const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const json = std.json; const mem = std.mem; const fieldIndex = std.meta.fieldIndex; const TypeId = builtin.TypeId; pub fn main() anyerror!void { var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.direct_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator); var parser: json.Parser = undefined; var dump = Dump.init(allocator); for (args[1..]) |arg| { parser = json.Parser.init(allocator, false); const json_text = try, arg); const tree = try parser.parse(json_text); try dump.mergeJson(tree.root); } const stdout = try; try dump.render(&stdout.outStream().stream); } /// AST source node const Node = struct { file: usize, line: usize, col: usize, fields: []usize, fn hash(n: Node) u32 { var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, n.file); std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, n.line); std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, n.col); return @truncate(u32,; } fn eql(a: Node, b: Node) bool { return a.file == b.file and a.line == b.line and a.col == b.col; } }; const Error = struct { src: usize, name: []const u8, fn hash(n: Error) u32 { var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, n.src); return @truncate(u32,; } fn eql(a: Error, b: Error) bool { return a.src == b.src; } }; const simple_types = [_][]const u8{ "Type", "Void", "Bool", "NoReturn", "ComptimeFloat", "ComptimeInt", "Undefined", "Null", "AnyFrame", "EnumLiteral", }; const Type = union(builtin.TypeId) { Type, Void, Bool, NoReturn, ComptimeFloat, ComptimeInt, Undefined, Null, AnyFrame, EnumLiteral, Int: Int, Float: usize, // bits Vector: Array, Optional: usize, // payload type index Pointer: Pointer, Array: Array, Struct, // TODO ErrorUnion, // TODO ErrorSet, // TODO Enum, // TODO Union, // TODO Fn, // TODO BoundFn, // TODO ArgTuple, // TODO Opaque, // TODO Frame, // TODO const Int = struct { bits: usize, signed: bool, }; const Pointer = struct { elem: usize, alignment: usize, is_const: bool, is_volatile: bool, allow_zero: bool, host_int_bytes: usize, bit_offset_in_host: usize, }; const Array = struct { elem: usize, len: usize, }; fn hash(t: Type) u32 { var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); std.hash.autoHash(&hasher, builtin.TypeId(t)); return @truncate(u32,; } fn eql(a: Type, b: Type) bool { return std.meta.eql(a, b); } }; const Dump = struct { zig_id: ?[]const u8 = null, zig_version: ?[]const u8 = null, root_name: ?[]const u8 = null, targets: std.ArrayList([]const u8), const FileMap = std.StringHashMap(usize); file_list: std.ArrayList([]const u8), file_map: FileMap, const NodeMap = std.HashMap(Node, usize, Node.hash, Node.eql); node_list: std.ArrayList(Node), node_map: NodeMap, const ErrorMap = std.HashMap(Error, usize, Error.hash, Error.eql); error_list: std.ArrayList(Error), error_map: ErrorMap, const TypeMap = std.HashMap(Type, usize, Type.hash, Type.eql); type_list: std.ArrayList(Type), type_map: TypeMap, fn init(allocator: *mem.Allocator) Dump { return Dump{ .targets = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .file_list = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator), .file_map = FileMap.init(allocator), .node_list = std.ArrayList(Node).init(allocator), .node_map = NodeMap.init(allocator), .error_list = std.ArrayList(Error).init(allocator), .error_map = ErrorMap.init(allocator), .type_list = std.ArrayList(Type).init(allocator), .type_map = TypeMap.init(allocator), }; } fn mergeJson(self: *Dump, root: json.Value) !void { const params = &root.Object.get("params").?.value.Object; const zig_id = params.get("zigId").?.value.String; const zig_version = params.get("zigVersion").?.value.String; const root_name = params.get("rootName").?.value.String; try mergeSameStrings(&self.zig_id, zig_id); try mergeSameStrings(&self.zig_version, zig_version); try mergeSameStrings(&self.root_name, root_name); for (params.get("builds").?.value.Array.toSliceConst()) |json_build| { const target = json_build.Object.get("target").?.value.String; try self.targets.append(target); } // Merge files. If the string matches, it's the same file. const other_files = root.Object.get("files").?.value.Array.toSliceConst(); var other_file_to_mine = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(self.a()); for (other_files) |other_file, i| { const gop = try self.file_map.getOrPut(other_file.String); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.kv.value = self.file_list.len; try self.file_list.append(other_file.String); } try other_file_to_mine.putNoClobber(i, gop.kv.value); } // Merge AST nodes. If the file id, line, and column all match, it's the same AST node. const other_ast_nodes = root.Object.get("astNodes").?.value.Array.toSliceConst(); var other_ast_node_to_mine = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(self.a()); for (other_ast_nodes) |other_ast_node_json, i| { const other_file_id = jsonObjInt(other_ast_node_json, "file"); const other_node = Node{ .line = jsonObjInt(other_ast_node_json, "line"), .col = jsonObjInt(other_ast_node_json, "col"), .file = other_file_to_mine.getValue(other_file_id).?, .fields = ([*]usize)(undefined)[0..0], }; const gop = try self.node_map.getOrPut(other_node); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.kv.value = self.node_list.len; try self.node_list.append(other_node); } try other_ast_node_to_mine.putNoClobber(i, gop.kv.value); } // convert fields lists for (other_ast_nodes) |other_ast_node_json, i| { const my_node_index = other_ast_node_to_mine.get(i).?.value; const my_node = &self.node_list.toSlice()[my_node_index]; if (other_ast_node_json.Object.get("fields")) |fields_json_kv| { const other_fields = fields_json_kv.value.Array.toSliceConst(); my_node.fields = try self.a().alloc(usize, other_fields.len); for (other_fields) |other_field_index, field_i| { const other_index = @intCast(usize, other_field_index.Integer); my_node.fields[field_i] = other_ast_node_to_mine.get(other_index).?.value; } } } // Merge errors. If the AST Node matches, it's the same error value. const other_errors = root.Object.get("errors").?.value.Array.toSliceConst(); var other_error_to_mine = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(self.a()); for (other_errors) |other_error_json, i| { const other_src_id = jsonObjInt(other_error_json, "src"); const other_error = Error{ .src = other_ast_node_to_mine.getValue(other_src_id).?, .name = other_error_json.Object.get("name").?.value.String, }; const gop = try self.error_map.getOrPut(other_error); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.kv.value = self.error_list.len; try self.error_list.append(other_error); } try other_error_to_mine.putNoClobber(i, gop.kv.value); } // Merge types. Now it starts to get advanced. // First we identify all the simple types and merge those. // Example: void, type, noreturn // We can also do integers and floats. const other_types = root.Object.get("types").?.value.Array.toSliceConst(); var other_types_to_mine = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(self.a()); for (other_types) |other_type_json, i| { const type_kind = jsonObjInt(other_type_json, "kind"); switch (type_kind) { fieldIndex(TypeId, "Int").? => { var signed: bool = undefined; var bits: usize = undefined; if (other_type_json.Object.get("i")) |kv| { signed = true; bits = @intCast(usize, kv.value.Integer); } else if (other_type_json.Object.get("u")) |kv| { signed = false; bits = @intCast(usize, kv.value.Integer); } else { unreachable; } const other_type = Type{ .Int = Type.Int{ .bits = bits, .signed = signed, }, }; try self.mergeOtherType(other_type, i, &other_types_to_mine); }, fieldIndex(TypeId, "Float").? => { const other_type = Type{ .Float = jsonObjInt(other_type_json, "bits"), }; try self.mergeOtherType(other_type, i, &other_types_to_mine); }, else => {}, } inline for (simple_types) |simple_type_name| { if (type_kind == std.meta.fieldIndex(builtin.TypeId, simple_type_name).?) { const other_type = @unionInit(Type, simple_type_name, {}); try self.mergeOtherType(other_type, i, &other_types_to_mine); } } } } fn mergeOtherType( self: *Dump, other_type: Type, other_type_index: usize, other_types_to_mine: *std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize), ) !void { const gop = try self.type_map.getOrPut(other_type); if (!gop.found_existing) { gop.kv.value = self.type_list.len; try self.type_list.append(other_type); } try other_types_to_mine.putNoClobber(other_type_index, gop.kv.value); } fn render(self: *Dump, stream: var) !void { var jw = json.WriteStream(@typeOf(stream).Child, 10).init(stream); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("typeKinds"); try jw.beginArray(); inline for (@typeInfo(builtin.TypeId).Enum.fields) |field| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.emitString(; } try jw.endArray(); try jw.objectField("params"); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("zigId"); try jw.emitString(self.zig_id.?); try jw.objectField("zigVersion"); try jw.emitString(self.zig_version.?); try jw.objectField("rootName"); try jw.emitString(self.root_name.?); try jw.objectField("builds"); try jw.beginArray(); for (self.targets.toSliceConst()) |target| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("target"); try jw.emitString(target); try jw.endObject(); } try jw.endArray(); try jw.endObject(); try jw.objectField("types"); try jw.beginArray(); for (self.type_list.toSliceConst()) |t| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("kind"); try jw.emitNumber(@enumToInt(builtin.TypeId(t))); switch (t) { .Int => |int| { if (int.signed) { try jw.objectField("i"); } else { try jw.objectField("u"); } try jw.emitNumber(int.bits); }, .Float => |bits| { try jw.objectField("bits"); try jw.emitNumber(bits); }, else => {}, } try jw.endObject(); } try jw.endArray(); try jw.objectField("errors"); try jw.beginArray(); for (self.error_list.toSliceConst()) |zig_error| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("src"); try jw.emitNumber(zig_error.src); try jw.objectField("name"); try jw.emitString(; try jw.endObject(); } try jw.endArray(); try jw.objectField("astNodes"); try jw.beginArray(); for (self.node_list.toSliceConst()) |node| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.beginObject(); try jw.objectField("file"); try jw.emitNumber(node.file); try jw.objectField("line"); try jw.emitNumber(node.line); try jw.objectField("col"); try jw.emitNumber(node.col); if (node.fields.len != 0) { try jw.objectField("fields"); try jw.beginArray(); for (node.fields) |field_node_index| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.emitNumber(field_node_index); } try jw.endArray(); } try jw.endObject(); } try jw.endArray(); try jw.objectField("files"); try jw.beginArray(); for (self.file_list.toSliceConst()) |file| { try jw.arrayElem(); try jw.emitString(file); } try jw.endArray(); try jw.endObject(); } fn a(self: Dump) *mem.Allocator { return self.targets.allocator; } fn mergeSameStrings(opt_dest: *?[]const u8, src: []const u8) !void { if (opt_dest.*) |dest| { if (!mem.eql(u8, dest, src)) return error.MismatchedDumps; } else { opt_dest.* = src; } } }; fn jsonObjInt(json_val: json.Value, field: []const u8) usize { const uncasted = json_val.Object.get(field).?.value.Integer; return @intCast(usize, uncasted); }