const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const assert = std.debug.assert; var x: i32 = 1; test "create a coroutine and cancel it" { const p = try async simpleAsyncFn(); comptime assert(@typeOf(p) == promise->void); cancel p; assert(x == 2); } async fn simpleAsyncFn() void { x += 1; suspend; x += 1; } test "coroutine suspend, resume, cancel" { seq('a'); const p = try async testAsyncSeq(); seq('c'); resume p; seq('f'); cancel p; seq('g'); assert(std.mem.eql(u8, points, "abcdefg")); } async fn testAsyncSeq() void { defer seq('e'); seq('b'); suspend; seq('d'); } var points = []u8{0} ** "abcdefg".len; var index: usize = 0; fn seq(c: u8) void { points[index] = c; index += 1; } test "coroutine suspend with block" { const p = try async testSuspendBlock(); std.debug.assert(!result); resume a_promise; std.debug.assert(result); cancel p; } var a_promise: promise = undefined; var result = false; async fn testSuspendBlock() void { suspend |p| { comptime assert(@typeOf(p) == promise->void); a_promise = p; } result = true; } var await_a_promise: promise = undefined; var await_final_result: i32 = 0; test "coroutine await" { await_seq('a'); const p = async await_amain() catch unreachable; await_seq('f'); resume await_a_promise; await_seq('i'); assert(await_final_result == 1234); assert(std.mem.eql(u8, await_points, "abcdefghi")); } async fn await_amain() void { await_seq('b'); const p = async await_another() catch unreachable; await_seq('e'); await_final_result = await p; await_seq('h'); } async fn await_another() i32 { await_seq('c'); suspend |p| { await_seq('d'); await_a_promise = p; } await_seq('g'); return 1234; } var await_points = []u8{0} ** "abcdefghi".len; var await_seq_index: usize = 0; fn await_seq(c: u8) void { await_points[await_seq_index] = c; await_seq_index += 1; } var early_final_result: i32 = 0; test "coroutine await early return" { early_seq('a'); const p = async early_amain() catch unreachable; early_seq('f'); assert(early_final_result == 1234); assert(std.mem.eql(u8, early_points, "abcdef")); } async fn early_amain() void { early_seq('b'); const p = async early_another() catch unreachable; early_seq('d'); early_final_result = await p; early_seq('e'); } async fn early_another() i32 { early_seq('c'); return 1234; } var early_points = []u8{0} ** "abcdef".len; var early_seq_index: usize = 0; fn early_seq(c: u8) void { early_points[early_seq_index] = c; early_seq_index += 1; } test "coro allocation failure" { var failing_allocator = std.debug.FailingAllocator.init(std.debug.global_allocator, 0); if (async<&failing_allocator.allocator> asyncFuncThatNeverGetsRun()) { @panic("expected allocation failure"); } else |err| switch (err) { error.OutOfMemory => {}, } } async fn asyncFuncThatNeverGetsRun() void { @panic("coro frame allocation should fail"); } test "async function with dot syntax" { const S = struct { var y: i32 = 1; async fn foo() void { y += 1; suspend; } }; const p = try async; cancel p; assert(S.y == 2); } test "async fn pointer in a struct field" { var data: i32 = 1; const Foo = struct { bar: async<&std.mem.Allocator> fn(&i32) void, }; var foo = Foo { .bar = simpleAsyncFn2, }; const p = (async catch unreachable; assert(data == 2); cancel p; assert(data == 4); } async<&std.mem.Allocator> fn simpleAsyncFn2(y: &i32) void { defer *y += 2; *y += 1; suspend; } test "async fn with inferred error set" { const p = (async failing()) catch unreachable; resume p; cancel p; } async fn failing() !void { suspend; return error.Fail; } test "error return trace across suspend points - early return" { const p = nonFailing(); resume p; const p2 = try async printTrace(p); cancel p2; } test "error return trace across suspend points - async return" { const p = nonFailing(); const p2 = try async printTrace(p); resume p; cancel p2; } fn nonFailing() promise->error!void { return async suspendThenFail() catch unreachable; } async fn suspendThenFail() error!void { suspend; return error.Fail; } async fn printTrace(p: promise->error!void) void { (await p) catch |e| { std.debug.assert(e == error.Fail); if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| { assert(trace.index == 1); } else if (builtin.mode != builtin.Mode.ReleaseFast) { @panic("expected return trace"); } }; } test "break from suspend" { var buf: [500]u8 = undefined; var a = &std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buf[0..]).allocator; var my_result: i32 = 1; const p = try async testBreakFromSuspend(&my_result); cancel p; std.debug.assert(my_result == 2); } async fn testBreakFromSuspend(my_result: &i32) void { s: suspend |p| { break :s; } *my_result += 1; suspend; *my_result += 1; }