const debug = @import("debug.zig"); const assert = debug.assert; const mem = @import("mem.zig"); const os = @import("os/index.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Os = builtin.Os; const c = @import("c/index.zig"); const Allocator = mem.Allocator; error OutOfMemory; pub var c_allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = cAlloc, .reallocFn = cRealloc, .freeFn = cFree, }; fn cAlloc(self: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: usize) -> %[]u8 { if (c.malloc(usize(n))) |mem| { @ptrCast(&u8, mem)[0..n] } else { error.OutOfMemory } } fn cRealloc(self: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: usize) -> %[]u8 { if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { old_mem[0..new_size] } else { const old_ptr = @ptrCast(&c_void, old_mem.ptr); if (c.realloc(old_ptr, usize(new_size))) |mem| { @ptrCast(&u8, mem)[0..new_size] } else { error.OutOfMemory } } } fn cFree(self: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8) { const old_ptr = @ptrCast(&c_void, old_mem.ptr);; } pub const IncrementingAllocator = struct { allocator: Allocator, bytes: []u8, end_index: usize, heap_handle: if (builtin.os == else void, fn init(capacity: usize) -> %IncrementingAllocator { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.darwin, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { const p = os.posix; const addr = p.mmap(null, capacity, p.PROT_READ|p.PROT_WRITE, p.MAP_PRIVATE|p.MAP_ANONYMOUS|p.MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0); if (addr == p.MAP_FAILED) { return error.OutOfMemory; } return IncrementingAllocator { .allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = alloc, .reallocFn = realloc, .freeFn = free, }, .bytes = @intToPtr(&u8, addr)[0..capacity], .end_index = 0, .heap_handle = {}, }; }, => { const heap_handle = ?? return error.OutOfMemory; const ptr =, 0, capacity) ?? return error.OutOfMemory; return IncrementingAllocator { .allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = alloc, .reallocFn = realloc, .freeFn = free, }, .bytes = @ptrCast(&u8, ptr)[0..capacity], .end_index = 0, .heap_handle = heap_handle, }; }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } fn deinit(self: &IncrementingAllocator) { switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.darwin, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { _ = os.posix.munmap(self.bytes.ptr, self.bytes.len); }, => { _ =, 0, @ptrCast(, self.bytes.ptr)); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } fn reset(self: &IncrementingAllocator) { self.end_index = 0; } fn bytesLeft(self: &const IncrementingAllocator) -> usize { return self.bytes.len - self.end_index; } fn alloc(allocator: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: usize) -> %[]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(IncrementingAllocator, "allocator", allocator); const addr = @ptrToInt(&self.bytes[self.end_index]); const rem = @rem(addr, alignment); const march_forward_bytes = if (rem == 0) 0 else (alignment - rem); const adjusted_index = self.end_index + march_forward_bytes; const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n; if (new_end_index > self.bytes.len) { return error.OutOfMemory; } const result = self.bytes[adjusted_index .. new_end_index]; self.end_index = new_end_index; return result; } fn realloc(allocator: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: usize) -> %[]u8 { if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { return old_mem[0..new_size]; } else { const result = %return alloc(allocator, new_size, alignment); mem.copy(u8, result, old_mem); return result; } } fn free(allocator: &Allocator, bytes: []u8) { // Do nothing. That's the point of an incrementing allocator. } }; test "IncrementingAllocator" { const total_bytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024; var inc_allocator = %%IncrementingAllocator.init(total_bytes); defer inc_allocator.deinit(); const allocator = &inc_allocator.allocator; const slice = %%allocator.alloc(&i32, 100); for (slice) |*item, i| { *item = %%allocator.create(i32); **item = i32(i); } assert(inc_allocator.bytesLeft() == total_bytes - @sizeOf(i32) * 100 - @sizeOf(usize) * 100); inc_allocator.reset(); assert(inc_allocator.bytesLeft() == total_bytes); }