const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const fs = std.fs; const Compilation = @import("Compilation.zig"); /// Returns the sub_path that worked, or `null` if none did. /// The path of the returned Directory is relative to `base`. /// The handle of the returned Directory is open. fn testZigInstallPrefix(base_dir: fs.Dir) ?Compilation.Directory { const test_index_file = "std" ++ fs.path.sep_str ++ "std.zig"; zig_dir: { // Try lib/zig/std/std.zig const lib_zig = "lib" ++ fs.path.sep_str ++ "zig"; var test_zig_dir = base_dir.openDir(lib_zig, .{}) catch break :zig_dir; const file = test_zig_dir.openFile(test_index_file, .{}) catch { test_zig_dir.close(); break :zig_dir; }; file.close(); return Compilation.Directory{ .handle = test_zig_dir, .path = lib_zig }; } // Try lib/std/std.zig var test_zig_dir = base_dir.openDir("lib", .{}) catch return null; const file = test_zig_dir.openFile(test_index_file, .{}) catch { test_zig_dir.close(); return null; }; file.close(); return Compilation.Directory{ .handle = test_zig_dir, .path = "lib" }; } /// Both the directory handle and the path are newly allocated resources which the caller now owns. pub fn findZigLibDir(gpa: *mem.Allocator) !Compilation.Directory { const self_exe_path = try fs.selfExePathAlloc(gpa); defer; return findZigLibDirFromSelfExe(gpa, self_exe_path); } /// Both the directory handle and the path are newly allocated resources which the caller now owns. pub fn findZigLibDirFromSelfExe( allocator: *mem.Allocator, self_exe_path: []const u8, ) error{ OutOfMemory, FileNotFound }!Compilation.Directory { const cwd = fs.cwd(); var cur_path: []const u8 = self_exe_path; while (fs.path.dirname(cur_path)) |dirname| : (cur_path = dirname) { var base_dir = cwd.openDir(dirname, .{}) catch continue; defer base_dir.close(); const sub_directory = testZigInstallPrefix(base_dir) orelse continue; return Compilation.Directory{ .handle = sub_directory.handle, .path = try fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ dirname, sub_directory.path.? }), }; } return error.FileNotFound; } /// Caller owns returned memory. pub fn resolveGlobalCacheDir(allocator: *mem.Allocator) ![]u8 { const appname = "zig"; if (std.Target.current.os.tag != .windows) { if (std.os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")) |cache_root| { return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ cache_root, appname }); } else if (std.os.getenv("HOME")) |home| { return fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ home, ".cache", appname }); } } return fs.getAppDataDir(allocator, appname); }