const std = @import("std.zig"); const debug = std.debug; const assert = debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const mem = std.mem; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; /// A contiguous, growable list of items in memory. /// This is a wrapper around an array of T values. Initialize with `init`. pub fn ArrayList(comptime T: type) type { return AlignedArrayList(T, null); } pub fn AlignedArrayList(comptime T: type, comptime alignment: ?u29) type { if (alignment) |a| { if (a == @alignOf(T)) { return AlignedArrayList(T, null); } } return struct { const Self = @This(); /// Use `span` instead of slicing this directly, because if you don't /// specify the end position of the slice, this will potentially give /// you uninitialized memory. items: Slice, len: usize, allocator: *Allocator, pub const Slice = if (alignment) |a| ([]align(a) T) else []T; pub const SliceConst = if (alignment) |a| ([]align(a) const T) else []const T; /// Deinitialize with `deinit` or use `toOwnedSlice`. pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) Self { return Self{ .items = &[_]T{}, .len = 0, .allocator = allocator, }; } /// Initialize with capacity to hold at least num elements. /// Deinitialize with `deinit` or use `toOwnedSlice`. pub fn initCapacity(allocator: *Allocator, num: usize) !Self { var self = Self.init(allocator); try self.ensureCapacity(num); return self; } /// Release all allocated memory. pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {; } /// Return contents as a slice. Only valid while the list /// doesn't change size. pub fn span(self: var) @TypeOf(self.items[0..self.len]) { return self.items[0..self.len]; } /// Deprecated: use `span`. pub fn toSlice(self: Self) Slice { return self.span(); } /// Deprecated: use `span`. pub fn toSliceConst(self: Self) SliceConst { return self.span(); } /// Deprecated: use `span()[i]`. pub fn at(self: Self, i: usize) T { return self.span()[i]; } /// Deprecated: use `&span()[i]`. pub fn ptrAt(self: Self, i: usize) *T { return &self.span()[i]; } /// Deprecated: use `if (i >= list.len) return error.OutOfBounds else span()[i] = item`. pub fn setOrError(self: Self, i: usize, item: T) !void { if (i >= self.len) return error.OutOfBounds; self.items[i] = item; } /// Deprecated: use `list.span()[i] = item`. pub fn set(self: *Self, i: usize, item: T) void { assert(i < self.len); self.items[i] = item; } /// Return the maximum number of items the list can hold /// without allocating more memory. pub fn capacity(self: Self) usize { return self.items.len; } /// ArrayList takes ownership of the passed in slice. The slice must have been /// allocated with `allocator`. /// Deinitialize with `deinit` or use `toOwnedSlice`. pub fn fromOwnedSlice(allocator: *Allocator, slice: Slice) Self { return Self{ .items = slice, .len = slice.len, .allocator = allocator, }; } /// The caller owns the returned memory. ArrayList becomes empty. pub fn toOwnedSlice(self: *Self) Slice { const allocator = self.allocator; const result = allocator.shrink(self.items, self.len); self.* = init(allocator); return result; } /// Insert `item` at index `n`. Moves `list[n .. list.len]` /// to make room. pub fn insert(self: *Self, n: usize, item: T) !void { try self.ensureCapacity(self.len + 1); self.len += 1; mem.copyBackwards(T, self.items[n + 1 .. self.len], self.items[n .. self.len - 1]); self.items[n] = item; } /// Insert slice `items` at index `i`. Moves /// `list[i .. list.len]` to make room. /// This operation is O(N). pub fn insertSlice(self: *Self, i: usize, items: SliceConst) !void { try self.ensureCapacity(self.len + items.len); self.len += items.len; mem.copyBackwards(T, self.items[i + items.len .. self.len], self.items[i .. self.len - items.len]); mem.copy(T, self.items[i .. i + items.len], items); } /// Extend the list by 1 element. Allocates more memory as necessary. pub fn append(self: *Self, item: T) !void { const new_item_ptr = try self.addOne(); new_item_ptr.* = item; } /// Extend the list by 1 element, but asserting `self.capacity` /// is sufficient to hold an additional item. pub fn appendAssumeCapacity(self: *Self, item: T) void { const new_item_ptr = self.addOneAssumeCapacity(); new_item_ptr.* = item; } /// Remove the element at index `i` from the list and return its value. /// Asserts the array has at least one item. /// This operation is O(N). pub fn orderedRemove(self: *Self, i: usize) T { const newlen = self.len - 1; if (newlen == i) return self.pop(); const old_item =; for (self.items[i..newlen]) |*b, j| b.* = self.items[i + 1 + j]; self.items[newlen] = undefined; self.len = newlen; return old_item; } /// Removes the element at the specified index and returns it. /// The empty slot is filled from the end of the list. /// This operation is O(1). pub fn swapRemove(self: *Self, i: usize) T { if (self.len - 1 == i) return self.pop(); const slice = self.span(); const old_item = slice[i]; slice[i] = self.pop(); return old_item; } /// Deprecated: use `if (i >= list.len) return error.OutOfBounds else list.swapRemove(i)`. pub fn swapRemoveOrError(self: *Self, i: usize) !T { if (i >= self.len) return error.OutOfBounds; return self.swapRemove(i); } /// Append the slice of items to the list. Allocates more /// memory as necessary. pub fn appendSlice(self: *Self, items: SliceConst) !void { try self.ensureCapacity(self.len + items.len); mem.copy(T, self.items[self.len..], items); self.len += items.len; } /// Same as `append` except it returns the number of bytes written, which is always the same /// as `m.len`. The purpose of this function existing is to match `` API. /// This function may be called only when `T` is `u8`. fn appendWrite(self: *Self, m: []const u8) !usize { try self.appendSlice(m); return m.len; } /// Initializes an OutStream which will append to the list. /// This function may be called only when `T` is `u8`. pub fn outStream(self: *Self)*Self, error{OutOfMemory}, appendWrite) { return .{ .context = self }; } /// Append a value to the list `n` times. /// Allocates more memory as necessary. pub fn appendNTimes(self: *Self, value: T, n: usize) !void { const old_len = self.len; try self.resize(self.len + n); mem.set(T, self.items[old_len..self.len], value); } /// Adjust the list's length to `new_len`. /// Does not initialize added items if any. pub fn resize(self: *Self, new_len: usize) !void { try self.ensureCapacity(new_len); self.len = new_len; } /// Reduce allocated capacity to `new_len`. /// Invalidates element pointers. pub fn shrink(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void { assert(new_len <= self.len); self.len = new_len; self.items = self.allocator.realloc(self.items, new_len) catch |e| switch (e) { error.OutOfMemory => return, // no problem, capacity is still correct then. }; } pub fn ensureCapacity(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) !void { var better_capacity = self.capacity(); if (better_capacity >= new_capacity) return; while (true) { better_capacity += better_capacity / 2 + 8; if (better_capacity >= new_capacity) break; } self.items = try self.allocator.realloc(self.items, better_capacity); } /// Increases the array's length to match the full capacity that is already allocated. /// The new elements have `undefined` values. This operation does not invalidate any /// element pointers. pub fn expandToCapacity(self: *Self) void { self.len = self.items.len; } /// Increase length by 1, returning pointer to the new item. /// The returned pointer becomes invalid when the list is resized. pub fn addOne(self: *Self) !*T { const new_length = self.len + 1; try self.ensureCapacity(new_length); return self.addOneAssumeCapacity(); } /// Increase length by 1, returning pointer to the new item. /// Asserts that there is already space for the new item without allocating more. /// The returned pointer becomes invalid when the list is resized. pub fn addOneAssumeCapacity(self: *Self) *T { assert(self.len < self.capacity()); const result = &self.items[self.len]; self.len += 1; return result; } /// Remove and return the last element from the list. /// Asserts the list has at least one item. pub fn pop(self: *Self) T { self.len -= 1; return self.items[self.len]; } /// Remove and return the last element from the list. /// If the list is empty, returns `null`. pub fn popOrNull(self: *Self) ?T { if (self.len == 0) return null; return self.pop(); } }; } test "std.ArrayList.init" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); testing.expect(list.len == 0); testing.expect(list.capacity() == 0); } test "std.ArrayList.initCapacity" { var list = try ArrayList(i8).initCapacity(testing.allocator, 200); defer list.deinit(); testing.expect(list.len == 0); testing.expect(list.capacity() >= 200); } test "std.ArrayList.basic" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); // setting on empty list is out of bounds testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.setOrError(0, 1)); { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 10) : (i += 1) { list.append(@intCast(i32, i + 1)) catch unreachable; } } { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 10) : (i += 1) { testing.expect(list.items[i] == @intCast(i32, i + 1)); } } for (list.span()) |v, i| { testing.expect(v == @intCast(i32, i + 1)); } for (list.toSliceConst()) |v, i| { testing.expect(v == @intCast(i32, i + 1)); } testing.expect(list.pop() == 10); testing.expect(list.len == 9); list.appendSlice(&[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3 }) catch unreachable; testing.expect(list.len == 12); testing.expect(list.pop() == 3); testing.expect(list.pop() == 2); testing.expect(list.pop() == 1); testing.expect(list.len == 9); list.appendSlice(&[_]i32{}) catch unreachable; testing.expect(list.len == 9); // can only set on indices < self.len list.set(7, 33); list.set(8, 42); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.setOrError(9, 99)); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.setOrError(10, 123)); testing.expect(list.pop() == 42); testing.expect(list.pop() == 33); } test "std.ArrayList.appendNTimes" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); try list.appendNTimes(2, 10); testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 10), list.len); for (list.span()) |element| { testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 2), element); } } test "std.ArrayList.appendNTimes with failing allocator" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.failing_allocator); defer list.deinit(); testing.expectError(error.OutOfMemory, list.appendNTimes(2, 10)); } test "std.ArrayList.orderedRemove" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); try list.append(1); try list.append(2); try list.append(3); try list.append(4); try list.append(5); try list.append(6); try list.append(7); //remove from middle testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 4), list.orderedRemove(3)); testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 5),; testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 6), list.len); //remove from end testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 7), list.orderedRemove(5)); testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), list.len); //remove from front testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), list.orderedRemove(0)); testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 2),; testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 4), list.len); } test "std.ArrayList.swapRemove" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); try list.append(1); try list.append(2); try list.append(3); try list.append(4); try list.append(5); try list.append(6); try list.append(7); //remove from middle testing.expect(list.swapRemove(3) == 4); testing.expect( == 7); testing.expect(list.len == 6); //remove from end testing.expect(list.swapRemove(5) == 6); testing.expect(list.len == 5); //remove from front testing.expect(list.swapRemove(0) == 1); testing.expect( == 5); testing.expect(list.len == 4); } test "std.ArrayList.swapRemoveOrError" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); // Test just after initialization testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.swapRemoveOrError(0)); // Test after adding one item and remote it try list.append(1); testing.expect((try list.swapRemoveOrError(0)) == 1); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.swapRemoveOrError(0)); // Test after adding two items and remote both try list.append(1); try list.append(2); testing.expect((try list.swapRemoveOrError(1)) == 2); testing.expect((try list.swapRemoveOrError(0)) == 1); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.swapRemoveOrError(0)); // Test out of bounds with one item try list.append(1); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.swapRemoveOrError(1)); // Test out of bounds with two items try list.append(2); testing.expectError(error.OutOfBounds, list.swapRemoveOrError(2)); } test "std.ArrayList.insert" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); try list.append(1); try list.append(2); try list.append(3); try list.insert(0, 5); testing.expect(list.items[0] == 5); testing.expect(list.items[1] == 1); testing.expect(list.items[2] == 2); testing.expect(list.items[3] == 3); } test "std.ArrayList.insertSlice" { var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); try list.append(1); try list.append(2); try list.append(3); try list.append(4); try list.insertSlice(1, &[_]i32{ 9, 8 }); testing.expect(list.items[0] == 1); testing.expect(list.items[1] == 9); testing.expect(list.items[2] == 8); testing.expect(list.items[3] == 2); testing.expect(list.items[4] == 3); testing.expect(list.items[5] == 4); const items = [_]i32{1}; try list.insertSlice(0, items[0..0]); testing.expect(list.len == 6); testing.expect(list.items[0] == 1); } const Item = struct { integer: i32, sub_items: ArrayList(Item), }; test "std.ArrayList: ArrayList(T) of struct T" { var root = Item{ .integer = 1, .sub_items = ArrayList(Item).init(testing.allocator) }; defer root.sub_items.deinit(); try root.sub_items.append(Item{ .integer = 42, .sub_items = ArrayList(Item).init(testing.allocator) }); testing.expect(root.sub_items.items[0].integer == 42); } test "std.ArrayList(u8) implements outStream" { var buffer = ArrayList(u8).init(std.testing.allocator); defer buffer.deinit(); const x: i32 = 42; const y: i32 = 1234; try buffer.outStream().print("x: {}\ny: {}\n", .{ x, y }); testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "x: 42\ny: 1234\n", buffer.span()); }