From 9a672a7a2beca2baf9f4bc99a1fb2707c02a90f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gael-de-Sailly Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2018 15:12:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Bugfix (remove artifacts in underwater valleys) and small optimization. --- mapgen.lua | 17 ++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/mapgen.lua b/mapgen.lua index a1d71a8..ade14d1 100644 --- a/mapgen.lua +++ b/mapgen.lua @@ -154,18 +154,17 @@ end local function calculate_terrain_at_point(base_ground, v2, v3, v4, v5) v2 = math.abs(v2) - river_size -- v2 is distance from a river, so I'd like a positive value. local river = v2 < 0 -- the rivers are placed where v2 is negative, so where the original v2 value is close to zero. + if river then + local depth = river_depth * math.sqrt(1 - (v2 / river_size + 1) ^ 2) -- use the curve of the function −sqrt(1−x²) which modelizes a circle. + local mountain_ground = math.min(math.max(base_ground - depth, water_level - 6), base_ground) + -- base_ground - depth : height of the bottom of the river + -- water_level - 6 : don't make rivers below 6 nodes under the surface + return mountain_ground, 0, river, v2 -- slopes = 0 because noise #6 has not any influence on rivers + end + local valleys = v3 * (1 - math.exp(- (v2 / v4) ^ 2)) -- use the curve of the function 1−exp(−(x/a)²) to modelise valleys. Making "a" varying 0 < a ≤ 1 changes the shape of the valleys. Try it with a geometry software ! (here x = v2 and a = v4). This variable represents the height of the terrain, from the rivers. local mountain_ground = base_ground + valleys -- approximate height of the terrain at this point (could be slightly modified by the 3D noise #6) local slopes = v5 * valleys -- This variable represents the maximal influence of the noise #6 on the elevation. v5 is the rate of the height from rivers (variable "valleys") that is concerned. - - if river then - local depth = river_depth * math.sqrt(1 - (v2 / river_size + 1) ^ 2) -- use the curve of the function −sqrt(1−x²) which modelizes a circle. - mountain_ground = math.min(math.max(base_ground - depth, water_level - 6), mountain_ground) - -- base_ground - depth : height of the bottom of the river - -- water_level - 6 : don't make rivers below 6 nodes under the surface - slopes = 0 -- noise #6 has not any influence on rivers - end - return mountain_ground, slopes, river, v2 end