#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import mozfile import mozhttpd import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest from mozprofile.cli import MozProfileCLI from mozprofile.prefs import Preferences from mozprofile.profile import Profile here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class PreferencesTest(unittest.TestCase): """test mozprofile preference handling""" # preferences from files/prefs_with_comments.js _prefs_with_comments = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org', 'zoom.minPercent': 30, 'zoom.maxPercent': 300, 'webgl.verbose': 'false'} def run_command(self, *args): """ invokes mozprofile command line via the CLI factory - args : command line arguments (equivalent of sys.argv[1:]) """ # instantiate the factory cli = MozProfileCLI(list(args)) # create the profile profile = cli.profile() # return path to profile return profile.profile def compare_generated(self, _prefs, commandline): """ writes out to a new profile with mozprofile command line reads the generated preferences with prefs.py compares the results cleans up """ profile = self.run_command(*commandline) prefs_file = os.path.join(profile, 'user.js') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(prefs_file)) read = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file) if isinstance(_prefs, dict): read = dict(read) self.assertEqual(_prefs, read) shutil.rmtree(profile) def test_basic_prefs(self): """test setting a pref from the command line entry point""" _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"} commandline = [] _prefs = _prefs.items() for pref, value in _prefs: commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)] self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) def test_ordered_prefs(self): """ensure the prefs stay in the right order""" _prefs = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"), ("zoom.minPercent", 30), ("zoom.maxPercent", 300), ("webgl.verbose", 'false')] commandline = [] for pref, value in _prefs: commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)] _prefs = [(i, Preferences.cast(j)) for i, j in _prefs] self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) def test_ini(self): # write the .ini file _ini = """[DEFAULT] browser.startup.homepage = http://planet.mozilla.org/ [foo] browser.startup.homepage = http://github.com/ """ try: fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini') os.write(fd, _ini) os.close(fd) commandline = ["--preferences", name] # test the [DEFAULT] section _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org/'} self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) # test a specific section _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://github.com/'} commandline[-1] = commandline[-1] + ':foo' self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) finally: # cleanup os.remove(name) def test_ini_keep_case(self): """ Read a preferences config file with a preference in camel-case style. Check that the read preference name has not been lower-cased """ # write the .ini file _ini = """[DEFAULT] general.warnOnAboutConfig = False """ try: fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini') os.write(fd, _ini) os.close(fd) commandline = ["--preferences", name] # test the [DEFAULT] section _prefs = {'general.warnOnAboutConfig': 'False'} self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) finally: # cleanup os.remove(name) def test_reset_should_remove_added_prefs(self): """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated""" profile = Profile() prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js') # we shouldn't have any initial preferences initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file) self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) initial_prefs = file(prefs_file).read().strip() self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) # add some preferences prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")] profile.set_preferences(prefs1) self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)) lines = file(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines() self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines)) self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines)) profile.reset() self.assertNotEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')), "I pity the fool who left my pref") def test_reset_should_keep_user_added_prefs(self): """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated""" profile = Profile() prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js') # we shouldn't have any initial preferences initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file) self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) initial_prefs = file(prefs_file).read().strip() self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) # add some preferences prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")] profile.set_persistent_preferences(prefs1) self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)) lines = file(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines() self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines)) self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines)) profile.reset() self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')), "I pity the fool who left my pref") def test_magic_markers(self): """ensure our magic markers are working""" profile = Profile() prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js') # we shouldn't have any initial preferences initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file) self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) initial_prefs = file(prefs_file).read().strip() self.assertFalse(initial_prefs) # add some preferences prefs1 = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"), ("zoom.minPercent", 30)] profile.set_preferences(prefs1) self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)) lines = file(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines() self.assertTrue(bool([line for line in lines if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')])) self.assertTrue(bool([line for line in lines if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')])) # add some more preferences prefs2 = [("zoom.maxPercent", 300), ("webgl.verbose", 'false')] profile.set_preferences(prefs2) self.assertEqual(prefs1 + prefs2, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)) lines = file(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines() self.assertTrue(len([line for line in lines if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')]) == 2) self.assertTrue(len([line for line in lines if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')]) == 2) # now clean it up profile.clean_preferences() final_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file) self.assertFalse(final_prefs) lines = file(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines() self.assertTrue('#MozRunner Prefs Start' not in lines) self.assertTrue('#MozRunner Prefs End' not in lines) def test_preexisting_preferences(self): """ensure you don't clobber preexisting preferences""" # make a pretend profile tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # make a user.js contents = """ user_pref("webgl.enabled_for_all_sites", true); user_pref("webgl.force-enabled", true); """ user_js = os.path.join(tempdir, 'user.js') f = file(user_js, 'w') f.write(contents) f.close() # make sure you can read it prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js) original_prefs = [('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True), ('webgl.force-enabled', True)] self.assertTrue(prefs == original_prefs) # now read this as a profile profile = Profile(tempdir, preferences={"browser.download.dir": "/home/jhammel"}) # make sure the new pref is now there new_prefs = original_prefs[:] + [("browser.download.dir", "/home/jhammel")] prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js) self.assertTrue(prefs == new_prefs) # clean up the added preferences profile.cleanup() del profile # make sure you have the original preferences prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js) self.assertTrue(prefs == original_prefs) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def test_can_read_prefs_with_multiline_comments(self): """ Ensure that multiple comments in the file header do not break reading the prefs (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1233534). """ user_js = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False) self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, user_js.name) with user_js: user_js.write(""" # Mozilla User Preferences /* Do not edit this file. * * If you make changes to this file while the application is running, * the changes will be overwritten when the application exits. * * To make a manual change to preferences, you can visit the URL about:config */ user_pref("webgl.enabled_for_all_sites", true); user_pref("webgl.force-enabled", true); """) self.assertEqual( Preferences.read_prefs(user_js.name), [('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True), ('webgl.force-enabled', True)] ) def test_json(self): _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"} json = '{"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}' # just repr it...could use the json module but we don't need it here with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as f: f.write(json) f.flush() commandline = ["--preferences", f.name] self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline) def test_prefs_write(self): """test that the Preferences.write() method correctly serializes preferences""" _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': "http://planet.mozilla.org", 'zoom.minPercent': 30, 'zoom.maxPercent': 300} # make a Preferences manager with the testing preferences preferences = Preferences(_prefs) # write them to a temporary location path = None read_prefs = None try: with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False) as f: path = f.name preferences.write(f, _prefs) # read them back and ensure we get what we put in read_prefs = dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path)) finally: # cleanup if path and os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) self.assertEqual(read_prefs, _prefs) def test_read_prefs_with_comments(self): """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file that contains comments""" path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_comments.js') self.assertEqual(dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path)), self._prefs_with_comments) def test_read_prefs_with_interpolation(self): """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file whose values require interpolation""" expected_prefs = { "browser.foo": "http://server-name", "zoom.minPercent": 30, "webgl.verbose": "false", "browser.bar": "somethingxyz" } values = { "server": "server-name", "abc": "something" } path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_interpolation.js') read_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path, interpolation=values) self.assertEqual(dict(read_prefs), expected_prefs) def test_read_prefs_ttw(self): """test reading preferences through the web via mozhttpd""" # create a MozHttpd instance docroot = os.path.join(here, 'files') host = '' port = 8888 httpd = mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=port, docroot=docroot) # create a preferences instance prefs = Preferences() try: # start server httpd.start(block=False) # read preferences through the web read = prefs.read_prefs('http://%s:%d/prefs_with_comments.js' % (host, port)) self.assertEqual(dict(read), self._prefs_with_comments) finally: httpd.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()