# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs, sys, re from tempfile import mkstemp from os import rename, close, unlink #print sys.argv[1:] ## Files that contain version numbers that will need to be updated. version_files = [ # 'version_test.sml', # 'version_test.txt', 'setup.py', 'calibre-plugin/__init__.py', 'webservice/app.yaml', 'fanficfare/cli.py', ] ## save version from this file for index.html link. # save_file='version_test.txt' save_file='webservice/app.yaml' saved_version = None def main(args): ## major.minor.micro ''' version = (2, 3, 6) version="2.3.6", version: 2-3-06a version="2.3.6" ''' version_re = \ r'^(?P[ ]*)version(?P[ =:"\\(]+)' \ r'(?P[0-9]+)(?P[, \\.-]+)' \ r'(?P[0-9]+)(?P[, \\.-]+)' \ r'(?P[0-9]+[a-z]?)(?P[",\\)]*\r?\n)$' version_subs = '\gversion\g%s\g%s\g%s\g' % tuple(args) do_loop(version_files, version_re, version_subs) index_files = ['webservice/index.html'] if saved_version: ## only do major/minor, always leave micro 0 in index.html. index_re = 'http://([0-9-]+[a-z]?)\\.fanficfare\\.appspot\\.com' index_subs = 'http://%s-%s-0.fanficfare.appspot.com'%saved_version[0:2] do_loop(index_files, index_re, index_subs) release = 'Release' if int(args[-1]) > 0: release = 'Test' print('\ngit add %s'%(" ".join(version_files+index_files))) print('git commit -m "Bump %s Version"'%release) def do_loop(files, pattern, substring): global saved_version for source_file_path in files: print "src:"+source_file_path fh, target_file_path = mkstemp() with codecs.open(target_file_path, 'w', 'utf-8') as target_file: with codecs.open(source_file_path, 'r', 'utf-8') as source_file: for line in source_file: repline = re.sub(pattern, substring, line) if line != repline and source_file_path == save_file: m = re.match(pattern,line) saved_version = (m.group('major'),m.group('minor'),m.group('micro')) print("<-%s->%s"%(line,repline)) target_file.write(repline) close(fh) unlink(source_file_path) rename(target_file_path,source_file_path) if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] try: if len(args) != 3: raise Exception() [int(x) for x in args] except: print "Requires exactly 3 numeric args: major minor micro" exit() main(args) # print saved_version