const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const assert = std.debug.assert; const text = @import("ir/text.zig"); /// These are in-memory, analyzed instructions. See `text.Inst` for the representation /// of instructions that correspond to the ZIR text format. /// This struct owns the `Value` and `Type` memory. When the struct is deallocated, /// so are the `Value` and `Type`. The value of a constant must be copied into /// a memory location for the value to survive after a const instruction. pub const Inst = struct { tag: Tag, ty: Type, src_offset: usize, pub const Tag = enum { unreach, constant, assembly, }; pub fn cast(base: *Inst, comptime T: type) ?*T { if (base.tag != T.base_tag) return null; return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base); } pub const Constant = struct { pub const base_tag = Tag.constant; base: Inst, val: Value, }; pub const Assembly = struct { pub const base_tag = Tag.assembly; base: Inst, asm_source: []const u8, is_volatile: bool, output: []const u8, inputs: []const []const u8, clobbers: []const []const u8, args: []const []const u8, }; }; const TypedValue = struct { ty: Type, val: Value, }; pub const Module = struct { exports: []Export, errors: []ErrorMsg, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, pub const Export = struct { name: []const u8, typed_value: TypedValue, }; pub fn deinit(self: *Module, allocator: *Allocator) void {;; self.arena.deinit(); self.* = undefined; } pub fn emit_zir(self: Module, allocator: *Allocator) !text.Module { return error.TodoImplementEmitToZIR; } }; pub const ErrorMsg = struct { byte_offset: usize, msg: []const u8, }; pub fn analyze(allocator: *Allocator, old_module: text.Module) !Module { var ctx = Analyze{ .allocator = allocator, .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator), .old_module = &old_module, .errors = std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg).init(allocator), .inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, Analyze.NewInst).init(allocator), .exports = std.ArrayList(Module.Export).init(allocator), }; defer ctx.errors.deinit(); defer ctx.inst_table.deinit(); defer ctx.exports.deinit(); ctx.analyzeRoot() catch |err| switch (err) { error.AnalysisFail => { assert(ctx.errors.items.len != 0); }, else => |e| return e, }; return Module{ .exports = ctx.exports.toOwnedSlice(), .errors = ctx.errors.toOwnedSlice(), .arena = ctx.arena, }; } const Analyze = struct { allocator: *Allocator, arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, old_module: *const text.Module, errors: std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg), inst_table: std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, NewInst), exports: std.ArrayList(Module.Export), const NewInst = struct { /// null means a semantic analysis error happened ptr: ?*Inst, }; const InnerError = error{ OutOfMemory, AnalysisFail }; fn analyzeRoot(self: *Analyze) !void { for (self.old_module.decls) |decl| { if (decl.cast(text.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| { try analyzeExport(self, export_inst); } } } fn resolveInst(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Inst { if (self.inst_table.get(old_inst)) |kv| { return kv.value.ptr orelse return error.AnalysisFail; } else { const new_inst = self.analyzeDecl(old_inst) catch |err| switch (err) { error.AnalysisFail => { try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = null }); return error.AnalysisFail; }, else => |e| return e, }; try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = new_inst }); return new_inst; } } fn resolveInstConst(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue { const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(old_inst); const val = try self.resolveConstValue(new_inst); return TypedValue{ .ty = new_inst.ty, .val = val, }; } fn resolveConstValue(self: *Analyze, base: *Inst) !Value { const const_inst = base.cast(Inst.Constant) orelse return, "unable to resolve comptime value", .{}); return const_inst.val; } fn resolveConstString(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) ![]u8 { const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(old_inst); const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8); const coerced_inst = try self.coerce(wanted_type, new_inst); const val = try self.resolveConstValue(coerced_inst); return val.toAllocatedBytes(&self.arena.allocator); } fn analyzeExport(self: *Analyze, export_inst: *text.Inst.Export) !void { const symbol_name = try self.resolveConstString(export_inst.positionals.symbol_name); const typed_value = try self.resolveInstConst(export_inst.positionals.value); switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Fn => {}, else => return export_inst.positionals.value.src_offset, "unable to export type '{}'", .{typed_value.ty}, ), } try self.exports.append(.{ .name = symbol_name, .typed_value = typed_value, }); } fn constStr(self: *Analyze, src_offset: usize, str: []const u8) !*Inst { const array_payload = try self.arena.allocator.create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0); array_payload.* = .{ .len = str.len }; const ty_payload = try self.arena.allocator.create(Type.Payload.SingleConstPointer); ty_payload.* = .{ .pointee_type = Type.initPayload(&array_payload.base) }; const bytes_payload = try self.arena.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Bytes); bytes_payload.* = .{ .data = str }; const const_inst = try self.arena.allocator.create(Inst.Constant); const_inst.* = .{ .base = .{ .tag = Inst.Constant.base_tag, .ty = Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base), .src_offset = src_offset, }, .val = Value.initPayload(&bytes_payload.base), }; return &const_inst.base; } fn analyzeDecl(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) !*Inst { switch (old_inst.tag) { .str => { // We can use this reference because Inst.Const's Value is arena-allocated. // The value would get copied to a MemoryCell before the `text.Inst.Str` lifetime ends. const bytes = old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Str).?.positionals.bytes; return self.constStr(old_inst.src_offset, bytes); }, .int => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .ptrtoint => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .fieldptr => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .deref => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .as => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .@"asm" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .@"unreachable" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .@"fn" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .@"export" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .primitive => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), .fntype => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}), } } fn coerce(self: *Analyze, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst { // *[N]T to []T if (inst.ty.isSinglePointer() and dest_type.isSlice() and (!inst.ty.pointerIsConst() or dest_type.pointerIsConst())) { const array_type = inst.ty.elemType(); const dst_elem_type = dest_type.elemType(); if (array_type.zigTypeTag() == .Array and coerceInMemoryAllowed(dst_elem_type, array_type.elemType()) == .ok) { return, "TODO do the type coercion", .{}); } } return, "TODO implement type coercion", .{}); } fn fail(self: *Analyze, src_offset: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) InnerError { @setCold(true); const msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&self.arena.allocator, format, args); (try self.errors.addOne()).* = .{ .byte_offset = src_offset, .msg = msg, }; return error.AnalysisFail; } const InMemoryCoercionResult = enum { ok, no_match, }; fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type: Type, src_type: Type) InMemoryCoercionResult { // As a shortcut, if the small tags / addresses match, we're done. if (dest_type.tag_if_small_enough == src_type.tag_if_small_enough) return .ok; // TODO: implement more of this function return .no_match; } }; pub fn main() anyerror!void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = if (std.builtin.link_libc) std.heap.c_allocator else &arena.allocator; const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); const src_path = args[1]; const debug_error_trace = true; const source = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAllocOptions(allocator, src_path, std.math.maxInt(u32), 1, 0); var zir_module = try text.parse(allocator, source); defer zir_module.deinit(allocator); if (zir_module.errors.len != 0) { for (zir_module.errors) |err_msg| { const loc = findLineColumn(source, err_msg.byte_offset); std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}: error: {}\n", .{ src_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1, err_msg.msg }); } if (debug_error_trace) return error.ParseFailure; std.process.exit(1); } var analyzed_module = try analyze(allocator, zir_module); defer analyzed_module.deinit(allocator); if (analyzed_module.errors.len != 0) { for (analyzed_module.errors) |err_msg| { const loc = findLineColumn(source, err_msg.byte_offset); std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}: error: {}\n", .{ src_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1, err_msg.msg }); } if (debug_error_trace) return error.ParseFailure; std.process.exit(1); } var new_zir_module = try analyzed_module.emit_zir(allocator); defer new_zir_module.deinit(allocator); new_zir_module.dump(); } fn findLineColumn(source: []const u8, byte_offset: usize) struct { line: usize, column: usize } { var line: usize = 0; var column: usize = 0; for (source[0..byte_offset]) |byte| { switch (byte) { '\n' => { line += 1; column = 0; }, else => { column += 1; }, } } return .{ .line = line, .column = column }; } // Performance optimization ideas: // * when analyzing use a field in the Inst instead of HashMap to track corresponding instructions