const assert = @import("std").debug.assert; const Value = union(enum) { Int: u64, Array: [9]u8, }; const Agg = struct { val1: Value, val2: Value, }; const v1 = Value { .Int = 1234 }; const v2 = Value { .Array = []u8{3} ** 9 }; const err = (%Agg)(Agg { .val1 = v1, .val2 = v2, }); const array = []Value { v1, v2, v1, v2}; test "unions embedded in aggregate types" { switch (array[1]) { Value.Array => |arr| assert(arr[4] == 3), else => unreachable, } switch((%%err).val1) { Value.Int => |x| assert(x == 1234), else => unreachable, } } const Foo = union { float: f64, int: i32, }; test "basic unions" { var foo = Foo { .int = 1 }; assert( == 1); foo = Foo {.float = 12.34}; assert(foo.float == 12.34); } test "init union with runtime value" { var foo: Foo = undefined; setFloat(&foo, 12.34); assert(foo.float == 12.34); setInt(&foo, 42); assert( == 42); } fn setFloat(foo: &Foo, x: f64) { *foo = Foo { .float = x }; } fn setInt(foo: &Foo, x: i32) { *foo = Foo { .int = x }; } const FooExtern = extern union { float: f64, int: i32, }; test "basic extern unions" { var foo = FooExtern { .int = 1 }; assert( == 1); foo.float = 12.34; assert(foo.float == 12.34); } const Letter = enum { A, B, C, }; const Payload = union(Letter) { A: i32, B: f64, C: bool, }; test "union with specified enum tag" { doTest(); comptime doTest(); } fn doTest() { assert(bar(Payload {.A = 1234}) == -10); } fn bar(value: &const Payload) -> i32 { assert(Letter(*value) == Letter.A); return switch (*value) { Payload.A => |x| return x - 1244, Payload.B => |x| if (x == 12.34) i32(20) else 21, Payload.C => |x| if (x) i32(30) else 31, }; } const MultipleChoice = union(enum(u32)) { A = 20, B = 40, C = 60, D = 1000, }; test "simple union(enum(u32))" { var x = MultipleChoice.C; assert(x == MultipleChoice.C); assert(u32(@TagType(MultipleChoice)(x)) == 60); } const MultipleChoice2 = union(enum(u32)) { Unspecified1: i32, A: f32 = 20, Unspecified2: void, B: bool = 40, Unspecified3: i32, C: i8 = 60, Unspecified4: void, D: void = 1000, Unspecified5: i32, }; test "union(enum(u32)) with specified and unspecified tag values" { comptime assert(@TagType(@TagType(MultipleChoice2)) == u32); testEnumWithSpecifiedAndUnspecifiedTagValues(MultipleChoice2 {.C = 123}); comptime testEnumWithSpecifiedAndUnspecifiedTagValues(MultipleChoice2 { .C = 123} ); } fn testEnumWithSpecifiedAndUnspecifiedTagValues(x: &const MultipleChoice2) { assert(u32(@TagType(MultipleChoice2)(*x)) == 60); assert(1123 == switch (*x) { MultipleChoice2.A => 1, MultipleChoice2.B => 2, MultipleChoice2.C => |v| i32(1000) + v, MultipleChoice2.D => 4, MultipleChoice2.Unspecified1 => 5, MultipleChoice2.Unspecified2 => 6, MultipleChoice2.Unspecified3 => 7, MultipleChoice2.Unspecified4 => 8, MultipleChoice2.Unspecified5 => 9, }); } const ExternPtrOrInt = extern union { ptr: &u8, int: u64 }; test "extern union size" { comptime assert(@sizeOf(ExternPtrOrInt) == 8); } const PackedPtrOrInt = packed union { ptr: &u8, int: u64 }; test "extern union size" { comptime assert(@sizeOf(PackedPtrOrInt) == 8); }