const std = @import("std"); const SegmentedList = std.SegmentedList; const Token = std.c.Token; const Source = std.c.tokenizer.Source; pub const TokenIndex = usize; pub const Tree = struct { tokens: TokenList, sources: SourceList, root_node: *Node.Root, arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, msgs: MsgList, pub const SourceList = SegmentedList(Source, 4); pub const TokenList = Source.TokenList; pub const MsgList = SegmentedList(Msg, 0); pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) void { // Here we copy the arena allocator into stack memory, because // otherwise it would destroy itself while it was still working. var arena_allocator = self.arena_allocator; arena_allocator.deinit(); // self is destroyed } pub fn tokenSlice(tree: *Tree, token: TokenIndex) []const u8 { return; } pub fn tokenEql(tree: *Tree, a: TokenIndex, b: TokenIndex) bool { const atok =; const btok =; return atok.eql(btok.*); } }; pub const Msg = struct { kind: enum { Error, Warning, Note, }, inner: Error, }; pub const Error = union(enum) { InvalidToken: SingleTokenError("invalid token '{}'"), ExpectedToken: ExpectedToken, ExpectedExpr: SingleTokenError("expected expression, found '{}'"), ExpectedTypeName: SingleTokenError("expected type name, found '{}'"), ExpectedFnBody: SingleTokenError("expected function body, found '{}'"), ExpectedDeclarator: SingleTokenError("expected declarator, found '{}'"), ExpectedInitializer: SingleTokenError("expected initializer, found '{}'"), ExpectedEnumField: SingleTokenError("expected enum field, found '{}'"), ExpectedType: SingleTokenError("expected enum field, found '{}'"), InvalidTypeSpecifier: InvalidTypeSpecifier, InvalidStorageClass: SingleTokenError("invalid storage class, found '{}'"), InvalidDeclarator: SimpleError("invalid declarator"), DuplicateQualifier: SingleTokenError("duplicate type qualifier '{}'"), DuplicateSpecifier: SingleTokenError("duplicate declaration specifier '{}'"), MustUseKwToRefer: MustUseKwToRefer, FnSpecOnNonFn: SingleTokenError("function specifier '{}' on non function"), NothingDeclared: SimpleError("declaration doesn't declare anything"), QualifierIgnored: SingleTokenError("qualifier '{}' ignored"), pub fn render(self: *const Error, tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { switch (self.*) { .InvalidToken => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedToken => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedExpr => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedTypeName => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedDeclarator => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedFnBody => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedInitializer => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedEnumField => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .ExpectedType => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .InvalidTypeSpecifier => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .InvalidStorageClass => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .InvalidDeclarator => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .DuplicateQualifier => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .DuplicateSpecifier => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .MustUseKwToRefer => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .FnSpecOnNonFn => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .NothingDeclared => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), .QualifierIgnored => |*x| return x.render(tree, stream), } } pub fn loc(self: *const Error) TokenIndex { switch (self.*) { .InvalidToken => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedToken => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedExpr => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedTypeName => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedDeclarator => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedFnBody => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedInitializer => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedEnumField => |x| return x.token, .ExpectedType => |*x| return x.token, .InvalidTypeSpecifier => |x| return x.token, .InvalidStorageClass => |x| return x.token, .InvalidDeclarator => |x| return x.token, .DuplicateQualifier => |x| return x.token, .DuplicateSpecifier => |x| return x.token, .MustUseKwToRefer => |*x| return, .FnSpecOnNonFn => |*x| return, .NothingDeclared => |*x| return, .QualifierIgnored => |*x| return, } } pub const ExpectedToken = struct { token: TokenIndex, expected_id: @TagType(Token.Id), pub fn render(self: *const ExpectedToken, tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { const found_token =; if ( == .Invalid) { return stream.print("expected '{}', found invalid bytes", .{self.expected_id.symbol()}); } else { const token_name =; return stream.print("expected '{}', found '{}'", .{ self.expected_id.symbol(), token_name }); } } }; pub const InvalidTypeSpecifier = struct { token: TokenIndex, type_spec: *Node.TypeSpec, pub fn render(self: *const ExpectedToken, tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { try stream.write("invalid type specifier '"); try type_spec.spec.print(tree, stream); const token_name =; return stream.print("{}'", .{token_name}); } }; pub const MustUseKwToRefer = struct { kw: TokenIndex, name: TokenIndex, pub fn render(self: *const ExpectedToken, tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { return stream.print("must use '{}' tag to refer to type '{}'", .{ tree.slice(kw), tree.slice(name) }); } }; fn SingleTokenError(comptime msg: []const u8) type { return struct { token: TokenIndex, pub fn render(self: *const @This(), tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { const actual_token =; return stream.print(msg, .{}); } }; } fn SimpleError(comptime msg: []const u8) type { return struct { const ThisError = @This(); token: TokenIndex, pub fn render(self: *const ThisError, tokens: *Tree.TokenList, stream: var) !void { return stream.write(msg); } }; } }; pub const Type = struct { pub const TypeList = std.SegmentedList(*Type, 4); @"const": bool = false, atomic: bool = false, @"volatile": bool = false, restrict: bool = false, id: union(enum) { Int: struct { id: Id, is_signed: bool, pub const Id = enum { Char, Short, Int, Long, LongLong, }; }, Float: struct { id: Id, pub const Id = enum { Float, Double, LongDouble, }; }, Pointer: *Type, Function: struct { return_type: *Type, param_types: TypeList, }, Typedef: *Type, Record: *Node.RecordType, Enum: *Node.EnumType, /// Special case for macro parameters that can be any type. /// Only present if `retain_macros == true`. Macro, }, }; pub const Node = struct { id: Id, pub const Id = enum { Root, EnumField, RecordField, RecordDeclarator, JumpStmt, ExprStmt, LabeledStmt, CompoundStmt, IfStmt, SwitchStmt, WhileStmt, DoStmt, ForStmt, StaticAssert, Declarator, Pointer, FnDecl, Typedef, VarDecl, }; pub const Root = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .Root }, decls: DeclList, eof: TokenIndex, pub const DeclList = SegmentedList(*Node, 4); }; pub const DeclSpec = struct { storage_class: union(enum) { Auto: TokenIndex, Extern: TokenIndex, Register: TokenIndex, Static: TokenIndex, Typedef: TokenIndex, None, } = .None, thread_local: ?TokenIndex = null, type_spec: TypeSpec = TypeSpec{}, fn_spec: union(enum) { Inline: TokenIndex, Noreturn: TokenIndex, None, } = .None, align_spec: ?struct { alignas: TokenIndex, expr: *Node, rparen: TokenIndex, } = null, }; pub const TypeSpec = struct { qual: TypeQual = TypeQual{}, spec: union(enum) { /// error or default to int None, Void: TokenIndex, Char: struct { sign: ?TokenIndex = null, char: TokenIndex, }, Short: struct { sign: ?TokenIndex = null, short: TokenIndex = null, int: ?TokenIndex = null, }, Int: struct { sign: ?TokenIndex = null, int: ?TokenIndex = null, }, Long: struct { sign: ?TokenIndex = null, long: TokenIndex, longlong: ?TokenIndex = null, int: ?TokenIndex = null, }, Float: struct { float: TokenIndex, complex: ?TokenIndex = null, }, Double: struct { long: ?TokenIndex = null, double: ?TokenIndex, complex: ?TokenIndex = null, }, Bool: TokenIndex, Atomic: struct { atomic: TokenIndex, typename: *Node, rparen: TokenIndex, }, Enum: *EnumType, Record: *RecordType, Typedef: struct { sym: TokenIndex, sym_type: *Type, }, pub fn print(self: *@This(), self: *const @This(), tree: *Tree, stream: var) !void { switch (self.spec) { .None => unreachable, .Void => |index| try stream.write(tree.slice(index)), .Char => |char| { if (char.sign) |s| { try stream.write(tree.slice(s)); try stream.writeByte(' '); } try stream.write(tree.slice(char.char)); }, .Short => |short| { if (short.sign) |s| { try stream.write(tree.slice(s)); try stream.writeByte(' '); } try stream.write(tree.slice(short.short)); if ( |i| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(i)); } }, .Int => |int| { if (int.sign) |s| { try stream.write(tree.slice(s)); try stream.writeByte(' '); } if ( |i| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(i)); } }, .Long => |long| { if (long.sign) |s| { try stream.write(tree.slice(s)); try stream.writeByte(' '); } try stream.write(tree.slice(long.long)); if (long.longlong) |l| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(l)); } if ( |i| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(i)); } }, .Float => |float| { try stream.write(tree.slice(float.float)); if (float.complex) |c| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(c)); } }, .Double => |double| { if (double.long) |l| { try stream.write(tree.slice(l)); try stream.writeByte(' '); } try stream.write(tree.slice(double.double)); if (double.complex) |c| { try stream.writeByte(' '); try stream.write(tree.slice(c)); } }, .Bool => |index| try stream.write(tree.slice(index)), .Typedef => |typedef| try stream.write(tree.slice(typedef.sym)), else => try stream.print("TODO print {}", self.spec), } } } = .None, }; pub const EnumType = struct { tok: TokenIndex, name: ?TokenIndex, body: ?struct { lbrace: TokenIndex, /// always EnumField fields: FieldList, rbrace: TokenIndex, }, pub const FieldList = Root.DeclList; }; pub const EnumField = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .EnumField }, name: TokenIndex, value: ?*Node, }; pub const RecordType = struct { tok: TokenIndex, kind: enum { Struct, Union, }, name: ?TokenIndex, body: ?struct { lbrace: TokenIndex, /// RecordField or StaticAssert fields: FieldList, rbrace: TokenIndex, }, pub const FieldList = Root.DeclList; }; pub const RecordField = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .RecordField }, type_spec: TypeSpec, declarators: DeclaratorList, semicolon: TokenIndex, pub const DeclaratorList = Root.DeclList; }; pub const RecordDeclarator = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .RecordDeclarator }, declarator: ?*Declarator, bit_field_expr: ?*Expr, }; pub const TypeQual = struct { @"const": ?TokenIndex = null, atomic: ?TokenIndex = null, @"volatile": ?TokenIndex = null, restrict: ?TokenIndex = null, }; pub const JumpStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .JumpStmt }, ltoken: TokenIndex, kind: union(enum) { Break, Continue, Return: ?*Node, Goto: TokenIndex, }, semicolon: TokenIndex, }; pub const ExprStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .ExprStmt }, expr: ?*Expr, semicolon: TokenIndex, }; pub const LabeledStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .LabeledStmt }, kind: union(enum) { Label: TokenIndex, Case: TokenIndex, Default: TokenIndex, }, stmt: *Node, }; pub const CompoundStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .CompoundStmt }, lbrace: TokenIndex, statements: StmtList, rbrace: TokenIndex, pub const StmtList = Root.DeclList; }; pub const IfStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .IfStmt }, @"if": TokenIndex, cond: *Node, body: *Node, @"else": ?struct { tok: TokenIndex, body: *Node, }, }; pub const SwitchStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .SwitchStmt }, @"switch": TokenIndex, expr: *Expr, rparen: TokenIndex, stmt: *Node, }; pub const WhileStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .WhileStmt }, @"while": TokenIndex, cond: *Expr, rparen: TokenIndex, body: *Node, }; pub const DoStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .DoStmt }, do: TokenIndex, body: *Node, @"while": TokenIndex, cond: *Expr, semicolon: TokenIndex, }; pub const ForStmt = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .ForStmt }, @"for": TokenIndex, init: ?*Node, cond: ?*Expr, semicolon: TokenIndex, incr: ?*Expr, rparen: TokenIndex, body: *Node, }; pub const StaticAssert = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .StaticAssert }, assert: TokenIndex, expr: *Node, semicolon: TokenIndex, }; pub const Declarator = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .Declarator }, pointer: ?*Pointer, prefix: union(enum) { None, Identifer: TokenIndex, Complex: struct { lparen: TokenIndex, inner: *Node, rparen: TokenIndex, }, }, suffix: union(enum) { None, Fn: struct { lparen: TokenIndex, params: Params, rparen: TokenIndex, }, Array: Arrays, }, pub const Arrays = std.SegmentedList(*Array, 2); pub const Params = std.SegmentedList(*Param, 4); }; pub const Array = struct { lbracket: TokenIndex, inner: union(enum) { Inferred, Unspecified: TokenIndex, Variable: struct { asterisk: ?TokenIndex, static: ?TokenIndex, qual: TypeQual, expr: *Expr, }, }, rbracket: TokenIndex, }; pub const Pointer = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .Pointer }, asterisk: TokenIndex, qual: TypeQual, pointer: ?*Pointer, }; pub const Param = struct { kind: union(enum) { Variable, Old: TokenIndex, Normal: struct { decl_spec: *DeclSpec, declarator: *Node, }, }, }; pub const FnDecl = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .FnDecl }, decl_spec: DeclSpec, declarator: *Declarator, old_decls: OldDeclList, body: ?*CompoundStmt, pub const OldDeclList = SegmentedList(*Node, 0); }; pub const Typedef = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .Typedef }, decl_spec: DeclSpec, declarators: DeclaratorList, semicolon: TokenIndex, pub const DeclaratorList = Root.DeclList; }; pub const VarDecl = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = .VarDecl }, decl_spec: DeclSpec, initializers: Initializers, semicolon: TokenIndex, pub const Initializers = Root.DeclList; }; pub const Initialized = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = Initialized }, declarator: *Declarator, eq: TokenIndex, init: Initializer, }; pub const Initializer = union(enum) { list: struct { initializers: InitializerList, rbrace: TokenIndex, }, expr: *Expr, pub const InitializerList = std.SegmentedList(*Initializer, 4); }; pub const Macro = struct { base: Node = Node{ .id = Macro }, kind: union(enum) { Undef: []const u8, Fn: struct { params: []const []const u8, expr: *Expr, }, Expr: *Expr, }, }; }; pub const Expr = struct { id: Id, ty: *Type, value: union(enum) { None, }, pub const Id = enum { Infix, Literal, }; pub const Infix = struct { base: Expr = Expr{ .id = .Infix }, lhs: *Expr, op_token: TokenIndex, op: Op, rhs: *Expr, pub const Op = enum {}; }; };