const builtin = @import("builtin"); const std = @import("std"); const time = std.os.time; const Timer = time.Timer; const crypto = @import("../crypto.zig"); const KiB = 1024; const MiB = 1024 * KiB; var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0); const Crypto = struct { ty: type, name: []const u8, }; const hashes = []Crypto{ Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Md5, .name = "md5" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Sha1, .name = "sha1" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Sha256, .name = "sha256" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Sha512, .name = "sha512" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Sha3_256, .name = "sha3-256" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Sha3_512, .name = "sha3-512" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Blake2s256, .name = "blake2s" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Blake2b512, .name = "blake2b" }, }; pub fn benchmarkHash(comptime Hash: var, comptime bytes: comptime_int) !u64 { var h = Hash.init(); var block: [Hash.digest_length]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(block[0..]); var offset: usize = 0; var timer = try Timer.start(); const start = timer.lap(); while (offset < bytes) : (offset += block.len) { h.update(block[0..]); } const end =; const elapsed_s = @intToFloat(f64, end - start) / time.ns_per_s; const throughput = @floatToInt(u64, bytes / elapsed_s); return throughput; } const macs = []Crypto{ Crypto{ .ty = crypto.Poly1305, .name = "poly1305" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.HmacMd5, .name = "hmac-md5" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.HmacSha1, .name = "hmac-sha1" }, Crypto{ .ty = crypto.HmacSha256, .name = "hmac-sha256" }, }; pub fn benchmarkMac(comptime Mac: var, comptime bytes: comptime_int) !u64 { std.debug.assert(32 >= Mac.mac_length and 32 >= Mac.minimum_key_length); var in: [1 * MiB]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(in[0..]); var key: [32]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(key[0..]); var offset: usize = 0; var timer = try Timer.start(); const start = timer.lap(); while (offset < bytes) : (offset += in.len) { Mac.create(key[0..], in[0..], key); } const end =; const elapsed_s = @intToFloat(f64, end - start) / time.ns_per_s; const throughput = @floatToInt(u64, bytes / elapsed_s); return throughput; } const exchanges = []Crypto{Crypto{ .ty = crypto.X25519, .name = "x25519" }}; pub fn benchmarkKeyExchange(comptime DhKeyExchange: var, comptime exchange_count: comptime_int) !u64 { std.debug.assert(DhKeyExchange.minimum_key_length >= DhKeyExchange.secret_length); var in: [DhKeyExchange.minimum_key_length]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(in[0..]); var out: [DhKeyExchange.minimum_key_length]u8 = undefined; prng.random.bytes(out[0..]); var offset: usize = 0; var timer = try Timer.start(); const start = timer.lap(); { var i: usize = 0; while (i < exchange_count) : (i += 1) { _ = DhKeyExchange.create(out[0..], out, in); } } const end =; const elapsed_s = @intToFloat(f64, end - start) / time.ns_per_s; const throughput = @floatToInt(u64, exchange_count / elapsed_s); return throughput; } fn usage() void { std.debug.warn( \\throughput_test [options] \\ \\Options: \\ --filter [test-name] \\ --seed [int] \\ --help \\ ); } fn mode(comptime x: comptime_int) comptime_int { return if (builtin.mode == builtin.Mode.Debug) x / 64 else x; } // TODO(#1358): Replace with builtin formatted padding when available. fn printPad(stdout: var, s: []const u8) !void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 12 - s.len) : (i += 1) { try stdout.print(" "); } try stdout.print("{}", s); } pub fn main() !void { var stdout_file = try; var stdout_out_stream = stdout_file.outStream(); const stdout = &; var buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined; var fixed = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buffer[0..]); const args = try std.os.argsAlloc(&fixed.allocator); var filter: ?[]u8 = ""; var i: usize = 1; while (i < args.len) : (i += 1) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--seed")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } const seed = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, args[i], 10); prng.seed(seed); } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--filter")) { i += 1; if (i == args.len) { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } filter = args[i]; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[i], "--help")) { usage(); return; } else { usage(); std.os.exit(1); } } inline for (hashes) |H| { if (filter == null or std.mem.indexOf(u8,, filter.?) != null) { const throughput = try benchmarkHash(H.ty, mode(32 * MiB)); try printPad(stdout,; try stdout.print(": {} MiB/s\n", throughput / (1 * MiB)); } } inline for (macs) |M| { if (filter == null or std.mem.indexOf(u8,, filter.?) != null) { const throughput = try benchmarkMac(M.ty, mode(128 * MiB)); try printPad(stdout,; try stdout.print(": {} MiB/s\n", throughput / (1 * MiB)); } } inline for (exchanges) |E| { if (filter == null or std.mem.indexOf(u8,, filter.?) != null) { const throughput = try benchmarkKeyExchange(E.ty, mode(1000)); try printPad(stdout,; try stdout.print(": {} exchanges/s\n", throughput); } } }