/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include "list.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "os.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include #include struct TestSourceFile { const char *relative_path; const char *source_code; }; struct TestCase { const char *case_name; const char *output; ZigList source_files; ZigList compile_errors; ZigList compiler_args; ZigList program_args; bool is_parseh; bool is_self_hosted; bool is_release_mode; bool is_debug_safety; }; static ZigList test_cases = {0}; static const char *tmp_source_path = ".tmp_source.zig"; static const char *tmp_h_path = ".tmp_header.h"; #if defined(_WIN32) static const char *tmp_exe_path = "./.tmp_exe.exe"; static const char *zig_exe = "./zig.exe"; #define NL "\r\n" #else static const char *tmp_exe_path = "./.tmp_exe"; static const char *zig_exe = "./zig"; #define NL "\n" #endif static void add_source_file(TestCase *test_case, const char *path, const char *source) { test_case->source_files.add_one(); test_case->source_files.last().relative_path = path; test_case->source_files.last().source_code = source; } static TestCase *add_simple_case(const char *case_name, const char *source, const char *output) { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = case_name; test_case->output = output; test_case->source_files.resize(1); test_case->source_files.at(0).relative_path = tmp_source_path; test_case->source_files.at(0).source_code = source; test_case->compiler_args.append("build"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_source_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--export"); test_case->compiler_args.append("exe"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--name"); test_case->compiler_args.append("test"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--output"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_exe_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--release"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--strip"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--color"); test_case->compiler_args.append("on"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--check-unused"); test_cases.append(test_case); return test_case; } static TestCase *add_simple_case_libc(const char *case_name, const char *source, const char *output) { TestCase *tc = add_simple_case(case_name, source, output); tc->compiler_args.append("--library"); tc->compiler_args.append("c"); return tc; } static TestCase *add_compile_fail_case(const char *case_name, const char *source, int count, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, count); TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = case_name; test_case->source_files.resize(1); test_case->source_files.at(0).relative_path = tmp_source_path; test_case->source_files.at(0).source_code = source; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *); test_case->compile_errors.append(arg); } test_case->compiler_args.append("build"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_source_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--name"); test_case->compiler_args.append("test"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--export"); test_case->compiler_args.append("obj"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--output"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_exe_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--release"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--strip"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--check-unused"); test_cases.append(test_case); va_end(ap); return test_case; } static void add_debug_safety_case(const char *case_name, const char *source) { { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->is_debug_safety = true; test_case->case_name = buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("%s (debug)", case_name)); test_case->source_files.resize(1); test_case->source_files.at(0).relative_path = tmp_source_path; test_case->source_files.at(0).source_code = source; test_case->compiler_args.append("build"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_source_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--name"); test_case->compiler_args.append("test"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--export"); test_case->compiler_args.append("exe"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--output"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_exe_path); test_cases.append(test_case); } { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("%s (release)", case_name)); test_case->source_files.resize(1); test_case->source_files.at(0).relative_path = tmp_source_path; test_case->source_files.at(0).source_code = source; test_case->output = ""; test_case->compiler_args.append("build"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_source_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--name"); test_case->compiler_args.append("test"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--export"); test_case->compiler_args.append("exe"); test_case->compiler_args.append("--output"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_exe_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--release"); test_cases.append(test_case); } } static TestCase *add_parseh_case(const char *case_name, const char *source, int count, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, count); TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = case_name; test_case->is_parseh = true; test_case->source_files.resize(1); test_case->source_files.at(0).relative_path = tmp_h_path; test_case->source_files.at(0).source_code = source; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *); test_case->compile_errors.append(arg); } test_case->compiler_args.append("parseh"); test_case->compiler_args.append(tmp_h_path); test_case->compiler_args.append("--verbose"); test_cases.append(test_case); va_end(ap); return test_case; } static void add_compiling_test_cases(void) { add_simple_case_libc("hello world with libc", R"SOURCE( const c = @c_import(@c_include("stdio.h")); export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: &&u8) -> c_int { c.puts(c"Hello, world!"); return 0; } )SOURCE", "Hello, world!" NL); { TestCase *tc = add_simple_case("multiple files with private function", R"SOURCE( use @import("std").io; use @import("foo.zig"); pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { private_function(); %%stdout.printf("OK 2\n"); } fn private_function() { print_text(); } )SOURCE", "OK 1\nOK 2\n"); add_source_file(tc, "foo.zig", R"SOURCE( use @import("std").io; // purposefully conflicting function with main.zig // but it's private so it should be OK fn private_function() { %%stdout.printf("OK 1\n"); } pub fn print_text() { private_function(); } )SOURCE"); } { TestCase *tc = add_simple_case("import segregation", R"SOURCE( use @import("foo.zig"); use @import("bar.zig"); pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { foo_function(); bar_function(); } )SOURCE", "OK\nOK\n"); add_source_file(tc, "foo.zig", R"SOURCE( use @import("std").io; pub fn foo_function() { %%stdout.printf("OK\n"); } )SOURCE"); add_source_file(tc, "bar.zig", R"SOURCE( use @import("other.zig"); use @import("std").io; pub fn bar_function() { if (foo_function()) { %%stdout.printf("OK\n"); } } )SOURCE"); add_source_file(tc, "other.zig", R"SOURCE( #static_eval_enable(false) pub fn foo_function() -> bool { // this one conflicts with the one from foo return true; } )SOURCE"); } { TestCase *tc = add_simple_case("two files use import each other", R"SOURCE( use @import("a.zig"); pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { ok(); } )SOURCE", "OK\n"); add_source_file(tc, "a.zig", R"SOURCE( use @import("b.zig"); const io = @import("std").io; pub const a_text = "OK\n"; pub fn ok() { %%io.stdout.printf(b_text); } )SOURCE"); add_source_file(tc, "b.zig", R"SOURCE( use @import("a.zig"); pub const b_text = a_text; )SOURCE"); } add_simple_case("hello world without libc", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("Hello, world!\n"); } )SOURCE", "Hello, world!\n"); add_simple_case_libc("number literals", R"SOURCE( const c = @c_import(@c_include("stdio.h")); export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: &&u8) -> c_int { c.printf(c"\n"); c.printf(c"0: %llu\n", u64(0)); c.printf(c"320402575052271: %llu\n", u64(320402575052271)); c.printf(c"0x01236789abcdef: %llu\n", u64(0x01236789abcdef)); c.printf(c"0xffffffffffffffff: %llu\n", u64(0xffffffffffffffff)); c.printf(c"0x000000ffffffffffffffff: %llu\n", u64(0x000000ffffffffffffffff)); c.printf(c"0o1777777777777777777777: %llu\n", u64(0o1777777777777777777777)); c.printf(c"0o0000001777777777777777777777: %llu\n", u64(0o0000001777777777777777777777)); c.printf(c"0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: %llu\n", u64(0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)); c.printf(c"0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: %llu\n", u64(0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)); c.printf(c"\n"); c.printf(c"0.0: %a\n", f64(0.0)); c.printf(c"0e0: %a\n", f64(0e0)); c.printf(c"0.0e0: %a\n", f64(0.0e0)); c.printf(c"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0e0: %a\n", f64(000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0e0)); c.printf(c"0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0: %a\n", f64(0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0)); c.printf(c"0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: %a\n", f64(0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)); c.printf(c"1.0: %a\n", f64(1.0)); c.printf(c"10.0: %a\n", f64(10.0)); c.printf(c"10.5: %a\n", f64(10.5)); c.printf(c"10.5e5: %a\n", f64(10.5e5)); c.printf(c"10.5e+5: %a\n", f64(10.5e+5)); c.printf(c"50.0e-2: %a\n", f64(50.0e-2)); c.printf(c"50e-2: %a\n", f64(50e-2)); c.printf(c"\n"); c.printf(c"0x1.0: %a\n", f64(0x1.0)); c.printf(c"0x10.0: %a\n", f64(0x10.0)); c.printf(c"0x100.0: %a\n", f64(0x100.0)); c.printf(c"0x103.0: %a\n", f64(0x103.0)); c.printf(c"0x103.7: %a\n", f64(0x103.7)); c.printf(c"0x103.70: %a\n", f64(0x103.70)); c.printf(c"0x103.70p4: %a\n", f64(0x103.70p4)); c.printf(c"0x103.70p5: %a\n", f64(0x103.70p5)); c.printf(c"0x103.70p+5: %a\n", f64(0x103.70p+5)); c.printf(c"0x103.70p-5: %a\n", f64(0x103.70p-5)); c.printf(c"\n"); c.printf(c"0b10100.00010e0: %a\n", f64(0b10100.00010e0)); c.printf(c"0o10700.00010e0: %a\n", f64(0o10700.00010e0)); return 0; } )SOURCE", R"OUTPUT( 0: 0 320402575052271: 320402575052271 0x01236789abcdef: 320402575052271 0xffffffffffffffff: 18446744073709551615 0x000000ffffffffffffffff: 18446744073709551615 0o1777777777777777777777: 18446744073709551615 0o0000001777777777777777777777: 18446744073709551615 0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: 18446744073709551615 0b0000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: 18446744073709551615 0.0: 0x0p+0 0e0: 0x0p+0 0.0e0: 0x0p+0 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0e0: 0x0p+0 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e0: 0x0p+0 0.0e000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000: 0x0p+0 1.0: 0x1p+0 10.0: 0x1.4p+3 10.5: 0x1.5p+3 10.5e5: 0x1.0059p+20 10.5e+5: 0x1.0059p+20 50.0e-2: 0x1p-1 50e-2: 0x1p-1 0x1.0: 0x1p+0 0x10.0: 0x1p+4 0x100.0: 0x1p+8 0x103.0: 0x1.03p+8 0x103.7: 0x1.037p+8 0x103.70: 0x1.037p+8 0x103.70p4: 0x1.037p+12 0x103.70p5: 0x1.037p+13 0x103.70p+5: 0x1.037p+13 0x103.70p-5: 0x1.037p+3 0b10100.00010e0: 0x1.41p+4 0o10700.00010e0: 0x1.1c0001p+12 )OUTPUT"); add_simple_case("order-independent declarations", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; const z = io.stdin_fileno; const x : @typeof(y) = 1234; const y : u16 = 5678; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { var x_local : i32 = print_ok(x); } fn print_ok(val: @typeof(x)) -> @typeof(foo) { %%io.stdout.printf("OK\n"); return 0; } const foo : i32 = 0; )SOURCE", "OK\n"); add_simple_case("for loops", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const array = []u8 {9, 8, 7, 6}; for (array) |item| { %%io.stdout.print_u64(item); %%io.stdout.printf("\n"); } for (array) |item, index| { %%io.stdout.print_i64(index); %%io.stdout.printf("\n"); } const unknown_size: []u8 = array; for (unknown_size) |item| { %%io.stdout.print_u64(item); %%io.stdout.printf("\n"); } for (unknown_size) |item, index| { %%io.stdout.print_i64(index); %%io.stdout.printf("\n"); } } )SOURCE", "9\n8\n7\n6\n0\n1\n2\n3\n9\n8\n7\n6\n0\n1\n2\n3\n"); add_simple_case_libc("expose function pointer to C land", R"SOURCE( const c = @c_import(@c_include("stdlib.h")); export fn compare_fn(a: ?&const c_void, b: ?&const c_void) -> c_int { const a_int = (&i32)(a ?? unreachable{}); const b_int = (&i32)(b ?? unreachable{}); if (*a_int < *b_int) { -1 } else if (*a_int > *b_int) { 1 } else { 0 } } export fn main(args: c_int, argv: &&u8) -> c_int { var array = []i32 { 1, 7, 3, 2, 0, 9, 4, 8, 6, 5 }; c.qsort((&c_void)(&array[0]), c_ulong(array.len), @sizeof(i32), compare_fn); for (array) |item, i| { if (item != i) { c.abort(); } } return 0; } )SOURCE", ""); add_simple_case_libc("casting between float and integer types", R"SOURCE( const c = @c_import(@c_include("stdio.h")); export fn main(argc: c_int, argv: &&u8) -> c_int { const small: f32 = 3.25; const x: f64 = small; const y = i32(x); const z = f64(y); c.printf(c"%.2f\n%d\n%.2f\n%.2f\n", x, y, z, f64(-0.4)); return 0; } )SOURCE", "3.25\n3\n3.00\n-0.40\n"); add_simple_case("incomplete struct parameter top level decl", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; struct A { b: B, } struct B { c: C, } struct C { x: i32, fn d(c: C) { %%io.stdout.printf("OK\n"); } } fn foo(a: A) { a.b.c.d(); } pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const a = A { .b = B { .c = C { .x = 13, }, }, }; foo(a); } )SOURCE", "OK\n"); add_simple_case("same named methods in incomplete struct", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; struct Foo { field1: Bar, fn method(a: &Foo) -> bool { true } } struct Bar { field2: i32, fn method(b: &Bar) -> bool { true } } pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const bar = Bar {.field2 = 13,}; const foo = Foo {.field1 = bar,}; if (!foo.method()) { %%io.stdout.printf("BAD\n"); } if (!bar.method()) { %%io.stdout.printf("BAD\n"); } %%io.stdout.printf("OK\n"); } )SOURCE", "OK\n"); add_simple_case("defer with only fallthrough", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("before\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer1\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer2\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer3\n"); %%io.stdout.printf("after\n"); } )SOURCE", "before\nafter\ndefer3\ndefer2\ndefer1\n"); add_simple_case("defer with return", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("before\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer1\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer2\n"); if (args.len == 1) return; defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer3\n"); %%io.stdout.printf("after\n"); } )SOURCE", "before\ndefer2\ndefer1\n"); add_simple_case("%defer and it fails", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { do_test() %% return; } fn do_test() -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("before\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer1\n"); %defer %%io.stdout.printf("deferErr\n"); %return its_gonna_fail(); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer3\n"); %%io.stdout.printf("after\n"); } error IToldYouItWouldFail; fn its_gonna_fail() -> %void { return error.IToldYouItWouldFail; } )SOURCE", "before\ndeferErr\ndefer1\n"); add_simple_case("%defer and it passes", R"SOURCE( const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { do_test() %% return; } fn do_test() -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf("before\n"); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer1\n"); %defer %%io.stdout.printf("deferErr\n"); %return its_gonna_pass(); defer %%io.stdout.printf("defer3\n"); %%io.stdout.printf("after\n"); } fn its_gonna_pass() -> %void { } )SOURCE", "before\nafter\ndefer3\ndefer1\n"); { TestCase *tc = add_simple_case("@embed_file", R"SOURCE( const foo_txt = @embed_file("foo.txt"); const io = @import("std").io; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { %%io.stdout.printf(foo_txt); } )SOURCE", "1234\nabcd\n"); add_source_file(tc, "foo.txt", "1234\nabcd\n"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void add_compile_failure_test_cases(void) { add_compile_fail_case("multiple function definitions", R"SOURCE( fn a() {} fn a() {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: redefinition of 'a'"); add_compile_fail_case("bad directive", R"SOURCE( #bogus1("") extern fn b(); #bogus2("") fn a() {} )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: invalid directive: 'bogus1'", ".tmp_source.zig:4:1: error: invalid directive: 'bogus2'"); add_compile_fail_case("unreachable with return", R"SOURCE( fn a() -> unreachable {return;} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:24: error: expected type 'unreachable', got 'void'"); add_compile_fail_case("control reaches end of non-void function", R"SOURCE( fn a() -> i32 {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'i32', got 'void'"); add_compile_fail_case("undefined function call", R"SOURCE( fn a() { b(); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'"); add_compile_fail_case("wrong number of arguments", R"SOURCE( fn a() { b(1); } fn b(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) { } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:6: error: expected 3 arguments, got 1"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid type", R"SOURCE( fn a() -> bogus {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'"); add_compile_fail_case("pointer to unreachable", R"SOURCE( fn a() -> &unreachable {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: pointer to unreachable not allowed"); add_compile_fail_case("unreachable code", R"SOURCE( fn a() { return; b(); } fn b() {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: unreachable code"); add_compile_fail_case("bad import", R"SOURCE( const bogus = @import("bogus-does-not-exist.zig"); )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: unable to find 'bogus-does-not-exist.zig'"); add_compile_fail_case("undeclared identifier", R"SOURCE( fn a() { b + c } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'", ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'c'"); add_compile_fail_case("parameter redeclaration", R"SOURCE( fn f(a : i32, a : i32) { } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); add_compile_fail_case("local variable redeclaration", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const a : i32 = 0; const a = 0; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); add_compile_fail_case("local variable redeclares parameter", R"SOURCE( fn f(a : i32) { const a = 0; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); add_compile_fail_case("variable has wrong type", R"SOURCE( fn f() -> i32 { const a = c"a"; a } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: expected type 'i32', got '&const u8'"); add_compile_fail_case("if condition is bool, not int", R"SOURCE( fn f() { if (0) {} } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:9: error: integer value 0 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'bool'"); add_compile_fail_case("assign unreachable", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const a = return; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: variable initialization is unreachable"); add_compile_fail_case("unreachable variable", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const a : unreachable = return; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:15: error: variable of type 'unreachable' not allowed"); add_compile_fail_case("unreachable parameter", R"SOURCE( fn f(a : unreachable) {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:10: error: parameter of type 'unreachable' not allowed"); add_compile_fail_case("bad assignment target", R"SOURCE( fn f() { 3 = 3; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: invalid assignment target"); add_compile_fail_case("assign to constant variable", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const a = 3; a = 4; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: cannot assign to constant"); add_compile_fail_case("use of undeclared identifier", R"SOURCE( fn f() { b = 3; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'b'"); add_compile_fail_case("const is a statement, not an expression", R"SOURCE( fn f() { (const a = 0); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:6: error: invalid token: 'const'"); add_compile_fail_case("array access errors", R"SOURCE( fn f() { var bad : bool = undefined; i[i] = i[i]; bad[bad] = bad[bad]; } )SOURCE", 4, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'", ".tmp_source.zig:4:7: error: use of undeclared identifier 'i'", ".tmp_source.zig:5:8: error: array access of non-array", ".tmp_source.zig:5:9: error: expected type 'isize', got 'bool'"); add_compile_fail_case("variadic functions only allowed in extern", R"SOURCE( fn f(...) {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: variadic arguments only allowed in extern function declarations"); add_compile_fail_case("write to const global variable", R"SOURCE( const x : i32 = 99; fn f() { x = 1; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:5: error: cannot assign to constant"); add_compile_fail_case("missing else clause", R"SOURCE( fn f(b: bool) { const x : i32 = if (b) { 1 }; const y = if (b) { i32(1) }; } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:21: error: expected type 'i32', got 'void'", ".tmp_source.zig:4:15: error: incompatible types: 'i32' and 'void'"); add_compile_fail_case("direct struct loop", R"SOURCE( struct A { a : A, } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: 'A' depends on itself"); add_compile_fail_case("indirect struct loop", R"SOURCE( struct A { b : B, } struct B { c : C, } struct C { a : A, } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: 'A' depends on itself"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid struct field", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, } fn f() { var a : A = undefined; a.foo = 1; const y = a.bar; } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:5:6: error: no member named 'foo' in 'A'", ".tmp_source.zig:6:16: error: no member named 'bar' in 'A'"); add_compile_fail_case("redefinition of struct", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, } struct A { y : i32, } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: redefinition of 'A'"); add_compile_fail_case("redefinition of enums", R"SOURCE( enum A {} enum A {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: redefinition of 'A'"); add_compile_fail_case("redefinition of global variables", R"SOURCE( var a : i32 = 1; var a : i32 = 2; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: redeclaration of variable 'a'"); add_compile_fail_case("byvalue struct on exported functions", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, } export fn f(a : A) {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:13: error: byvalue struct parameters not yet supported on extern functions"); add_compile_fail_case("duplicate field in struct value expression", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, y : i32, z : i32, } fn f() { const a = A { .z = 1, .y = 2, .x = 3, .z = 4, }; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:12:9: error: duplicate field"); add_compile_fail_case("missing field in struct value expression", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, y : i32, z : i32, } fn f() { // we want the error on the '{' not the 'A' because // the A could be a complicated expression const a = A { .z = 4, .y = 2, }; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:10:17: error: missing field: 'x'"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid field in struct value expression", R"SOURCE( struct A { x : i32, y : i32, z : i32, } fn f() { const a = A { .z = 4, .y = 2, .foo = 42, }; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:11:9: error: no member named 'foo' in 'A'"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid break expression", R"SOURCE( fn f() { break; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: 'break' expression outside loop"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid continue expression", R"SOURCE( fn f() { continue; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: 'continue' expression outside loop"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid maybe type", R"SOURCE( fn f() { if (const x ?= true) { } } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:20: error: expected maybe type"); add_compile_fail_case("cast unreachable", R"SOURCE( fn f() -> i32 { i32(return 1) } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:8: error: invalid cast from type 'unreachable' to 'i32'"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid builtin fn", R"SOURCE( fn f() -> @bogus(foo) { } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: invalid builtin function: 'bogus'"); add_compile_fail_case("top level decl dependency loop", R"SOURCE( const a : @typeof(b) = 0; const b : @typeof(a) = 0; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: 'a' depends on itself"); add_compile_fail_case("noalias on non pointer param", R"SOURCE( fn f(noalias x: i32) {} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:6: error: noalias on non-pointer parameter"); add_compile_fail_case("struct init syntax for array", R"SOURCE( const foo = []u16{.x = 1024,}; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:18: error: type '[]u16' does not support struct initialization syntax"); add_compile_fail_case("type variables must be constant", R"SOURCE( var foo = u8; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: variable of type 'type' must be constant"); add_compile_fail_case("variables shadowing types", R"SOURCE( struct Foo {} struct Bar {} fn f(Foo: i32) { var Bar : i32 = undefined; } )SOURCE", 4, ".tmp_source.zig:5:6: error: redefinition of 'Foo'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: note: previous definition is here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: error: redefinition of 'Bar'", ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: note: previous definition is here"); add_compile_fail_case("multiple else prongs in a switch", R"SOURCE( fn f(x: u32) { const value: bool = switch (x) { 1234 => false, else => true, else => true, }; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:6:9: error: multiple else prongs in switch expression"); add_compile_fail_case("global variable initializer must be constant expression", R"SOURCE( extern fn foo() -> i32; const x = foo(); )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:11: error: global variable initializer requires constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("array concatenation with wrong type", R"SOURCE( fn f(s: []u8) -> []u8 { s ++ "foo" } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: expected array or C string literal, got '[]u8'"); add_compile_fail_case("non compile time array concatenation", R"SOURCE( fn f(s: [10]u8) -> []u8 { s ++ "foo" } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: array concatenation requires constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("c_import with bogus include", R"SOURCE( const c = @c_import(@c_include("bogus.h")); )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: C import failed", ".h:1:10: note: 'bogus.h' file not found"); add_compile_fail_case("address of number literal", R"SOURCE( const x = 3; const y = &x; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:12: error: unable to get address of type '(integer literal)'"); add_compile_fail_case("@typeof number literal", R"SOURCE( const x = 3; struct Foo { index: @typeof(x), } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:20: error: type '(integer literal)' not eligible for @typeof"); add_compile_fail_case("integer overflow error", R"SOURCE( const x : u8 = 300; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:16: error: integer value 300 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'u8'"); add_compile_fail_case("incompatible number literals", R"SOURCE( const x = 2 == 2.0; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:11: error: integer value 2 cannot be implicitly casted to type '(float literal)'"); add_compile_fail_case("missing function call param", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { a: i32, b: i32, fn member_a(foo: Foo) -> i32 { return foo.a; } fn member_b(foo: Foo) -> i32 { return foo.b; } } const member_fn_type = @typeof(Foo.member_a); const members = []member_fn_type { Foo.member_a, Foo.member_b, }; fn f(foo: Foo, index: i32) { const result = members[index](); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:21:34: error: expected 1 arguments, got 0"); add_compile_fail_case("missing function name and param name", R"SOURCE( fn () {} fn f(i32) {} )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: missing function name", ".tmp_source.zig:3:6: error: missing parameter name"); add_compile_fail_case("wrong function type", R"SOURCE( const fns = []fn(){ a, b, c }; fn a() -> i32 {0} fn b() -> i32 {1} fn c() -> i32 {2} )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:2:21: error: expected type 'fn()', got 'fn() -> i32'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:24: error: expected type 'fn()', got 'fn() -> i32'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:27: error: expected type 'fn()', got 'fn() -> i32'"); add_compile_fail_case("extern function pointer mismatch", R"SOURCE( const fns = [](fn(i32)->i32){ a, b, c }; pub fn a(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 0} pub fn b(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 1} export fn c(x: i32) -> i32 {x + 2} )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:37: error: expected type 'fn(i32) -> i32', got 'extern fn(i32) -> i32'"); add_compile_fail_case("implicit cast from f64 to f32", R"SOURCE( const x : f64 = 1.0; const y : f32 = x; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:17: error: expected type 'f32', got 'f64'"); add_compile_fail_case("colliding invalid top level functions", R"SOURCE( fn func() -> bogus {} fn func() -> bogus {} )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: redefinition of 'func'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'"); add_compile_fail_case("bogus compile var", R"SOURCE( const x = @compile_var("bogus"); )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:24: error: unrecognized compile variable: 'bogus'"); add_compile_fail_case("@const_eval", R"SOURCE( fn a(x: i32) { const y = @const_eval(x); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:27: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("non constant expression in array size outside function", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { y: [get()]u8, } var global_var: isize = 1; fn get() -> isize { global_var } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:9: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("unnecessary if statement", R"SOURCE( fn f() { if (true) { } } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:9: error: condition is always true; unnecessary if statement"); add_compile_fail_case("addition with non numbers", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { field: i32, } const x = Foo {.field = 1} + Foo {.field = 2}; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:5:28: error: invalid operands to binary expression: 'Foo' and 'Foo'"); add_compile_fail_case("division by zero", R"SOURCE( const lit_int_x = 1 / 0; const lit_float_x = 1.0 / 0.0; const int_x = i32(1) / i32(0); const float_x = f32(1.0) / f32(0.0); )SOURCE", 4, ".tmp_source.zig:2:21: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:3:25: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:4:22: error: division by zero is undefined", ".tmp_source.zig:5:26: error: division by zero is undefined"); add_compile_fail_case("missing switch prong", R"SOURCE( enum Number { One, Two, Three, Four, } fn f(n: Number) -> i32 { switch (n) { One => 1, Two => 2, Three => 3, } } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:9:5: error: enumeration value 'Four' not handled in switch"); add_compile_fail_case("import inside function body", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const std = @import("std"); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:17: error: @import invalid inside function bodies"); add_compile_fail_case("normal string with newline", R"SOURCE( const foo = "a b"; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:13: error: use raw string for multiline string literal"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid comparison for function pointers", R"SOURCE( fn foo() {} const invalid = foo > foo; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:21: error: operator not allowed for type 'fn()'"); add_compile_fail_case("generic function instance with non-constant expression", R"SOURCE( fn foo(inline x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 { return x + y; } fn test1(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { return foo(a, b); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:16: error: unable to evaluate constant expression for inline parameter"); add_compile_fail_case("goto jumping into block", R"SOURCE( fn f() { { a_label: } goto a_label; } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:4:1: error: label 'a_label' defined but not used", ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: error: no label in scope named 'a_label'"); add_compile_fail_case("goto jumping past a defer", R"SOURCE( fn f(b: bool) { if (b) goto label; defer derp(); label: } fn derp(){} )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:12: error: no label in scope named 'label'", ".tmp_source.zig:5:1: error: label 'label' defined but not used"); add_compile_fail_case("assign null to non-nullable pointer", R"SOURCE( const a: &u8 = null; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:16: error: expected maybe type, got '&u8'"); add_compile_fail_case("indexing an array of size zero", R"SOURCE( const array = []u8{}; fn foo() { const pointer = &array[0]; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:27: error: out of bounds array access"); add_compile_fail_case("compile time division by zero", R"SOURCE( const x = foo(0); fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 { 1 / x } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: function evaluation caused division by zero", ".tmp_source.zig:2:14: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:4:7: note: division by zero here"); add_compile_fail_case("branch on undefined value", R"SOURCE( const x = if (undefined) true else false; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: branch on undefined value"); add_compile_fail_case("endless loop in function evaluation", R"SOURCE( const seventh_fib_number = fibbonaci(7); fn fibbonaci(x: i32) -> i32 { return fibbonaci(x - 1) + fibbonaci(x - 2); } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:3:1: error: function evaluation exceeded 1000 branches", ".tmp_source.zig:2:37: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:4:40: note: quota exceeded here"); add_compile_fail_case("@embed_file with bogus file", R"SOURCE( const resource = @embed_file("bogus.txt"); )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:18: error: unable to find './bogus.txt'"); add_compile_fail_case("non-const expression in struct literal outside function", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { x: i32, } const a = Foo {.x = get_it()}; extern fn get_it() -> i32; )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:5:27: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("non-const expression function call with struct return value outside function", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { x: i32, } const a = get_it(); #static_eval_enable(false) fn get_it() -> Foo { Foo {.x = 13} } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:5:17: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("undeclared identifier error should mark fn as impure", R"SOURCE( fn foo() { test_a_thing(); } fn test_a_thing() { bad_fn_call(); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bad_fn_call'"); add_compile_fail_case("illegal comparison of types", R"SOURCE( fn bad_eql_1(a: []u8, b: []u8) -> bool { a == b } enum EnumWithData { One, Two: i32, } fn bad_eql_2(a: EnumWithData, b: EnumWithData) -> bool { a == b } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:7: error: operator not allowed for type '[]u8'", ".tmp_source.zig:10:7: error: operator not allowed for type 'EnumWithData'"); add_compile_fail_case("non-const switch number literal", R"SOURCE( fn foo() { const x = switch (bar()) { 1, 2 => 1, 3, 4 => 2, else => 3, }; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn bar() -> i32 { 2 } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:15: error: unable to infer expression type"); add_compile_fail_case("atomic orderings of cmpxchg", R"SOURCE( fn f() { var x: i32 = 1234; while (!@cmpxchg(&x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Monotonic, AtomicOrder.SeqCst)) {} while (!@cmpxchg(&x, 1234, 5678, AtomicOrder.Unordered, AtomicOrder.Unordered)) {} } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:4:72: error: failure atomic ordering must be no stricter than success", ".tmp_source.zig:5:49: error: success atomic ordering must be Monotonic or stricter"); add_compile_fail_case("negation overflow in function evaluation", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x = neg(-128); } fn neg(x: i8) -> i8 { -x } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:5:1: error: function evaluation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:3:18: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:5: note: overflow occurred here"); add_compile_fail_case("add overflow in function evaluation", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x = add(65530, 10); } fn add(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a + b } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:5:1: error: function evaluation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:3:18: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:7: note: overflow occurred here"); add_compile_fail_case("sub overflow in function evaluation", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x = sub(10, 20); } fn sub(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a - b } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:5:1: error: function evaluation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:3:18: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:7: note: overflow occurred here"); add_compile_fail_case("mul overflow in function evaluation", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x = mul(300, 6000); } fn mul(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a * b } )SOURCE", 3, ".tmp_source.zig:5:1: error: function evaluation caused overflow", ".tmp_source.zig:3:18: note: called from here", ".tmp_source.zig:6:7: note: overflow occurred here"); add_compile_fail_case("add incompatible int types", R"SOURCE( fn add(x: i8w, y: i32) { const z = x + y; } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:17: error: incompatible types: 'i8w' and 'i32'"); add_compile_fail_case("truncate sign mismatch", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x: u32 = 10; @truncate(i8, x); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:19: error: expected signed integer type, got 'u32'"); add_compile_fail_case("truncate same bit count", R"SOURCE( fn f() { const x: i8 = 10; @truncate(i8, x); } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:4:19: error: type 'i8' has same or fewer bits than destination type 'i8'"); add_compile_fail_case("truncate same bit count", R"SOURCE( fn f() { %return something(); } fn something() -> %void { } )SOURCE", 2, ".tmp_source.zig:3:5: error: %return statement in function with return type 'void'", ".tmp_source.zig:2:8: note: function return type here"); add_compile_fail_case("wrong return type for main", R"SOURCE( pub fn main(args: [][]u8) { } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:27: error: expected return type of main to be '%void', instead is 'void'"); add_compile_fail_case("invalid pointer for var type", R"SOURCE( extern fn ext() -> isize; var bytes: [ext()]u8 = undefined; fn f() { for (bytes) |*b, i| { *b = u8(i); } } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:3:13: error: unable to evaluate constant expression"); add_compile_fail_case("export function with inline parameter", R"SOURCE( export fn foo(inline x: i32, y: i32) -> i32{ x + y } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: inline parameter not allowed in extern function"); add_compile_fail_case("extern function with inline parameter", R"SOURCE( extern fn foo(inline x: i32, y: i32) -> i32; fn f() -> i32 { foo(1, 2) } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: inline parameter not allowed in extern function"); /* TODO add_compile_fail_case("inline export function", R"SOURCE( export inline fn foo(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32{ x + y } )SOURCE", 1, ".tmp_source.zig:2:1: error: extern functions cannot be inline"); */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void add_debug_safety_test_cases(void) { add_debug_safety_case("out of bounds slice access", R"SOURCE( pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const a = []i32{1, 2, 3, 4}; baz(bar(a)); } #static_eval_enable(false) fn bar(a: []i32) -> i32 { a[4] } #static_eval_enable(false) fn baz(a: i32) {} )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("integer addition overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = add(65530, 10); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn add(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a + b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("integer subtraction overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = sub(10, 20); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn sub(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a - b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("integer multiplication overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = mul(300, 6000); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn mul(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a * b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("integer negation overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = neg(-32768); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn neg(a: i16) -> i16 { -a } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("signed shift left overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = shl(-16385, 1); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn shl(a: i16, b: i16) -> i16 { a << b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("unsigned shift left overflow", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = shl(0b0010111111111111, 3); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn shl(a: u16, b: u16) -> u16 { a << b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("integer division by zero", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = div0(999, 0); } #static_eval_enable(false) fn div0(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a / b } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("exact division failure", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = div_exact(10, 3); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn div_exact(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { @div_exact(a, b) } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("cast []u8 to bigger slice of wrong size", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = widen_slice([]u8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}); if (x.len == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn widen_slice(slice: []u8) -> []i32 { ([]i32)(slice) } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("value does not fit in shortening cast", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = shorten_cast(200); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn shorten_cast(x: i32) -> i8 { i8(x) } )SOURCE"); add_debug_safety_case("signed integer not fitting in cast to unsigned integer", R"SOURCE( error Whatever; pub fn main(args: [][]u8) -> %void { const x = unsigned_cast(-10); if (x == 0) return error.Whatever; } #static_eval_enable(false) fn unsigned_cast(x: i32) -> u32 { u32(x) } )SOURCE"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void add_parseh_test_cases(void) { add_parseh_case("simple data types", R"SOURCE( #include int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); // test a duplicate prototype void bar(uint8_t a, uint16_t b, uint32_t c, uint64_t d); void baz(int8_t a, int16_t b, int32_t c, int64_t d); )SOURCE", 3, "pub extern fn foo(a: u8, b: u8, c: i8) -> c_int;", "pub extern fn bar(a: u8, b: u16, c: u32, d: u64);", "pub extern fn baz(a: i8, b: i16, c: i32, d: i64);"); add_parseh_case("noreturn attribute", R"SOURCE( void foo(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); )SOURCE", 1, R"OUTPUT(pub extern fn foo() -> unreachable;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("enums", R"SOURCE( enum Foo { FooA, FooB, Foo1, }; )SOURCE", 3, R"(export enum enum_Foo { A, B, @"1", })", R"(pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A; pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B; pub const Foo1 = enum_Foo.@"1";)", R"(pub const Foo = enum_Foo;)"); add_parseh_case("restrict -> noalias", R"SOURCE( void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict); )SOURCE", 1, R"OUTPUT(pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?&c_void, noalias arg1: ?&c_void);)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("simple struct", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { int x; char *y; }; )SOURCE", 2, R"OUTPUT(export struct struct_Foo { x: c_int, y: ?&u8, })OUTPUT", R"OUTPUT(pub const Foo = struct_Foo;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("qualified struct and enum", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { int x; int y; }; enum Bar { BarA, BarB, }; void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b); )SOURCE", 5, R"OUTPUT(export struct struct_Foo { x: c_int, y: c_int, })OUTPUT", R"OUTPUT( export enum enum_Bar { A, B, })OUTPUT", R"OUTPUT(pub const BarA = enum_Bar.A; pub const BarB = enum_Bar.B;)OUTPUT", "pub extern fn func(a: ?&struct_Foo, b: ?&?&enum_Bar);", R"OUTPUT(pub const Foo = struct_Foo; pub const Bar = enum_Bar;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("constant size array", R"SOURCE( void func(int array[20]); )SOURCE", 1, "pub extern fn func(array: ?&c_int);"); add_parseh_case("self referential struct with function pointer", R"SOURCE( struct Foo { void (*derp)(struct Foo *foo); }; )SOURCE", 2, R"OUTPUT(export struct struct_Foo { derp: ?extern fn(?&struct_Foo), })OUTPUT", R"OUTPUT(pub const Foo = struct_Foo;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("struct prototype used in func", R"SOURCE( struct Foo; struct Foo *some_func(struct Foo *foo, int x); )SOURCE", 2, R"OUTPUT(pub type struct_Foo = u8; pub extern fn some_func(foo: ?&struct_Foo, x: c_int) -> ?&struct_Foo;)OUTPUT", R"OUTPUT(pub const Foo = struct_Foo;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("#define a char literal", R"SOURCE( #define A_CHAR 'a' )SOURCE", 1, R"OUTPUT(pub const A_CHAR = 'a';)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("#define an unsigned integer literal", R"SOURCE( #define CHANNEL_COUNT 24 )SOURCE", 1, R"OUTPUT(pub const CHANNEL_COUNT = 24;)OUTPUT"); add_parseh_case("#define referencing another #define", R"SOURCE( #define THING2 THING1 #define THING1 1234 )SOURCE", 2, "pub const THING1 = 1234;", "pub const THING2 = THING1;"); add_parseh_case("variables", R"SOURCE( extern int extern_var; static const int int_var = 13; )SOURCE", 2, "pub extern var extern_var: c_int;", "pub const int_var: c_int = 13;"); add_parseh_case("circular struct definitions", R"SOURCE( struct Bar; struct Foo { struct Bar *next; }; struct Bar { struct Foo *next; }; )SOURCE", 2, R"SOURCE(export struct struct_Bar { next: ?&struct_Foo, })SOURCE", R"SOURCE(export struct struct_Foo { next: ?&struct_Bar, })SOURCE"); add_parseh_case("typedef void", R"SOURCE( typedef void Foo; Foo fun(Foo *a); )SOURCE", 2, "pub const Foo = c_void;", "pub extern fn fun(a: ?&c_void);"); add_parseh_case("generate inline func for #define global extern fn", R"SOURCE( extern void (*fn_ptr)(void); #define foo fn_ptr )SOURCE", 2, "pub extern var fn_ptr: ?extern fn();", R"SOURCE(pub inline fn foo() { (??fn_ptr)(); })SOURCE"); add_parseh_case("#define string", R"SOURCE( #define foo "a string" )SOURCE", 1, "pub const foo = c\"a string\";"); add_parseh_case("__cdecl doesn't mess up function pointers", R"SOURCE( void foo(void (__cdecl *fn_ptr)(void)); )SOURCE", 1, "pub extern fn foo(fn_ptr: ?extern fn());"); add_parseh_case("comment after integer literal", R"SOURCE( #define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ )SOURCE", 1, "pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = 32;"); add_parseh_case("zig keywords in C code", R"SOURCE( struct type { int defer; }; )SOURCE", 2, R"(export struct struct_type { @"defer": c_int, })", R"(pub const @"type" = struct_type;)"); add_parseh_case("macro defines string literal with octal", R"SOURCE( #define FOO "aoeu\023 derp" #define FOO2 "aoeu\0234 derp" #define FOO_CHAR '\077' )SOURCE", 3, R"(pub const FOO = c"aoeu\x13 derp")", R"(pub const FOO2 = c"aoeu\x134 derp")", R"(pub const FOO_CHAR = '\x3f')"); } static void run_self_hosted_test(bool is_release_mode) { Buf zig_stderr = BUF_INIT; Buf zig_stdout = BUF_INIT; ZigList args = {0}; args.append("test"); args.append("../test/self_hosted.zig"); if (is_release_mode) { args.append("--release"); } Termination term; os_exec_process(zig_exe, args, &term, &zig_stderr, &zig_stdout); if (term.how != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) { printf("\nSelf-hosted tests failed:\n"); printf("./zig"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) { printf(" %s", args.at(i)); } printf("\n%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } } static void add_self_hosted_tests(void) { { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = "self hosted tests (debug)"; test_case->is_self_hosted = true; test_case->is_release_mode = false; test_cases.append(test_case); } { TestCase *test_case = allocate(1); test_case->case_name = "self hosted tests (release)"; test_case->is_self_hosted = true; test_case->is_release_mode = true; test_cases.append(test_case); } } static void print_compiler_invocation(TestCase *test_case) { printf("%s", zig_exe); for (int i = 0; i < test_case->compiler_args.length; i += 1) { printf(" %s", test_case->compiler_args.at(i)); } printf("\n"); } static void print_exe_invocation(TestCase *test_case) { printf("%s", tmp_exe_path); for (int i = 0; i < test_case->program_args.length; i += 1) { printf(" %s", test_case->program_args.at(i)); } printf("\n"); } static void run_test(TestCase *test_case) { if (test_case->is_self_hosted) { return run_self_hosted_test(test_case->is_release_mode); } for (int i = 0; i < test_case->source_files.length; i += 1) { TestSourceFile *test_source = &test_case->source_files.at(i); os_write_file( buf_create_from_str(test_source->relative_path), buf_create_from_str(test_source->source_code)); } Buf zig_stderr = BUF_INIT; Buf zig_stdout = BUF_INIT; int err; Termination term; if ((err = os_exec_process(zig_exe, test_case->compiler_args, &term, &zig_stderr, &zig_stdout))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to exec %s: %s\n", zig_exe, err_str(err)); } if (!test_case->is_parseh && test_case->compile_errors.length) { if (term.how != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < test_case->compile_errors.length; i += 1) { const char *err_text = test_case->compile_errors.at(i); if (!strstr(buf_ptr(&zig_stderr), err_text)) { printf("\n"); printf("========= Expected this compile error: =========\n"); printf("%s\n", err_text); printf("================================================\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } } return; // success } else { printf("\nCompile failed with return code 0 (Expected failure):\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } } if (term.how != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) { printf("\nCompile failed:\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } if (test_case->is_parseh) { if (buf_len(&zig_stderr) > 0) { printf("\nparseh emitted warnings:\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stderr)); exit(1); } for (int i = 0; i < test_case->compile_errors.length; i += 1) { const char *output = test_case->compile_errors.at(i); if (!strstr(buf_ptr(&zig_stdout), output)) { printf("\n"); printf("========= Expected this output: =========\n"); printf("%s\n", output); printf("================================================\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&zig_stdout)); exit(1); } } } else { Buf program_stderr = BUF_INIT; Buf program_stdout = BUF_INIT; os_exec_process(tmp_exe_path, test_case->program_args, &term, &program_stderr, &program_stdout); if (test_case->is_debug_safety) { int debug_trap_signal = 5; if (term.how != TerminationIdSignaled || term.code != debug_trap_signal) { if (term.how == TerminationIdClean) { printf("\nProgram expected to hit debug trap (signal %d) but exited with return code %d\n", debug_trap_signal, term.code); } else if (term.how == TerminationIdSignaled) { printf("\nProgram expected to hit debug trap (signal %d) but signaled with code %d\n", debug_trap_signal, term.code); } else { printf("\nProgram expected to hit debug trap (signal %d) exited in an unexpected way\n", debug_trap_signal); } print_compiler_invocation(test_case); print_exe_invocation(test_case); exit(1); } } else { if (term.how != TerminationIdClean || term.code != 0) { printf("\nProgram exited with error\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); print_exe_invocation(test_case); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&program_stderr)); exit(1); } if (!buf_eql_str(&program_stdout, test_case->output)) { printf("\n"); print_compiler_invocation(test_case); print_exe_invocation(test_case); printf("==== Test failed. Expected output: ====\n"); printf("%s\n", test_case->output); printf("========= Actual output: ==============\n"); printf("%s\n", buf_ptr(&program_stdout)); printf("=======================================\n"); exit(1); } } } for (int i = 0; i < test_case->source_files.length; i += 1) { TestSourceFile *test_source = &test_case->source_files.at(i); remove(test_source->relative_path); } } static void run_all_tests(bool reverse) { if (reverse) { for (int i = test_cases.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { TestCase *test_case = test_cases.at(i); printf("Test %d/%d %s...", i + 1, test_cases.length, test_case->case_name); run_test(test_case); printf("OK\n"); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < test_cases.length; i += 1) { TestCase *test_case = test_cases.at(i); printf("Test %d/%d %s...", i + 1, test_cases.length, test_case->case_name); run_test(test_case); printf("OK\n"); } } printf("%d tests passed.\n", test_cases.length); } static void cleanup(void) { remove(tmp_source_path); remove(tmp_h_path); remove(tmp_exe_path); } static int usage(const char *arg0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [--reverse]\n", arg0); return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool reverse = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--reverse") == 0) { reverse = true; } else { return usage(argv[0]); } } add_compiling_test_cases(); add_debug_safety_test_cases(); add_compile_failure_test_cases(); add_parseh_test_cases(); add_self_hosted_tests(); run_all_tests(reverse); cleanup(); }