.tar.gz and /dev/null differ