const std = @import("std"); const path = std.fs.path; const assert = std.debug.assert; const target_util = @import("target.zig"); const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig"); const build_options = @import("build_options"); const trace = @import("tracy.zig").trace; pub fn buildStaticLib(comp: *Compilation) !void { if (!build_options.have_llvm) { return error.ZigCompilerNotBuiltWithLLVMExtensions; } const tracy = trace(@src()); defer tracy.end(); var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(comp.gpa); defer arena_allocator.deinit(); const arena = &arena_allocator.allocator; const root_name = "unwind"; const output_mode = .Lib; const link_mode = .Static; const target = comp.getTarget(); const basename = try std.zig.binNameAlloc(arena, .{ .root_name = root_name, .target = target, .output_mode = output_mode, .link_mode = link_mode, }); const emit_bin = Compilation.EmitLoc{ .directory = null, // Put it in the cache directory. .basename = basename, }; const unwind_src_list = [_][]const u8{ "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "libunwind.cpp", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "Unwind-EHABI.cpp", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "Unwind-seh.cpp", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "UnwindLevel1.c", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "UnwindLevel1-gcc-ext.c", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "Unwind-sjlj.c", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "UnwindRegistersRestore.S", "libunwind" ++ path.sep_str ++ "src" ++ path.sep_str ++ "UnwindRegistersSave.S", }; var c_source_files: [unwind_src_list.len]Compilation.CSourceFile = undefined; for (unwind_src_list) |unwind_src, i| { var cflags = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena); switch (Compilation.classifyFileExt(unwind_src)) { .c => { try cflags.append("-std=c99"); }, .cpp => { try cflags.appendSlice(&[_][]const u8{ "-fno-rtti", "-I", try comp.zig_lib_directory.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ "libcxx", "include" }), }); }, .assembly => {}, else => unreachable, // You can see the entire list of files just above. } try cflags.append("-I"); try cflags.append(try comp.zig_lib_directory.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{ "libunwind", "include" })); if (target_util.supports_fpic(target)) { try cflags.append("-fPIC"); } try cflags.append("-D_LIBUNWIND_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS"); try cflags.append("-Wa,--noexecstack"); // This is intentionally always defined because the macro definition means, should it only // build for the target specified by compiler defines. Since we pass -target the compiler // defines will be correct. try cflags.append("-D_LIBUNWIND_IS_NATIVE_ONLY"); if (comp.bin_file.options.optimize_mode == .Debug) { try cflags.append("-D_DEBUG"); } if (comp.bin_file.options.single_threaded) { try cflags.append("-D_LIBUNWIND_HAS_NO_THREADS"); } try cflags.append("-Wno-bitwise-conditional-parentheses"); c_source_files[i] = .{ .src_path = try comp.zig_lib_directory.join(arena, &[_][]const u8{unwind_src}), .extra_flags = cflags.items, }; } const sub_compilation = try Compilation.create(comp.gpa, .{ .local_cache_directory = comp.global_cache_directory, .global_cache_directory = comp.global_cache_directory, .zig_lib_directory = comp.zig_lib_directory, .target = target, .root_name = root_name, .root_pkg = null, .output_mode = output_mode, .rand = comp.rand, .libc_installation = comp.bin_file.options.libc_installation, .emit_bin = emit_bin, .optimize_mode = comp.bin_file.options.optimize_mode, .link_mode = link_mode, .want_sanitize_c = false, .want_stack_check = false, .want_valgrind = false, .want_pic = comp.bin_file.options.pic, .want_pie = comp.bin_file.options.pie, .emit_h = null, .strip = comp.bin_file.options.strip, .is_native_os = comp.bin_file.options.is_native_os, .self_exe_path = comp.self_exe_path, .c_source_files = &c_source_files, .verbose_cc = comp.verbose_cc, .verbose_link = comp.bin_file.options.verbose_link, .verbose_tokenize = comp.verbose_tokenize, .verbose_ast = comp.verbose_ast, .verbose_ir = comp.verbose_ir, .verbose_llvm_ir = comp.verbose_llvm_ir, .verbose_cimport = comp.verbose_cimport, .verbose_llvm_cpu_features = comp.verbose_llvm_cpu_features, .clang_passthrough_mode = comp.clang_passthrough_mode, .link_libc = true, }); defer sub_compilation.destroy(); try sub_compilation.updateSubCompilation(); assert(comp.libunwind_static_lib == null); comp.libunwind_static_lib = Compilation.CRTFile{ .full_object_path = try sub_compilation.bin_file.options.emit.?.directory.join( comp.gpa, &[_][]const u8{basename}, ), .lock = sub_compilation.bin_file.toOwnedLock(), }; }