const std = @import("std"); const link = @import("link.zig"); const Module = @import("Module.zig"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const zir = @import("zir.zig"); const Package = @import("Package.zig"); test "self-hosted" { var ctx = TestContext.init(); defer ctx.deinit(); try @import("stage2_tests").addCases(&ctx); try; } const ErrorMsg = struct { msg: []const u8, line: u32, column: u32, }; pub const TestContext = struct { // TODO: remove these. They are deprecated. zir_cmp_output_cases: std.ArrayList(ZIRCompareOutputCase), /// TODO: find a way to treat cases as individual tests (shouldn't show "1 test passed" if there are 200 cases) zir_cases: std.ArrayList(ZIRCase), // TODO: remove pub const ZIRCompareOutputCase = struct { name: []const u8, src_list: []const []const u8, expected_stdout_list: []const []const u8, }; pub const ZIRUpdateType = enum { /// A transformation update transforms the input ZIR and tests against /// the expected output Transformation, /// An error update attempts to compile bad code, and ensures that it /// fails to compile, and for the expected reasons Error, /// An execution update compiles and runs the input ZIR, feeding in /// provided input and ensuring that the outputs match what is expected Execution, /// A compilation update checks that the ZIR compiles without any issues Compiles, }; pub const ZIRUpdate = struct { /// The input to the current update. We simulate an incremental update /// with the file's contents changed to this value each update. /// /// This value can change entirely between updates, which would be akin /// to deleting the source file and creating a new one from scratch; or /// you can keep it mostly consistent, with small changes, testing the /// effects of the incremental compilation. src: [:0]const u8, case: union(ZIRUpdateType) { /// The expected output ZIR Transformation: [:0]const u8, /// A slice containing the expected errors *in sequential order*. Error: []const ErrorMsg, /// Input to feed to the program, and expected outputs. /// /// If stdout, stderr, and exit_code are all null, addZIRCase will /// discard the test. To test for successful compilation, use a /// dedicated Compile update instead. Execution: struct { stdin: ?[]const u8, stdout: ?[]const u8, stderr: ?[]const u8, exit_code: ?u8, }, /// A Compiles test checks only that compilation of the given ZIR /// succeeds. To test outputs, use an Execution test. It is good to /// use a Compiles test before an Execution, as the overhead should /// be low (due to incremental compilation) and TODO: provide a way /// to check changed / new / etc decls in testing mode /// (usingnamespace a debug info struct with a comptime flag?) Compiles: void, }, }; /// A ZIRCase consists of a set of *updates*. A update can transform ZIR, /// compile it, ensure that compilation fails, and more. The same Module is /// used for each update, so each update's source is treated as a single file /// being updated by the test harness and incrementally compiled. pub const ZIRCase = struct { name: []const u8, /// The platform the ZIR targets. For non-native platforms, an emulator /// such as QEMU is required for tests to complete. target: std.zig.CrossTarget, updates: std.ArrayList(ZIRUpdate), /// Adds a subcase in which the module is updated with new ZIR, and the /// resulting ZIR is validated. pub fn addTransform(self: *ZIRCase, src: [:0]const u8, result: [:0]const u8) void { self.updates.append(.{ .src = src, .case = .{ .Transformation = result }, }) catch unreachable; } /// Adds a subcase in which the module is updated with invalid ZIR, and /// ensures that compilation fails for the expected reasons. /// /// Errors must be specified in sequential order. pub fn addError(self: *ZIRCase, src: [:0]const u8, errors: []const []const u8) void { var array = self.updates.allocator.alloc(ErrorMsg, errors.len) catch unreachable; for (errors) |e, i| { if (e[0] != ':') { std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as follows:\n:line:column: error: message\n=========\n", .{}); } var cur = e[1..]; var line_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, cur, ":"); if (line_index == null) { std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as follows:\n:line:column: error: message\n=========\n", .{}); } const line = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, cur[0..line_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse line number"); cur = cur[line_index.? + 1 ..]; const column_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, cur, ":"); if (column_index == null) { std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as follows:\n:line:column: error: message\n=========\n", .{}); } const column = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, cur[0..column_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse column number"); cur = cur[column_index.? + 2 ..]; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, cur[0..7], "error: ")) { std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as follows:\n:line:column: error: message\n=========\n", .{}); } const msg = cur[7..]; if (line == 0 or column == 0) { @panic("Invalid test: error line and column must be specified starting at one!"); } array[i] = .{ .msg = msg, .line = line - 1, .column = column - 1, }; } self.updates.append(.{ .src = src, .case = .{ .Error = array } }) catch unreachable; } }; pub fn addZIRMulti( ctx: *TestContext, name: []const u8, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, ) *ZIRCase { const case = ZIRCase{ .name = name, .target = target, .updates = std.ArrayList(ZIRUpdate).init(ctx.zir_cases.allocator), }; ctx.zir_cases.append(case) catch unreachable; return &ctx.zir_cases.items[ctx.zir_cases.items.len - 1]; } pub fn addZIRCompareOutput( ctx: *TestContext, name: []const u8, src_list: []const []const u8, expected_stdout_list: []const []const u8, ) void { ctx.zir_cmp_output_cases.append(.{ .name = name, .src_list = src_list, .expected_stdout_list = expected_stdout_list, }) catch unreachable; } pub fn addZIRTransform( ctx: *TestContext, name: []const u8, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, src: [:0]const u8, result: [:0]const u8, ) void { var c = ctx.addZIRMulti(name, target); c.addTransform(src, result); } pub fn addZIRError( ctx: *TestContext, name: []const u8, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, src: [:0]const u8, expected_errors: []const []const u8, ) void { var c = ctx.addZIRMulti(name, target); c.addError(src, expected_errors); } fn init() TestContext { const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator; return .{ .zir_cmp_output_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRCompareOutputCase).init(allocator), .zir_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRCase).init(allocator), }; } fn deinit(self: *TestContext) void { self.zir_cmp_output_cases.deinit(); for (self.zir_cases.items) |c| { for (c.updates.items) |u| { if ( == .Error) {; } } c.updates.deinit(); } self.zir_cases.deinit(); self.* = undefined; } fn run(self: *TestContext) !void { var progress = std.Progress{}; const root_node = try progress.start("zir", self.zir_cases.items.len); defer root_node.end(); const native_info = try std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(std.heap.page_allocator, .{}); for (self.zir_cases.items) |case| { std.testing.base_allocator_instance.reset(); const info = try std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(std.testing.allocator,; try self.runOneZIRCase(std.testing.allocator, root_node, case,; try std.testing.allocator_instance.validate(); } // TODO: wipe the rest of this function for (self.zir_cmp_output_cases.items) |case| { std.testing.base_allocator_instance.reset(); try self.runOneZIRCmpOutputCase(std.testing.allocator, root_node, case,; try std.testing.allocator_instance.validate(); } } fn runOneZIRCase(self: *TestContext, allocator: *Allocator, root_node: *std.Progress.Node, case: ZIRCase, target: std.Target) !void { var tmp = std.testing.tmpDir(.{}); defer tmp.cleanup(); const tmp_src_path = "test_case.zir"; const root_pkg = try Package.create(allocator, tmp.dir, ".", tmp_src_path); defer root_pkg.destroy(); var prg_node = root_node.start(, case.updates.items.len); prg_node.activate(); defer prg_node.end(); var module = try Module.init(allocator, .{ .target = target, // This is an Executable, as opposed to e.g. a *library*. This does // not mean no ZIR is generated. // // TODO: support tests for object file building, and library builds // and linking. This will require a rework to support multi-file // tests. .output_mode = .Obj, // TODO: support testing optimizations .optimize_mode = .Debug, .bin_file_dir = tmp.dir, .bin_file_path = "test_case.o", .root_pkg = root_pkg, }); defer module.deinit(); for (case.updates.items) |update| { var update_node = prg_node.start("update", 4); update_node.activate(); defer update_node.end(); var sync_node = update_node.start("write", null); sync_node.activate(); try tmp.dir.writeFile(tmp_src_path, update.src); sync_node.end(); var module_node = update_node.start("parse/analysis/codegen", null); module_node.activate(); try module.update(); module_node.end(); switch ( { .Transformation => |expected_output| { var emit_node = update_node.start("emit", null); emit_node.activate(); var new_zir_module = try zir.emit(allocator, module); defer new_zir_module.deinit(allocator); emit_node.end(); var write_node = update_node.start("write", null); write_node.activate(); var out_zir = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer out_zir.deinit(); try new_zir_module.writeToStream(allocator, out_zir.outStream()); write_node.end(); std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, expected_output, out_zir.items); }, .Error => |e| { var handled_errors = try allocator.alloc(bool, e.len); defer; for (handled_errors) |*h| { h.* = false; } var all_errors = try module.getAllErrorsAlloc(); defer all_errors.deinit(allocator); for (all_errors.list) |a| { for (e) |ex, i| { if (a.line == ex.line and a.column == ex.column and std.mem.eql(u8, ex.msg, a.msg)) { handled_errors[i] = true; break; } } else { std.debug.warn("{}\nUnexpected error:\n================\n:{}:{}: error: {}\n================\nTest failed.\n", .{, a.line + 1, a.column + 1, a.msg }); std.process.exit(1); } } for (handled_errors) |h, i| { if (!h) { const er = e[i]; std.debug.warn("{}\nDid not receive error:\n================\n{}:{}: {}\n================\nTest failed.\n", .{, er.line, er.column, er.msg }); std.process.exit(1); } } }, else => return error.unimplemented, } } } fn runOneZIRCmpOutputCase( self: *TestContext, allocator: *Allocator, root_node: *std.Progress.Node, case: ZIRCompareOutputCase, target: std.Target, ) !void { var tmp = std.testing.tmpDir(.{}); defer tmp.cleanup(); const tmp_src_path = "test-case.zir"; const root_pkg = try Package.create(allocator, tmp.dir, ".", tmp_src_path); defer root_pkg.destroy(); var prg_node = root_node.start(, case.src_list.len); prg_node.activate(); defer prg_node.end(); var module = try Module.init(allocator, .{ .target = target, .output_mode = .Exe, .optimize_mode = .Debug, .bin_file_dir = tmp.dir, .bin_file_path = "a.out", .root_pkg = root_pkg, }); defer module.deinit(); for (case.src_list) |source, i| { var src_node = prg_node.start("update", 2); src_node.activate(); defer src_node.end(); try tmp.dir.writeFile(tmp_src_path, source); var update_node = src_node.start("parse,analysis,codegen", null); update_node.activate(); try module.makeBinFileWritable(); try module.update(); update_node.end(); var exec_result = x: { var exec_node = src_node.start("execute", null); exec_node.activate(); defer exec_node.end(); try module.makeBinFileExecutable(); break :x try std.ChildProcess.exec(.{ .allocator = allocator, .argv = &[_][]const u8{"./a.out"}, .cwd_dir = tmp.dir, }); }; defer; defer; switch (exec_result.term) { .Exited => |code| { if (code != 0) { std.debug.warn("elf file exited with code {}\n", .{code}); return error.BinaryBadExitCode; } }, else => return error.BinaryCrashed, } const expected_stdout = case.expected_stdout_list[i]; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, expected_stdout, exec_result.stdout)) { std.debug.panic( "update index {}, mismatched stdout\n====Expected (len={}):====\n{}\n====Actual (len={}):====\n{}\n========\n", .{ i, expected_stdout.len, expected_stdout, exec_result.stdout.len, exec_result.stdout }, ); } } } };