# zig lang An experiment in writing a low-level programming language with the intent to replace C. Zig intends to be a small language, yet powerful enough to write readable, safe, optimal, and concise code to solve any computing problem. ## Goals * Ability to run arbitrary code at compile time and generate code. * Completely compatible with C libraries with no wrapper necessary. * Creating a C library should be a primary use case. Should be easy to export an auto-generated .h file. * Generics such as containers. * Do not depend on libc unless explicitly imported. * First class error code support. * Include documentation generator. * Eliminate the need for make, cmake, etc. * Friendly toward package maintainers. * Eliminate the need for C headers (when using zig internally). * Ability to declare dependencies as Git URLS with commit locking (can provide a tag or sha1). * Tagged union enum type. * Opinionated when it makes life easier. - Tab character in source code is a compile error. - Whitespace at the end of line is a compile error. * Resilient to parsing errors to make IDE integration work well. * Source code is UTF-8. * Shebang line OK so language can be used for "scripting" as well. * Ability to mark functions as test and automatically run them in test mode. This mode should automatically provide test coverage. * Memory zeroed by default, unless you initialize with "uninitialized". ### Building ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ./run_tests ``` ## Roadmap * variable declarations and assignment expressions * Type checking * loops * inline assembly and syscalls * conditional compilation and ability to check target platform and architecture * main function with command line arguments * running code at compile time * print! macro that takes var args * panic! macro that prints a stack trace to stderr in debug mode and calls abort() in release mode * unreachable codegen to panic("unreachable") in debug mode, and nothing in release mode * implement a simple game using SDL2 * How should the Widget use case be solved? In Genesis I'm using C++ and inheritance. ### Primitive Numeric Types: zig | C equivalent | Description -------|--------------|------------------------------- bool | bool | unsigned 1-bit integer i8 | int8_t | signed 8-bit integer u8 | uint8_t | unsigned 8-bit integer i16 | int16_t | signed 16-bit integer u16 | uint16_t | unsigned 16-bit integer i32 | int32_t | signed 32-bit integer u32 | uint32_t | unsigned 32-bit integer i64 | int64_t | signed 64-bit integer u64 | uint64_t | unsigned 64-bit integer f32 | float | 32-bit IEE754 floating point f64 | double | 64-bit IEE754 floating point f128 | long double | 128-bit IEE754 floating point isize | intptr_t | signed pointer sized integer usize | uintptr_t | unsigned pointer sized integer ### Grammar ``` Root : many(TopLevelDecl) token(EOF) TopLevelDecl : FnDef | ExternBlock | RootExportDecl | Use Use : many(Directive) token(Use) token(String) token(Semicolon) RootExportDecl : many(Directive) token(Export) token(Symbol) token(String) token(Semicolon) ExternBlock : many(Directive) token(Extern) token(LBrace) many(FnDecl) token(RBrace) FnProto : many(Directive) option(FnVisibleMod) token(Fn) token(Symbol) ParamDeclList option(token(Arrow) Type) Directive : token(NumberSign) token(Symbol) token(LParen) token(String) token(RParen) FnVisibleMod : token(Pub) | token(Export) FnDecl : FnProto token(Semicolon) FnDef : FnProto Block ParamDeclList : token(LParen) list(ParamDecl, token(Comma)) token(RParen) ParamDecl : token(Symbol) token(Colon) Type Type : token(Symbol) | PointerType | token(Unreachable) PointerType : token(Star) token(Const) Type | token(Star) token(Mut) Type Block : token(LBrace) list(option(Statement), token(Semicolon)) token(RBrace) Statement : Label | NonBlockExpression token(Semicolon) | BlockExpression Label: token(Symbol) token(Colon) Expression : BlockExpression | NonBlockExpression NonBlockExpression : ReturnExpression | VariableDeclaration | BoolOrExpression BlockExpression : IfExpression | Block BoolOrExpression : BoolAndExpression token(BoolOr) BoolAndExpression | BoolAndExpression ReturnExpression : token(Return) option(Expression) VariableDeclaration : token(Let) token(Symbole) (token(Eq) Expression | token(Colon) Type option(token(Eq) Expression)) IfExpression : token(If) Expression Block option(Else | ElseIf) ElseIf : token(Else) IfExpression Else : token(Else) Block BoolAndExpression : ComparisonExpression token(BoolAnd) ComparisonExpression | ComparisonExpression ComparisonExpression : BinaryOrExpression ComparisonOperator BinaryOrExpression | BinaryOrExpression ComparisonOperator : token(BoolEq) | token(BoolNotEq) | token(BoolLessThan) | token(BoolGreaterThan) | token(BoolLessEqual) | token(BoolGreaterEqual) BinaryOrExpression : BinaryXorExpression token(BinOr) BinaryXorExpression | BinaryXorExpression BinaryXorExpression : BinaryAndExpression token(BinXor) BinaryAndExpression | BinaryAndExpression BinaryAndExpression : BitShiftExpression token(BinAnd) BitShiftExpression | BitShiftExpression BitShiftExpression : AdditionExpression BitShiftOperator AdditionExpression | AdditionExpression BitShiftOperator : token(BitShiftLeft | token(BitShiftRight) AdditionExpression : MultiplyExpression AdditionOperator MultiplyExpression | MultiplyExpression AdditionOperator : token(Plus) | token(Minus) MultiplyExpression : CastExpression MultiplyOperator CastExpression | CastExpression MultiplyOperator : token(Star) | token(Slash) | token(Percent) CastExpression : PrefixOpExpression token(as) Type | PrefixOpExpression PrefixOpExpression : PrefixOp FnCallExpression | FnCallExpression FnCallExpression : PrimaryExpression token(LParen) list(Expression, token(Comma)) token(RParen) | PrimaryExpression PrefixOp : token(Not) | token(Dash) | token(Tilde) PrimaryExpression : token(Number) | token(String) | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | token(Symbol) | Goto Goto: token(Goto) token(Symbol) GroupedExpression : token(LParen) Expression token(RParen) KeywordLiteral : token(Unreachable) | token(Void) | token(True) | token(False) ``` ### Operator Precedence ``` x() !x -x ~x as * / % + - << >> & ^ | == != < > <= >= && || = ```