const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const linux = std.os.linux; const mem = std.mem; const elf = std.elf; const expect = std.testing.expect; const fs = std.fs; test "getpid" { expect(linux.getpid() != 0); } test "timer" { const epoll_fd = linux.epoll_create(); var err: usize = linux.getErrno(epoll_fd); expect(err == 0); const timer_fd = linux.timerfd_create(linux.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); expect(linux.getErrno(timer_fd) == 0); const time_interval = linux.timespec{ .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 2000000, }; const new_time = linux.itimerspec{ .it_interval = time_interval, .it_value = time_interval, }; err = linux.timerfd_settime(@intCast(i32, timer_fd), 0, &new_time, null); expect(err == 0); var event = linux.epoll_event{ .events = linux.EPOLLIN | linux.EPOLLOUT | linux.EPOLLET, .data = linux.epoll_data{ .ptr = 0 }, }; err = linux.epoll_ctl(@intCast(i32, epoll_fd), linux.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, @intCast(i32, timer_fd), &event); expect(err == 0); const events_one: linux.epoll_event = undefined; var events = [_]linux.epoll_event{events_one} ** 8; // TODO implicit cast from *[N]T to [*]T err = linux.epoll_wait(@intCast(i32, epoll_fd), @ptrCast([*]linux.epoll_event, &events), 8, -1); } test "statx" { const tmp_file_name = "just_a_temporary_file.txt"; var file = try fs.cwd().createFile(tmp_file_name, .{}); defer { file.close(); fs.cwd().deleteFile(tmp_file_name) catch {}; } var statx_buf: linux.Statx = undefined; switch (linux.getErrno(linux.statx(file.handle, "", linux.AT_EMPTY_PATH, linux.STATX_BASIC_STATS, &statx_buf))) { 0 => {}, // The statx syscall was only introduced in linux 4.11 linux.ENOSYS => return error.SkipZigTest, else => unreachable, } var stat_buf: linux.Stat = undefined; switch (linux.getErrno(linux.fstatat(file.handle, "", &stat_buf, linux.AT_EMPTY_PATH))) { 0 => {}, else => unreachable, } expect(stat_buf.mode == statx_buf.mode); expect(@bitCast(u32, stat_buf.uid) == statx_buf.uid); expect(@bitCast(u32, stat_buf.gid) == statx_buf.gid); expect(@bitCast(u64, @as(i64, stat_buf.size)) == statx_buf.size); expect(@bitCast(u64, @as(i64, stat_buf.blksize)) == statx_buf.blksize); expect(@bitCast(u64, @as(i64, stat_buf.blocks)) == statx_buf.blocks); }