const std = @import("../std.zig"); const math = std.math; const expect = std.testing.expect; const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; /// Returns whether x is an infinity, ignoring sign. pub fn isInf(x: var) bool { const T = @typeOf(x); switch (T) { f16 => { const bits = @bitCast(u16, x); return bits & 0x7FFF == 0x7C00; }, f32 => { const bits = @bitCast(u32, x); return bits & 0x7FFFFFFF == 0x7F800000; }, f64 => { const bits = @bitCast(u64, x); return bits & (maxInt(u64) >> 1) == (0x7FF << 52); }, f128 => { const bits = @bitCast(u128, x); return bits & (maxInt(u128) >> 1) == (0x7FFF << 112); }, else => { @compileError("isInf not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } /// Returns whether x is an infinity with a positive sign. pub fn isPositiveInf(x: var) bool { const T = @typeOf(x); switch (T) { f16 => { return @bitCast(u16, x) == 0x7C00; }, f32 => { return @bitCast(u32, x) == 0x7F800000; }, f64 => { return @bitCast(u64, x) == 0x7FF << 52; }, f128 => { return @bitCast(u128, x) == 0x7FFF << 112; }, else => { @compileError("isPositiveInf not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } /// Returns whether x is an infinity with a negative sign. pub fn isNegativeInf(x: var) bool { const T = @typeOf(x); switch (T) { f16 => { return @bitCast(u16, x) == 0xFC00; }, f32 => { return @bitCast(u32, x) == 0xFF800000; }, f64 => { return @bitCast(u64, x) == 0xFFF << 52; }, f128 => { return @bitCast(u128, x) == 0xFFFF << 112; }, else => { @compileError("isNegativeInf not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)); }, } } test "math.isInf" { expect(!isInf(f16(0.0))); expect(!isInf(f16(-0.0))); expect(!isInf(f32(0.0))); expect(!isInf(f32(-0.0))); expect(!isInf(f64(0.0))); expect(!isInf(f64(-0.0))); expect(!isInf(f128(0.0))); expect(!isInf(f128(-0.0))); expect(isInf(math.inf(f16))); expect(isInf(-math.inf(f16))); expect(isInf(math.inf(f32))); expect(isInf(-math.inf(f32))); expect(isInf(math.inf(f64))); expect(isInf(-math.inf(f64))); expect(isInf(math.inf(f128))); expect(isInf(-math.inf(f128))); } test "math.isPositiveInf" { expect(!isPositiveInf(f16(0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f16(-0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f32(0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f32(-0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f64(0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f64(-0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f128(0.0))); expect(!isPositiveInf(f128(-0.0))); expect(isPositiveInf(math.inf(f16))); expect(!isPositiveInf(-math.inf(f16))); expect(isPositiveInf(math.inf(f32))); expect(!isPositiveInf(-math.inf(f32))); expect(isPositiveInf(math.inf(f64))); expect(!isPositiveInf(-math.inf(f64))); expect(isPositiveInf(math.inf(f128))); expect(!isPositiveInf(-math.inf(f128))); } test "math.isNegativeInf" { expect(!isNegativeInf(f16(0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f16(-0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f32(0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f32(-0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f64(0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f64(-0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f128(0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(f128(-0.0))); expect(!isNegativeInf(math.inf(f16))); expect(isNegativeInf(-math.inf(f16))); expect(!isNegativeInf(math.inf(f32))); expect(isNegativeInf(-math.inf(f32))); expect(!isNegativeInf(math.inf(f64))); expect(isNegativeInf(-math.inf(f64))); expect(!isNegativeInf(math.inf(f128))); expect(isNegativeInf(-math.inf(f128))); }