/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrew Kelley * * This file is part of zig, which is MIT licensed. * See http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #ifndef ZIG_BUFFER_HPP #define ZIG_BUFFER_HPP #include "list.hpp" #include #include #include #define BUF_INIT {{0}} // Note, you must call one of the alloc, init, or resize functions to have an // initialized buffer. The assertions should help with this. struct Buf { ZigList list; }; Buf *buf_sprintf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); static inline int buf_len(Buf *buf) { assert(buf->list.length); return buf->list.length - 1; } static inline char *buf_ptr(Buf *buf) { assert(buf->list.length); return buf->list.items; } static inline void buf_resize(Buf *buf, int new_len) { buf->list.resize(new_len + 1); buf->list.at(buf_len(buf)) = 0; } static inline Buf *buf_alloc(void) { Buf *buf = allocate(1); buf_resize(buf, 0); return buf; } static inline Buf *buf_alloc_fixed(int size) { Buf *buf = allocate(1); buf_resize(buf, size); return buf; } static inline void buf_deinit(Buf *buf) { buf->list.deinit(); } static inline void buf_init_from_mem(Buf *buf, const char *ptr, int len) { buf->list.resize(len + 1); memcpy(buf_ptr(buf), ptr, len); buf->list.at(buf_len(buf)) = 0; } static inline void buf_init_from_str(Buf *buf, const char *str) { buf_init_from_mem(buf, str, strlen(str)); } static inline void buf_init_from_buf(Buf *buf, Buf *other) { buf_init_from_mem(buf, buf_ptr(other), buf_len(other)); } static inline Buf *buf_create_from_mem(const char *ptr, int len) { Buf *buf = allocate(1); buf_init_from_mem(buf, ptr, len); return buf; } static inline Buf *buf_create_from_str(const char *str) { return buf_create_from_mem(str, strlen(str)); } static inline Buf *buf_slice(Buf *in_buf, int start, int end) { assert(in_buf->list.length); assert(start >= 0); assert(end >= 0); assert(start < buf_len(in_buf)); assert(end <= buf_len(in_buf)); Buf *out_buf = allocate(1); out_buf->list.resize(end - start + 1); memcpy(buf_ptr(out_buf), buf_ptr(in_buf) + start, end - start); out_buf->list.at(buf_len(out_buf)) = 0; return out_buf; } static inline void buf_append_mem(Buf *buf, const char *mem, int mem_len) { assert(buf->list.length); assert(mem_len >= 0); int old_len = buf_len(buf); buf_resize(buf, old_len + mem_len); memcpy(buf_ptr(buf) + old_len, mem, mem_len); buf->list.at(buf_len(buf)) = 0; } static inline void buf_append_str(Buf *buf, const char *str) { assert(buf->list.length); buf_append_mem(buf, str, strlen(str)); } static inline void buf_append_buf(Buf *buf, Buf *append_buf) { assert(buf->list.length); buf_append_mem(buf, buf_ptr(append_buf), buf_len(append_buf)); } static inline void buf_append_char(Buf *buf, uint8_t c) { assert(buf->list.length); buf_append_mem(buf, (const char *)&c, 1); } void buf_appendf(Buf *buf, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))); static inline bool buf_eql_mem(Buf *buf, const char *mem, int mem_len) { assert(buf->list.length); if (buf_len(buf) != mem_len) return false; return memcmp(buf_ptr(buf), mem, mem_len) == 0; } static inline bool buf_eql_str(Buf *buf, const char *str) { assert(buf->list.length); return buf_eql_mem(buf, str, strlen(str)); } static inline bool buf_eql_buf(Buf *buf, Buf *other) { assert(buf->list.length); return buf_eql_mem(buf, buf_ptr(other), buf_len(other)); } static inline uint32_t buf_hash(Buf *buf) { assert(buf->list.length); // FNV 32-bit hash uint32_t h = 2166136261; for (int i = 0; i < buf_len(buf); i += 1) { h = h ^ ((uint8_t)buf->list.at(i)); h = h * 16777619; } return h; } static inline void buf_upcase(Buf *buf) { for (int i = 0; i < buf_len(buf); i += 1) { buf_ptr(buf)[i] = toupper(buf_ptr(buf)[i]); } } #endif