const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const assert = std.debug.assert; const ir = @import("ir.zig"); const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig"); const link = @import("link.zig"); const Module = @import("Module.zig"); const ErrorMsg = Module.ErrorMsg; const Target = std.Target; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; pub const Result = union(enum) { /// The `code` parameter passed to `generateSymbol` has the value appended. appended: void, /// The value is available externally, `code` is unused. externally_managed: []const u8, fail: *Module.ErrorMsg, }; pub fn generateSymbol( bin_file: *link.ElfFile, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue, code: *std.ArrayList(u8), ) error{ OutOfMemory, /// A Decl that this symbol depends on had a semantic analysis failure. AnalysisFail, }!Result { switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Fn => { const module_fn = typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function).?.func; var function = Function{ .target = &, .bin_file = bin_file, .mod_fn = module_fn, .code = code, .inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, Function.MCValue).init(bin_file.allocator), .err_msg = null, }; defer function.inst_table.deinit(); for (module_fn.analysis.success.instructions) |inst| { const new_inst = function.genFuncInst(inst) catch |err| switch (err) { error.CodegenFail => return Result{ .fail = function.err_msg.? }, else => |e| return e, }; try function.inst_table.putNoClobber(inst, new_inst); } if (function.err_msg) |em| { return Result{ .fail = em }; } else { return Result{ .appended = {} }; } }, .Array => { if (typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.Bytes)) |payload| { if (typed_value.ty.arraySentinel()) |sentinel| { try code.ensureCapacity(code.items.len + + 1); code.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(; const prev_len = code.items.len; switch (try generateSymbol(bin_file, src, .{ .ty = typed_value.ty.elemType(), .val = sentinel, }, code)) { .appended => return Result{ .appended = {} }, .externally_managed => |slice| { code.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(slice); return Result{ .appended = {} }; }, .fail => |em| return Result{ .fail = em }, } } else { return Result{ .externally_managed = }; } } return Result{ .fail = try ErrorMsg.create( bin_file.allocator, src, "TODO implement generateSymbol for more kinds of arrays", .{}, ), }; }, .Pointer => { if (typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.DeclRef)) |payload| { const decl = payload.decl; if (decl.analysis != .complete) return error.AnalysisFail; assert( != 0); // TODO handle the dependency of this symbol on the decl's vaddr. // If the decl changes vaddr, then this symbol needs to get regenerated. const vaddr = bin_file.local_symbols.items[].st_value; const endian =; switch (bin_file.ptr_width) { .p32 => { try code.resize(4); mem.writeInt(u32, code.items[0..4], @intCast(u32, vaddr), endian); }, .p64 => { try code.resize(8); mem.writeInt(u64, code.items[0..8], vaddr, endian); }, } return Result{ .appended = {} }; } return Result{ .fail = try ErrorMsg.create( bin_file.allocator, src, "TODO implement generateSymbol for pointer {}", .{typed_value.val}, ), }; }, .Int => { const info = typed_value.ty.intInfo(; if (info.bits == 8 and !info.signed) { const x = typed_value.val.toUnsignedInt(); try code.append(@intCast(u8, x)); return Result{ .appended = {} }; } return Result{ .fail = try ErrorMsg.create( bin_file.allocator, src, "TODO implement generateSymbol for int type '{}'", .{typed_value.ty}, ), }; }, else => |t| { return Result{ .fail = try ErrorMsg.create( bin_file.allocator, src, "TODO implement generateSymbol for type '{}'", .{@tagName(t)}, ), }; }, } } const Function = struct { bin_file: *link.ElfFile, target: *const std.Target, mod_fn: *const Module.Fn, code: *std.ArrayList(u8), inst_table: std.AutoHashMap(*ir.Inst, MCValue), err_msg: ?*ErrorMsg, const MCValue = union(enum) { none, unreach, /// A pointer-sized integer that fits in a register. immediate: u64, /// The constant was emitted into the code, at this offset. embedded_in_code: usize, /// The value is in a target-specific register. The value can /// be @intToEnum casted to the respective Reg enum. register: usize, /// The value is in memory at a hard-coded address. memory: u64, }; fn genFuncInst(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst) !MCValue { switch (inst.tag) { .breakpoint => return self.genBreakpoint(inst.src), .call => return self.genCall(inst.cast(ir.Inst.Call).?), .unreach => return MCValue{ .unreach = {} }, .constant => unreachable, // excluded from function bodies .assembly => return self.genAsm(inst.cast(ir.Inst.Assembly).?), .ptrtoint => return self.genPtrToInt(inst.cast(ir.Inst.PtrToInt).?), .bitcast => return self.genBitCast(inst.cast(ir.Inst.BitCast).?), .ret => return self.genRet(inst.cast(ir.Inst.Ret).?), .cmp => return self.genCmp(inst.cast(ir.Inst.Cmp).?), .condbr => return self.genCondBr(inst.cast(ir.Inst.CondBr).?), .isnull => return self.genIsNull(inst.cast(ir.Inst.IsNull).?), .isnonnull => return self.genIsNonNull(inst.cast(ir.Inst.IsNonNull).?), } } fn genBreakpoint(self: *Function, src: usize) !MCValue { switch ( { .i386, .x86_64 => { try self.code.append(0xcc); // int3 }, else => return, "TODO implement @breakpoint() for {}", .{}), } return .none; } fn genCall(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.Call) !MCValue { switch ( { .x86_64, .i386 => { if (inst.args.func.cast(ir.Inst.Constant)) |func_inst| { if (inst.args.args.len != 0) { return, "TODO implement call with more than 0 parameters", .{}); } if (func_inst.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function)) |func_val| { const func = func_val.func; const got = &self.bin_file.program_headers.items[self.bin_file.phdr_got_index.?]; const ptr_bits =; const ptr_bytes: u64 = @divExact(ptr_bits, 8); const got_addr = @intCast(u32, got.p_vaddr + * ptr_bytes); // ff 14 25 xx xx xx xx call [addr] try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 7); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 7 ..][0..3].* = [3]u8{ 0xff, 0x14, 0x25 }; mem.writeIntLittle(u32, self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 4 ..][0..4], got_addr); const return_type = func.fn_type.fnReturnType(); switch (return_type.zigTypeTag()) { .Void => return MCValue{ .none = {} }, .NoReturn => return MCValue{ .unreach = {} }, else => return, "TODO implement fn call with non-void return value", .{}), } } else { return, "TODO implement calling weird function values", .{}); } } else { return, "TODO implement calling runtime known function pointer", .{}); } }, else => return, "TODO implement call for {}", .{}), } } fn genRet(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.Ret) !MCValue { switch ( { .i386, .x86_64 => { try self.code.append(0xc3); // ret }, else => return, "TODO implement return for {}", .{}), } return .unreach; } fn genCmp(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.Cmp) !MCValue { switch ( { else => return, "TODO implement cmp for {}", .{}), } } fn genCondBr(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.CondBr) !MCValue { switch ( { else => return, "TODO implement condbr for {}", .{}), } } fn genIsNull(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.IsNull) !MCValue { switch ( { else => return, "TODO implement isnull for {}", .{}), } } fn genIsNonNull(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.IsNonNull) !MCValue { // Here you can specialize this instruction if it makes sense to, otherwise the default // will call genIsNull and invert the result. switch ( { else => return, "TODO call genIsNull and invert the result ", .{}), } } fn genRelativeFwdJump(self: *Function, src: usize, amount: u32) !void { switch ( { .i386, .x86_64 => { // TODO x86 treats the operands as signed if (amount <= std.math.maxInt(u8)) { try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 2); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 2] = 0xeb; self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 1] = @intCast(u8, amount); } else { try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 5); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 5] = 0xe9; // jmp rel32 const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 4 ..][0..4]; mem.writeIntLittle(u32, imm_ptr, amount); } }, else => return, "TODO implement relative forward jump for {}", .{}), } } fn genAsm(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.Assembly) !MCValue { // TODO convert to inline function switch ( { .arm => return self.genAsmArch(.arm, inst), .armeb => return self.genAsmArch(.armeb, inst), .aarch64 => return self.genAsmArch(.aarch64, inst), .aarch64_be => return self.genAsmArch(.aarch64_be, inst), .aarch64_32 => return self.genAsmArch(.aarch64_32, inst), .arc => return self.genAsmArch(.arc, inst), .avr => return self.genAsmArch(.avr, inst), .bpfel => return self.genAsmArch(.bpfel, inst), .bpfeb => return self.genAsmArch(.bpfeb, inst), .hexagon => return self.genAsmArch(.hexagon, inst), .mips => return self.genAsmArch(.mips, inst), .mipsel => return self.genAsmArch(.mipsel, inst), .mips64 => return self.genAsmArch(.mips64, inst), .mips64el => return self.genAsmArch(.mips64el, inst), .msp430 => return self.genAsmArch(.msp430, inst), .powerpc => return self.genAsmArch(.powerpc, inst), .powerpc64 => return self.genAsmArch(.powerpc64, inst), .powerpc64le => return self.genAsmArch(.powerpc64le, inst), .r600 => return self.genAsmArch(.r600, inst), .amdgcn => return self.genAsmArch(.amdgcn, inst), .riscv32 => return self.genAsmArch(.riscv32, inst), .riscv64 => return self.genAsmArch(.riscv64, inst), .sparc => return self.genAsmArch(.sparc, inst), .sparcv9 => return self.genAsmArch(.sparcv9, inst), .sparcel => return self.genAsmArch(.sparcel, inst), .s390x => return self.genAsmArch(.s390x, inst), .tce => return self.genAsmArch(.tce, inst), .tcele => return self.genAsmArch(.tcele, inst), .thumb => return self.genAsmArch(.thumb, inst), .thumbeb => return self.genAsmArch(.thumbeb, inst), .i386 => return self.genAsmArch(.i386, inst), .x86_64 => return self.genAsmArch(.x86_64, inst), .xcore => return self.genAsmArch(.xcore, inst), .nvptx => return self.genAsmArch(.nvptx, inst), .nvptx64 => return self.genAsmArch(.nvptx64, inst), .le32 => return self.genAsmArch(.le32, inst), .le64 => return self.genAsmArch(.le64, inst), .amdil => return self.genAsmArch(.amdil, inst), .amdil64 => return self.genAsmArch(.amdil64, inst), .hsail => return self.genAsmArch(.hsail, inst), .hsail64 => return self.genAsmArch(.hsail64, inst), .spir => return self.genAsmArch(.spir, inst), .spir64 => return self.genAsmArch(.spir64, inst), .kalimba => return self.genAsmArch(.kalimba, inst), .shave => return self.genAsmArch(.shave, inst), .lanai => return self.genAsmArch(.lanai, inst), .wasm32 => return self.genAsmArch(.wasm32, inst), .wasm64 => return self.genAsmArch(.wasm64, inst), .renderscript32 => return self.genAsmArch(.renderscript32, inst), .renderscript64 => return self.genAsmArch(.renderscript64, inst), .ve => return self.genAsmArch(.ve, inst), } } fn genAsmArch(self: *Function, comptime arch: Target.Cpu.Arch, inst: *ir.Inst.Assembly) !MCValue { if (arch != .x86_64 and arch != .i386) { return, "TODO implement inline asm support for more architectures", .{}); } for (inst.args.inputs) |input, i| { if (input.len < 3 or input[0] != '{' or input[input.len - 1] != '}') { return, "unrecognized asm input constraint: '{}'", .{input}); } const reg_name = input[1 .. input.len - 1]; const reg = parseRegName(arch, reg_name) orelse return, "unrecognized register: '{}'", .{reg_name}); const arg = try self.resolveInst(inst.args.args[i]); try self.genSetReg(inst.base.src, arch, reg, arg); } if (mem.eql(u8, inst.args.asm_source, "syscall")) { try self.code.appendSlice(&[_]u8{ 0x0f, 0x05 }); } else { return, "TODO implement support for more x86 assembly instructions", .{}); } if (inst.args.output) |output| { if (output.len < 4 or output[0] != '=' or output[1] != '{' or output[output.len - 1] != '}') { return, "unrecognized asm output constraint: '{}'", .{output}); } const reg_name = output[2 .. output.len - 1]; const reg = parseRegName(arch, reg_name) orelse return, "unrecognized register: '{}'", .{reg_name}); return MCValue{ .register = @enumToInt(reg) }; } else { return MCValue.none; } } /// Encodes a REX prefix as specified, and appends it to the instruction /// stream. This only modifies the instruction stream if at least one bit /// is set true, which has a few implications: /// /// * The length of the instruction buffer will be modified *if* the /// resulting REX is meaningful, but will remain the same if it is not. /// * Deliberately inserting a "meaningless REX" requires explicit usage of /// 0x40, and cannot be done via this function. fn REX(self: *Function, arg: struct { B: bool = false, W: bool = false, X: bool = false, R: bool = false }) !void { // From section of the manual, REX is encoded as b0100WRXB. var value: u8 = 0x40; if (arg.B) { value |= 0x1; } if (arg.X) { value |= 0x2; } if (arg.R) { value |= 0x4; } if (arg.W) { value |= 0x8; } if (value != 0x40) { try self.code.append(value); } } fn genSetReg(self: *Function, src: usize, comptime arch: Target.Cpu.Arch, reg: Reg(arch), mcv: MCValue) error{ CodegenFail, OutOfMemory }!void { switch (arch) { .x86_64 => switch (mcv) { .none, .unreach => unreachable, .immediate => |x| { if (reg.size() != 64) { return, "TODO decide whether to implement non-64-bit loads", .{}); } // 32-bit moves zero-extend to 64-bit, so xoring the 32-bit // register is the fastest way to zero a register. if (x == 0) { // The encoding for `xor r32, r32` is `0x31 /r`. // Section of the Intel x64 Manual states that "/r indicates that the // ModR/M byte of the instruction contains a register operand and an r/m operand." // // R/M bytes are composed of two bits for the mode, then three bits for the register, // then three bits for the operand. Since we're zeroing a register, the two three-bit // values will be identical, and the mode is three (the raw register value). // // If we're accessing e.g. r8d, we need to use a REX prefix before the actual operation. Since // this is a 32-bit operation, the W flag is set to zero. X is also zero, as we're not using a SIB. // Both R and B are set, as we're extending, in effect, the register bits *and* the operand. try self.REX(.{ .R = reg.isExtended(), .B = reg.isExtended() }); const id = @as(u8, & 0b111); return self.code.appendSlice(&[_]u8{ 0x31, 0xC0 | id << 3 | id, }); } if (x <= std.math.maxInt(u32)) { // Next best case: if we set the lower four bytes, the upper four will be zeroed. // // The encoding for `mov IMM32 -> REG` is (0xB8 + R) IMM. if (reg.isExtended()) { // Just as with XORing, we need a REX prefix. This time though, we only // need the B bit set, as we're extending the opcode's register field, // and there is no Mod R/M byte. // // Thus, we need b01000001, or 0x41. try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 6); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 6] = 0x41; } else { try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 5); } self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 5] = 0xB8 | @as(u8, & 0b111); const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 4 ..][0..4]; mem.writeIntLittle(u32, imm_ptr, @intCast(u32, x)); return; } // Worst case: we need to load the 64-bit register with the IMM. GNU's assemblers calls // this `movabs`, though this is officially just a different variant of the plain `mov` // instruction. // // This encoding is, in fact, the *same* as the one used for 32-bit loads. The only // difference is that we set REX.W before the instruction, which extends the load to // 64-bit and uses the full bit-width of the register. // // Since we always need a REX here, let's just check if we also need to set REX.B. // // In this case, the encoding of the REX byte is 0b0100100B try self.REX(.{ .W = true, .B = reg.isExtended() }); try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 9); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 9] = 0xB8 | @as(u8, & 0b111); const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 8 ..][0..8]; mem.writeIntLittle(u64, imm_ptr, x); }, .embedded_in_code => |code_offset| { if (reg.size() != 64) { return, "TODO decide whether to implement non-64-bit loads", .{}); } // We need the offset from RIP in a signed i32 twos complement. // The instruction is 7 bytes long and RIP points to the next instruction. // // 64-bit LEA is encoded as REX.W 8D /r. If the register is extended, the REX byte is modified, // but the operation size is unchanged. Since we're using a disp32, we want mode 0 and lower three // bits as five. // REX 0x8D 0b00RRR101, where RRR is the lower three bits of the id. try self.REX(.{ .W = true, .B = reg.isExtended() }); try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 6); const rip = self.code.items.len; const big_offset = @intCast(i64, code_offset) - @intCast(i64, rip); const offset = @intCast(i32, big_offset); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 6] = 0x8D; self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 5] = 0b101 | (@as(u8, & 0b111) << 3); const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 4 ..][0..4]; mem.writeIntLittle(i32, imm_ptr, offset); }, .register => |r| { if (reg.size() != 64) { return, "TODO decide whether to implement non-64-bit loads", .{}); } const src_reg = @intToEnum(Reg(arch), @intCast(u8, r)); // This is a variant of 8B /r. Since we're using 64-bit moves, we require a REX. // This is thus three bytes: REX 0x8B R/M. // If the destination is extended, the R field must be 1. // If the *source* is extended, the B field must be 1. // Since the register is being accessed directly, the R/M mode is three. The reg field (the middle // three bits) contain the destination, and the R/M field (the lower three bits) contain the source. try self.REX(.{ .W = true, .R = reg.isExtended(), .B = src_reg.isExtended() }); const R = 0xC0 | (@as(u8, & 0b111) << 3) | @as(u8, & 0b111); try self.code.appendSlice(&[_]u8{ 0x8B, R }); }, .memory => |x| { if (reg.size() != 64) { return, "TODO decide whether to implement non-64-bit loads", .{}); } if (x <= std.math.maxInt(u32)) { // Moving from memory to a register is a variant of `8B /r`. // Since we're using 64-bit moves, we require a REX. // This variant also requires a SIB, as it would otherwise be RIP-relative. // We want mode zero with the lower three bits set to four to indicate an SIB with no other displacement. // The SIB must be 0x25, to indicate a disp32 with no scaled index. // 0b00RRR100, where RRR is the lower three bits of the register ID. // The instruction is thus eight bytes; REX 0x8B 0b00RRR100 0x25 followed by a four-byte disp32. try self.REX(.{ .W = true, .B = reg.isExtended() }); try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 7); const r = 0x04 | (@as(u8, & 0b111) << 3); self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 7] = 0x8B; self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 6] = r; self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 5] = 0x25; const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 4 ..][0..4]; mem.writeIntLittle(u32, imm_ptr, @intCast(u32, x)); } else { // If this is RAX, we can use a direct load; otherwise, we need to load the address, then indirectly load // the value. if ( == 0) { // REX.W 0xA1 moffs64* // moffs64* is a 64-bit offset "relative to segment base", which really just means the // absolute address for all practical purposes. try self.code.resize(self.code.items.len + 10); // REX.W == 0x48 self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 10] = 0x48; self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 9] = 0xA1; const imm_ptr = self.code.items[self.code.items.len - 8 ..][0..8]; mem.writeIntLittle(u64, imm_ptr, x); } else { // This requires two instructions; a move imm as used above, followed by an indirect load using the register // as the address and the register as the destination. // // This cannot be used if the lower three bits of the id are equal to four or five, as there // is no way to possibly encode it. This means that RSP, RBP, R12, and R13 cannot be used with // this instruction. const id3 = @truncate(u3,; std.debug.assert(id3 != 4 and id3 != 5); // Rather than duplicate the logic used for the move, we just use a self-call with a new MCValue. try self.genSetReg(src, arch, reg, MCValue{ .immediate = x }); // Now, the register contains the address of the value to load into it // Currently, we're only allowing 64-bit registers, so we need the `REX.W 8B /r` variant. // TODO: determine whether to allow other sized registers, and if so, handle them properly. // This operation requires three bytes: REX 0x8B R/M // // For this operation, we want R/M mode *zero* (use register indirectly), and the two register // values must match. Thus, it's 00ABCABC where ABC is the lower three bits of the register ID. // // Furthermore, if this is an extended register, both B and R must be set in the REX byte, as *both* // register operands need to be marked as extended. try self.REX(.{ .W = true, .B = reg.isExtended(), .R = reg.isExtended() }); const RM = (@as(u8, & 0b111) << 3) | @truncate(u3,; try self.code.appendSlice(&[_]u8{ 0x8B, RM }); } } }, }, else => return, "TODO implement genSetReg for more architectures", .{}), } } fn genPtrToInt(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.PtrToInt) !MCValue { // no-op return self.resolveInst(inst.args.ptr); } fn genBitCast(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst.BitCast) !MCValue { const operand = try self.resolveInst(inst.args.operand); return operand; } fn resolveInst(self: *Function, inst: *ir.Inst) !MCValue { if (self.inst_table.getValue(inst)) |mcv| { return mcv; } if (inst.cast(ir.Inst.Constant)) |const_inst| { const mcvalue = try self.genTypedValue(inst.src, .{ .ty = inst.ty, .val = const_inst.val }); try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(inst, mcvalue); return mcvalue; } else { return self.inst_table.getValue(inst).?; } } fn genTypedValue(self: *Function, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue) !MCValue { const ptr_bits =; const ptr_bytes: u64 = @divExact(ptr_bits, 8); const allocator = self.code.allocator; switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Pointer => { if (typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.DeclRef)) |payload| { const got = &self.bin_file.program_headers.items[self.bin_file.phdr_got_index.?]; const decl = payload.decl; const got_addr = got.p_vaddr + * ptr_bytes; return MCValue{ .memory = got_addr }; } return, "TODO codegen more kinds of const pointers", .{}); }, .Int => { const info = typed_value.ty.intInfo(*); if (info.bits > ptr_bits or info.signed) { return, "TODO const int bigger than ptr and signed int", .{}); } return MCValue{ .immediate = typed_value.val.toUnsignedInt() }; }, .ComptimeInt => unreachable, // semantic analysis prevents this .ComptimeFloat => unreachable, // semantic analysis prevents this else => return, "TODO implement const of type '{}'", .{typed_value.ty}), } } fn fail(self: *Function, src: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) error{ CodegenFail, OutOfMemory } { @setCold(true); assert(self.err_msg == null); self.err_msg = try ErrorMsg.create(self.code.allocator, src, format, args); return error.CodegenFail; } }; const x86_64 = @import("codegen/x86_64.zig"); const x86 = @import("codegen/x86.zig"); fn Reg(comptime arch: Target.Cpu.Arch) type { return switch (arch) { .i386 => x86.Register, .x86_64 => x86_64.Register, else => @compileError("TODO add more register enums"), }; } fn parseRegName(comptime arch: Target.Cpu.Arch, name: []const u8) ?Reg(arch) { return std.meta.stringToEnum(Reg(arch), name); }