#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This script generates nsStyleStructList.h, which contains macro invocations # that can be used for three things: # # 1. To generate code for each inherited style struct. # 2. To generate code for each reset style struct. # 3. To generate the dependency of each style struct. from __future__ import print_function import math NORMAL_DEP = ["Variables"] COLOR_DEP = ["Color"] LENGTH_DEP = ["Font", "Visibility"] # List of style structs and their corresponding Check callback functions, # if any. STYLE_STRUCTS = [("INHERITED",) + x for x in [ # Inherited style structs. ("Font", "CheckFontCallback", NORMAL_DEP + ["Visibility"]), ("Color", "CheckColorCallback", NORMAL_DEP), ("List", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("Text", "CheckTextCallback", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Visibility", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP), ("UserInterface", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP), ("TableBorder", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("SVG", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Variables", "CheckVariablesCallback",[]), ]] + [("RESET",) + x for x in [ # Reset style structs. ("Background", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Position", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("TextReset", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Display", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("Content", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("UIReset", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP), ("Table", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP), ("Margin", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("Padding", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP), ("Border", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Outline", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("XUL", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP), ("SVGReset", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Column", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ("Effects", "nullptr", NORMAL_DEP + LENGTH_DEP + COLOR_DEP), ]] # ---- Generate nsStyleStructList.h ---- count = len(STYLE_STRUCTS) # Check for problems with style struct dependencies resolved_items = [] # This whole loop tries to sort the style structs in topological order # according to the dependencies. A topological order exists iff there # are no cyclic dependencies between the style structs. It resolves one # struct each iteration, and append the resolved one to |resolved_items|. for i in range(count): # This inner loop picks one style struct which does not have # unsolved dependencies. If nothing can be picked, then we # must have some cyclic dependencies. for j in range(count): _, name, _, dependencies = STYLE_STRUCTS[j] if name in resolved_items: continue # Check whether all dependencies of this item have been placed for dep in dependencies: if dep not in resolved_items: break else: resolved_items.append(name) break else: import sys print("ERROR: Cannot resolve style struct dependencies", file=sys.stderr) print("Resolved items:", " ".join(resolved_items), file=sys.stderr) unsolved_items = [name for _, name, _, _ in STYLE_STRUCTS if name not in resolved_items] print("There exist cyclic dependencies between " + "the following structs:", " ".join(unsolved_items), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) def printEntry(header, i): print("STYLE_STRUCT_%s(%s, %s)" % STYLE_STRUCTS[i][:3], file=header) for dep in STYLE_STRUCTS[i][3]: print("STYLE_STRUCT_DEP(%s)" % (dep,), file=header) print("STYLE_STRUCT_END()", file=header) HEADER = """/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED BY generate-stylestructlist.py - DO NOT EDIT */ // IWYU pragma: private, include "nsStyleStructFwd.h" /* * list of structs that contain the data provided by nsStyleContext, the * internal API for computed style data for an element */ /* * This file is intended to be used by different parts of the code, with * the STYLE_STRUCT macro (or the STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED and * STYLE_STRUCT_RESET pair of macros) defined in different ways. */ #ifndef STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED #define STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED(name, checkdata_cb) \\ STYLE_STRUCT(name, checkdata_cb) #define UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED #endif #ifndef STYLE_STRUCT_RESET #define STYLE_STRUCT_RESET(name, checkdata_cb) \\ STYLE_STRUCT(name, checkdata_cb) #define UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_RESET #endif #ifndef STYLE_STRUCT_DEP #define STYLE_STRUCT_DEP(dep) #define UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_DEP #endif #ifndef STYLE_STRUCT_END #define STYLE_STRUCT_END() #define UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_END #endif // The inherited structs are listed before the Reset structs. // nsStyleStructID assumes this is the case, and callers other than // nsStyleStructFwd.h that want the structs in id-order just define // STYLE_STRUCT rather than including the file twice. """ FOOTER = """ #ifdef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED #undef STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED #undef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_INHERITED #endif #ifdef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_RESET #undef STYLE_STRUCT_RESET #undef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_RESET #endif #ifdef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_DEP #undef STYLE_STRUCT_DEP #undef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_DEP #endif #ifdef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_END #undef STYLE_STRUCT_END #undef UNDEF_STYLE_STRUCT_END #endif """ def main(header): print(HEADER, file=header) for i in range(count): printEntry(header, i) print(FOOTER, file=header)