const std = @import("std"); const builtin = std.builtin; const Scope = @import("scope.zig").Scope; const Compilation = @import("compilation.zig").Compilation; const Value = @import("value.zig").Value; const llvm = @import("llvm.zig"); const event = std.event; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; pub const Type = struct { base: Value, id: Id, name: []const u8, abi_alignment: AbiAlignment, pub const AbiAlignment = event.Future(error{OutOfMemory}!u32); pub const Id = builtin.TypeId; pub fn destroy(base: *Type, comp: *Compilation) void { switch ( { .Struct => @fieldParentPtr(Struct, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Fn => @fieldParentPtr(Fn, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Type => @fieldParentPtr(MetaType, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Void => @fieldParentPtr(Void, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Bool => @fieldParentPtr(Bool, "base", base).destroy(comp), .NoReturn => @fieldParentPtr(NoReturn, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Int => @fieldParentPtr(Int, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Float => @fieldParentPtr(Float, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Pointer => @fieldParentPtr(Pointer, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Array => @fieldParentPtr(Array, "base", base).destroy(comp), .ComptimeFloat => @fieldParentPtr(ComptimeFloat, "base", base).destroy(comp), .ComptimeInt => @fieldParentPtr(ComptimeInt, "base", base).destroy(comp), .EnumLiteral => @fieldParentPtr(EnumLiteral, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Undefined => @fieldParentPtr(Undefined, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Null => @fieldParentPtr(Null, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Optional => @fieldParentPtr(Optional, "base", base).destroy(comp), .ErrorUnion => @fieldParentPtr(ErrorUnion, "base", base).destroy(comp), .ErrorSet => @fieldParentPtr(ErrorSet, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Enum => @fieldParentPtr(Enum, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Union => @fieldParentPtr(Union, "base", base).destroy(comp), .BoundFn => @fieldParentPtr(BoundFn, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Opaque => @fieldParentPtr(Opaque, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Frame => @fieldParentPtr(Frame, "base", base).destroy(comp), .AnyFrame => @fieldParentPtr(AnyFrame, "base", base).destroy(comp), .Vector => @fieldParentPtr(Vector, "base", base).destroy(comp), } } pub fn getLlvmType( base: *Type, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context, ) error{OutOfMemory}!*llvm.Type { switch ( { .Struct => return @fieldParentPtr(Struct, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Fn => return @fieldParentPtr(Fn, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Type => unreachable, .Void => unreachable, .Bool => return @fieldParentPtr(Bool, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .NoReturn => unreachable, .Int => return @fieldParentPtr(Int, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Float => return @fieldParentPtr(Float, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Pointer => return @fieldParentPtr(Pointer, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Array => return @fieldParentPtr(Array, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .ComptimeFloat => unreachable, .ComptimeInt => unreachable, .EnumLiteral => unreachable, .Undefined => unreachable, .Null => unreachable, .Optional => return @fieldParentPtr(Optional, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .ErrorUnion => return @fieldParentPtr(ErrorUnion, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .ErrorSet => return @fieldParentPtr(ErrorSet, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Enum => return @fieldParentPtr(Enum, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Union => return @fieldParentPtr(Union, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .BoundFn => return @fieldParentPtr(BoundFn, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Opaque => return @fieldParentPtr(Opaque, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Frame => return @fieldParentPtr(Frame, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .AnyFrame => return @fieldParentPtr(AnyFrame, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), .Vector => return @fieldParentPtr(Vector, "base", base).getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), } } pub fn handleIsPtr(base: *Type) bool { switch ( { .Type, .ComptimeFloat, .ComptimeInt, .EnumLiteral, .Undefined, .Null, .BoundFn, .Opaque, => unreachable, .NoReturn, .Void, .Bool, .Int, .Float, .Pointer, .ErrorSet, .Enum, .Fn, .Frame, .AnyFrame, .Vector, => return false, .Struct => @panic("TODO"), .Array => @panic("TODO"), .Optional => @panic("TODO"), .ErrorUnion => @panic("TODO"), .Union => @panic("TODO"), } } pub fn hasBits(base: *Type) bool { switch ( { .Type, .ComptimeFloat, .ComptimeInt, .EnumLiteral, .Undefined, .Null, .BoundFn, .Opaque, => unreachable, .Void, .NoReturn, => return false, .Bool, .Int, .Float, .Fn, .Frame, .AnyFrame, .Vector, => return true, .Pointer => { const ptr_type = @fieldParentPtr(Pointer, "base", base); return ptr_type.key.child_type.hasBits(); }, .ErrorSet => @panic("TODO"), .Enum => @panic("TODO"), .Struct => @panic("TODO"), .Array => @panic("TODO"), .Optional => @panic("TODO"), .ErrorUnion => @panic("TODO"), .Union => @panic("TODO"), } } pub fn cast(base: *Type, comptime T: type) ?*T { if ( != @field(Id, @typeName(T))) return null; return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base); } pub fn dump(base: *const Type) void { std.debug.warn("{}", .{@tagName(}); } fn init(base: *Type, comp: *Compilation, id: Id, name: []const u8) void { base.* = Type{ .base = Value{ .id = .Type, .typ = &MetaType.get(comp).base, .ref_count = std.atomic.Int(usize).init(1), }, .id = id, .name = name, .abi_alignment = AbiAlignment.init(), }; } /// If you happen to have an llvm context handy, use getAbiAlignmentInContext instead. /// Otherwise, this one will grab one from the pool and then release it. pub fn getAbiAlignment(base: *Type, comp: *Compilation) !u32 { if (base.abi_alignment.start()) |ptr| return ptr.*; { const held = try comp.zig_compiler.getAnyLlvmContext(); defer held.release(comp.zig_compiler); const llvm_context =; = base.resolveAbiAlignment(comp, llvm_context); } base.abi_alignment.resolve(); return; } /// If you have an llvm conext handy, you can use it here. pub fn getAbiAlignmentInContext(base: *Type, comp: *Compilation, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !u32 { if (base.abi_alignment.start()) |ptr| return ptr.*; = base.resolveAbiAlignment(comp, llvm_context); base.abi_alignment.resolve(); return; } /// Lower level function that does the work. See getAbiAlignment. fn resolveAbiAlignment(base: *Type, comp: *Compilation, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !u32 { const llvm_type = try base.getLlvmType(comp.gpa(), llvm_context); return @intCast(u32, llvm.ABIAlignmentOfType(comp.target_data_ref, llvm_type)); } pub const Struct = struct { base: Type, decls: *Scope.Decls, pub fn destroy(self: *Struct, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Struct, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Fn = struct { base: Type, key: Key, non_key: NonKey, garbage_node: std.atomic.Stack(*Fn).Node, pub const Kind = enum { Normal, Generic, }; pub const NonKey = union { Normal: Normal, Generic: void, pub const Normal = struct { variable_list: std.ArrayList(*Scope.Var), }; }; pub const Key = struct { data: Data, alignment: ?u32, pub const Data = union(Kind) { Generic: Generic, Normal: Normal, }; pub const Normal = struct { params: []Param, return_type: *Type, is_var_args: bool, cc: CallingConvention, }; pub const Generic = struct { param_count: usize, cc: CallingConvention, }; pub fn hash(self: *const Key) u32 { var result: u32 = 0; result +%= hashAny(self.alignment, 0); switch ( { .Generic => |generic| { result +%= hashAny(generic.param_count, 1); result +%= hashAny(, 3); }, .Normal => |normal| { result +%= hashAny(normal.return_type, 4); result +%= hashAny(normal.is_var_args, 5); result +%= hashAny(, 6); for (normal.params) |param| { result +%= hashAny(param.is_noalias, 7); result +%= hashAny(param.typ, 8); } }, } return result; } pub fn eql(self: *const Key, other: *const Key) bool { if ((self.alignment == null) != (other.alignment == null)) return false; if (self.alignment) |self_align| { if (self_align != other.alignment.?) return false; } if (@as(@TagType(Data), != @as(@TagType(Data), return false; switch ( { .Generic => |*self_generic| { const other_generic = &; if (self_generic.param_count != other_generic.param_count) return false; if ( != return false; }, .Normal => |*self_normal| { const other_normal = &; if ( != return false; if (self_normal.is_var_args != other_normal.is_var_args) return false; if (self_normal.return_type != other_normal.return_type) return false; for (self_normal.params) |*self_param, i| { const other_param = &other_normal.params[i]; if (self_param.is_noalias != other_param.is_noalias) return false; if (self_param.typ != other_param.typ) return false; } }, } return true; } pub fn deref(key: Key, comp: *Compilation) void { switch ( { .Generic => {}, .Normal => |normal| { normal.return_type.base.deref(comp); for (normal.params) |param| { param.typ.base.deref(comp); } }, } } pub fn ref(key: Key) void { switch ( { .Generic => {}, .Normal => |normal| { normal.return_type.base.ref(); for (normal.params) |param| { param.typ.base.ref(); } }, } } }; const CallingConvention = builtin.CallingConvention; pub const Param = struct { is_noalias: bool, typ: *Type, }; fn ccFnTypeStr(cc: CallingConvention) []const u8 { return switch (cc) { .Unspecified => "", .C => "extern ", .Cold => "coldcc ", .Naked => "nakedcc ", .Stdcall => "stdcallcc ", .Async => "async ", else => unreachable, }; } pub fn paramCount(self: *Fn) usize { return switch ( { .Generic => |generic| generic.param_count, .Normal => |normal| normal.params.len, }; } /// takes ownership of key.Normal.params on success pub fn get(comp: *Compilation, key: Key) !*Fn { { const held = comp.fn_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); if (held.value.get(&key)) |entry| { entry.value.base.base.ref(); return entry.value; } } key.ref(); errdefer key.deref(comp); const self = try comp.gpa().create(Fn); self.* = Fn{ .base = undefined, .key = key, .non_key = undefined, .garbage_node = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); var name_buf = try std.Buffer.initSize(comp.gpa(), 0); defer name_buf.deinit(); const name_stream = &; switch ( { .Generic => |generic| { self.non_key = NonKey{ .Generic = {} }; const cc_str = ccFnTypeStr(; try name_stream.print("{}fn(", .{cc_str}); var param_i: usize = 0; while (param_i < generic.param_count) : (param_i += 1) { const arg = if (param_i == 0) "var" else ", var"; try name_stream.write(arg); } try name_stream.write(")"); if (key.alignment) |alignment| { try name_stream.print(" align({})", .{alignment}); } try name_stream.write(" var"); }, .Normal => |normal| { self.non_key = NonKey{ .Normal = NonKey.Normal{ .variable_list = std.ArrayList(*Scope.Var).init(comp.gpa()) }, }; const cc_str = ccFnTypeStr(; try name_stream.print("{}fn(", .{cc_str}); for (normal.params) |param, i| { if (i != 0) try name_stream.write(", "); if (param.is_noalias) try name_stream.write("noalias "); try name_stream.write(; } if (normal.is_var_args) { if (normal.params.len != 0) try name_stream.write(", "); try name_stream.write("..."); } try name_stream.write(")"); if (key.alignment) |alignment| { try name_stream.print(" align({})", .{alignment}); } try name_stream.print(" {}", .{}); }, } self.base.init(comp, .Fn, name_buf.toOwnedSlice()); { const held = comp.fn_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = try held.value.put(&self.key, self); } return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *Fn, comp: *Compilation) void { self.key.deref(comp); switch ( { .Generic => {}, .Normal => { self.non_key.Normal.variable_list.deinit(); }, } comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Fn, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !*llvm.Type { const normal = &; const llvm_return_type = switch ( { .Void => llvm.VoidTypeInContext(llvm_context) orelse return error.OutOfMemory, else => try normal.return_type.getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context), }; const llvm_param_types = try allocator.alloc(*llvm.Type, normal.params.len); defer; for (llvm_param_types) |*llvm_param_type, i| { llvm_param_type.* = try normal.params[i].typ.getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context); } return llvm.FunctionType( llvm_return_type, llvm_param_types.ptr, @intCast(c_uint, llvm_param_types.len), @boolToInt(normal.is_var_args), ) orelse error.OutOfMemory; } }; pub const MetaType = struct { base: Type, value: *Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *MetaType { comp.meta_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.meta_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *MetaType, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Void = struct { base: Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *Void { comp.void_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.void_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *Void, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Bool = struct { base: Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *Bool { comp.bool_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.bool_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *Bool, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Bool, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const NoReturn = struct { base: Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *NoReturn { comp.noreturn_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.noreturn_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *NoReturn, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Int = struct { base: Type, key: Key, garbage_node: std.atomic.Stack(*Int).Node, pub const Key = struct { bit_count: u32, is_signed: bool, pub fn hash(self: *const Key) u32 { var result: u32 = 0; result +%= hashAny(self.is_signed, 0); result +%= hashAny(self.bit_count, 1); return result; } pub fn eql(self: *const Key, other: *const Key) bool { return self.bit_count == other.bit_count and self.is_signed == other.is_signed; } }; pub fn get_u8(comp: *Compilation) *Int { comp.u8_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.u8_type; } pub fn get(comp: *Compilation, key: Key) !*Int { { const held = comp.int_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); if (held.value.get(&key)) |entry| { entry.value.base.base.ref(); return entry.value; } } const self = try comp.gpa().create(Int); self.* = Int{ .base = undefined, .key = key, .garbage_node = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); const u_or_i = "ui"[@boolToInt(key.is_signed)]; const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(comp.gpa(), "{c}{}", .{ u_or_i, key.bit_count }); errdefer comp.gpa().free(name); self.base.init(comp, .Int, name); { const held = comp.int_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = try held.value.put(&self.key, self); } return self; } pub fn destroy(self: *Int, comp: *Compilation) void { self.garbage_node = std.atomic.Stack(*Int).Node{ .data = self, .next = undefined, }; comp.registerGarbage(Int, &self.garbage_node); } pub fn gcDestroy(self: *Int, comp: *Compilation) void { { const held = comp.int_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = held.value.remove(&self.key).?; } // we allocated the name comp.gpa().free(; comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Int, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !*llvm.Type { return llvm.IntTypeInContext(llvm_context, self.key.bit_count) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } }; pub const Float = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Float, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Float, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Pointer = struct { base: Type, key: Key, garbage_node: std.atomic.Stack(*Pointer).Node, pub const Key = struct { child_type: *Type, mut: Mut, vol: Vol, size: Size, alignment: Align, pub fn hash(self: *const Key) u32 { var result: u32 = 0; result +%= switch (self.alignment) { .Abi => 0xf201c090, .Override => |x| hashAny(x, 0), }; result +%= hashAny(self.child_type, 1); result +%= hashAny(self.mut, 2); result +%= hashAny(self.vol, 3); result +%= hashAny(self.size, 4); return result; } pub fn eql(self: *const Key, other: *const Key) bool { if (self.child_type != other.child_type or self.mut != other.mut or self.vol != other.vol or self.size != other.size or @as(@TagType(Align), self.alignment) != @as(@TagType(Align), other.alignment)) { return false; } switch (self.alignment) { .Abi => return true, .Override => |x| return x == other.alignment.Override, } } }; pub const Mut = enum { Mut, Const, }; pub const Vol = enum { Non, Volatile, }; pub const Align = union(enum) { Abi, Override: u32, }; pub const Size = builtin.TypeInfo.Pointer.Size; pub fn destroy(self: *Pointer, comp: *Compilation) void { self.garbage_node = std.atomic.Stack(*Pointer).Node{ .data = self, .next = undefined, }; comp.registerGarbage(Pointer, &self.garbage_node); } pub fn gcDestroy(self: *Pointer, comp: *Compilation) void { { const held = comp.ptr_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = held.value.remove(&self.key).?; } self.key.child_type.base.deref(comp); comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getAlignAsInt(self: *Pointer, comp: *Compilation) u32 { switch (self.key.alignment) { .Abi => return self.key.child_type.getAbiAlignment(comp), .Override => |alignment| return alignment, } } pub fn get( comp: *Compilation, key: Key, ) !*Pointer { var normal_key = key; switch (key.alignment) { .Abi => {}, .Override => |alignment| { // TODO var align_spill = alignment; const abi_align = try key.child_type.getAbiAlignment(comp); if (abi_align == align_spill) { normal_key.alignment = .Abi; } }, } { const held = comp.ptr_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); if (held.value.get(&normal_key)) |entry| { entry.value.base.base.ref(); return entry.value; } } const self = try comp.gpa().create(Pointer); self.* = Pointer{ .base = undefined, .key = normal_key, .garbage_node = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); const size_str = switch (self.key.size) { .One => "*", .Many => "[*]", .Slice => "[]", .C => "[*c]", }; const mut_str = switch (self.key.mut) { .Const => "const ", .Mut => "", }; const vol_str = switch (self.key.vol) { .Volatile => "volatile ", .Non => "", }; const name = switch (self.key.alignment) { .Abi => try std.fmt.allocPrint(comp.gpa(), "{}{}{}{}", .{ size_str, mut_str, vol_str,, }), .Override => |alignment| try std.fmt.allocPrint(comp.gpa(), "{}align<{}> {}{}{}", .{ size_str, alignment, mut_str, vol_str,, }), }; errdefer comp.gpa().free(name); self.base.init(comp, .Pointer, name); { const held = comp.ptr_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = try held.value.put(&self.key, self); } return self; } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Pointer, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !*llvm.Type { const elem_llvm_type = try self.key.child_type.getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context); return llvm.PointerType(elem_llvm_type, 0) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } }; pub const Array = struct { base: Type, key: Key, garbage_node: std.atomic.Stack(*Array).Node, pub const Key = struct { elem_type: *Type, len: usize, pub fn hash(self: *const Key) u32 { var result: u32 = 0; result +%= hashAny(self.elem_type, 0); result +%= hashAny(self.len, 1); return result; } pub fn eql(self: *const Key, other: *const Key) bool { return self.elem_type == other.elem_type and self.len == other.len; } }; pub fn destroy(self: *Array, comp: *Compilation) void { self.key.elem_type.base.deref(comp); comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn get(comp: *Compilation, key: Key) !*Array { key.elem_type.base.ref(); errdefer key.elem_type.base.deref(comp); { const held = comp.array_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); if (held.value.get(&key)) |entry| { entry.value.base.base.ref(); return entry.value; } } const self = try comp.gpa().create(Array); self.* = Array{ .base = undefined, .key = key, .garbage_node = undefined, }; errdefer comp.gpa().destroy(self); const name = try std.fmt.allocPrint(comp.gpa(), "[{}]{}", .{ key.len, }); errdefer comp.gpa().free(name); self.base.init(comp, .Array, name); { const held = comp.array_type_table.acquire(); defer held.release(); _ = try held.value.put(&self.key, self); } return self; } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Array, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) !*llvm.Type { const elem_llvm_type = try self.key.elem_type.getLlvmType(allocator, llvm_context); return llvm.ArrayType(elem_llvm_type, @intCast(c_uint, self.key.len)) orelse return error.OutOfMemory; } }; pub const Vector = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Vector, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Vector, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const ComptimeFloat = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *ComptimeFloat, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const ComptimeInt = struct { base: Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *ComptimeInt { comp.comptime_int_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.comptime_int_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *ComptimeInt, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const EnumLiteral = struct { base: Type, /// Adds 1 reference to the resulting type pub fn get(comp: *Compilation) *EnumLiteral { comp.comptime_int_type.base.base.ref(); return comp.comptime_int_type; } pub fn destroy(self: *EnumLiteral, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Undefined = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Undefined, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Null = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Null, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } }; pub const Optional = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Optional, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Optional, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const ErrorUnion = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *ErrorUnion, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *ErrorUnion, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const ErrorSet = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *ErrorSet, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *ErrorSet, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Enum = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Enum, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Enum, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Union = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Union, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Union, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const BoundFn = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *BoundFn, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *BoundFn, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Opaque = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Opaque, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Opaque, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const Frame = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *Frame, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *Frame, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; pub const AnyFrame = struct { base: Type, pub fn destroy(self: *AnyFrame, comp: *Compilation) void { comp.gpa().destroy(self); } pub fn getLlvmType(self: *AnyFrame, allocator: *Allocator, llvm_context: *llvm.Context) *llvm.Type { @panic("TODO"); } }; }; fn hashAny(x: var, comptime seed: u64) u32 { switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x))) { .Int => |info| { comptime var rng = comptime std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed); const unsigned_x = @bitCast(std.meta.IntType(false, info.bits), x); if (info.bits <= 32) { return @as(u32, unsigned_x) *% comptime rng.random.scalar(u32); } else { return @truncate(u32, unsigned_x *% comptime rng.random.scalar(@TypeOf(unsigned_x))); } }, .Pointer => |info| { switch (info.size) { .One => return hashAny(@ptrToInt(x), seed), .Many => @compileError("implement hash function"), .Slice => @compileError("implement hash function"), .C => unreachable, } }, .Enum => return hashAny(@enumToInt(x), seed), .Bool => { comptime var rng = comptime std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed); const vals = comptime [2]u32{ rng.random.scalar(u32), rng.random.scalar(u32) }; return vals[@boolToInt(x)]; }, .Optional => { if (x) |non_opt| { return hashAny(non_opt, seed); } else { return hashAny(@as(u32, 1), seed); } }, else => @compileError("implement hash function for " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(x))), } }