const std = @import("std.zig"); const debug = std.debug; const assert = debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const math = std.math; const mem = std.mem; const meta = std.meta; const autoHash = std.hash.autoHash; const Wyhash = std.hash.Wyhash; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const want_modification_safety = builtin.mode != .ReleaseFast; const debug_u32 = if (want_modification_safety) u32 else void; pub fn AutoHashMap(comptime K: type, comptime V: type) type { return HashMap(K, V, getAutoHashFn(K), getAutoEqlFn(K)); } /// Builtin hashmap for strings as keys. pub fn StringHashMap(comptime V: type) type { return HashMap([]const u8, V, hashString, eqlString); } pub fn eqlString(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool { return mem.eql(u8, a, b); } pub fn hashString(s: []const u8) u32 { return @truncate(u32, std.hash.Wyhash.hash(0, s)); } pub fn HashMap(comptime K: type, comptime V: type, comptime hash: fn (key: K) u32, comptime eql: fn (a: K, b: K) bool) type { return struct { entries: []Entry, size: usize, max_distance_from_start_index: usize, allocator: *Allocator, /// This is used to detect bugs where a hashtable is edited while an iterator is running. modification_count: debug_u32, const Self = @This(); /// A *KV is a mutable pointer into this HashMap's internal storage. /// Modifying the key is undefined behavior. /// Modifying the value is harmless. /// *KV pointers become invalid whenever this HashMap is modified, /// and then any access to the *KV is undefined behavior. pub const KV = struct { key: K, value: V, }; const Entry = struct { used: bool, distance_from_start_index: usize, kv: KV, }; pub const GetOrPutResult = struct { kv: *KV, found_existing: bool, }; pub const Iterator = struct { hm: *const Self, // how many items have we returned count: usize, // iterator through the entry array index: usize, // used to detect concurrent modification initial_modification_count: debug_u32, pub fn next(it: *Iterator) ?*KV { if (want_modification_safety) { assert(it.initial_modification_count ==; // concurrent modification } if (it.count >= return null; while (it.index < : (it.index += 1) { const entry = &[it.index]; if (entry.used) { it.index += 1; it.count += 1; return &entry.kv; } } unreachable; // no next item } // Reset the iterator to the initial index pub fn reset(it: *Iterator) void { it.count = 0; it.index = 0; // Resetting the modification count too it.initial_modification_count =; } }; pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) Self { return Self{ .entries = &[_]Entry{}, .allocator = allocator, .size = 0, .max_distance_from_start_index = 0, .modification_count = if (want_modification_safety) 0 else {}, }; } pub fn deinit(hm: Self) void {; } pub fn clear(hm: *Self) void { for (hm.entries) |*entry| { entry.used = false; } hm.size = 0; hm.max_distance_from_start_index = 0; hm.incrementModificationCount(); } pub fn count(self: Self) usize { return self.size; } /// If key exists this function cannot fail. /// If there is an existing item with `key`, then the result /// kv pointer points to it, and found_existing is true. /// Otherwise, puts a new item with undefined value, and /// the kv pointer points to it. Caller should then initialize /// the data. pub fn getOrPut(self: *Self, key: K) !GetOrPutResult { // TODO this implementation can be improved - we should only // have to hash once and find the entry once. if (self.get(key)) |kv| { return GetOrPutResult{ .kv = kv, .found_existing = true, }; } self.incrementModificationCount(); try self.autoCapacity(); const put_result = self.internalPut(key); assert(put_result.old_kv == null); return GetOrPutResult{ .kv = &put_result.new_entry.kv, .found_existing = false, }; } pub fn getOrPutValue(self: *Self, key: K, value: V) !*KV { const res = try self.getOrPut(key); if (!res.found_existing) res.kv.value = value; return res.kv; } fn optimizedCapacity(expected_count: usize) usize { // ensure that the hash map will be at most 60% full if // expected_count items are put into it var optimized_capacity = expected_count * 5 / 3; // an overflow here would mean the amount of memory required would not // be representable in the address space return math.ceilPowerOfTwo(usize, optimized_capacity) catch unreachable; } /// Increases capacity so that the hash map will be at most /// 60% full when expected_count items are put into it pub fn ensureCapacity(self: *Self, expected_count: usize) !void { const optimized_capacity = optimizedCapacity(expected_count); return self.ensureCapacityExact(optimized_capacity); } /// Sets the capacity to the new capacity if the new /// capacity is greater than the current capacity. /// New capacity must be a power of two. fn ensureCapacityExact(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) !void { // capacity must always be a power of two to allow for modulo // optimization in the constrainIndex fn assert(math.isPowerOfTwo(new_capacity)); if (new_capacity <= self.entries.len) { return; } const old_entries = self.entries; try self.initCapacity(new_capacity); self.incrementModificationCount(); if (old_entries.len > 0) { // dump all of the old elements into the new table for (old_entries) |*old_entry| { if (old_entry.used) { self.internalPut(old_entry.kv.key).new_entry.kv.value = old_entry.kv.value; } }; } } /// Returns the kv pair that was already there. pub fn put(self: *Self, key: K, value: V) !?KV { try self.autoCapacity(); return putAssumeCapacity(self, key, value); } /// Calls put() and asserts that no kv pair is clobbered. pub fn putNoClobber(self: *Self, key: K, value: V) !void { assert((try self.put(key, value)) == null); } pub fn putAssumeCapacity(self: *Self, key: K, value: V) ?KV { assert(self.count() < self.entries.len); self.incrementModificationCount(); const put_result = self.internalPut(key); put_result.new_entry.kv.value = value; return put_result.old_kv; } pub fn get(hm: *const Self, key: K) ?*KV { if (hm.entries.len == 0) { return null; } return hm.internalGet(key); } pub fn getValue(hm: *const Self, key: K) ?V { return if (hm.get(key)) |kv| kv.value else null; } pub fn contains(hm: *const Self, key: K) bool { return hm.get(key) != null; } /// Returns any kv pair that was removed. pub fn remove(hm: *Self, key: K) ?KV { if (hm.entries.len == 0) return null; hm.incrementModificationCount(); const start_index = hm.keyToIndex(key); { var roll_over: usize = 0; while (roll_over <= hm.max_distance_from_start_index) : (roll_over += 1) { const index = hm.constrainIndex(start_index + roll_over); var entry = &hm.entries[index]; if (!entry.used) return null; if (!eql(entry.kv.key, key)) continue; const removed_kv = entry.kv; while (roll_over < hm.entries.len) : (roll_over += 1) { const next_index = hm.constrainIndex(start_index + roll_over + 1); const next_entry = &hm.entries[next_index]; if (!next_entry.used or next_entry.distance_from_start_index == 0) { entry.used = false; hm.size -= 1; return removed_kv; } entry.* = next_entry.*; entry.distance_from_start_index -= 1; entry = next_entry; } unreachable; // shifting everything in the table } } return null; } /// Calls remove(), asserts that a kv pair is removed, and discards it. pub fn removeAssertDiscard(hm: *Self, key: K) void { assert(hm.remove(key) != null); } pub fn iterator(hm: *const Self) Iterator { return Iterator{ .hm = hm, .count = 0, .index = 0, .initial_modification_count = hm.modification_count, }; } pub fn clone(self: Self) !Self { var other = Self.init(self.allocator); try other.initCapacity(self.entries.len); var it = self.iterator(); while ( |entry| { try other.putNoClobber(entry.key, entry.value); } return other; } fn autoCapacity(self: *Self) !void { if (self.entries.len == 0) { return self.ensureCapacityExact(16); } // if we get too full (60%), double the capacity if (self.size * 5 >= self.entries.len * 3) { return self.ensureCapacityExact(self.entries.len * 2); } } fn initCapacity(hm: *Self, capacity: usize) !void { hm.entries = try hm.allocator.alloc(Entry, capacity); hm.size = 0; hm.max_distance_from_start_index = 0; for (hm.entries) |*entry| { entry.used = false; } } fn incrementModificationCount(hm: *Self) void { if (want_modification_safety) { hm.modification_count +%= 1; } } const InternalPutResult = struct { new_entry: *Entry, old_kv: ?KV, }; /// Returns a pointer to the new entry. /// Asserts that there is enough space for the new item. fn internalPut(self: *Self, orig_key: K) InternalPutResult { var key = orig_key; var value: V = undefined; const start_index = self.keyToIndex(key); var roll_over: usize = 0; var distance_from_start_index: usize = 0; var got_result_entry = false; var result = InternalPutResult{ .new_entry = undefined, .old_kv = null, }; while (roll_over < self.entries.len) : ({ roll_over += 1; distance_from_start_index += 1; }) { const index = self.constrainIndex(start_index + roll_over); const entry = &self.entries[index]; if (entry.used and !eql(entry.kv.key, key)) { if (entry.distance_from_start_index < distance_from_start_index) { // robin hood to the rescue const tmp = entry.*; self.max_distance_from_start_index = math.max(self.max_distance_from_start_index, distance_from_start_index); if (!got_result_entry) { got_result_entry = true; result.new_entry = entry; } entry.* = Entry{ .used = true, .distance_from_start_index = distance_from_start_index, .kv = KV{ .key = key, .value = value, }, }; key = tmp.kv.key; value = tmp.kv.value; distance_from_start_index = tmp.distance_from_start_index; } continue; } if (entry.used) { result.old_kv = entry.kv; } else { // adding an entry. otherwise overwriting old value with // same key self.size += 1; } self.max_distance_from_start_index = math.max(distance_from_start_index, self.max_distance_from_start_index); if (!got_result_entry) { result.new_entry = entry; } entry.* = Entry{ .used = true, .distance_from_start_index = distance_from_start_index, .kv = KV{ .key = key, .value = value, }, }; return result; } unreachable; // put into a full map } fn internalGet(hm: Self, key: K) ?*KV { const start_index = hm.keyToIndex(key); { var roll_over: usize = 0; while (roll_over <= hm.max_distance_from_start_index) : (roll_over += 1) { const index = hm.constrainIndex(start_index + roll_over); const entry = &hm.entries[index]; if (!entry.used) return null; if (eql(entry.kv.key, key)) return &entry.kv; } } return null; } fn keyToIndex(hm: Self, key: K) usize { return hm.constrainIndex(@as(usize, hash(key))); } fn constrainIndex(hm: Self, i: usize) usize { // this is an optimization for modulo of power of two integers; // it requires hm.entries.len to always be a power of two return i & (hm.entries.len - 1); } }; } test "basic hash map usage" { var map = AutoHashMap(i32, i32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer map.deinit(); testing.expect((try map.put(1, 11)) == null); testing.expect((try map.put(2, 22)) == null); testing.expect((try map.put(3, 33)) == null); testing.expect((try map.put(4, 44)) == null); try map.putNoClobber(5, 55); testing.expect((try map.put(5, 66)).?.value == 55); testing.expect((try map.put(5, 55)).?.value == 66); const gop1 = try map.getOrPut(5); testing.expect(gop1.found_existing == true); testing.expect(gop1.kv.value == 55); gop1.kv.value = 77; testing.expect(map.get(5).?.value == 77); const gop2 = try map.getOrPut(99); testing.expect(gop2.found_existing == false); gop2.kv.value = 42; testing.expect(map.get(99).?.value == 42); const gop3 = try map.getOrPutValue(5, 5); testing.expect(gop3.value == 77); const gop4 = try map.getOrPutValue(100, 41); testing.expect(gop4.value == 41); testing.expect(map.contains(2)); testing.expect(map.get(2).?.value == 22); testing.expect(map.getValue(2).? == 22); const rmv1 = map.remove(2); testing.expect(rmv1.?.key == 2); testing.expect(rmv1.?.value == 22); testing.expect(map.remove(2) == null); testing.expect(map.get(2) == null); testing.expect(map.getValue(2) == null); map.removeAssertDiscard(3); } test "iterator hash map" { var reset_map = AutoHashMap(i32, i32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer reset_map.deinit(); try reset_map.putNoClobber(1, 11); try reset_map.putNoClobber(2, 22); try reset_map.putNoClobber(3, 33); // TODO this test depends on the hashing algorithm, because it assumes the // order of the elements in the hashmap. This should not be the case. var keys = [_]i32{ 1, 3, 2, }; var values = [_]i32{ 11, 33, 22, }; var it = reset_map.iterator(); var count: usize = 0; while ( |next| { testing.expect(next.key == keys[count]); testing.expect(next.value == values[count]); count += 1; } testing.expect(count == 3); testing.expect( == null); it.reset(); count = 0; while ( |next| { testing.expect(next.key == keys[count]); testing.expect(next.value == values[count]); count += 1; if (count == 2) break; } it.reset(); var entry =; testing.expect(entry.key == keys[0]); testing.expect(entry.value == values[0]); } test "ensure capacity" { var map = AutoHashMap(i32, i32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer map.deinit(); try map.ensureCapacity(20); const initialCapacity = map.entries.len; testing.expect(initialCapacity >= 20); var i: i32 = 0; while (i < 20) : (i += 1) { testing.expect(map.putAssumeCapacity(i, i + 10) == null); } // shouldn't resize from putAssumeCapacity testing.expect(initialCapacity == map.entries.len); } pub fn getHashPtrAddrFn(comptime K: type) (fn (K) u32) { return struct { fn hash(key: K) u32 { return getAutoHashFn(usize)(@ptrToInt(key)); } }.hash; } pub fn getTrivialEqlFn(comptime K: type) (fn (K, K) bool) { return struct { fn eql(a: K, b: K) bool { return a == b; } }.eql; } pub fn getAutoHashFn(comptime K: type) (fn (K) u32) { return struct { fn hash(key: K) u32 { var hasher = Wyhash.init(0); autoHash(&hasher, key); return @truncate(u32,; } }.hash; } pub fn getAutoEqlFn(comptime K: type) (fn (K, K) bool) { return struct { fn eql(a: K, b: K) bool { return meta.eql(a, b); } }.eql; } pub fn getAutoHashStratFn(comptime K: type, comptime strategy: std.hash.Strategy) (fn (K) u32) { return struct { fn hash(key: K) u32 { var hasher = Wyhash.init(0); std.hash.autoHashStrat(&hasher, key, strategy); return @truncate(u32,; } }.hash; }