/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Use this variable if you specify duration or some other properties * for script animation. * E.g., div.animate({ opacity: [0, 1] }, 100 * MS_PER_SEC); * * NOTE: Creating animations with short duration may cause intermittent * failures in asynchronous test. For example, the short duration animation * might be finished when animation.ready has been fulfilled because of slow * platforms or busyness of the main thread. * Setting short duration to cancel its animation does not matter but * if you don't want to cancel the animation, consider using longer duration. */ const MS_PER_SEC = 1000; /* The recommended minimum precision to use for time values[1]. * * [1] https://w3c.github.io/web-animations/#precision-of-time-values */ var TIME_PRECISION = 0.0005; // ms /* * Allow implementations to substitute an alternative method for comparing * times based on their precision requirements. */ function assert_times_equal(actual, expected, description) { assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, TIME_PRECISION, description); } /** * Appends a div to the document body and creates an animation on the div. * NOTE: This function asserts when trying to create animations with durations * shorter than 100s because the shorter duration may cause intermittent * failures. If you are not sure how long it is suitable, use 100s; it's * long enough but shorter than our test framework timeout (330s). * If you really need to use shorter durations, use animate() function directly. * * @param t The testharness.js Test object. If provided, this will be used * to register a cleanup callback to remove the div when the test * finishes. * @param attrs A dictionary object with attribute names and values to set on * the div. * @param frames The keyframes passed to Element.animate(). * @param options The options passed to Element.animate(). */ function addDivAndAnimate(t, attrs, frames, options) { let animDur = (typeof options === 'object') ? options.duration : options; assert_greater_than_equal(animDur, 100 * MS_PER_SEC, 'Clients of this addDivAndAnimate API must request a duration ' + 'of at least 100s, to avoid intermittent failures from e.g.' + 'the main thread being busy for an extended period'); return addDiv(t, attrs).animate(frames, options); } /** * Appends a div to the document body. * * @param t The testharness.js Test object. If provided, this will be used * to register a cleanup callback to remove the div when the test * finishes. * * @param attrs A dictionary object with attribute names and values to set on * the div. */ function addDiv(t, attrs) { var div = document.createElement('div'); if (attrs) { for (var attrName in attrs) { div.setAttribute(attrName, attrs[attrName]); } } document.body.appendChild(div); if (t && typeof t.add_cleanup === 'function') { t.add_cleanup(function() { if (div.parentNode) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } }); } return div; } /** * Appends a style div to the document head. * * @param t The testharness.js Test object. If provided, this will be used * to register a cleanup callback to remove the style element * when the test finishes. * * @param rules A dictionary object with selector names and rules to set on * the style sheet. */ function addStyle(t, rules) { var extraStyle = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(extraStyle); if (rules) { var sheet = extraStyle.sheet; for (var selector in rules) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules[selector] + '}', sheet.cssRules.length); } } if (t && typeof t.add_cleanup === 'function') { t.add_cleanup(function() { extraStyle.remove(); }); } } /** * Promise wrapper for requestAnimationFrame. */ function waitForFrame() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }); } /** * Returns a Promise that is resolved after the given number of consecutive * animation frames have occured (using requestAnimationFrame callbacks). * * @param frameCount The number of animation frames. * @param onFrame An optional function to be processed in each animation frame. */ function waitForAnimationFrames(frameCount, onFrame) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function handleFrame() { if (onFrame && typeof onFrame === 'function') { onFrame(); } if (--frameCount <= 0) { resolve(); } else { window.requestAnimationFrame(handleFrame); // wait another frame } } window.requestAnimationFrame(handleFrame); }); } /** * Wrapper that takes a sequence of N animations and returns: * * Promise.all([animations[0].ready, animations[1].ready, ... animations[N-1].ready]); */ function waitForAllAnimations(animations) { return Promise.all(animations.map(function(animation) { return animation.ready; })); } /** * Flush the computed style for the given element. This is useful, for example, * when we are testing a transition and need the initial value of a property * to be computed so that when we synchronouslyet set it to a different value * we actually get a transition instead of that being the initial value. */ function flushComputedStyle(elem) { var cs = window.getComputedStyle(elem); cs.marginLeft; } if (opener) { for (var funcName of ["async_test", "assert_not_equals", "assert_equals", "assert_approx_equals", "assert_less_than", "assert_less_than_equal", "assert_greater_than", "assert_between_inclusive", "assert_true", "assert_false", "assert_class_string", "assert_throws", "assert_unreached", "promise_test", "test"]) { window[funcName] = opener[funcName].bind(opener); } window.EventWatcher = opener.EventWatcher; function done() { opener.add_completion_callback(function() { self.close(); }); opener.done(); } } /** * Return a new MutaionObserver which started observing |target| element * with { animations: true, subtree: |subtree| } option. * NOTE: This observer should be used only with takeRecords(). If any of * MutationRecords are observed in the callback of the MutationObserver, * it will raise an assertion. */ function setupSynchronousObserver(t, target, subtree) { var observer = new MutationObserver(records => { assert_unreached("Any MutationRecords should not be observed in this " + "callback"); }); t.add_cleanup(() => { observer.disconnect(); }); observer.observe(target, { animations: true, subtree: subtree }); return observer; } /** * Returns true if off-main-thread animations. */ function isOMTAEnabled() { const OMTAPrefKey = 'layers.offmainthreadcomposition.async-animations'; return SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.layerManagerRemote && SpecialPowers.getBoolPref(OMTAPrefKey); }