(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Output the DFA tables and its entry points *) open Printf open Syntax open Lexgen open Compact (* To copy the ML code fragments *) let copy_buffer = String.create 1024 let copy_chars_unix ic oc start stop = let n = ref (stop - start) in while !n > 0 do let m = input ic copy_buffer 0 (min !n 1024) in output oc copy_buffer 0 m; n := !n - m done let copy_chars_win32 ic oc start stop = for i = start to stop - 1 do let c = input_char ic in if c <> '\r' then output_char oc c done let copy_chars = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> copy_chars_win32 | _ -> copy_chars_unix let copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc loc = if loc.start_pos < loc.end_pos then begin fprintf oc "# %d \"%s\"\n" loc.start_line sourcefile; for i = 1 to loc.start_col do output_char oc ' ' done; seek_in ic loc.start_pos; copy_chars ic oc loc.start_pos loc.end_pos end (* To output an array of short ints, encoded as a string *) let output_byte oc b = output_char oc '\\'; output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + b / 100)); output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + (b / 10) mod 10)); output_char oc (Char.chr(48 + b mod 10)) let output_array oc v = output_string oc " \""; for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do output_byte oc (v.(i) land 0xFF); output_byte oc ((v.(i) asr 8) land 0xFF); if i land 7 = 7 then output_string oc "\\\n " done; output_string oc "\"" (* Output the tables *) let output_tables oc tbl = output_string oc "let lex_tables = {\n"; fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_base = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_base; fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_backtrk = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_backtrk; fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_default = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_default; fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_trans = \n%a;\n" output_array tbl.tbl_trans; fprintf oc " Lexing.lex_check = \n%a\n" output_array tbl.tbl_check; output_string oc "}\n\n" (* Output the entries *) let output_entry sourcefile ic oc e = fprintf oc "%s lexbuf = __ocaml_lex_%s_rec lexbuf %d\n" e.auto_name e.auto_name e.auto_initial_state; fprintf oc "and __ocaml_lex_%s_rec lexbuf state =\n" e.auto_name; fprintf oc " match Lexing.engine lex_tables state lexbuf with\n "; let first = ref true in List.iter (fun (num, loc) -> if !first then first := false else fprintf oc " | "; fprintf oc "%d -> (\n" num; copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc loc; fprintf oc ")\n") e.auto_actions; fprintf oc " | n -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf; \ __ocaml_lex_%s_rec lexbuf n\n\n" e.auto_name (* Main output function *) exception Table_overflow let output_lexdef sourcefile ic oc header tables entry_points trailer = Printf.printf "%d states, %d transitions, table size %d bytes\n" (Array.length tables.tbl_base) (Array.length tables.tbl_trans) (2 * (Array.length tables.tbl_base + Array.length tables.tbl_backtrk + Array.length tables.tbl_default + Array.length tables.tbl_trans + Array.length tables.tbl_check)); flush stdout; if Array.length tables.tbl_trans > 0x8000 then raise Table_overflow; copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc header; output_tables oc tables; begin match entry_points with [] -> () | entry1 :: entries -> output_string oc "let rec "; output_entry sourcefile ic oc entry1; List.iter (fun e -> output_string oc "and "; output_entry sourcefile ic oc e) entries; output_string oc ";;\n\n"; end; copy_chunk sourcefile ic oc trailer