const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; const mem = @import("std").mem; fn initStaticArray() [10]i32 { var array: [10]i32 = undefined; array[0] = 1; array[4] = 2; array[7] = 3; array[9] = 4; return array; } const static_array = initStaticArray(); test "init static array to undefined" { assert(static_array[0] == 1); assert(static_array[4] == 2); assert(static_array[7] == 3); assert(static_array[9] == 4); comptime { assert(static_array[0] == 1); assert(static_array[4] == 2); assert(static_array[7] == 3); assert(static_array[9] == 4); } } const Foo = struct { x: i32, fn setFooXMethod(foo: &Foo) void { foo.x = 3; } }; fn setFooX(foo: &Foo) void { foo.x = 2; } test "assign undefined to struct" { comptime { var foo: Foo = undefined; setFooX(&foo); assert(foo.x == 2); } { var foo: Foo = undefined; setFooX(&foo); assert(foo.x == 2); } } test "assign undefined to struct with method" { comptime { var foo: Foo = undefined; foo.setFooXMethod(); assert(foo.x == 3); } { var foo: Foo = undefined; foo.setFooXMethod(); assert(foo.x == 3); } } test "type name of undefined" { const x = undefined; assert(mem.eql(u8, @typeName(@typeOf(x)), "(undefined)")); }