function recalculate_armor(player) if not player or (player and not player:is_player()) then return end local inv = player:get_inventory() local meta = player:get_meta() local player_skin = meta:get_string("skin") local stack = inv:get_stack("armor_head",1):get_name() stack = stack:gsub("_item.png","") stack = stack:gsub("armor:","") if stack ~= "" then player_skin = player_skin.."^"..stack..".png" end stack = inv:get_stack("armor_torso",1):get_name() stack = stack:gsub("_item.png","") stack = stack:gsub("armor:","") if stack ~= "" then player_skin = player_skin.."^"..stack..".png" end stack = inv:get_stack("armor_legs",1):get_name() stack = stack:gsub("_item.png","") stack = stack:gsub("armor:","") if stack ~= "" then player_skin = player_skin.."^"..stack..".png" end stack = inv:get_stack("armor_feet",1):get_name() stack = stack:gsub("_item.png","") stack = stack:gsub("armor:","") if stack ~= "" then player_skin = player_skin.."^"..stack..".png" end player:set_properties({textures = {player_skin}}) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() inv:set_size("armor_head" ,1) inv:set_size("armor_torso",1) inv:set_size("armor_legs" ,1) inv:set_size("armor_feet" ,1) minetest.after(0.1,function() recalculate_armor(player) end) end) minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) if inventory_info.from_list == "armor_head" or inventory_info.from_list == "armor_torso" or inventory_info.from_list == "armor_legs" or inventory_info.from_list == "armor_feet" or inventory_info.to_list == "armor_head" or inventory_info.to_list == "armor_torso" or inventory_info.to_list == "armor_legs" or inventory_info.to_list == "armor_feet" then minetest.after(0,function() recalculate_armor(player) end) end end) --only allow players to put armor in the right slots to stop exploiting chestplates minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) if inventory_info.to_list == "armor_head" then local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list,inventory_info.from_index) local item = stack:get_name() if minetest.get_item_group(item, "helmet") == 0 then return(0) end elseif inventory_info.to_list == "armor_torso" then local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list,inventory_info.from_index) local item = stack:get_name() if minetest.get_item_group(item, "chestplate") == 0 then return(0) end elseif inventory_info.to_list == "armor_legs" then local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list,inventory_info.from_index) local item = stack:get_name() if minetest.get_item_group(item, "leggings") == 0 then return(0) end elseif inventory_info.to_list == "armor_feet" then local stack = inventory:get_stack(inventory_info.from_list,inventory_info.from_index) local item = stack:get_name() if minetest.get_item_group(item, "boots") == 0 then return(0) end end end) local armor_type = {["helmet"]=2,["chestplate"]=5,["leggings"]=3,["boots"]=2} local materials = {["iron"]=2,["chain"]=4,["gold"]=3,["diamond"]=7} local function bool_int(state) if state == true then return(1) end if state == false or not state then return(0) end end for material_id,material in pairs(materials) do for armor_id,armor in pairs(armor_type) do print(material_id,material,"|",armor_id,armor) minetest.register_tool("armor:"..material_id.."_"..armor_id,{ description = material_id:gsub("^%l", string.upper).." "..armor_id:gsub("^%l", string.upper), groups = { armor = 1, armor_level = material, armor_defense = armor, helmet = bool_int(armor_id == "helmet"), chestplate = bool_int(armor_id == "chestplate"), leggings = bool_int(armor_id == "leggings"), boots = bool_int(armor_id == "boots"), }, inventory_image = material_id.."_"..armor_id.."_item.png", stack_max = 1, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 0, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = { }, damage_groups = { }, punch_attack_uses = 0, } }) if armor_id == "helmet" then minetest.register_craft({ output = "armor:"..material_id.."_"..armor_id, recipe = { {"main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "" , "main:"..material_id}, {"" , "" , "" } } }) elseif armor_id == "chestplate" then minetest.register_craft({ output = "armor:"..material_id.."_"..armor_id, recipe = { {"main:"..material_id, "" , "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id} } }) elseif armor_id == "leggings" then minetest.register_craft({ output = "armor:"..material_id.."_"..armor_id, recipe = { {"main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id, "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "" , "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "" , "main:"..material_id} } }) elseif armor_id == "boots" then minetest.register_craft({ output = "armor:"..material_id.."_"..armor_id, recipe = { {"" , "", "" }, {"main:"..material_id, "", "main:"..material_id}, {"main:"..material_id, "", "main:"..material_id} } }) end end end