const tests = @import("tests.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); // add_both - test for stage1 and stage2, in #include mode // add - test stage1 only, in #include mode // add_2 - test stage2 only // addC_both - test for stage1 and stage2, in -c mode // addC - test stage1 only, in -c mode pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void { /////////////// Cases that pass for both stage1/stage2 //////////////// cases.add_both("simple function prototypes", \\void __attribute__((noreturn)) foo(void); \\int bar(void); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo() noreturn; \\pub extern fn bar() c_int; }); cases.addC_both("simple var decls", \\void foo(void) { \\ int a; \\ char b = 123; \\ const int c; \\ const unsigned d = 440; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = undefined; \\ var b: u8 = @as(u8, 123); \\ const c: c_int = undefined; \\ const d: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 440); \\} }); cases.addC_both("ignore result, explicit function arguments", \\void foo(void) { \\ int a; \\ 1; \\ "hey"; \\ 1 + 1; \\ 1 - 1; \\ a = 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = undefined; \\ _ = 1; \\ _ = "hey"; \\ _ = (1 + 1); \\ _ = (1 - 1); \\ a = 1; \\} }); cases.addC_both("variables", \\extern int extern_var; \\static const int int_var = 13; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern var extern_var: c_int; , \\pub const int_var: c_int = 13; }); cases.add_both("const ptr initializer", \\static const char *v0 = "0.0.0"; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub var v0: [*c]const u8 = "0.0.0"; }); cases.addC_both("static incomplete array inside function", \\void foo(void) { \\ static const char v2[] = "2.2.2"; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ const v2: [*c]const u8 = "2.2.2"; \\} }); cases.addC_both("simple function definition", \\void foo(void) {} \\static void bar(void) {} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void {} \\pub fn bar() void {} }); cases.add_both("typedef void", \\typedef void Foo; \\Foo fun(Foo *a); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const Foo = c_void; , \\pub extern fn fun(a: ?*Foo) Foo; }); cases.add_both("duplicate typedef", \\typedef long foo; \\typedef int bar; \\typedef long foo; \\typedef int baz; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const foo = c_long; \\pub const bar = c_int; \\pub const baz = c_int; }); cases.addC_both("casting pointers to ints and ints to pointers", \\void foo(void); \\void bar(void) { \\ void *func_ptr = foo; \\ void (*typed_func_ptr)(void) = (void (*)(void)) (unsigned long) func_ptr; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo() void; \\pub export fn bar() void { \\ var func_ptr: ?*c_void = @ptrCast(?*c_void, foo); \\ var typed_func_ptr: ?extern fn () void = @intToPtr(?extern fn () void, @as(c_ulong, @ptrToInt(func_ptr))); \\} }); cases.add_both("noreturn attribute", \\void foo(void) __attribute__((noreturn)); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo() noreturn; }); cases.addC_both("add, sub, mul, div, rem", \\int s(int a, int b) { \\ int c; \\ c = a + b; \\ c = a - b; \\ c = a * b; \\ c = a / b; \\ c = a % b; \\} \\unsigned u(unsigned a, unsigned b) { \\ unsigned c; \\ c = a + b; \\ c = a - b; \\ c = a * b; \\ c = a / b; \\ c = a % b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn s(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ var c: c_int = undefined; \\ c = (a + b); \\ c = (a - b); \\ c = (a * b); \\ c = @divTrunc(a, b); \\ c = @rem(a, b); \\} \\pub export fn u(a: c_uint, b: c_uint) c_uint { \\ var c: c_uint = undefined; \\ c = (a +% b); \\ c = (a -% b); \\ c = (a *% b); \\ c = (a / b); \\ c = (a % b); \\} }); cases.add_both("enums", \\enum Foo { \\ FooA, \\ FooB, \\ Foo1, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ @"1", \\}; , \\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A; , \\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B; , \\pub const Foo1 = enum_Foo.@"1"; , \\pub const Foo = enum_Foo; }); cases.add_both("enums", \\enum Foo { \\ FooA = 2, \\ FooB = 5, \\ Foo1, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum { \\ A = 2, \\ B = 5, \\ @"1" = 6, \\}; , \\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A; , \\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B; , \\pub const Foo1 = enum_Foo.@"1"; , \\pub const Foo = enum_Foo; }); cases.add_both("typedef of function in struct field", \\typedef void lws_callback_function(void); \\struct Foo { \\ void (*func)(void); \\ lws_callback_function *callback_http; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const lws_callback_function = extern fn () void; \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ func: ?extern fn () void, \\ callback_http: ?lws_callback_function, \\}; }); cases.add_both("pointer to struct demoted to opaque due to bit fields", \\struct Foo { \\ unsigned int: 1; \\}; \\struct Bar { \\ struct Foo *foo; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = @OpaqueType(); , \\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct { \\ foo: ?*struct_Foo, \\}; }); cases.add_both("macro with left shift", \\#define REDISMODULE_READ (1<<0) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const REDISMODULE_READ = 1 << 0; }); cases.add_both("double define struct", \\typedef struct Bar Bar; \\typedef struct Foo Foo; \\ \\struct Foo { \\ Foo *a; \\}; \\ \\struct Bar { \\ Foo *a; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ a: [*c]Foo, \\}; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; , \\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct { \\ a: [*c]Foo, \\}; , \\pub const Bar = struct_Bar; }); cases.add_both("simple struct", \\struct Foo { \\ int x; \\ char *y; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ x: c_int, \\ y: [*c]u8, \\}; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; }); cases.add_both("self referential struct with function pointer", \\struct Foo { \\ void (*derp)(struct Foo *foo); \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ derp: ?extern fn ([*c]struct_Foo) void, \\}; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; }); cases.add_both("struct prototype used in func", \\struct Foo; \\struct Foo *some_func(struct Foo *foo, int x); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = @OpaqueType(); , \\pub extern fn some_func(foo: ?*struct_Foo, x: c_int) ?*struct_Foo; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; }); cases.add_both("#define an unsigned integer literal", \\#define CHANNEL_COUNT 24 , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const CHANNEL_COUNT = 24; }); cases.add_both("#define referencing another #define", \\#define THING2 THING1 \\#define THING1 1234 , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const THING1 = 1234; , \\pub const THING2 = THING1; }); cases.add_both("circular struct definitions", \\struct Bar; \\ \\struct Foo { \\ struct Bar *next; \\}; \\ \\struct Bar { \\ struct Foo *next; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct { \\ next: [*c]struct_Foo, \\}; , \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ next: [*c]struct_Bar, \\}; }); cases.add_both("#define string", \\#define foo "a string" , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const foo = "a string"; }); cases.add_both("zig keywords in C code", \\struct comptime { \\ int defer; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_comptime = extern struct { \\ @"defer": c_int, \\}; , \\pub const @"comptime" = struct_comptime; }); cases.add_both("macro with parens around negative number", \\#define LUA_GLOBALSINDEX (-10002) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const LUA_GLOBALSINDEX = -10002; }); cases.add_both( "u integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0U", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_uint, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "l integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0L", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_long, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "ul integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0UL", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "lu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0LU", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulong, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "ll integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0LL", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_longlong, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "ull integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0ULL", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "llu integer suffix after 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define ZERO 0LLU", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const ZERO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0);", }, ); cases.add_both( "bitwise not on u-suffixed 0 (zero) in macro definition", "#define NOT_ZERO (~0U)", &[_][]const u8{ "pub const NOT_ZERO = ~@as(c_uint, 0);", }, ); cases.addC_both("null statements", \\void foo(void) { \\ ;;;;; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ {} \\ {} \\ {} \\ {} \\ {} \\} }); if (builtin.os != { // Windows treats this as an enum with type c_int cases.add_both("big negative enum init values when C ABI supports long long enums", \\enum EnumWithInits { \\ VAL01 = 0, \\ VAL02 = 1, \\ VAL03 = 2, \\ VAL04 = 3, \\ VAL05 = -1, \\ VAL06 = -2, \\ VAL07 = -3, \\ VAL08 = -4, \\ VAL09 = VAL02 + VAL08, \\ VAL10 = -1000012000, \\ VAL11 = -1000161000, \\ VAL12 = -1000174001, \\ VAL13 = VAL09, \\ VAL14 = VAL10, \\ VAL15 = VAL11, \\ VAL16 = VAL13, \\ VAL17 = (VAL16 - VAL10 + 1), \\ VAL18 = 0x1000000000000000L, \\ VAL19 = VAL18 + VAL18 + VAL18 - 1, \\ VAL20 = VAL19 + VAL19, \\ VAL21 = VAL20 + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, \\ VAL22 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF + 1, \\ VAL23 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const enum_EnumWithInits = extern enum(c_longlong) { \\ VAL01 = 0, \\ VAL02 = 1, \\ VAL03 = 2, \\ VAL04 = 3, \\ VAL05 = -1, \\ VAL06 = -2, \\ VAL07 = -3, \\ VAL08 = -4, \\ VAL09 = -3, \\ VAL10 = -1000012000, \\ VAL11 = -1000161000, \\ VAL12 = -1000174001, \\ VAL13 = -3, \\ VAL14 = -1000012000, \\ VAL15 = -1000161000, \\ VAL16 = -3, \\ VAL17 = 1000011998, \\ VAL18 = 1152921504606846976, \\ VAL19 = 3458764513820540927, \\ VAL20 = 6917529027641081854, \\ VAL21 = 6917529027641081853, \\ VAL22 = 0, \\ VAL23 = -1, \\}; }); } cases.addC_both("predefined expressions", \\void foo(void) { \\ __func__; \\ __FUNCTION__; \\ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ _ = "foo"; \\ _ = "foo"; \\ _ = "void foo(void)"; \\} }); cases.addC_both("ignore result, no function arguments", \\void foo() { \\ int a; \\ 1; \\ "hey"; \\ 1 + 1; \\ 1 - 1; \\ a = 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = undefined; \\ _ = 1; \\ _ = "hey"; \\ _ = (1 + 1); \\ _ = (1 - 1); \\ a = 1; \\} }); cases.add_both("constant size array", \\void func(int array[20]); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn func(array: [*c]c_int) void; }); cases.add_both("__cdecl doesn't mess up function pointers", \\void foo(void (__cdecl *fn_ptr)(void)); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo(fn_ptr: ?extern fn () void) void; }); cases.addC_both("void cast", \\void foo(int a) { \\ (void) a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(a: c_int) void { \\ _ = a; \\} }); cases.addC_both("implicit cast to void *", \\void *foo(unsigned short *x) { \\ return x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(x: [*c]c_ushort) ?*c_void { \\ return @ptrCast(?*c_void, x); \\} }); cases.addC_both("null pointer implicit cast", \\int* foo(void) { \\ return 0; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() [*c]c_int { \\ return null; \\} }); cases.add_both("simple union", \\union Foo { \\ int x; \\ double y; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const union_Foo = extern union { \\ x: c_int, \\ y: f64, \\}; , \\pub const Foo = union_Foo; }); cases.addC_both("string literal", \\const char *foo(void) { \\ return "bar"; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() [*c]const u8 { \\ return "bar"; \\} }); cases.addC_both("return void", \\void foo(void) { \\ return; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ return; \\} }); cases.addC_both("for loop", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (int i = 0; i; i = i + 1) { } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ { \\ var i: c_int = 0; \\ while (i != 0) : (i = (i + 1)) {} \\ } \\} }); cases.addC_both("empty for loop", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (;;) { } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ while (true) {} \\} }); cases.addC_both("break statement", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (;;) { \\ break; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ while (true) { \\ break; \\ } \\} }); cases.addC_both("continue statement", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (;;) { \\ continue; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ while (true) { \\ continue; \\ } \\} }); cases.addC_both("pointer casting", \\float *ptrcast(int *a) { \\ return (float *)a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn ptrcast(a: [*c]c_int) [*c]f32 { \\ return @ptrCast([*c]f32, @alignCast(@alignOf(f32), a)); \\} }); cases.addC_both("pointer conversion with different alignment", \\void test_ptr_cast() { \\ void *p; \\ { \\ char *to_char = (char *)p; \\ short *to_short = (short *)p; \\ int *to_int = (int *)p; \\ long long *to_longlong = (long long *)p; \\ } \\ { \\ char *to_char = p; \\ short *to_short = p; \\ int *to_int = p; \\ long long *to_longlong = p; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn test_ptr_cast() void { \\ var p: ?*c_void = undefined; \\ { \\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@alignOf(u8), p)); \\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_short), p)); \\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), p)); \\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_longlong), p)); \\ } \\ { \\ var to_char: [*c]u8 = @ptrCast([*c]u8, @alignCast(@alignOf(u8), p)); \\ var to_short: [*c]c_short = @ptrCast([*c]c_short, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_short), p)); \\ var to_int: [*c]c_int = @ptrCast([*c]c_int, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_int), p)); \\ var to_longlong: [*c]c_longlong = @ptrCast([*c]c_longlong, @alignCast(@alignOf(c_longlong), p)); \\ } \\} }); cases.addC_both("function call", \\static void bar(void) { } \\void foo(int *(baz)(void)) { \\ bar(); \\ baz(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn bar() void {} \\pub export fn foo(baz: ?extern fn () [*c]c_int) void { \\ bar(); \\ _ = baz.?(); \\} }); cases.addC_both("while on non-bool", \\int while_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c) { \\ while (a) return 0; \\ while (b) return 1; \\ while (c) return 2; \\ return 3; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn while_none_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int { \\ while (a != 0) return 0; \\ while (b != 0) return 1; \\ while (c != null) return 2; \\ return 3; \\} }); cases.addC_both("for on non-bool", \\int for_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c) { \\ for (;a;) return 0; \\ for (;b;) return 1; \\ for (;c;) return 2; \\ return 3; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn for_none_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int { \\ while (a != 0) return 0; \\ while (b != 0) return 1; \\ while (c != null) return 2; \\ return 3; \\} }); /////////////// Cases that pass for only stage2 //////////////// cases.add_2("Parameterless function prototypes", \\void a() {} \\void b(void) {} \\void c(); \\void d(void); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn a() void {} \\pub export fn b() void {} \\pub extern fn c(...) void; \\pub extern fn d() void; }); cases.add_2("variable declarations", \\extern char arr0[] = "hello"; \\static char arr1[] = "hello"; \\char arr2[] = "hello"; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern var arr0: [*c]u8 = "hello"; \\pub var arr1: [*c]u8 = "hello"; \\pub export var arr2: [*c]u8 = "hello"; }); cases.add_2("array initializer expr", \\static void foo(void){ \\ char arr[10] ={1}; \\ char *arr1[10] ={0}; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() void { \\ var arr: [10]u8 = .{ \\ @as(u8, 1), \\ } ++ .{0} ** 9; \\ var arr1: [10][*c]u8 = .{ \\ null, \\ } ++ .{null} ** 9; \\} }); cases.add_2("enums", \\typedef enum { \\ a, \\ b, \\ c, \\} d; \\enum { \\ e, \\ f = 4, \\ g, \\} h = e; \\struct Baz { \\ enum { \\ i, \\ j, \\ k, \\ } l; \\ d m; \\}; \\enum i { \\ n, \\ o, \\ p, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const a = enum_unnamed_1.a; \\pub const b = enum_unnamed_1.b; \\pub const c = enum_unnamed_1.c; \\pub const enum_unnamed_1 = extern enum { \\ a, \\ b, \\ c, \\}; \\pub const d = enum_unnamed_1; \\pub const e = enum_unnamed_2.e; \\pub const f = enum_unnamed_2.f; \\pub const g = enum_unnamed_2.g; \\pub const enum_unnamed_2 = extern enum { \\ e = 0, \\ f = 4, \\ g = 5, \\}; \\pub export var h: enum_unnamed_2 = @as(enum_unnamed_2, e); \\pub const i = enum_unnamed_3.i; \\pub const j = enum_unnamed_3.j; \\pub const k = enum_unnamed_3.k; \\pub const enum_unnamed_3 = extern enum { \\ i, \\ j, \\ k, \\}; \\pub const struct_Baz = extern struct { \\ l: enum_unnamed_3, \\ m: d, \\}; \\pub const n = enum_i.n; \\pub const o = enum_i.o; \\pub const p = enum_i.p; \\pub const enum_i = extern enum { \\ n, \\ o, \\ p, \\}; , \\pub const Baz = struct_Baz; }); cases.add_2("#define a char literal", \\#define A_CHAR 'a' , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const A_CHAR = 'a'; }); cases.add_2("comment after integer literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = 0x00000020; }); cases.add_2("u integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020u /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_uint, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("l integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020l /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_long, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("ul integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ul /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("lu integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020lu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("ll integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ll /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_longlong, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("ull integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ull /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("llu integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020llu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 0x00000020); }); cases.add_2("generate inline func for #define global extern fn", \\extern void (*fn_ptr)(void); \\#define foo fn_ptr \\ \\extern char (*fn_ptr2)(int, float); \\#define bar fn_ptr2 , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern var fn_ptr: ?extern fn () void; , \\pub inline fn foo() void { \\ return fn_ptr.?(); \\} , \\pub extern var fn_ptr2: ?extern fn (c_int, f32) u8; , \\pub inline fn bar(arg_1: c_int, arg_2: f32) u8 { \\ return fn_ptr2.?(arg_1, arg_2); \\} }); cases.add_2("macros with field targets", \\typedef unsigned int GLbitfield; \\typedef void (*PFNGLCLEARPROC) (GLbitfield mask); \\typedef void(*OpenGLProc)(void); \\union OpenGLProcs { \\ OpenGLProc ptr[1]; \\ struct { \\ PFNGLCLEARPROC Clear; \\ } gl; \\}; \\extern union OpenGLProcs glProcs; \\#define glClearUnion \\#define glClearPFN PFNGLCLEARPROC , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const GLbitfield = c_uint; \\pub const PFNGLCLEARPROC = ?extern fn (GLbitfield) void; \\pub const OpenGLProc = ?extern fn () void; \\pub const struct_unnamed_1 = extern struct { \\ Clear: PFNGLCLEARPROC, \\}; \\pub const union_OpenGLProcs = extern union { \\ ptr: [1]OpenGLProc, \\ gl: struct_unnamed_1, \\}; \\pub extern var glProcs: union_OpenGLProcs; , \\pub const glClearPFN = PFNGLCLEARPROC; // , // TODO // \\pub inline fn glClearUnion(arg_1: GLbitfield) void { // \\ return; // \\} , \\pub const OpenGLProcs = union_OpenGLProcs; }); cases.add_2("macro pointer cast", \\#define NRF_GPIO ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_GPIO_BASE) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const NRF_GPIO = if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == .Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == .Int) @intToPtr([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else @as([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE); }); cases.add_2("basic macro function", \\extern int c; \\#define BASIC(c) (c*2) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern var c: c_int; , \\pub inline fn BASIC(c_1: var) @TypeOf(c_1 * 2) { \\ return c_1 * 2; \\} }); cases.add_2("macro escape sequences", \\#define FOO "aoeu\xab derp" \\#define FOO2 "aoeu\a derp" , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const FOO = "aoeu\xab derp"; , \\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x07 derp"; }); cases.add_2("variable aliasing", \\static long a = 2; \\static long b = 2; \\static int c = 4; \\void foo(char c) { \\ int a; \\ char b = 123; \\ b = (char) a; \\ { \\ int d = 5; \\ } \\ unsigned d = 440; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub var a: c_long = @as(c_long, 2); \\pub var b: c_long = @as(c_long, 2); \\pub var c: c_int = 4; \\pub export fn foo(c_1: u8) void { \\ var a_2: c_int = undefined; \\ var b_3: u8 = @as(u8, 123); \\ b_3 = @as(u8, a_2); \\ { \\ var d: c_int = 5; \\ } \\ var d: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 440); \\} }); cases.add_2("comma operator", \\int foo(char c) { \\ 2, 4; \\ return 2, 4, 6; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(c: u8) c_int { \\ _ = 2; \\ _ = 4; \\ _ = 2; \\ _ = 4; \\ return 6; \\} }); cases.add_2("wors-case assign", \\int foo(char c) { \\ int a; \\ int b; \\ a = b = 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(c: u8) c_int { \\ var a: c_int = undefined; \\ var b: c_int = undefined; \\ a = blk: { \\ const _tmp_1 = 2; \\ b = _tmp_1; \\ break :blk _tmp_1; \\ }; \\} }); cases.add_2("if statements", \\int foo(char c) { \\ if (2) { \\ int a = 2; \\ } \\ if (2, 5) { \\ int a = 2; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(c: u8) c_int { \\ if (2 != 0) { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ } \\ if ((blk: { \\ _ = 2; \\ break :blk 5; \\ }) != 0) { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ } \\} }); cases.add_2("while loops", \\int foo() { \\ int a = 5; \\ while (2) \\ a = 2; \\ while (4) { \\ int a = 4; \\ a = 9; \\ return 6, a; \\ } \\ do { \\ int a = 2; \\ a = 12; \\ } while (4); \\ do \\ a = 7; \\ while (4); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ var a: c_int = 5; \\ while (2 != 0) a = 2; \\ while (4 != 0) { \\ var a: c_int = 4; \\ a = 9; \\ _ = 6; \\ return a; \\ } \\ while (true) { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ a = 12; \\ if (!(4 != 0)) break; \\ } \\ while (true) { \\ a = 7; \\ if (!(4 != 0)) break; \\ } \\} }); cases.add_2("for loops", \\int foo() { \\ for (int i = 2, b = 4; i + 2; i = 2) { \\ int a = 2; \\ a = 6, 5, 7; \\ } \\ char i = 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ { \\ var i: c_int = 2; \\ var b: c_int = 4; \\ while ((i + 2) != 0) : (i = 2) { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ a = 6; \\ _ = 5; \\ _ = 7; \\ } \\ } \\ var i: u8 = @as(u8, 2); \\} }); cases.add_2("shadowing primitive types", \\unsigned anyerror = 2; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export var _anyerror: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 2); }); cases.add_2("floats", \\float a = 3.1415; \\double b = 3.1415; \\int c = 3.1415; \\double d = 3; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export var a: f32 = @floatCast(f32, 3.1415); \\pub export var b: f64 = 3.1415; \\pub export var c: c_int = @floatToInt(c_int, 3.1415); \\pub export var d: f64 = @intToFloat(f64, 3); }); cases.add_2("conditional operator", \\int bar(void) { \\ if (2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6) 2; \\ return 2 ? 5 : 5 ? 4 : 6; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn bar() c_int { \\ if ((if (2 != 0) 5 else (if (5 != 0) 4 else 6)) != 0) _ = 2; \\ return if (2 != 0) 5 else if (5 != 0) 4 else 6; \\} }); cases.add_2("switch on int", \\int switch_fn(int i) { \\ int res = 0; \\ switch (i) { \\ case 0: \\ res = 1; \\ case 1: \\ res = 2; \\ default: \\ res = 3 * i; \\ break; \\ case 2: \\ res = 5; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn switch_fn(i: c_int) c_int { \\ var res: c_int = 0; \\ __switch: { \\ __case_2: { \\ __default: { \\ __case_1: { \\ __case_0: { \\ switch (i) { \\ 0 => break :__case_0, \\ 1 => break :__case_1, \\ else => break :__default, \\ 2 => break :__case_2, \\ } \\ } \\ res = 1; \\ } \\ res = 2; \\ } \\ res = (3 * i); \\ break :__switch; \\ } \\ res = 5; \\ } \\} }); cases.add_2("type referenced struct", \\struct Foo { \\ struct Bar{ \\ int b; \\ }; \\ struct Bar c; \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Bar = extern struct { \\ b: c_int, \\}; \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ c: struct_Bar, \\}; }); cases.add_2("undefined array global", \\int array[100] = {}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export var array: [100]c_int = .{0} ** 100; }); cases.add_2("restrict -> noalias", \\void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?*c_void, noalias arg_1: ?*c_void) void; }); cases.add_2("assign", \\int max(int a) { \\ int tmp; \\ tmp = a; \\ a = tmp; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int) c_int { \\ var tmp: c_int = undefined; \\ tmp = a; \\ a = tmp; \\} }); cases.add_2("chaining assign", \\void max(int a) { \\ int b, c; \\ c = b = a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int) void { \\ var b: c_int = undefined; \\ var c: c_int = undefined; \\ c = blk: { \\ const _tmp_1 = a; \\ b = _tmp_1; \\ break :blk _tmp_1; \\ }; \\} }); cases.add_2("anonymous enum", \\enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const One = enum_unnamed_1.One; \\pub const Two = enum_unnamed_1.Two; \\pub const enum_unnamed_1 = extern enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\}; }); cases.add_2("c style cast", \\int float_to_int(float a) { \\ return (int)a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn float_to_int(a: f32) c_int { \\ return @floatToInt(c_int, a); \\} }); cases.add_2("escape sequences", \\const char *escapes() { \\char a = '\'', \\ b = '\\', \\ c = '\a', \\ d = '\b', \\ e = '\f', \\ f = '\n', \\ g = '\r', \\ h = '\t', \\ i = '\v', \\ j = '\0', \\ k = '\"'; \\ return "\'\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\0\""; \\} \\ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn escapes() [*c]const u8 { \\ var a: u8 = @as(u8, '\''); \\ var b: u8 = @as(u8, '\\'); \\ var c: u8 = @as(u8, '\x07'); \\ var d: u8 = @as(u8, '\x08'); \\ var e: u8 = @as(u8, '\x0c'); \\ var f: u8 = @as(u8, '\n'); \\ var g: u8 = @as(u8, '\r'); \\ var h: u8 = @as(u8, '\t'); \\ var i: u8 = @as(u8, '\x0b'); \\ var j: u8 = @as(u8, '\x00'); \\ var k: u8 = @as(u8, '\"'); \\ return "\'\\\x07\x08\x0c\n\r\t\x0b\x00\""; \\} }); cases.add_2("do loop", \\void foo(void) { \\ int a = 2; \\ do { \\ a = a - 1; \\ } while (a); \\ \\ int b = 2; \\ do \\ b = b -1; \\ while (b); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ while (true) { \\ a = (a - 1); \\ if (!(a != 0)) break; \\ } \\ var b: c_int = 2; \\ while (true) { \\ b = (b - 1); \\ if (!(b != 0)) break; \\ } \\} }); cases.add_2("shift right with a fixed size type, no while", // TODO can fold this into "shift right assign with a fixed size type" once `while` and `>>=` and `uint32_t` are handled in translate-c-2 \\#include \\uint32_t some_func(uint32_t a) { \\ uint32_t b = a >> 1; \\ return b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn some_func(a: uint32_t) uint32_t { \\ var b: uint32_t = a >> @as(u5, 1); \\ return b; \\} }); cases.add_2("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values, extra parens", \\enum Foo { \\ FooA, \\ FooB, \\ FooC, \\}; \\typedef int SomeTypedef; \\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) { \\ enum Foo d = FooA; \\ int e = (a && b); \\ int f = (b && c); \\ int g = (a && c); \\ int h = (a || b); \\ int i = (b || c); \\ int j = (a || c); \\ int k = (a || d); \\ int l = (d && b); \\ int m = (c || d); \\ SomeTypedef td = 44; \\ int o = (td || b); \\ int p = (c && td); \\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A; \\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B; \\pub const FooC = enum_Foo.C; \\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\pub const SomeTypedef = c_int; \\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int { \\ var d: enum_Foo = @as(enum_Foo, FooA); \\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) and (b != 0))); \\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt(((b != 0) and (c != null))); \\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) and (c != null))); \\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (b != 0))); \\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt(((b != 0) or (c != null))); \\ var j: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (c != null))); \\ var k: c_int = @boolToInt(((a != 0) or (@enumToInt(d) != 0))); \\ var l: c_int = @boolToInt(((@enumToInt(d) != 0) and (b != 0))); \\ var m: c_int = @boolToInt(((c != null) or (@enumToInt(d) != 0))); \\ var td: SomeTypedef = 44; \\ var o: c_int = @boolToInt(((td != 0) or (b != 0))); \\ var p: c_int = @boolToInt(((c != null) and (td != 0))); \\ return ((((((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m) + o) + p); \\} , \\pub const Foo = enum_Foo; }); cases.add_2("qualified struct and enum", \\struct Foo { \\ int x; \\ int y; \\}; \\enum Bar { \\ BarA, \\ BarB, \\}; \\void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ x: c_int, \\ y: c_int, \\}; \\pub const BarA = enum_Bar.A; \\pub const BarB = enum_Bar.B; \\pub const enum_Bar = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\}; \\pub extern fn func(a: [*c]struct_Foo, b: [*c][*c]enum_Bar) void; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; \\pub const Bar = enum_Bar; }); cases.add_2("bitwise binary operators, simpler parens", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ return ((a & b) ^ (a | b)); \\} }); cases.add_2("comparison operators (no if)", // TODO Come up with less contrived tests? Make sure to cover all these comparisons. Can use `if` after it is added to translate-c-2 \\int test_comparisons(int a, int b) { \\ int c = (a < b); \\ int d = (a > b); \\ int e = (a <= b); \\ int f = (a >= b); \\ int g = (c < d); \\ int h = (e < f); \\ int i = (g < h); \\ return i; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn test_comparisons(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ var c: c_int = @boolToInt((a < b)); \\ var d: c_int = @boolToInt((a > b)); \\ var e: c_int = @boolToInt((a <= b)); \\ var f: c_int = @boolToInt((a >= b)); \\ var g: c_int = @boolToInt((c < d)); \\ var h: c_int = @boolToInt((e < f)); \\ var i: c_int = @boolToInt((g < h)); \\ return i; \\} }); cases.add_2("==, !=", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a == b) \\ return a; \\ if (a != b) \\ return b; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if ((a == b)) return a; \\ if ((a != b)) return b; \\ return a; \\} }); cases.add_2("bitshift, no parens", // TODO can fold this into "bitshift" once parens are preserved correctly in translate-c-2 \\int foo(void) { \\ int a = (1 << 2); \\ return a >> 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ var a: c_int = 1 << @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 2); \\ return a >> @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1); \\} }); cases.add_2("typedeffed bool expression", \\typedef char* yes; \\void foo(void) { \\ yes a; \\ if (a) 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const yes = [*c]u8; \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: yes = undefined; \\ if (a != null) _ = 2; \\} }); cases.add_2("statement expression", \\int foo(void) { \\ return ({ \\ int a = 1; \\ a; \\ a; \\ }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ return (blk: { \\ var a: c_int = 1; \\ _ = a; \\ break :blk a; \\ }); \\} }); cases.add_2("field access expression", \\#define ARROW a->b \\#define DOT a.b \\extern struct Foo { \\ int b; \\}a; \\float b = 2.0f; \\int foo(void) { \\ struct Foo *c; \\ a.b; \\ c->b; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ b: c_int, \\}; \\pub extern var a: struct_Foo; \\pub export var b: f32 = 2; \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ var c: [*c]struct_Foo = undefined; \\ _ = a.b; \\ _ = c.*.b; \\} , \\pub const DOT = a.b; , \\pub const ARROW = a.*.b; }); cases.add_2("array access", \\#define ACCESS array[2] \\int array[100] = {}; \\int foo(int index) { \\ return array[index]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export var array: [100]c_int = .{0} ** 100; \\pub export fn foo(index: c_int) c_int { \\ return array[index]; \\} , \\pub const ACCESS = array[2]; }); cases.add_2("macro call", \\#define CALL(arg) bar(arg) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub inline fn CALL(arg: var) @TypeOf(bar(arg)) { \\ return bar(arg); \\} }); cases.add_2("logical and, logical or", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a < b || a == b) \\ return b; \\ if (a >= b && a == b) \\ return a; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if (((a < b) or (a == b))) return b; \\ if (((a >= b) and (a == b))) return a; \\ return a; \\} }); cases.add_2("if statement", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a < b) \\ return b; \\ \\ if (a < b) \\ return b; \\ else \\ return a; \\ \\ if (a < b) ; else ; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if ((a < b)) return b; \\ if ((a < b)) return b else return a; \\ if ((a < b)) {} else {} \\} }); cases.add_2("if on non-bool", \\enum SomeEnum { A, B, C }; \\int if_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c, enum SomeEnum d) { \\ if (a) return 0; \\ if (b) return 1; \\ if (c) return 2; \\ if (d) return 3; \\ return 4; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const A = enum_SomeEnum.A; \\pub const B = enum_SomeEnum.B; \\pub const C = enum_SomeEnum.C; \\pub const enum_SomeEnum = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\pub export fn if_none_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void, d: enum_SomeEnum) c_int { \\ if (a != 0) return 0; \\ if (b != 0) return 1; \\ if (c != null) return 2; \\ if (d != 0) return 3; \\ return 4; \\} }); /////////////// Cases for only stage1 which are TODO items for stage2 //////////////// cases.addAllowWarnings("simple data types", \\#include \\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); \\int foo(char a, unsigned char b, signed char c); // test a duplicate prototype \\void bar(uint8_t a, uint16_t b, uint32_t c, uint64_t d); \\void baz(int8_t a, int16_t b, int32_t c, int64_t d); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo(a: u8, b: u8, c: i8) c_int; , \\pub extern fn bar(a: u8, b: u16, c: u32, d: u64) void; , \\pub extern fn baz(a: i8, b: i16, c: i32, d: i64) void; }); cases.addC("simple function", \\int abs(int a) { \\ return a < 0 ? -a : a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\export fn abs(a: c_int) c_int { \\ return if (a < 0) -a else a; \\} }); cases.add("macro defines string literal with hex", \\#define FOO "aoeu\xab derp" \\#define FOO2 "aoeu\x0007a derp" \\#define FOO_CHAR '\xfF' , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const FOO = "aoeu\xab derp"; , \\pub const FOO2 = "aoeuz derp"; , \\pub const FOO_CHAR = 255; }); cases.add("macro defines string literal with octal", \\#define FOO "aoeu\023 derp" \\#define FOO2 "aoeu\0234 derp" \\#define FOO_CHAR '\077' , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const FOO = "aoeu\x13 derp"; , \\pub const FOO2 = "aoeu\x134 derp"; , \\pub const FOO_CHAR = 63; }); cases.addC("post increment", \\unsigned foo1(unsigned a) { \\ a++; \\ return a; \\} \\int foo2(int a) { \\ a++; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo1(_arg_a: c_uint) c_uint { \\ var a = _arg_a; \\ a +%= 1; \\ return a; \\} \\pub export fn foo2(_arg_a: c_int) c_int { \\ var a = _arg_a; \\ a += 1; \\ return a; \\} }); cases.addC("shift right assign", \\int log2(unsigned a) { \\ int i = 0; \\ while (a > 0) { \\ a >>= 1; \\ } \\ return i; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn log2(_arg_a: c_uint) c_int { \\ var a = _arg_a; \\ var i: c_int = 0; \\ while (a > @as(c_uint, 0)) { \\ a >>= @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), 1); \\ } \\ return i; \\} }); cases.addC("shift right assign with a fixed size type", \\#include \\int log2(uint32_t a) { \\ int i = 0; \\ while (a > 0) { \\ a >>= 1; \\ } \\ return i; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn log2(_arg_a: u32) c_int { \\ var a = _arg_a; \\ var i: c_int = 0; \\ while (a > @as(c_uint, 0)) { \\ a >>= @as(u5, 1); \\ } \\ return i; \\} }); cases.addC("sizeof", \\#include \\size_t size_of(void) { \\ return sizeof(int); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn size_of() usize { \\ return @sizeOf(c_int); \\} }); cases.addC("__extension__ cast", \\int foo(void) { \\ return __extension__ 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ return 1; \\} }); cases.addC("bitshift", \\int foo(void) { \\ return (1 << 2) >> 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ return (1 << @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 2)) >> @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1); \\} }); cases.addC("compound assignment operators", \\void foo(void) { \\ int a = 0; \\ a += (a += 1); \\ a -= (a -= 1); \\ a *= (a *= 1); \\ a &= (a &= 1); \\ a |= (a |= 1); \\ a ^= (a ^= 1); \\ a >>= (a >>= 1); \\ a <<= (a <<= 1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = 0; \\ a += (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* + 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a -= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* - 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a *= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* * 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a &= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* & 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a |= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* | 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a ^= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* ^ 1); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a >>= @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* >> @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ })); \\ a <<= @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* << @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ })); \\} }); cases.addC("compound assignment operators unsigned", \\void foo(void) { \\ unsigned a = 0; \\ a += (a += 1); \\ a -= (a -= 1); \\ a *= (a *= 1); \\ a &= (a &= 1); \\ a |= (a |= 1); \\ a ^= (a ^= 1); \\ a >>= (a >>= 1); \\ a <<= (a <<= 1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 0); \\ a +%= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* +% @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a -%= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* -% @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a *%= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* *% @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a &= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* & @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a |= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* | @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a ^= (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* ^ @as(c_uint, 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ a >>= @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* >> @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ })); \\ a <<= @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), (x: { \\ const _ref = &a; \\ _ref.* = (_ref.* << @as(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_uint), 1)); \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ })); \\} }); cases.addC("post increment/decrement", \\void foo(void) { \\ int i = 0; \\ unsigned u = 0; \\ i++; \\ i--; \\ u++; \\ u--; \\ i = i++; \\ i = i--; \\ u = u++; \\ u = u--; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var i: c_int = 0; \\ var u: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 0); \\ i += 1; \\ i -= 1; \\ u +%= 1; \\ u -%= 1; \\ i = (x: { \\ const _ref = &i; \\ const _tmp = _ref.*; \\ _ref.* += 1; \\ break :x _tmp; \\ }); \\ i = (x: { \\ const _ref = &i; \\ const _tmp = _ref.*; \\ _ref.* -= 1; \\ break :x _tmp; \\ }); \\ u = (x: { \\ const _ref = &u; \\ const _tmp = _ref.*; \\ _ref.* +%= 1; \\ break :x _tmp; \\ }); \\ u = (x: { \\ const _ref = &u; \\ const _tmp = _ref.*; \\ _ref.* -%= 1; \\ break :x _tmp; \\ }); \\} }); cases.addC("pre increment/decrement", \\void foo(void) { \\ int i = 0; \\ unsigned u = 0; \\ ++i; \\ --i; \\ ++u; \\ --u; \\ i = ++i; \\ i = --i; \\ u = ++u; \\ u = --u; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var i: c_int = 0; \\ var u: c_uint = @as(c_uint, 0); \\ i += 1; \\ i -= 1; \\ u +%= 1; \\ u -%= 1; \\ i = (x: { \\ const _ref = &i; \\ _ref.* += 1; \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ i = (x: { \\ const _ref = &i; \\ _ref.* -= 1; \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ u = (x: { \\ const _ref = &u; \\ _ref.* +%= 1; \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\ u = (x: { \\ const _ref = &u; \\ _ref.* -%= 1; \\ break :x _ref.*; \\ }); \\} }); cases.addC("deref function pointer", \\void foo(void) {} \\int baz(void) { return 0; } \\void bar(void) { \\ void(*f)(void) = foo; \\ int(*b)(void) = baz; \\ f(); \\ (*(f))(); \\ foo(); \\ b(); \\ (*(b))(); \\ baz(); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void {} \\pub export fn baz() c_int { \\ return 0; \\} \\pub export fn bar() void { \\ var f: ?extern fn () void = foo; \\ var b: ?extern fn () c_int = baz; \\ f.?(); \\ f.?(); \\ foo(); \\ _ = b.?(); \\ _ = b.?(); \\ _ = baz(); \\} }); cases.addC("normal deref", \\void foo(int *x) { \\ *x = 1; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo(x: [*c]c_int) void { \\ x.?.* = 1; \\} }); cases.add("address of operator", \\int foo(void) { \\ int x = 1234; \\ int *ptr = &x; \\ return *ptr; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() c_int { \\ var x: c_int = 1234; \\ var ptr: [*c]c_int = &x; \\ return ptr.?.*; \\} }); cases.add("bin not", \\int foo(int x) { \\ return ~x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo(x: c_int) c_int { \\ return ~x; \\} }); cases.add("bool not", \\int foo(int a, float b, void *c) { \\ return !(a == 0); \\ return !a; \\ return !b; \\ return !c; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int { \\ return !(a == 0); \\ return !(a != 0); \\ return !(b != 0); \\ return !(c != null); \\} }); cases.add("primitive types included in defined symbols", \\int foo(int u32) { \\ return u32; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo(u32_0: c_int) c_int { \\ return u32_0; \\} }); cases.addC("implicit casts", \\#include \\ \\void fn_int(int x); \\void fn_f32(float x); \\void fn_f64(double x); \\void fn_char(char x); \\void fn_bool(bool x); \\void fn_ptr(void *x); \\ \\void call(int q) { \\ fn_int(3.0f); \\ fn_int(3.0); \\ fn_int(3.0L); \\ fn_int('ABCD'); \\ fn_f32(3); \\ fn_f64(3); \\ fn_char('3'); \\ fn_char('\x1'); \\ fn_char(0); \\ fn_f32(3.0f); \\ fn_f64(3.0); \\ fn_bool(123); \\ fn_bool(0); \\ fn_bool(&fn_int); \\ fn_int(&fn_int); \\ fn_ptr(42); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn fn_int(x: c_int) void; \\pub extern fn fn_f32(x: f32) void; \\pub extern fn fn_f64(x: f64) void; \\pub extern fn fn_char(x: u8) void; \\pub extern fn fn_bool(x: bool) void; \\pub extern fn fn_ptr(x: ?*c_void) void; \\pub export fn call(q: c_int) void { \\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3.000000)); \\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3.000000)); \\ fn_int(@floatToInt(c_int, 3.000000)); \\ fn_int(1094861636); \\ fn_f32(@intToFloat(f32, 3)); \\ fn_f64(@intToFloat(f64, 3)); \\ fn_char(@as(u8, '3')); \\ fn_char(@as(u8, '\x01')); \\ fn_char(@as(u8, 0)); \\ fn_f32(3.000000); \\ fn_f64(3.000000); \\ fn_bool(true); \\ fn_bool(false); \\ fn_bool(@ptrToInt(&fn_int) != 0); \\ fn_int(@intCast(c_int, @ptrToInt(&fn_int))); \\ fn_ptr(@intToPtr(?*c_void, 42)); \\} }); if (builtin.os != { // sysv_abi not currently supported on windows cases.add("Macro qualified functions", \\void __attribute__((sysv_abi)) foo(void); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo() void; }); } /////////////// Cases for only stage1 because stage2 behavior is better //////////////// cases.addC("Parameterless function prototypes", \\void foo() {} \\void bar(void) {} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void {} \\pub export fn bar() void {} }); cases.add("#define a char literal", \\#define A_CHAR 'a' , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const A_CHAR = 97; }); cases.add("generate inline func for #define global extern fn", \\extern void (*fn_ptr)(void); \\#define foo fn_ptr \\ \\extern char (*fn_ptr2)(int, float); \\#define bar fn_ptr2 , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern var fn_ptr: ?extern fn () void; , \\pub inline fn foo() void { \\ return fn_ptr.?(); \\} , \\pub extern var fn_ptr2: ?extern fn (c_int, f32) u8; , \\pub inline fn bar(arg0: c_int, arg1: f32) u8 { \\ return fn_ptr2.?(arg0, arg1); \\} }); cases.add("comment after integer literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020 /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = 32; }); cases.add("u integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020u /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_uint, 32); }); cases.add("l integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020l /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_long, 32); }); cases.add("ul integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ul /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 32); }); cases.add("lu integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020lu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulong, 32); }); cases.add("ll integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ll /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_longlong, 32); }); cases.add("ull integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020ull /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 32); }); cases.add("llu integer suffix after hex literal", \\#define SDL_INIT_VIDEO 0x00000020llu /**< SDL_INIT_VIDEO implies SDL_INIT_EVENTS */ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const SDL_INIT_VIDEO = @as(c_ulonglong, 32); }); cases.add("macros with field targets", \\typedef unsigned int GLbitfield; \\typedef void (*PFNGLCLEARPROC) (GLbitfield mask); \\typedef void(*OpenGLProc)(void); \\union OpenGLProcs { \\ OpenGLProc ptr[1]; \\ struct { \\ PFNGLCLEARPROC Clear; \\ } gl; \\}; \\extern union OpenGLProcs glProcs; \\#define glClearUnion \\#define glClearPFN PFNGLCLEARPROC , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const GLbitfield = c_uint; , \\pub const PFNGLCLEARPROC = ?extern fn (GLbitfield) void; , \\pub const OpenGLProc = ?extern fn () void; , \\pub const union_OpenGLProcs = extern union { \\ ptr: [1]OpenGLProc, \\ gl: extern struct { \\ Clear: PFNGLCLEARPROC, \\ }, \\}; , \\pub extern var glProcs: union_OpenGLProcs; , \\pub const glClearPFN = PFNGLCLEARPROC; , \\pub inline fn glClearUnion(arg0: GLbitfield) void { \\ return; \\} , \\pub const OpenGLProcs = union_OpenGLProcs; }); cases.add("macro pointer cast", \\#define NRF_GPIO ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_GPIO_BASE) , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const NRF_GPIO = if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Pointer) @ptrCast([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else if (@typeId(@TypeOf(NRF_GPIO_BASE)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Int) @intToPtr([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE) else @as([*c]NRF_GPIO_Type, NRF_GPIO_BASE); }); cases.add("switch on int", \\int switch_fn(int i) { \\ int res = 0; \\ switch (i) { \\ case 0: \\ res = 1; \\ case 1: \\ res = 2; \\ default: \\ res = 3 * i; \\ break; \\ case 2: \\ res = 5; \\ } \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn switch_fn(i: c_int) c_int { \\ var res: c_int = 0; \\ __switch: { \\ __case_2: { \\ __default: { \\ __case_1: { \\ __case_0: { \\ switch (i) { \\ 0 => break :__case_0, \\ 1 => break :__case_1, \\ else => break :__default, \\ 2 => break :__case_2, \\ } \\ } \\ res = 1; \\ } \\ res = 2; \\ } \\ res = (3 * i); \\ break :__switch; \\ } \\ res = 5; \\ } \\} }); cases.add("for loop with var init but empty body", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() void { \\ { \\ var x: c_int = 0; \\ while (x < 10) : (x += 1) {} \\ } \\} }); cases.add("do while with empty body", \\void foo(void) { \\ do ; while (1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ // TODO this should be if (1 != 0) break \\pub fn foo() void { \\ while (true) { \\ {} \\ if (!1) break; \\ } \\} }); cases.add("for with empty body", \\void foo(void) { \\ for (;;); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() void { \\ while (true) {} \\} }); cases.add("while with empty body", \\void foo(void) { \\ while (1); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() void { \\ while (1 != 0) {} \\} }); cases.add("undefined array global", \\int array[100]; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub var array: [100]c_int = undefined; }); cases.add("qualified struct and enum", \\struct Foo { \\ int x; \\ int y; \\}; \\enum Bar { \\ BarA, \\ BarB, \\}; \\void func(struct Foo *a, enum Bar **b); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ x: c_int, \\ y: c_int, \\}; , \\pub const enum_Bar = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\}; , \\pub const BarA = enum_Bar.A; , \\pub const BarB = enum_Bar.B; , \\pub extern fn func(a: [*c]struct_Foo, b: [*c]([*c]enum_Bar)) void; , \\pub const Foo = struct_Foo; , \\pub const Bar = enum_Bar; }); cases.add("restrict -> noalias", \\void foo(void *restrict bar, void *restrict); , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub extern fn foo(noalias bar: ?*c_void, noalias arg1: ?*c_void) void; }); cases.addC("assign", \\int max(int a) { \\ int tmp; \\ tmp = a; \\ a = tmp; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(_arg_a: c_int) c_int { \\ var a = _arg_a; \\ var tmp: c_int = undefined; \\ tmp = a; \\ a = tmp; \\} }); cases.addC("chaining assign", \\void max(int a) { \\ int b, c; \\ c = b = a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int) void { \\ var b: c_int = undefined; \\ var c: c_int = undefined; \\ c = (x: { \\ const _tmp = a; \\ b = _tmp; \\ break :x _tmp; \\ }); \\} }); cases.add("anonymous enum", \\enum { \\ One, \\ Two, \\}; , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const One = 0; \\pub const Two = 1; }); cases.addC("c style cast", \\int float_to_int(float a) { \\ return (int)a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn float_to_int(a: f32) c_int { \\ return @as(c_int, a); \\} }); cases.addC("comma operator", \\int foo(void) { \\ return 1, 2; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ return x: { \\ _ = 1; \\ break :x 2; \\ }; \\} }); cases.addC("escape sequences", \\const char *escapes() { \\char a = '\'', \\ b = '\\', \\ c = '\a', \\ d = '\b', \\ e = '\f', \\ f = '\n', \\ g = '\r', \\ h = '\t', \\ i = '\v', \\ j = '\0', \\ k = '\"'; \\ return "\'\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\0\""; \\} \\ , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn escapes() [*c]const u8 { \\ var a: u8 = @as(u8, '\''); \\ var b: u8 = @as(u8, '\\'); \\ var c: u8 = @as(u8, '\x07'); \\ var d: u8 = @as(u8, '\x08'); \\ var e: u8 = @as(u8, '\x0c'); \\ var f: u8 = @as(u8, '\n'); \\ var g: u8 = @as(u8, '\r'); \\ var h: u8 = @as(u8, '\t'); \\ var i: u8 = @as(u8, '\x0b'); \\ var j: u8 = @as(u8, '\x00'); \\ var k: u8 = @as(u8, '\"'); \\ return "\'\\\x07\x08\x0c\n\r\t\x0b\x00\""; \\} \\ }); cases.addC("do loop", \\void foo(void) { \\ int a = 2; \\ do { \\ a--; \\ } while (a != 0); \\ \\ int b = 2; \\ do \\ b--; \\ while (b != 0); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() void { \\ var a: c_int = 2; \\ while (true) { \\ a -= 1; \\ if (!(a != 0)) break; \\ } \\ var b: c_int = 2; \\ while (true) { \\ b -= 1; \\ if (!(b != 0)) break; \\ } \\} }); cases.addC("==, !=", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a == b) \\ return a; \\ if (a != b) \\ return b; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if (a == b) return a; \\ if (a != b) return b; \\ return a; \\} }); cases.addC("bitwise binary operators", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ return (a & b) ^ (a | b); \\} }); cases.addC("statement expression", \\int foo(void) { \\ return ({ \\ int a = 1; \\ a; \\ }); \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn foo() c_int { \\ return x: { \\ var a: c_int = 1; \\ break :x a; \\ }; \\} }); cases.addC("field access expression", \\struct Foo { \\ int field; \\}; \\int read_field(struct Foo *foo) { \\ return foo->field; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const struct_Foo = extern struct { \\ field: c_int, \\}; \\pub export fn read_field(foo: [*c]struct_Foo) c_int { \\ return foo.*.field; \\} }); cases.addC("array access", \\int array[100]; \\int foo(int index) { \\ return array[index]; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub var array: [100]c_int = undefined; \\pub export fn foo(index: c_int) c_int { \\ return array[index]; \\} }); cases.addC("logical and, logical or", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a < b || a == b) \\ return b; \\ if (a >= b && a == b) \\ return a; \\ return a; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if ((a < b) or (a == b)) return b; \\ if ((a >= b) and (a == b)) return a; \\ return a; \\} }); cases.addC("if statement", \\int max(int a, int b) { \\ if (a < b) \\ return b; \\ \\ if (a < b) \\ return b; \\ else \\ return a; \\ \\ if (a < b) ; else ; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub export fn max(a: c_int, b: c_int) c_int { \\ if (a < b) return b; \\ if (a < b) return b else return a; \\ if (a < b) {} else {} \\} }); cases.addC("logical and, logical or, on non-bool values", // Note this gets cut off by extra C symbols being injected in middle: `pub const Foo = enum_Foo;` \\enum Foo { \\ FooA, \\ FooB, \\ FooC, \\}; \\int and_or_non_bool(int a, float b, void *c) { \\ enum Foo d = FooA; \\ int e = (a && b); \\ int f = (b && c); \\ int g = (a && c); \\ int h = (a || b); \\ int i = (b || c); \\ int j = (a || c); \\ int k = (a || d); \\ int l = (d && b); \\ int m = (c || d); \\ return (((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const FooA = enum_Foo.A; \\pub const FooB = enum_Foo.B; \\pub const FooC = enum_Foo.C; \\pub const enum_Foo = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\pub export fn and_or_non_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void) c_int { \\ var d: enum_Foo = @as(enum_Foo, FooA); \\ var e: c_int = (a != 0) and (b != 0); \\ var f: c_int = (b != 0) and (c != null); \\ var g: c_int = (a != 0) and (c != null); \\ var h: c_int = (a != 0) or (b != 0); \\ var i: c_int = (b != 0) or (c != null); \\ var j: c_int = (a != 0) or (c != null); \\ var k: c_int = (a != 0) or (@as(c_uint, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))); \\ var l: c_int = (@as(c_uint, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))) and (b != 0); \\ var m: c_int = (c != null) or (@as(c_uint, d) != @bitCast(enum_Foo, @as(@TagType(enum_Foo), 0))); \\ return (((((((e + f) + g) + h) + i) + j) + k) + l) + m; \\} }); cases.add("variable name shadowing", \\int foo(void) { \\ int x = 1; \\ { \\ int x = 2; \\ x += 1; \\ } \\ return x; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub fn foo() c_int { \\ var x: c_int = 1; \\ { \\ var x_0: c_int = 2; \\ x_0 += 1; \\ } \\ return x; \\} }); cases.add("if on non-bool", \\enum SomeEnum { A, B, C }; \\int if_none_bool(int a, float b, void *c, enum SomeEnum d) { \\ if (a) return 0; \\ if (b) return 1; \\ if (c) return 2; \\ if (d) return 3; \\ return 4; \\} , &[_][]const u8{ \\pub const A = enum_SomeEnum.A; \\pub const B = enum_SomeEnum.B; \\pub const C = enum_SomeEnum.C; \\pub const enum_SomeEnum = extern enum { \\ A, \\ B, \\ C, \\}; \\pub fn if_none_bool(a: c_int, b: f32, c: ?*c_void, d: enum_SomeEnum) c_int { \\ if (a != 0) return 0; \\ if (b != 0) return 1; \\ if (c != null) return 2; \\ if (d != @bitCast(enum_SomeEnum, @as(@TagType(enum_SomeEnum), 0))) return 3; \\ return 4; \\} }); }