const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const assert = std.debug.assert; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const ir = @import("ir.zig"); const Module = @import("Module.zig"); const fs = std.fs; const elf = std.elf; const codegen = @import("codegen.zig"); const default_entry_addr = 0x8000000; pub const Options = struct { target: std.Target, output_mode: std.builtin.OutputMode, link_mode: std.builtin.LinkMode, object_format: std.builtin.ObjectFormat, /// Used for calculating how much space to reserve for symbols in case the binary file /// does not already have a symbol table. symbol_count_hint: u64 = 32, /// Used for calculating how much space to reserve for executable program code in case /// the binary file deos not already have such a section. program_code_size_hint: u64 = 256 * 1024, }; /// Attempts incremental linking, if the file already exists. /// If incremental linking fails, falls back to truncating the file and rewriting it. /// A malicious file is detected as incremental link failure and does not cause Illegal Behavior. /// This operation is not atomic. pub fn openBinFilePath( allocator: *Allocator, dir: fs.Dir, sub_path: []const u8, options: Options, ) !ElfFile { const file = try dir.createFile(sub_path, .{ .truncate = false, .read = true, .mode = determineMode(options) }); errdefer file.close(); var bin_file = try openBinFile(allocator, file, options); bin_file.owns_file_handle = true; return bin_file; } /// Atomically overwrites the old file, if present. pub fn writeFilePath( allocator: *Allocator, dir: fs.Dir, sub_path: []const u8, module: Module, errors: *std.ArrayList(Module.ErrorMsg), ) !void { const options: Options = .{ .target =, .output_mode = module.output_mode, .link_mode = module.link_mode, .object_format = module.object_format, .symbol_count_hint = module.decls.items.len, }; const af = try dir.atomicFile(sub_path, .{ .mode = determineMode(options) }); defer af.deinit(); const elf_file = try createElfFile(allocator, af.file, options); for (module.decls.items) |decl| { try elf_file.updateDecl(module, decl, errors); } try elf_file.flush(); if (elf_file.error_flags.no_entry_point_found) { try errors.ensureCapacity(errors.items.len + 1); errors.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .byte_offset = 0, .msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(errors.allocator, "no entry point found", .{}), }); } try af.finish(); return result; } /// Attempts incremental linking, if the file already exists. /// If incremental linking fails, falls back to truncating the file and rewriting it. /// Returns an error if `file` is not already open with +read +write +seek abilities. /// A malicious file is detected as incremental link failure and does not cause Illegal Behavior. /// This operation is not atomic. pub fn openBinFile(allocator: *Allocator, file: fs.File, options: Options) !ElfFile { return openBinFileInner(allocator, file, options) catch |err| switch (err) { error.IncrFailed => { return createElfFile(allocator, file, options); }, else => |e| return e, }; } pub const ElfFile = struct { allocator: *Allocator, file: ?fs.File, owns_file_handle: bool, options: Options, ptr_width: enum { p32, p64 }, /// Stored in native-endian format, depending on target endianness needs to be bswapped on read/write. /// Same order as in the file. sections: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Shdr) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Shdr){}, shdr_table_offset: ?u64 = null, /// Stored in native-endian format, depending on target endianness needs to be bswapped on read/write. /// Same order as in the file. program_headers: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Phdr) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Phdr){}, phdr_table_offset: ?u64 = null, /// The index into the program headers of a PT_LOAD program header with Read and Execute flags phdr_load_re_index: ?u16 = null, /// The index into the program headers of the global offset table. /// It needs PT_LOAD and Read flags. phdr_got_index: ?u16 = null, entry_addr: ?u64 = null, shstrtab: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8){}, shstrtab_index: ?u16 = null, text_section_index: ?u16 = null, symtab_section_index: ?u16 = null, got_section_index: ?u16 = null, /// The same order as in the file. ELF requires global symbols to all be after the /// local symbols, they cannot be mixed. So we must buffer all the global symbols and /// write them at the end. These are only the local symbols. The length of this array /// is the value used for sh_info in the .symtab section. local_symbols: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym){}, global_symbols: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym){}, local_symbol_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){}, global_symbol_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){}, offset_table_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){}, /// Same order as in the file. The value is the absolute vaddr value. /// If the vaddr of the executable program header changes, the entire /// offset table needs to be rewritten. offset_table: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u64) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u64){}, phdr_table_dirty: bool = false, shdr_table_dirty: bool = false, shstrtab_dirty: bool = false, offset_table_count_dirty: bool = false, error_flags: ErrorFlags = ErrorFlags{}, /// A list of text blocks that have surplus capacity. This list can have false /// positives, as functions grow and shrink over time, only sometimes being added /// or removed from the freelist. /// /// A text block has surplus capacity when its overcapacity value is greater than /// minimum_text_block_size * alloc_num / alloc_den. That is, when it has so /// much extra capacity, that we could fit a small new symbol in it, itself with /// ideal_capacity or more. /// /// Ideal capacity is defined by size * alloc_num / alloc_den. /// /// Overcapacity is measured by actual_capacity - ideal_capacity. Note that /// overcapacity can be negative. A simple way to have negative overcapacity is to /// allocate a fresh text block, which will have ideal capacity, and then grow it /// by 1 byte. It will then have -1 overcapacity. text_block_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*TextBlock) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*TextBlock){}, last_text_block: ?*TextBlock = null, /// `alloc_num / alloc_den` is the factor of padding when allocating. const alloc_num = 4; const alloc_den = 3; /// In order for a slice of bytes to be considered eligible to keep metadata pointing at /// it as a possible place to put new symbols, it must have enough room for this many bytes /// (plus extra for reserved capacity). const minimum_text_block_size = 64; const min_text_capacity = minimum_text_block_size * alloc_num / alloc_den; pub const ErrorFlags = struct { no_entry_point_found: bool = false, }; pub const TextBlock = struct { /// Each decl always gets a local symbol with the fully qualified name. /// The vaddr and size are found here directly. /// The file offset is found by computing the vaddr offset from the section vaddr /// the symbol references, and adding that to the file offset of the section. /// If this field is 0, it means the codegen size = 0 and there is no symbol or /// offset table entry. local_sym_index: u32, /// This field is undefined for symbols with size = 0. offset_table_index: u32, /// Points to the previous and next neighbors, based on the `text_offset`. /// This can be used to find, for example, the capacity of this `TextBlock`. prev: ?*TextBlock, next: ?*TextBlock, pub const empty = TextBlock{ .local_sym_index = 0, .offset_table_index = undefined, .prev = null, .next = null, }; /// Returns how much room there is to grow in virtual address space. /// File offset relocation happens transparently, so it is not included in /// this calculation. fn capacity(self: TextBlock, elf_file: ElfFile) u64 { const self_sym = elf_file.local_symbols.items[self.local_sym_index]; if ( |next| { const next_sym = elf_file.local_symbols.items[next.local_sym_index]; return next_sym.st_value - self_sym.st_value; } else { // We are the last block. The capacity is limited only by virtual address space. return std.math.maxInt(u32) - self_sym.st_value; } } fn freeListEligible(self: TextBlock, elf_file: ElfFile) bool { // No need to keep a free list node for the last block. const next = orelse return false; const self_sym = elf_file.local_symbols.items[self.local_sym_index]; const next_sym = elf_file.local_symbols.items[next.local_sym_index]; const cap = next_sym.st_value - self_sym.st_value; const ideal_cap = self_sym.st_size * alloc_num / alloc_den; if (cap <= ideal_cap) return false; const surplus = cap - ideal_cap; return surplus >= min_text_capacity; } }; pub const Export = struct { sym_index: ?u32 = null, }; pub fn deinit(self: *ElfFile) void { self.sections.deinit(self.allocator); self.program_headers.deinit(self.allocator); self.shstrtab.deinit(self.allocator); self.local_symbols.deinit(self.allocator); self.global_symbols.deinit(self.allocator); self.global_symbol_free_list.deinit(self.allocator); self.local_symbol_free_list.deinit(self.allocator); self.offset_table_free_list.deinit(self.allocator); self.text_block_free_list.deinit(self.allocator); self.offset_table.deinit(self.allocator); if (self.owns_file_handle) { if (self.file) |f| f.close(); } } pub fn makeExecutable(self: *ElfFile) !void { assert(self.owns_file_handle); if (self.file) |f| { f.close(); self.file = null; } } pub fn makeWritable(self: *ElfFile, dir: fs.Dir, sub_path: []const u8) !void { assert(self.owns_file_handle); if (self.file != null) return; self.file = try dir.createFile(sub_path, .{ .truncate = false, .read = true, .mode = determineMode(self.options), }); } /// Returns end pos of collision, if any. fn detectAllocCollision(self: *ElfFile, start: u64, size: u64) ?u64 { const small_ptr = == 32; const ehdr_size: u64 = if (small_ptr) @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Ehdr) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr); if (start < ehdr_size) return ehdr_size; const end = start + satMul(size, alloc_num) / alloc_den; if (self.shdr_table_offset) |off| { const shdr_size: u64 = if (small_ptr) @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr); const tight_size = self.sections.items.len * shdr_size; const increased_size = satMul(tight_size, alloc_num) / alloc_den; const test_end = off + increased_size; if (end > off and start < test_end) { return test_end; } } if (self.phdr_table_offset) |off| { const phdr_size: u64 = if (small_ptr) @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr); const tight_size = self.sections.items.len * phdr_size; const increased_size = satMul(tight_size, alloc_num) / alloc_den; const test_end = off + increased_size; if (end > off and start < test_end) { return test_end; } } for (self.sections.items) |section| { const increased_size = satMul(section.sh_size, alloc_num) / alloc_den; const test_end = section.sh_offset + increased_size; if (end > section.sh_offset and start < test_end) { return test_end; } } for (self.program_headers.items) |program_header| { const increased_size = satMul(program_header.p_filesz, alloc_num) / alloc_den; const test_end = program_header.p_offset + increased_size; if (end > program_header.p_offset and start < test_end) { return test_end; } } return null; } fn allocatedSize(self: *ElfFile, start: u64) u64 { var min_pos: u64 = std.math.maxInt(u64); if (self.shdr_table_offset) |off| { if (off > start and off < min_pos) min_pos = off; } if (self.phdr_table_offset) |off| { if (off > start and off < min_pos) min_pos = off; } for (self.sections.items) |section| { if (section.sh_offset <= start) continue; if (section.sh_offset < min_pos) min_pos = section.sh_offset; } for (self.program_headers.items) |program_header| { if (program_header.p_offset <= start) continue; if (program_header.p_offset < min_pos) min_pos = program_header.p_offset; } return min_pos - start; } fn findFreeSpace(self: *ElfFile, object_size: u64, min_alignment: u16) u64 { var start: u64 = 0; while (self.detectAllocCollision(start, object_size)) |item_end| { start = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, item_end, min_alignment); } return start; } fn makeString(self: *ElfFile, bytes: []const u8) !u32 { try self.shstrtab.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.shstrtab.items.len + bytes.len + 1); const result = self.shstrtab.items.len; self.shstrtab.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(bytes); self.shstrtab.appendAssumeCapacity(0); return @intCast(u32, result); } fn getString(self: *ElfFile, str_off: u32) []const u8 { assert(str_off < self.shstrtab.items.len); return mem.spanZ(@ptrCast([*:0]const u8, self.shstrtab.items.ptr + str_off)); } fn updateString(self: *ElfFile, old_str_off: u32, new_name: []const u8) !u32 { const existing_name = self.getString(old_str_off); if (mem.eql(u8, existing_name, new_name)) { return old_str_off; } return self.makeString(new_name); } pub fn populateMissingMetadata(self: *ElfFile) !void { const small_ptr = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => true, .p64 => false, }; const ptr_size: u8 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => 4, .p64 => 8, }; if (self.phdr_load_re_index == null) { self.phdr_load_re_index = @intCast(u16, self.program_headers.items.len); const file_size = self.options.program_code_size_hint; const p_align = 0x1000; const off = self.findFreeSpace(file_size, p_align); //std.debug.warn("found PT_LOAD free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + file_size }); try self.program_headers.append(self.allocator, .{ .p_type = elf.PT_LOAD, .p_offset = off, .p_filesz = file_size, .p_vaddr = default_entry_addr, .p_paddr = default_entry_addr, .p_memsz = file_size, .p_align = p_align, .p_flags = elf.PF_X | elf.PF_R, }); self.entry_addr = null; self.phdr_table_dirty = true; } if (self.phdr_got_index == null) { self.phdr_got_index = @intCast(u16, self.program_headers.items.len); const file_size = @as(u64, ptr_size) * self.options.symbol_count_hint; // We really only need ptr alignment but since we are using PROGBITS, linux requires // page align. const p_align = 0x1000; const off = self.findFreeSpace(file_size, p_align); //std.debug.warn("found PT_LOAD free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + file_size }); // TODO instead of hard coding the vaddr, make a function to find a vaddr to put things at. // we'll need to re-use that function anyway, in case the GOT grows and overlaps something // else in virtual memory. const default_got_addr = 0x4000000; try self.program_headers.append(self.allocator, .{ .p_type = elf.PT_LOAD, .p_offset = off, .p_filesz = file_size, .p_vaddr = default_got_addr, .p_paddr = default_got_addr, .p_memsz = file_size, .p_align = p_align, .p_flags = elf.PF_R, }); self.phdr_table_dirty = true; } if (self.shstrtab_index == null) { self.shstrtab_index = @intCast(u16, self.sections.items.len); assert(self.shstrtab.items.len == 0); try self.shstrtab.append(self.allocator, 0); // need a 0 at position 0 const off = self.findFreeSpace(self.shstrtab.items.len, 1); //std.debug.warn("found shstrtab free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + self.shstrtab.items.len }); try self.sections.append(self.allocator, .{ .sh_name = try self.makeString(".shstrtab"), .sh_type = elf.SHT_STRTAB, .sh_flags = 0, .sh_addr = 0, .sh_offset = off, .sh_size = self.shstrtab.items.len, .sh_link = 0, .sh_info = 0, .sh_addralign = 1, .sh_entsize = 0, }); self.shstrtab_dirty = true; self.shdr_table_dirty = true; } if (self.text_section_index == null) { self.text_section_index = @intCast(u16, self.sections.items.len); const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_load_re_index.?]; try self.sections.append(self.allocator, .{ .sh_name = try self.makeString(".text"), .sh_type = elf.SHT_PROGBITS, .sh_flags = elf.SHF_ALLOC | elf.SHF_EXECINSTR, .sh_addr = phdr.p_vaddr, .sh_offset = phdr.p_offset, .sh_size = phdr.p_filesz, .sh_link = 0, .sh_info = 0, .sh_addralign = phdr.p_align, .sh_entsize = 0, }); self.shdr_table_dirty = true; } if (self.got_section_index == null) { self.got_section_index = @intCast(u16, self.sections.items.len); const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_got_index.?]; try self.sections.append(self.allocator, .{ .sh_name = try self.makeString(".got"), .sh_type = elf.SHT_PROGBITS, .sh_flags = elf.SHF_ALLOC, .sh_addr = phdr.p_vaddr, .sh_offset = phdr.p_offset, .sh_size = phdr.p_filesz, .sh_link = 0, .sh_info = 0, .sh_addralign = phdr.p_align, .sh_entsize = 0, }); self.shdr_table_dirty = true; } if (self.symtab_section_index == null) { self.symtab_section_index = @intCast(u16, self.sections.items.len); const min_align: u16 = if (small_ptr) @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Sym) else @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Sym); const each_size: u64 = if (small_ptr) @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Sym) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Sym); const file_size = self.options.symbol_count_hint * each_size; const off = self.findFreeSpace(file_size, min_align); //std.debug.warn("found symtab free space 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{ off, off + file_size }); try self.sections.append(self.allocator, .{ .sh_name = try self.makeString(".symtab"), .sh_type = elf.SHT_SYMTAB, .sh_flags = 0, .sh_addr = 0, .sh_offset = off, .sh_size = file_size, // The section header index of the associated string table. .sh_link = self.shstrtab_index.?, .sh_info = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len), .sh_addralign = min_align, .sh_entsize = each_size, }); self.shdr_table_dirty = true; try self.writeSymbol(0); } const shsize: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), }; const shalign: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), .p64 => @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), }; if (self.shdr_table_offset == null) { self.shdr_table_offset = self.findFreeSpace(self.sections.items.len * shsize, shalign); self.shdr_table_dirty = true; } const phsize: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), }; const phalign: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), .p64 => @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), }; if (self.phdr_table_offset == null) { self.phdr_table_offset = self.findFreeSpace(self.program_headers.items.len * phsize, phalign); self.phdr_table_dirty = true; } { // Iterate over symbols, populating free_list and last_text_block. if (self.local_symbols.items.len != 1) { @panic("TODO implement setting up free_list and last_text_block from existing ELF file"); } // We are starting with an empty file. The default values are correct, null and empty list. } } /// Commit pending changes and write headers. pub fn flush(self: *ElfFile) !void { const foreign_endian = != std.Target.current.cpu.arch.endian(); // Unfortunately these have to be buffered and done at the end because ELF does not allow // mixing local and global symbols within a symbol table. try self.writeAllGlobalSymbols(); if (self.phdr_table_dirty) { const phsize: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), }; const phalign: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), .p64 => @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), }; const allocated_size = self.allocatedSize(self.phdr_table_offset.?); const needed_size = self.program_headers.items.len * phsize; if (needed_size > allocated_size) { self.phdr_table_offset = null; // free the space self.phdr_table_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, phalign); } switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf32_Phdr, self.program_headers.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*phdr, i| { phdr.* = progHeaderTo32(self.program_headers.items[i]); if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Phdr, phdr); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), self.phdr_table_offset.?); }, .p64 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf64_Phdr, self.program_headers.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*phdr, i| { phdr.* = self.program_headers.items[i]; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Phdr, phdr); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), self.phdr_table_offset.?); }, } self.phdr_table_dirty = false; } { const shstrtab_sect = &self.sections.items[self.shstrtab_index.?]; if (self.shstrtab_dirty or self.shstrtab.items.len != shstrtab_sect.sh_size) { const allocated_size = self.allocatedSize(shstrtab_sect.sh_offset); const needed_size = self.shstrtab.items.len; if (needed_size > allocated_size) { shstrtab_sect.sh_size = 0; // free the space shstrtab_sect.sh_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, 1); } shstrtab_sect.sh_size = needed_size; //std.debug.warn("shstrtab start=0x{x} end=0x{x}\n", .{ shstrtab_sect.sh_offset, shstrtab_sect.sh_offset + needed_size }); try self.file.?.pwriteAll(self.shstrtab.items, shstrtab_sect.sh_offset); if (!self.shdr_table_dirty) { // Then it won't get written with the others and we need to do it. try self.writeSectHeader(self.shstrtab_index.?); } self.shstrtab_dirty = false; } } if (self.shdr_table_dirty) { const shsize: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), }; const shalign: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), .p64 => @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), }; const allocated_size = self.allocatedSize(self.shdr_table_offset.?); const needed_size = self.sections.items.len * shsize; if (needed_size > allocated_size) { self.shdr_table_offset = null; // free the space self.shdr_table_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, shalign); } switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf32_Shdr, self.sections.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*shdr, i| { shdr.* = sectHeaderTo32(self.sections.items[i]); if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Shdr, shdr); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), self.shdr_table_offset.?); }, .p64 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf64_Shdr, self.sections.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*shdr, i| { shdr.* = self.sections.items[i]; //std.debug.warn("writing section {}\n", .{shdr.*}); if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Shdr, shdr); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), self.shdr_table_offset.?); }, } self.shdr_table_dirty = false; } if (self.entry_addr == null and self.options.output_mode == .Exe) { self.error_flags.no_entry_point_found = true; } else { self.error_flags.no_entry_point_found = false; try self.writeElfHeader(); } // The point of flush() is to commit changes, so nothing should be dirty after this. assert(!self.phdr_table_dirty); assert(!self.shdr_table_dirty); assert(!self.shstrtab_dirty); assert(!self.offset_table_count_dirty); const syms_sect = &self.sections.items[self.symtab_section_index.?]; assert(syms_sect.sh_info == self.local_symbols.items.len); } fn writeElfHeader(self: *ElfFile) !void { var hdr_buf: [@sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)]u8 = undefined; var index: usize = 0; hdr_buf[0..4].* = "\x7fELF".*; index += 4; hdr_buf[index] = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => elf.ELFCLASS32, .p64 => elf.ELFCLASS64, }; index += 1; const endian =; hdr_buf[index] = switch (endian) { .Little => elf.ELFDATA2LSB, .Big => elf.ELFDATA2MSB, }; index += 1; hdr_buf[index] = 1; // ELF version index += 1; // OS ABI, often set to 0 regardless of target platform // ABI Version, possibly used by glibc but not by static executables // padding mem.set(u8, hdr_buf[index..][0..9], 0); index += 9; assert(index == 16); const elf_type = switch (self.options.output_mode) { .Exe => elf.ET.EXEC, .Obj => elf.ET.REL, .Lib => switch (self.options.link_mode) { .Static => elf.ET.REL, .Dynamic => elf.ET.DYN, }, }; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], @enumToInt(elf_type), endian); index += 2; const machine =; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], @enumToInt(machine), endian); index += 2; // ELF Version, again mem.writeInt(u32, hdr_buf[index..][0..4], 1, endian); index += 4; const e_entry = if (elf_type == .REL) 0 else self.entry_addr.?; switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { mem.writeInt(u32, hdr_buf[index..][0..4], @intCast(u32, e_entry), endian); index += 4; // e_phoff mem.writeInt(u32, hdr_buf[index..][0..4], @intCast(u32, self.phdr_table_offset.?), endian); index += 4; // e_shoff mem.writeInt(u32, hdr_buf[index..][0..4], @intCast(u32, self.shdr_table_offset.?), endian); index += 4; }, .p64 => { // e_entry mem.writeInt(u64, hdr_buf[index..][0..8], e_entry, endian); index += 8; // e_phoff mem.writeInt(u64, hdr_buf[index..][0..8], self.phdr_table_offset.?, endian); index += 8; // e_shoff mem.writeInt(u64, hdr_buf[index..][0..8], self.shdr_table_offset.?, endian); index += 8; }, } const e_flags = 0; mem.writeInt(u32, hdr_buf[index..][0..4], e_flags, endian); index += 4; const e_ehsize: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Ehdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr), }; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], e_ehsize, endian); index += 2; const e_phentsize: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), }; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], e_phentsize, endian); index += 2; const e_phnum = @intCast(u16, self.program_headers.items.len); mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], e_phnum, endian); index += 2; const e_shentsize: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), }; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], e_shentsize, endian); index += 2; const e_shnum = @intCast(u16, self.sections.items.len); mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], e_shnum, endian); index += 2; mem.writeInt(u16, hdr_buf[index..][0..2], self.shstrtab_index.?, endian); index += 2; assert(index == e_ehsize); try self.file.?.pwriteAll(hdr_buf[0..index], 0); } fn freeTextBlock(self: *ElfFile, text_block: *TextBlock) void { var already_have_free_list_node = false; { var i: usize = 0; while (i < self.text_block_free_list.items.len) { if (self.text_block_free_list.items[i] == text_block) { _ = self.text_block_free_list.swapRemove(i); continue; } if (self.text_block_free_list.items[i] == text_block.prev) { already_have_free_list_node = true; } i += 1; } } if (self.last_text_block == text_block) { // TODO shrink the .text section size here self.last_text_block = text_block.prev; } if (text_block.prev) |prev| { =; if (!already_have_free_list_node and prev.freeListEligible(self.*)) { // The free list is heuristics, it doesn't have to be perfect, so we can // ignore the OOM here. self.text_block_free_list.append(self.allocator, prev) catch {}; } } else { text_block.prev = null; } if ( |next| { next.prev = text_block.prev; } else { = null; } } fn shrinkTextBlock(self: *ElfFile, text_block: *TextBlock, new_block_size: u64) void { // TODO check the new capacity, and if it crosses the size threshold into a big enough // capacity, insert a free list node for it. } fn growTextBlock(self: *ElfFile, text_block: *TextBlock, new_block_size: u64, alignment: u64) !u64 { const sym = self.local_symbols.items[text_block.local_sym_index]; const align_ok = mem.alignBackwardGeneric(u64, sym.st_value, alignment) == sym.st_value; const need_realloc = !align_ok or new_block_size > text_block.capacity(self.*); if (!need_realloc) return sym.st_value; return self.allocateTextBlock(text_block, new_block_size, alignment); } fn allocateTextBlock(self: *ElfFile, text_block: *TextBlock, new_block_size: u64, alignment: u64) !u64 { const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_load_re_index.?]; const shdr = &self.sections.items[self.text_section_index.?]; const new_block_ideal_capacity = new_block_size * alloc_num / alloc_den; // We use these to indicate our intention to update metadata, placing the new block, // and possibly removing a free list node. // It would be simpler to do it inside the for loop below, but that would cause a // problem if an error was returned later in the function. So this action // is actually carried out at the end of the function, when errors are no longer possible. var block_placement: ?*TextBlock = null; var free_list_removal: ?usize = null; // First we look for an appropriately sized free list node. // The list is unordered. We'll just take the first thing that works. const vaddr = blk: { var i: usize = 0; while (i < self.text_block_free_list.items.len) { const big_block = self.text_block_free_list.items[i]; // We now have a pointer to a live text block that has too much capacity. // Is it enough that we could fit this new text block? const sym = self.local_symbols.items[big_block.local_sym_index]; const capacity = big_block.capacity(self.*); const ideal_capacity = capacity * alloc_num / alloc_den; const ideal_capacity_end_vaddr = sym.st_value + ideal_capacity; const capacity_end_vaddr = sym.st_value + capacity; const new_start_vaddr_unaligned = capacity_end_vaddr - new_block_ideal_capacity; const new_start_vaddr = mem.alignBackwardGeneric(u64, new_start_vaddr_unaligned, alignment); if (new_start_vaddr < ideal_capacity_end_vaddr) { // Additional bookkeeping here to notice if this free list node // should be deleted because the block that it points to has grown to take up // more of the extra capacity. if (!big_block.freeListEligible(self.*)) { _ = self.text_block_free_list.swapRemove(i); } else { i += 1; } continue; } // At this point we know that we will place the new block here. But the // remaining question is whether there is still yet enough capacity left // over for there to still be a free list node. const remaining_capacity = new_start_vaddr - ideal_capacity_end_vaddr; const keep_free_list_node = remaining_capacity >= min_text_capacity; // Set up the metadata to be updated, after errors are no longer possible. block_placement = big_block; if (!keep_free_list_node) { free_list_removal = i; } break :blk new_start_vaddr; } else if (self.last_text_block) |last| { const sym = self.local_symbols.items[last.local_sym_index]; const ideal_capacity = sym.st_size * alloc_num / alloc_den; const ideal_capacity_end_vaddr = sym.st_value + ideal_capacity; const new_start_vaddr = mem.alignForwardGeneric(u64, ideal_capacity_end_vaddr, alignment); // Set up the metadata to be updated, after errors are no longer possible. block_placement = last; break :blk new_start_vaddr; } else { break :blk phdr.p_vaddr; } }; const expand_text_section = block_placement == null or block_placement.?.next == null; if (expand_text_section) { const text_capacity = self.allocatedSize(shdr.sh_offset); const needed_size = (vaddr + new_block_size) - phdr.p_vaddr; if (needed_size > text_capacity) { // Must move the entire text section. const new_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, 0x1000); const text_size = if (self.last_text_block) |last| blk: { const sym = self.local_symbols.items[last.local_sym_index]; break :blk (sym.st_value + sym.st_size) - phdr.p_vaddr; } else 0; const amt = try self.file.?.copyRangeAll(shdr.sh_offset, self.file.?, new_offset, text_size); if (amt != text_size) return error.InputOutput; shdr.sh_offset = new_offset; phdr.p_offset = new_offset; } self.last_text_block = text_block; shdr.sh_size = needed_size; phdr.p_memsz = needed_size; phdr.p_filesz = needed_size; self.phdr_table_dirty = true; // TODO look into making only the one program header dirty self.shdr_table_dirty = true; // TODO look into making only the one section dirty } // This function can also reallocate a text block. // In this case we need to "unplug" it from its previous location before // plugging it in to its new location. if (text_block.prev) |prev| { =; } if ( |next| { next.prev = text_block.prev; } if (block_placement) |big_block| { text_block.prev = big_block; =; = text_block; } else { text_block.prev = null; = null; } if (free_list_removal) |i| { _ = self.text_block_free_list.swapRemove(i); } return vaddr; } pub fn allocateDeclIndexes(self: *ElfFile, decl: *Module.Decl) !void { if ( != 0) return; // Here we also ensure capacity for the free lists so that they can be appended to without fail. try self.local_symbols.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len + 1); try self.local_symbol_free_list.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len); try self.offset_table.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.offset_table.items.len + 1); try self.offset_table_free_list.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len); if (self.local_symbol_free_list.popOrNull()) |i| { //std.debug.warn("reusing symbol index {} for {}\n", .{i,}); = i; } else { //std.debug.warn("allocating symbol index {} for {}\n", .{self.local_symbols.items.len,}); = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len); _ = self.local_symbols.addOneAssumeCapacity(); } if (self.offset_table_free_list.popOrNull()) |i| { = i; } else { = @intCast(u32, self.offset_table.items.len); _ = self.offset_table.addOneAssumeCapacity(); self.offset_table_count_dirty = true; } const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_load_re_index.?]; self.local_symbols.items[] = .{ .st_name = 0, .st_info = 0, .st_other = 0, .st_shndx = 0, .st_value = phdr.p_vaddr, .st_size = 0, }; self.offset_table.items[] = 0; } pub fn freeDecl(self: *ElfFile, decl: *Module.Decl) void { self.freeTextBlock(&; if ( != 0) { self.local_symbol_free_list.appendAssumeCapacity(; self.offset_table_free_list.appendAssumeCapacity(; self.local_symbols.items[].st_info = 0; = 0; } } pub fn updateDecl(self: *ElfFile, module: *Module, decl: *Module.Decl) !void { var code_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); defer code_buffer.deinit(); const typed_value = decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value; const code = switch (try codegen.generateSymbol(self, decl.src, typed_value, &code_buffer)) { .externally_managed => |x| x, .appended => code_buffer.items, .fail => |em| { decl.analysis = .codegen_failure; _ = try module.failed_decls.put(decl, em); return; }, }; const required_alignment = typed_value.ty.abiAlignment(; const stt_bits: u8 = switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Fn => elf.STT_FUNC, else => elf.STT_OBJECT, }; assert( != 0); // Caller forgot to allocateDeclIndexes() const local_sym = &self.local_symbols.items[]; if (local_sym.st_size != 0) { const capacity =*); const need_realloc = code.len > capacity or !mem.isAlignedGeneric(u64, local_sym.st_value, required_alignment); if (need_realloc) { const vaddr = try self.growTextBlock(&, code.len, required_alignment); //std.debug.warn("growing {} from 0x{x} to 0x{x}\n", .{, local_sym.st_value, vaddr }); if (vaddr != local_sym.st_value) { local_sym.st_value = vaddr; //std.debug.warn(" (writing new offset table entry)\n", .{}); self.offset_table.items[] = vaddr; try self.writeOffsetTableEntry(; } } else if (code.len < local_sym.st_size) { self.shrinkTextBlock(&, code.len); } local_sym.st_size = code.len; local_sym.st_name = try self.updateString(local_sym.st_name, mem.spanZ(; local_sym.st_info = (elf.STB_LOCAL << 4) | stt_bits; local_sym.st_other = 0; local_sym.st_shndx = self.text_section_index.?; // TODO this write could be avoided if no fields of the symbol were changed. try self.writeSymbol(; } else { const decl_name = mem.spanZ(; const name_str_index = try self.makeString(decl_name); const vaddr = try self.allocateTextBlock(&, code.len, required_alignment); //std.debug.warn("allocated text block for {} at 0x{x}\n", .{ decl_name, vaddr }); errdefer self.freeTextBlock(&; local_sym.* = .{ .st_name = name_str_index, .st_info = (elf.STB_LOCAL << 4) | stt_bits, .st_other = 0, .st_shndx = self.text_section_index.?, .st_value = vaddr, .st_size = code.len, }; self.offset_table.items[] = vaddr; try self.writeSymbol(; try self.writeOffsetTableEntry(; } const section_offset = local_sym.st_value - self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_load_re_index.?].p_vaddr; const file_offset = self.sections.items[self.text_section_index.?].sh_offset + section_offset; try self.file.?.pwriteAll(code, file_offset); // Since we updated the vaddr and the size, each corresponding export symbol also needs to be updated. const decl_exports = module.decl_exports.getValue(decl) orelse &[0]*Module.Export{}; return self.updateDeclExports(module, decl, decl_exports); } /// Must be called only after a successful call to `updateDecl`. pub fn updateDeclExports( self: *ElfFile, module: *Module, decl: *const Module.Decl, exports: []const *Module.Export, ) !void { // In addition to ensuring capacity for global_symbols, we also ensure capacity for freeing all of // them, so that deleting exports is guaranteed to succeed. try self.global_symbols.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.global_symbols.items.len + exports.len); try self.global_symbol_free_list.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.global_symbols.items.len); const typed_value = decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value; if ( == 0) return; const decl_sym = self.local_symbols.items[]; for (exports) |exp| { if (exp.options.section) |section_name| { if (!mem.eql(u8, section_name, ".text")) { try module.failed_exports.ensureCapacity(module.failed_exports.size + 1); module.failed_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber( exp, try Module.ErrorMsg.create(self.allocator, 0, "Unimplemented: ExportOptions.section", .{}), ); continue; } } const stb_bits: u8 = switch (exp.options.linkage) { .Internal => elf.STB_LOCAL, .Strong => blk: { if (mem.eql(u8,, "_start")) { self.entry_addr = decl_sym.st_value; } break :blk elf.STB_GLOBAL; }, .Weak => elf.STB_WEAK, .LinkOnce => { try module.failed_exports.ensureCapacity(module.failed_exports.size + 1); module.failed_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber( exp, try Module.ErrorMsg.create(self.allocator, 0, "Unimplemented: GlobalLinkage.LinkOnce", .{}), ); continue; }, }; const stt_bits: u8 = @truncate(u4, decl_sym.st_info); if ( |i| { const sym = &self.global_symbols.items[i]; sym.* = .{ .st_name = try self.updateString(sym.st_name,, .st_info = (stb_bits << 4) | stt_bits, .st_other = 0, .st_shndx = self.text_section_index.?, .st_value = decl_sym.st_value, .st_size = decl_sym.st_size, }; } else { const name = try self.makeString(; const i = if (self.global_symbol_free_list.popOrNull()) |i| i else blk: { _ = self.global_symbols.addOneAssumeCapacity(); break :blk self.global_symbols.items.len - 1; }; self.global_symbols.items[i] = .{ .st_name = name, .st_info = (stb_bits << 4) | stt_bits, .st_other = 0, .st_shndx = self.text_section_index.?, .st_value = decl_sym.st_value, .st_size = decl_sym.st_size, }; = @intCast(u32, i); } } } pub fn deleteExport(self: *ElfFile, exp: Export) void { const sym_index = exp.sym_index orelse return; self.global_symbol_free_list.appendAssumeCapacity(sym_index); self.global_symbols.items[sym_index].st_info = 0; } fn writeProgHeader(self: *ElfFile, index: usize) !void { const foreign_endian = != std.Target.current.cpu.arch.endian(); const offset = self.program_headers.items[index].p_offset; switch ( { 32 => { var phdr = [1]elf.Elf32_Phdr{progHeaderTo32(self.program_headers.items[index])}; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Phdr, &phdr[0]); } return self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(&phdr), offset); }, 64 => { var phdr = [1]elf.Elf64_Phdr{self.program_headers.items[index]}; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Phdr, &phdr[0]); } return self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(&phdr), offset); }, else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture, } } fn writeSectHeader(self: *ElfFile, index: usize) !void { const foreign_endian = != std.Target.current.cpu.arch.endian(); const offset = self.sections.items[index].sh_offset; switch ( { 32 => { var shdr: [1]elf.Elf32_Shdr = undefined; shdr[0] = sectHeaderTo32(self.sections.items[index]); if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Shdr, &shdr[0]); } return self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(&shdr), offset); }, 64 => { var shdr = [1]elf.Elf64_Shdr{self.sections.items[index]}; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Shdr, &shdr[0]); } return self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(&shdr), offset); }, else => return error.UnsupportedArchitecture, } } fn writeOffsetTableEntry(self: *ElfFile, index: usize) !void { const shdr = &self.sections.items[self.got_section_index.?]; const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_got_index.?]; const entry_size: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => 4, .p64 => 8, }; if (self.offset_table_count_dirty) { // TODO Also detect virtual address collisions. const allocated_size = self.allocatedSize(shdr.sh_offset); const needed_size = self.local_symbols.items.len * entry_size; if (needed_size > allocated_size) { // Must move the entire got section. const new_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, entry_size); const amt = try self.file.?.copyRangeAll(shdr.sh_offset, self.file.?, new_offset, shdr.sh_size); if (amt != shdr.sh_size) return error.InputOutput; shdr.sh_offset = new_offset; phdr.p_offset = new_offset; } shdr.sh_size = needed_size; phdr.p_memsz = needed_size; phdr.p_filesz = needed_size; self.shdr_table_dirty = true; // TODO look into making only the one section dirty self.phdr_table_dirty = true; // TODO look into making only the one program header dirty self.offset_table_count_dirty = false; } const endian =; const off = shdr.sh_offset + @as(u64, entry_size) * index; switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { var buf: [4]u8 = undefined; mem.writeInt(u32, &buf, @intCast(u32, self.offset_table.items[index]), endian); try self.file.?.pwriteAll(&buf, off); }, .p64 => { var buf: [8]u8 = undefined; mem.writeInt(u64, &buf, self.offset_table.items[index], endian); try self.file.?.pwriteAll(&buf, off); }, } } fn writeSymbol(self: *ElfFile, index: usize) !void { const syms_sect = &self.sections.items[self.symtab_section_index.?]; // Make sure we are not pointlessly writing symbol data that will have to get relocated // due to running out of space. if (self.local_symbols.items.len != syms_sect.sh_info) { const sym_size: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Sym), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Sym), }; const sym_align: u16 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @alignOf(elf.Elf32_Sym), .p64 => @alignOf(elf.Elf64_Sym), }; const needed_size = (self.local_symbols.items.len + self.global_symbols.items.len) * sym_size; if (needed_size > self.allocatedSize(syms_sect.sh_offset)) { // Move all the symbols to a new file location. const new_offset = self.findFreeSpace(needed_size, sym_align); const existing_size = @as(u64, syms_sect.sh_info) * sym_size; const amt = try self.file.?.copyRangeAll(syms_sect.sh_offset, self.file.?, new_offset, existing_size); if (amt != existing_size) return error.InputOutput; syms_sect.sh_offset = new_offset; } syms_sect.sh_info = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len); syms_sect.sh_size = needed_size; // anticipating adding the global symbols later self.shdr_table_dirty = true; // TODO look into only writing one section } const foreign_endian = != std.Target.current.cpu.arch.endian(); switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { var sym = [1]elf.Elf32_Sym{ .{ .st_name = self.local_symbols.items[index].st_name, .st_value = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items[index].st_value), .st_size = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items[index].st_size), .st_info = self.local_symbols.items[index].st_info, .st_other = self.local_symbols.items[index].st_other, .st_shndx = self.local_symbols.items[index].st_shndx, }, }; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Sym, &sym[0]); } const off = syms_sect.sh_offset + @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Sym) * index; try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(sym[0..1]), off); }, .p64 => { var sym = [1]elf.Elf64_Sym{self.local_symbols.items[index]}; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Sym, &sym[0]); } const off = syms_sect.sh_offset + @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Sym) * index; try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(sym[0..1]), off); }, } } fn writeAllGlobalSymbols(self: *ElfFile) !void { const syms_sect = &self.sections.items[self.symtab_section_index.?]; const sym_size: u64 = switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Sym), .p64 => @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Sym), }; //std.debug.warn("symtab start=0x{x} end=0x{x}\n", .{ syms_sect.sh_offset, syms_sect.sh_offset + needed_size }); const foreign_endian = != std.Target.current.cpu.arch.endian(); const global_syms_off = syms_sect.sh_offset + self.local_symbols.items.len * sym_size; switch (self.ptr_width) { .p32 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf32_Sym, self.global_symbols.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*sym, i| { sym.* = .{ .st_name = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_name, .st_value = @intCast(u32, self.global_symbols.items[i].st_value), .st_size = @intCast(u32, self.global_symbols.items[i].st_size), .st_info = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_info, .st_other = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_other, .st_shndx = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_shndx, }; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf32_Sym, sym); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), global_syms_off); }, .p64 => { const buf = try self.allocator.alloc(elf.Elf64_Sym, self.global_symbols.items.len); defer; for (buf) |*sym, i| { sym.* = .{ .st_name = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_name, .st_value = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_value, .st_size = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_size, .st_info = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_info, .st_other = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_other, .st_shndx = self.global_symbols.items[i].st_shndx, }; if (foreign_endian) { bswapAllFields(elf.Elf64_Sym, sym); } } try self.file.?.pwriteAll(mem.sliceAsBytes(buf), global_syms_off); }, } } }; /// Truncates the existing file contents and overwrites the contents. /// Returns an error if `file` is not already open with +read +write +seek abilities. pub fn createElfFile(allocator: *Allocator, file: fs.File, options: Options) !ElfFile { switch (options.output_mode) { .Exe => {}, .Obj => {}, .Lib => return error.TODOImplementWritingLibFiles, } switch (options.object_format) { .unknown => unreachable, // TODO remove this tag from the enum .coff => return error.TODOImplementWritingCOFF, .elf => {}, .macho => return error.TODOImplementWritingMachO, .wasm => return error.TODOImplementWritingWasmObjects, } var self: ElfFile = .{ .allocator = allocator, .file = file, .options = options, .ptr_width = switch ( { 32 => .p32, 64 => .p64, else => return error.UnsupportedELFArchitecture, }, .shdr_table_dirty = true, .owns_file_handle = false, }; errdefer self.deinit(); // Index 0 is always a null symbol. try self.local_symbols.append(allocator, .{ .st_name = 0, .st_info = 0, .st_other = 0, .st_shndx = 0, .st_value = 0, .st_size = 0, }); // There must always be a null section in index 0 try self.sections.append(allocator, .{ .sh_name = 0, .sh_type = elf.SHT_NULL, .sh_flags = 0, .sh_addr = 0, .sh_offset = 0, .sh_size = 0, .sh_link = 0, .sh_info = 0, .sh_addralign = 0, .sh_entsize = 0, }); try self.populateMissingMetadata(); return self; } /// Returns error.IncrFailed if incremental update could not be performed. fn openBinFileInner(allocator: *Allocator, file: fs.File, options: Options) !ElfFile { switch (options.output_mode) { .Exe => {}, .Obj => {}, .Lib => return error.IncrFailed, } switch (options.object_format) { .unknown => unreachable, // TODO remove this tag from the enum .coff => return error.IncrFailed, .elf => {}, .macho => return error.IncrFailed, .wasm => return error.IncrFailed, } var self: ElfFile = .{ .allocator = allocator, .file = file, .owns_file_handle = false, .options = options, .ptr_width = switch ( { 32 => .p32, 64 => .p64, else => return error.UnsupportedELFArchitecture, }, }; errdefer self.deinit(); // TODO implement reading the elf file return error.IncrFailed; //try self.populateMissingMetadata(); //return self; } /// Saturating multiplication fn satMul(a: var, b: var) @TypeOf(a, b) { const T = @TypeOf(a, b); return std.math.mul(T, a, b) catch std.math.maxInt(T); } fn bswapAllFields(comptime S: type, ptr: *S) void { @panic("TODO implement bswapAllFields"); } fn progHeaderTo32(phdr: elf.Elf64_Phdr) elf.Elf32_Phdr { return .{ .p_type = phdr.p_type, .p_flags = phdr.p_flags, .p_offset = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_offset), .p_vaddr = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_vaddr), .p_paddr = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_paddr), .p_filesz = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_filesz), .p_memsz = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_memsz), .p_align = @intCast(u32, phdr.p_align), }; } fn sectHeaderTo32(shdr: elf.Elf64_Shdr) elf.Elf32_Shdr { return .{ .sh_name = shdr.sh_name, .sh_type = shdr.sh_type, .sh_flags = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_flags), .sh_addr = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_addr), .sh_offset = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_offset), .sh_size = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_size), .sh_link = shdr.sh_link, .sh_info = shdr.sh_info, .sh_addralign = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_addralign), .sh_entsize = @intCast(u32, shdr.sh_entsize), }; } fn determineMode(options: Options) fs.File.Mode { // On common systems with a 0o022 umask, 0o777 will still result in a file created // with 0o755 permissions, but it works appropriately if the system is configured // more leniently. As another data point, C's fopen seems to open files with the // 666 mode. const executable_mode = if (std.Target.current.os.tag == .windows) 0 else 0o777; switch (options.output_mode) { .Lib => return switch (options.link_mode) { .Dynamic => executable_mode, .Static => fs.File.default_mode, }, .Exe => return executable_mode, .Obj => return fs.File.default_mode, } }