-- DOCUMENTATION: mg_villages.village_type_data has entries in the following form: -- key = { data values } with key beeing the name of the village type -- meaning of the data values: -- min, max: the village size will be choosen randomly between these two values; -- the actual village will have a radius about twice as big (including sourrounding area) -- space_between_buildings=2 How much space is there between the buildings. 1 or 2 are good values. -- The higher, the further the buildings are spread apart. -- mods = {'homedecor','moreblocks'} List of mods that are required for the buildings of this village type. -- List all the mods the blocks used by your buildings which are not in default. -- texture = 'wool_white.png' Texture used to show the location of the village when using the -- vmap command. -- name_prefix = 'Village ', -- name_postfix = '' When creating village names for single houses which are spawned outside -- of villages, the village name will consist of name_prefix..village_name..name_postfix -- sapling_divisor = 1 Villages are sourrounded by a flat area that may contain trees. Increasing this -- value decreses the mount of trees placed. -- plant_type = 'farming:wheat_8' Type of plant that is placed around villages. -- plant_frequency = 1 The higher this value is, the less plants are placed. local village_type_data_list = { nore = { min = 20, max = 40, space_between_buildings=1, mods={}, texture = 'default_stone_brick.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_nore }, taoki = { min = 30, max = 70, space_between_buildings=1, mods={}, texture = 'default_brick.png' , sapling_divisor = 5, plant_type = 'farming:cotton_8', plant_frequency = 1, replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_taoki }, medieval = { min = 25, max = 60, space_between_buildings=2, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'cottages_darkage_straw.png', -- they often have straw roofs sapling_divisor = 10, plant_type = 'farming:wheat_8', plant_frequency = 1, replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_medieval }, charachoal = { min = 10, max = 15, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_coal_block.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_charachoal }, lumberjack = { min = 10, max = 30, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_tree.png', name_prefix = 'Camp ', sapling_divisor = 1, plant_type = 'default:junglegrass', plant_frequency = 24, replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_lumberjack }, claytrader = { min = 10, max = 20, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_clay.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_claytrader }, logcabin = { min = 15, max = 30, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_wood.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_logcabin }, canadian = { min = 40, max = 110, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'hdb','nbu'}, texture = 'wool_white.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_canadian }, grasshut = { min = 10, max = 40, space_between_buildings=1, mods={'dryplants'}, texture = 'dryplants_reed.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_grasshut }, tent = { min = 5, max = 20, space_between_buildings=2, mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'wool_white.png', name_preifx = 'Tent at', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_tent }, -- these sub-types may occour as single houses placed far from villages tower = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Tower at ', mods={'cottages'}, texture = 'default_mese.png'}, chateau = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Chateau ', texture = 'default_gold_block.png', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_chateau }, forge = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Forge at '}, tavern = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Inn at '}, well = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Well at ', replacement_function = mg_villages.replacements_medieval }, trader = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Trading post ' }, sawmill = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Sawmill at ' }, farm_tiny = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'House '}, farm_full = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'Farm '}, single = { only_single = 1, name_prefix = 'House '}, -- fallback } -- NOTE: Most values of village types added with mg_villages.add_village_type can still be changed later on by -- changing the global variable mg_villages.village_type_data[ village_type ] -- Village types where one or more of the required mods (listed in v.mods) are missing will not be -- available. -- You can add your own village type by i.e. calling -- mg_villages.add_village_type( 'town', { min = 10, max = 30, space_between_buildings = 2, mods = {'moreblocks','homedecor'}, texture='default_diamond_block.png'} ); -- This will add a new village type named 'town', which will only be available if the mods moreblocks and homedecor are installed. -- It will show the texture of the diamond block when showing the position of a village of that type in the map displayed by the /vmap command. -- some villages require special mods as building material for their houses; -- figure out which village types can be used mg_villages.add_village_type = function( type_name, v ) local found = true; if( not( v.mods )) then v.mods = {}; end for _,m in ipairs( v.mods ) do if( not( minetest.get_modpath( m ))) then -- this village type will not be used because not all required mods are installed return false; end end if( not( v.only_single ) and (not(v.min) or not(v.max))) then mg_villages.print( mg_villages.DEBUG_LEVEL_NORMAL, 'Error: Village type '..tostring( type_name )..' lacks size information.'); return false; end -- set some default values if( not( v.sapling_divisor )) then v.sapling_divisor = 10; end if( not( v.plant_type )) then v.plant_type = 'default:grass_5'; end if( not( v.plant_frequency )) then v.plant_frequency = 3; end -- this village type is supported by the mods installed and may be used v.supported = 1; mg_villages.village_type_data[ type_name ] = v; return true; end -- build a list of all useable village types the mg_villages mod comes with mg_villages.village_type_data = {}; for k,v in pairs( village_type_data_list ) do mg_villages.add_village_type( k, v ); end village_type_data_list = nil;