const std = @import("std"); const Type = @import("type.zig").Type; const log2 = std.math.log2; const assert = std.debug.assert; const BigIntConst =; const BigIntMutable =; const Target = std.Target; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Module = @import("Module.zig"); /// This is the raw data, with no bookkeeping, no memory awareness, /// no de-duplication, and no type system awareness. /// It's important for this type to be small. /// This union takes advantage of the fact that the first page of memory /// is unmapped, giving us 4096 possible enum tags that have no payload. pub const Value = extern union { /// If the tag value is less than Tag.no_payload_count, then no pointer /// dereference is needed. tag_if_small_enough: usize, ptr_otherwise: *Payload, pub const Tag = enum { // The first section of this enum are tags that require no payload. u8_type, i8_type, isize_type, usize_type, c_short_type, c_ushort_type, c_int_type, c_uint_type, c_long_type, c_ulong_type, c_longlong_type, c_ulonglong_type, c_longdouble_type, f16_type, f32_type, f64_type, f128_type, c_void_type, bool_type, void_type, type_type, anyerror_type, comptime_int_type, comptime_float_type, noreturn_type, null_type, fn_noreturn_no_args_type, fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, const_slice_u8_type, undef, zero, the_one_possible_value, // when the type only has one possible value null_value, bool_true, bool_false, // See last_no_payload_tag below. // After this, the tag requires a payload. ty, int_u64, int_i64, int_big_positive, int_big_negative, function, ref_val, decl_ref, elem_ptr, bytes, repeated, // the value is a value repeated some number of times pub const last_no_payload_tag = Tag.bool_false; pub const no_payload_count = @enumToInt(last_no_payload_tag) + 1; }; pub fn initTag(comptime small_tag: Tag) Value { comptime assert(@enumToInt(small_tag) < Tag.no_payload_count); return .{ .tag_if_small_enough = @enumToInt(small_tag) }; } pub fn initPayload(payload: *Payload) Value { assert(@enumToInt(payload.tag) >= Tag.no_payload_count); return .{ .ptr_otherwise = payload }; } pub fn tag(self: Value) Tag { if (self.tag_if_small_enough < Tag.no_payload_count) { return @intToEnum(Tag, @intCast(@TagType(Tag), self.tag_if_small_enough)); } else { return self.ptr_otherwise.tag; } } pub fn cast(self: Value, comptime T: type) ?*T { if (self.tag_if_small_enough < Tag.no_payload_count) return null; const expected_tag = std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "base").default_value.?.tag; if (self.ptr_otherwise.tag != expected_tag) return null; return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", self.ptr_otherwise); } pub fn format( self: Value, comptime fmt: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, out_stream: var, ) !void { comptime assert(fmt.len == 0); var val = self; while (true) switch (val.tag()) { .u8_type => return out_stream.writeAll("u8"), .i8_type => return out_stream.writeAll("i8"), .isize_type => return out_stream.writeAll("isize"), .usize_type => return out_stream.writeAll("usize"), .c_short_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_short"), .c_ushort_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_ushort"), .c_int_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_int"), .c_uint_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_uint"), .c_long_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_long"), .c_ulong_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_ulong"), .c_longlong_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_longlong"), .c_ulonglong_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_ulonglong"), .c_longdouble_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_longdouble"), .f16_type => return out_stream.writeAll("f16"), .f32_type => return out_stream.writeAll("f32"), .f64_type => return out_stream.writeAll("f64"), .f128_type => return out_stream.writeAll("f128"), .c_void_type => return out_stream.writeAll("c_void"), .bool_type => return out_stream.writeAll("bool"), .void_type => return out_stream.writeAll("void"), .type_type => return out_stream.writeAll("type"), .anyerror_type => return out_stream.writeAll("anyerror"), .comptime_int_type => return out_stream.writeAll("comptime_int"), .comptime_float_type => return out_stream.writeAll("comptime_float"), .noreturn_type => return out_stream.writeAll("noreturn"), .null_type => return out_stream.writeAll("@TypeOf(null)"), .fn_noreturn_no_args_type => return out_stream.writeAll("fn() noreturn"), .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type => return out_stream.writeAll("fn() callconv(.Naked) noreturn"), .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type => return out_stream.writeAll("fn() callconv(.C) void"), .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type => return out_stream.writeAll("*const comptime_int"), .const_slice_u8_type => return out_stream.writeAll("[]const u8"), .null_value => return out_stream.writeAll("null"), .undef => return out_stream.writeAll("undefined"), .zero => return out_stream.writeAll("0"), .the_one_possible_value => return out_stream.writeAll("(one possible value)"), .bool_true => return out_stream.writeAll("true"), .bool_false => return out_stream.writeAll("false"), .ty => return val.cast(Payload.Ty).?.ty.format("", options, out_stream), .int_u64 => return std.fmt.formatIntValue(val.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int, "", options, out_stream), .int_i64 => return std.fmt.formatIntValue(val.cast(Payload.Int_i64).?.int, "", options, out_stream), .int_big_positive => return out_stream.print("{}", .{val.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt()}), .int_big_negative => return out_stream.print("{}", .{val.cast(Payload.IntBigNegative).?.asBigInt()}), .function => return out_stream.writeAll("(function)"), .ref_val => { const ref_val = val.cast(Payload.RefVal).?; try out_stream.writeAll("&const "); val = ref_val.val; }, .decl_ref => return out_stream.writeAll("(decl ref)"), .elem_ptr => { const elem_ptr = val.cast(Payload.ElemPtr).?; try out_stream.print("&[{}] ", .{elem_ptr.index}); val = elem_ptr.array_ptr; }, .bytes => return std.zig.renderStringLiteral(self.cast(Payload.Bytes).?.data, out_stream), .repeated => { try out_stream.writeAll("(repeated) "); val = val.cast(Payload.Repeated).?.val; }, }; } /// Asserts that the value is representable as an array of bytes. /// Copies the value into a freshly allocated slice of memory, which is owned by the caller. pub fn toAllocatedBytes(self: Value, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 { if (self.cast(Payload.Bytes)) |bytes| { return std.mem.dupe(allocator, u8,; } if (self.cast(Payload.Repeated)) |repeated| { @panic("TODO implement toAllocatedBytes for this Value tag"); } if (self.cast(Payload.DeclRef)) |declref| { const val = try declref.decl.value(); return val.toAllocatedBytes(allocator); } unreachable; } /// Asserts that the value is representable as a type. pub fn toType(self: Value) Type { return switch (self.tag()) { .ty => self.cast(Payload.Ty).?.ty, .u8_type => Type.initTag(.u8), .i8_type => Type.initTag(.i8), .isize_type => Type.initTag(.isize), .usize_type => Type.initTag(.usize), .c_short_type => Type.initTag(.c_short), .c_ushort_type => Type.initTag(.c_ushort), .c_int_type => Type.initTag(.c_int), .c_uint_type => Type.initTag(.c_uint), .c_long_type => Type.initTag(.c_long), .c_ulong_type => Type.initTag(.c_ulong), .c_longlong_type => Type.initTag(.c_longlong), .c_ulonglong_type => Type.initTag(.c_ulonglong), .c_longdouble_type => Type.initTag(.c_longdouble), .f16_type => Type.initTag(.f16), .f32_type => Type.initTag(.f32), .f64_type => Type.initTag(.f64), .f128_type => Type.initTag(.f128), .c_void_type => Type.initTag(.c_void), .bool_type => Type.initTag(.bool), .void_type => Type.initTag(.void), .type_type => Type.initTag(.type), .anyerror_type => Type.initTag(.anyerror), .comptime_int_type => Type.initTag(.comptime_int), .comptime_float_type => Type.initTag(.comptime_float), .noreturn_type => Type.initTag(.noreturn), .null_type => Type.initTag(.@"null"), .fn_noreturn_no_args_type => Type.initTag(.fn_noreturn_no_args), .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type => Type.initTag(.fn_naked_noreturn_no_args), .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type => Type.initTag(.fn_ccc_void_no_args), .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type => Type.initTag(.single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int), .const_slice_u8_type => Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8), .undef, .zero, .the_one_possible_value, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .int_u64, .int_i64, .int_big_positive, .int_big_negative, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .repeated, => unreachable, }; } /// Asserts the value is an integer. pub fn toBigInt(self: Value, space: *BigIntSpace) BigIntConst { switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .undef, .repeated, => unreachable, .the_one_possible_value, // An integer with one possible value is always zero. .zero, => return BigIntMutable.init(&space.limbs, 0).toConst(), .int_u64 => return BigIntMutable.init(&space.limbs, self.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int).toConst(), .int_i64 => return BigIntMutable.init(&space.limbs, self.cast(Payload.Int_i64).?.int).toConst(), .int_big_positive => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt(), .int_big_negative => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt(), } } /// Asserts the value is an integer and it fits in a u64 pub fn toUnsignedInt(self: Value) u64 { switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .undef, .repeated, => unreachable, .zero, .the_one_possible_value, // an integer with one possible value is always zero => return 0, .int_u64 => return self.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int, .int_i64 => return @intCast(u64, self.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int), .int_big_positive => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt().to(u64) catch unreachable, .int_big_negative => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigNegative).?.asBigInt().to(u64) catch unreachable, } } /// Asserts the value is an integer and not undefined. /// Returns the number of bits the value requires to represent stored in twos complement form. pub fn intBitCountTwosComp(self: Value) usize { switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .undef, .repeated, => unreachable, .the_one_possible_value, // an integer with one possible value is always zero .zero, => return 0, .int_u64 => { const x = self.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int; if (x == 0) return 0; return std.math.log2(x) + 1; }, .int_i64 => { @panic("TODO implement i64 intBitCountTwosComp"); }, .int_big_positive => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt().bitCountTwosComp(), .int_big_negative => return self.cast(Payload.IntBigNegative).?.asBigInt().bitCountTwosComp(), } } /// Asserts the value is an integer, and the destination type is ComptimeInt or Int. pub fn intFitsInType(self: Value, ty: Type, target: Target) bool { switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .repeated, => unreachable, .zero, .undef, .the_one_possible_value, // an integer with one possible value is always zero => return true, .int_u64 => switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Int => { const x = self.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int; if (x == 0) return true; const info = ty.intInfo(target); const needed_bits = std.math.log2(x) + 1 + @boolToInt(info.signed); return info.bits >= needed_bits; }, .ComptimeInt => return true, else => unreachable, }, .int_i64 => switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Int => { const x = self.cast(Payload.Int_i64).?.int; if (x == 0) return true; const info = ty.intInfo(target); if (!info.signed and x < 0) return false; @panic("TODO implement i64 intFitsInType"); }, .ComptimeInt => return true, else => unreachable, }, .int_big_positive => switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Int => { const info = ty.intInfo(target); return self.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt().fitsInTwosComp(info.signed, info.bits); }, .ComptimeInt => return true, else => unreachable, }, .int_big_negative => switch (ty.zigTypeTag()) { .Int => { const info = ty.intInfo(target); return self.cast(Payload.IntBigNegative).?.asBigInt().fitsInTwosComp(info.signed, info.bits); }, .ComptimeInt => return true, else => unreachable, }, } } /// Asserts the value is a float pub fn floatHasFraction(self: Value) bool { return switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .repeated, .undef, .int_u64, .int_i64, .int_big_positive, .int_big_negative, .the_one_possible_value, => unreachable, .zero => false, }; } pub fn orderAgainstZero(lhs: Value) std.math.Order { switch (lhs.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .repeated, .undef, => unreachable, .zero, .the_one_possible_value, // an integer with one possible value is always zero => return .eq, .int_u64 => return std.math.order(lhs.cast(Payload.Int_u64).?.int, 0), .int_i64 => return std.math.order(lhs.cast(Payload.Int_i64).?.int, 0), .int_big_positive => return lhs.cast(Payload.IntBigPositive).?.asBigInt().orderAgainstScalar(0), .int_big_negative => return lhs.cast(Payload.IntBigNegative).?.asBigInt().orderAgainstScalar(0), } } /// Asserts the value is comparable. pub fn order(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) std.math.Order { const lhs_tag = lhs.tag(); const rhs_tag = lhs.tag(); const lhs_is_zero = lhs_tag == .zero or lhs_tag == .the_one_possible_value; const rhs_is_zero = rhs_tag == .zero or rhs_tag == .the_one_possible_value; if (lhs_is_zero) return rhs.orderAgainstZero().invert(); if (rhs_is_zero) return lhs.orderAgainstZero(); // TODO floats var lhs_bigint_space: BigIntSpace = undefined; var rhs_bigint_space: BigIntSpace = undefined; const lhs_bigint = lhs.toBigInt(&lhs_bigint_space); const rhs_bigint = rhs.toBigInt(&rhs_bigint_space); return lhs_bigint.order(rhs_bigint); } /// Asserts the value is comparable. pub fn compare(lhs: Value, op: std.math.CompareOperator, rhs: Value) bool { return order(lhs, rhs).compare(op); } /// Asserts the value is comparable. pub fn compareWithZero(lhs: Value, op: std.math.CompareOperator) bool { return orderAgainstZero(lhs).compare(op); } pub fn eql(a: Value, b: Value) bool { // TODO non numerical comparisons return compare(a, .eq, b); } pub fn toBool(self: Value) bool { return switch (self.tag()) { .bool_true => true, .bool_false => false, else => unreachable, }; } /// Asserts the value is a pointer and dereferences it. /// Returns error.AnalysisFail if the pointer points to a Decl that failed semantic analysis. pub fn pointerDeref(self: Value, allocator: *Allocator) error{ AnalysisFail, OutOfMemory }!Value { return switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .zero, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .int_u64, .int_i64, .int_big_positive, .int_big_negative, .bytes, .undef, .repeated, => unreachable, .the_one_possible_value => Value.initTag(.the_one_possible_value), .ref_val => self.cast(Payload.RefVal).?.val, .decl_ref => self.cast(Payload.DeclRef).?.decl.value(), .elem_ptr => { const elem_ptr = self.cast(Payload.ElemPtr).?; const array_val = try elem_ptr.array_ptr.pointerDeref(allocator); return array_val.elemValue(allocator, elem_ptr.index); }, }; } /// Asserts the value is a single-item pointer to an array, or an array, /// or an unknown-length pointer, and returns the element value at the index. pub fn elemValue(self: Value, allocator: *Allocator, index: usize) error{OutOfMemory}!Value { switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .zero, .the_one_possible_value, .bool_true, .bool_false, .null_value, .function, .int_u64, .int_i64, .int_big_positive, .int_big_negative, .undef, .elem_ptr, .ref_val, .decl_ref, => unreachable, .bytes => { const int_payload = try allocator.create(Payload.Int_u64); int_payload.* = .{ .int = self.cast(Payload.Bytes).?.data[index] }; return Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base); }, // No matter the index; all the elements are the same! .repeated => return self.cast(Payload.Repeated).?.val, } } /// Returns a pointer to the element value at the index. pub fn elemPtr(self: Value, allocator: *Allocator, index: usize) !Value { const payload = try allocator.create(Payload.ElemPtr); if (self.cast(Payload.ElemPtr)) |elem_ptr| { payload.* = .{ .array_ptr = elem_ptr.array_ptr, .index = elem_ptr.index + index }; } else { payload.* = .{ .array_ptr = self, .index = index }; } return Value.initPayload(&payload.base); } pub fn isUndef(self: Value) bool { return self.tag() == .undef; } /// Valid for all types. Asserts the value is not undefined. /// `.the_one_possible_value` is reported as not null. pub fn isNull(self: Value) bool { return switch (self.tag()) { .ty, .u8_type, .i8_type, .isize_type, .usize_type, .c_short_type, .c_ushort_type, .c_int_type, .c_uint_type, .c_long_type, .c_ulong_type, .c_longlong_type, .c_ulonglong_type, .c_longdouble_type, .f16_type, .f32_type, .f64_type, .f128_type, .c_void_type, .bool_type, .void_type, .type_type, .anyerror_type, .comptime_int_type, .comptime_float_type, .noreturn_type, .null_type, .fn_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_naked_noreturn_no_args_type, .fn_ccc_void_no_args_type, .single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int_type, .const_slice_u8_type, .zero, .the_one_possible_value, .bool_true, .bool_false, .function, .int_u64, .int_i64, .int_big_positive, .int_big_negative, .ref_val, .decl_ref, .elem_ptr, .bytes, .repeated, => false, .undef => unreachable, .null_value => true, }; } /// This type is not copyable since it may contain pointers to its inner data. pub const Payload = struct { tag: Tag, pub const Int_u64 = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .int_u64 }, int: u64, }; pub const Int_i64 = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .int_i64 }, int: i64, }; pub const IntBigPositive = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .int_big_positive }, limbs: []const std.math.big.Limb, pub fn asBigInt(self: IntBigPositive) BigIntConst { return BigIntConst{ .limbs = self.limbs, .positive = true }; } }; pub const IntBigNegative = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .int_big_negative }, limbs: []const std.math.big.Limb, pub fn asBigInt(self: IntBigNegative) BigIntConst { return BigIntConst{ .limbs = self.limbs, .positive = false }; } }; pub const Function = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .function }, func: *Module.Fn, }; pub const ArraySentinel0_u8_Type = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .array_sentinel_0_u8_type }, len: u64, }; pub const SingleConstPtrType = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .single_const_ptr_type }, elem_type: *Type, }; /// Represents a pointer to another immutable value. pub const RefVal = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .ref_val }, val: Value, }; /// Represents a pointer to a decl, not the value of the decl. pub const DeclRef = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .decl_ref }, decl: *Module.Decl, }; pub const ElemPtr = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .elem_ptr }, array_ptr: Value, index: usize, }; pub const Bytes = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .bytes }, data: []const u8, }; pub const Ty = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .ty }, ty: Type, }; pub const Repeated = struct { base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .ty }, /// This value is repeated some number of times. The amount of times to repeat /// is stored externally. val: Value, }; }; /// Big enough to fit any non-BigInt value pub const BigIntSpace = struct { /// The +1 is headroom so that operations such as incrementing once or decrementing once /// are possible without using an allocator. limbs: [(@sizeOf(u64) / @sizeOf(std.math.big.Limb)) + 1]std.math.big.Limb, }; };