const std = @import("index.zig"); const debug = std.debug; const assert = debug.assert; const mem = std.mem; const os = std.os; const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Os = builtin.Os; const c = std.c; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; pub const c_allocator = &c_allocator_state; var c_allocator_state = Allocator { .allocFn = cAlloc, .reallocFn = cRealloc, .freeFn = cFree, }; fn cAlloc(self: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { assert(alignment <= @alignOf(c_longdouble)); return if (c.malloc(n)) |buf| @ptrCast(&u8, buf)[0..n] else error.OutOfMemory; } fn cRealloc(self: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { const old_ptr = @ptrCast(&c_void, old_mem.ptr); if (c.realloc(old_ptr, new_size)) |buf| { return @ptrCast(&u8, buf)[0..new_size]; } else if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { return old_mem[0..new_size]; } else { return error.OutOfMemory; } } fn cFree(self: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8) void { const old_ptr = @ptrCast(&c_void, old_mem.ptr);; } /// This allocator makes a syscall directly for every allocation and free. pub const DirectAllocator = struct { allocator: Allocator, heap_handle: ?HeapHandle, const HeapHandle = if (builtin.os == else void; //pub const canary_bytes = []u8 {48, 239, 128, 46, 18, 49, 147, 9, 195, 59, 203, 3, 245, 54, 9, 122}; //pub const want_safety = switch (builtin.mode) { // builtin.Mode.Debug => true, // builtin.Mode.ReleaseSafe => true, // else => false, //}; pub fn init() DirectAllocator { return DirectAllocator { .allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = alloc, .reallocFn = realloc, .freeFn = free, }, .heap_handle = if (builtin.os == null else {}, }; } pub fn deinit(self: &DirectAllocator) void { switch (builtin.os) { => if (self.heap_handle) |heap_handle| { _ =; }, else => {}, } } fn alloc(allocator: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(DirectAllocator, "allocator", allocator); switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { assert(alignment <= os.page_size); const p = os.posix; const addr = p.mmap(null, n, p.PROT_READ|p.PROT_WRITE, p.MAP_PRIVATE|p.MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (addr == p.MAP_FAILED) { return error.OutOfMemory; } return @intToPtr(&u8, addr)[0..n]; }, => { const amt = n + alignment + @sizeOf(usize); const heap_handle = self.heap_handle ?? blk: { const hh =, amt, 0) ?? return error.OutOfMemory; self.heap_handle = hh; break :blk hh; }; const ptr =, 0, amt) ?? return error.OutOfMemory; const root_addr = @ptrToInt(ptr); const rem = @rem(root_addr, alignment); const march_forward_bytes = if (rem == 0) 0 else (alignment - rem); const adjusted_addr = root_addr + march_forward_bytes; const record_addr = adjusted_addr + n; *@intToPtr(&align(1) usize, record_addr) = root_addr; return @intToPtr(&u8, adjusted_addr)[0..n]; }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } fn realloc(allocator: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(DirectAllocator, "allocator", allocator); switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { const base_addr = @ptrToInt(old_mem.ptr); const old_addr_end = base_addr + old_mem.len; const new_addr_end = base_addr + new_size; const rem = @rem(new_addr_end, os.page_size); const new_addr_end_rounded = new_addr_end + if (rem == 0) 0 else (os.page_size - rem); if (old_addr_end > new_addr_end_rounded) { _ = os.posix.munmap(@intToPtr(&u8, new_addr_end_rounded), old_addr_end - new_addr_end_rounded); } return old_mem[0..new_size]; } const result = try alloc(allocator, new_size, alignment); mem.copy(u8, result, old_mem); return result; }, => { const old_adjusted_addr = @ptrToInt(old_mem.ptr); const old_record_addr = old_adjusted_addr + old_mem.len; const root_addr = *@intToPtr(&align(1) usize, old_record_addr); const old_ptr = @intToPtr(, root_addr); const amt = new_size + alignment + @sizeOf(usize); const new_ptr =, 0, old_ptr, amt) ?? blk: { if (new_size > old_mem.len) return error.OutOfMemory; const new_record_addr = old_record_addr - new_size + old_mem.len; *@intToPtr(&align(1) usize, new_record_addr) = root_addr; return old_mem[0..new_size]; }; const offset = old_adjusted_addr - root_addr; const new_root_addr = @ptrToInt(new_ptr); const new_adjusted_addr = new_root_addr + offset; assert(new_adjusted_addr % alignment == 0); const new_record_addr = new_adjusted_addr + new_size; *@intToPtr(&align(1) usize, new_record_addr) = new_root_addr; return @intToPtr(&u8, new_adjusted_addr)[0..new_size]; }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } fn free(allocator: &Allocator, bytes: []u8) void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(DirectAllocator, "allocator", allocator); switch (builtin.os) { Os.linux, Os.macosx, Os.ios => { _ = os.posix.munmap(bytes.ptr, bytes.len); }, => { const record_addr = @ptrToInt(bytes.ptr) + bytes.len; const root_addr = *@intToPtr(&align(1) usize, record_addr); const ptr = @intToPtr(, root_addr); _ =, 0, ptr); }, else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } }; /// This allocator takes an existing allocator, wraps it, and provides an interface /// where you can allocate without freeing, and then free it all together. pub const ArenaAllocator = struct { pub allocator: Allocator, child_allocator: &Allocator, buffer_list: std.LinkedList([]u8), end_index: usize, const BufNode = std.LinkedList([]u8).Node; pub fn init(child_allocator: &Allocator) ArenaAllocator { return ArenaAllocator { .allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = alloc, .reallocFn = realloc, .freeFn = free, }, .child_allocator = child_allocator, .buffer_list = std.LinkedList([]u8).init(), .end_index = 0, }; } pub fn deinit(self: &ArenaAllocator) void { var it = self.buffer_list.first; while (it) |node| { // this has to occur before the free because the free frees node it =;; } } fn createNode(self: &ArenaAllocator, prev_len: usize, minimum_size: usize) !&BufNode { const actual_min_size = minimum_size + @sizeOf(BufNode); var len = prev_len; while (true) { len += len / 2; len += os.page_size - @rem(len, os.page_size); if (len >= actual_min_size) break; } const buf = try self.child_allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf(BufNode), len); const buf_node_slice = ([]BufNode)(buf[0..@sizeOf(BufNode)]); const buf_node = &buf_node_slice[0]; *buf_node = BufNode { .data = buf, .prev = null, .next = null, }; self.buffer_list.append(buf_node); self.end_index = 0; return buf_node; } fn alloc(allocator: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(ArenaAllocator, "allocator", allocator); var cur_node = if (self.buffer_list.last) |last_node| last_node else try self.createNode(0, n + alignment); while (true) { const cur_buf =[@sizeOf(BufNode)..]; const addr = @ptrToInt(cur_buf.ptr) + self.end_index; const rem = @rem(addr, alignment); const march_forward_bytes = if (rem == 0) 0 else (alignment - rem); const adjusted_index = self.end_index + march_forward_bytes; const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n; if (new_end_index > cur_buf.len) { cur_node = try self.createNode(cur_buf.len, n + alignment); continue; } const result = cur_buf[adjusted_index .. new_end_index]; self.end_index = new_end_index; return result; } } fn realloc(allocator: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { return old_mem[0..new_size]; } else { const result = try alloc(allocator, new_size, alignment); mem.copy(u8, result, old_mem); return result; } } fn free(allocator: &Allocator, bytes: []u8) void { } }; pub const FixedBufferAllocator = struct { allocator: Allocator, end_index: usize, buffer: []u8, pub fn init(buffer: []u8) FixedBufferAllocator { return FixedBufferAllocator { .allocator = Allocator { .allocFn = alloc, .reallocFn = realloc, .freeFn = free, }, .buffer = buffer, .end_index = 0, }; } fn alloc(allocator: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { const self = @fieldParentPtr(FixedBufferAllocator, "allocator", allocator); const addr = @ptrToInt(&self.buffer[self.end_index]); const rem = @rem(addr, alignment); const march_forward_bytes = if (rem == 0) 0 else (alignment - rem); const adjusted_index = self.end_index + march_forward_bytes; const new_end_index = adjusted_index + n; if (new_end_index > self.buffer.len) { return error.OutOfMemory; } const result = self.buffer[adjusted_index .. new_end_index]; self.end_index = new_end_index; return result; } fn realloc(allocator: &Allocator, old_mem: []u8, new_size: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8 { if (new_size <= old_mem.len) { return old_mem[0..new_size]; } else { const result = try alloc(allocator, new_size, alignment); mem.copy(u8, result, old_mem); return result; } } fn free(allocator: &Allocator, bytes: []u8) void { } }; test "c_allocator" { if (builtin.link_libc) { var slice = c_allocator.alloc(u8, 50) catch return; defer; slice = c_allocator.realloc(u8, slice, 100) catch return; } } test "DirectAllocator" { var direct_allocator = DirectAllocator.init(); defer direct_allocator.deinit(); const allocator = &direct_allocator.allocator; try testAllocator(allocator); } test "ArenaAllocator" { var direct_allocator = DirectAllocator.init(); defer direct_allocator.deinit(); var arena_allocator = ArenaAllocator.init(&direct_allocator.allocator); defer arena_allocator.deinit(); try testAllocator(&arena_allocator.allocator); } var test_fixed_buffer_allocator_memory: [30000 * @sizeOf(usize)]u8 = undefined; test "FixedBufferAllocator" { var fixed_buffer_allocator = FixedBufferAllocator.init(test_fixed_buffer_allocator_memory[0..]); try testAllocator(&fixed_buffer_allocator.allocator); } fn testAllocator(allocator: &mem.Allocator) !void { var slice = try allocator.alloc(&i32, 100); for (slice) |*item, i| { *item = try allocator.create(i32); **item = i32(i); } for (slice) |item, i| { allocator.destroy(item); } slice = try allocator.realloc(&i32, slice, 20000); slice = try allocator.realloc(&i32, slice, 50); slice = try allocator.realloc(&i32, slice, 25); slice = try allocator.realloc(&i32, slice, 10);; }